Fasting is the greatest remedy.

Nobody does fast for being appreciated. Fasting is done usually for self satisfaction. It is done always with some good intention. If it is for a good cause it is always commendable. It is more commendable especially if done for others sake.

Without a reason no one fasts. Due to non availability of food stuffs one's stomach is empty it is not fasting. Similarly, if one's stomach is empty due to poverty ,it is not fasting. Fasting is not starvation. It's something special.It not only opens a man's eyes, but also it opens others eyes too. It's a lesson in tolerance.

No doubt food is needed to survival of all living beings.It's as bad as it's good.When hungry whatever one comes across tastes to them sweet. Its remembrance & dependence of favourite delicious food brings saliva in mouth & makes fasting an uphill task . One who controls their hunger could have control over selves. In spiritual world fasting is preliminary as well as primary. One who can't do fasting can't do anything in it. Fasting helps one to have control over their mind & body. It's an exercise to remain healthy.Bath cleans outer body its fasting that cleans all organs that's inside.

It doesn't matter a man doesn't know a lot , he can manage life at least for some days if he can fast. Fasting habit is often beneficial in times of need.

Words cannot describe fully what is fasting . What it is one can know fully only by undertaking it. Its well said experience is the best teacher.Fasting isn't for a demonstration. It's for realisation.Its highly revered & considered auspicious in Indian & eastern cultures.It's now proved that fasting can make our cells resilient & aid in anti-ageing.

Fasting may be for our sake or for the sake of others too. It's a kind of meditation to develop and strengthen our powers of self-control. It is to reduce one kind of food (physical) & increase the other kind (spiritual).One needn't spend anything for it. It's one that does magic.It's it imbibes patience, determination & what not.Fasts vary widely depending on the type you’re following. Some fasts allow water, tea, coffee, or other fluids during the fasting period, but dry fasts go without. A fast may be intermittent, or it may extend for multiple days.

Fasting & feasting is diametrically opposite. They are essential not only essential religiously but also they are essential scientifically & hygienically. It is religions which prescribe them. Both have significance. Both are solemn occasions. There are reason or reasons for their adherence.Fasting is one that proves greatness of a mother.It is a mother who is pricked more than anybody else when a child is fasting. She remains on empty stomach feeds child first.

Religions may differ but every religion follows & suggests "Fasting ." Fasting is a cure to many diseases. Fasting has been called the "miracle cure"Fasting helps the economy of the country also . Its it that enables one to master patience. One needn't spend anything to fast. Fasting is one of the ways of winning others heart also. Nobody need recommend fasting, when one realises its importance & usefulness they voluntarily fast.It isn't for anyone's sake one often fasts. Its for their welfare only one often fasts.

By fasting gains are more loss is nothing. It is the removal of unwanted. It is rejuvenation.Fasting brings transformation in a man. There would be definitely a change in him after a fast, His anger diminishes. His patience increases. There would be changes in his appearance too.

Anybody can fast. Haves & have not can fast . Why animals can also fast. Fasting depicts equality.Fasting is not purposeless. One of the aspirations of every man is to have peaceful life . Fasting is definitely one of the means to achieve it. Without a reason no one fasts. Due to non availability of food stuffs one's stomach is empty it is not fasting. Similarly,if one's stomach is empty due to poverty,it isn't fasting. What type of man we would come across,today he will fast tomorrow he eats double the quantity. It is not fasting, Fasting is to have control over eating. It is something special.It is a willing abstinence or reduction from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time .It is not mere not taking of food. There are various types of fasts too. It is a kind of renunciation .It is not easy at all . Fasting does not allow one to sleep soundly at all too.

There is a beautiful saying in Sanskrit regarding fasting namely " Langanam divya aushadhi " It means fasting is a superb medicine.

Purpose of fasting isn't one, it's many. It's a means of achievement.One fasts for their good or others good only.No one fasts generally with any bad intention at all. Fasting is a virtue.Tom Dick & Harry can't fast.It teaches man many lessons . It's more a control of mind than control of hunger. It's a profound spiritual practice .It is, first & foremost, an exercise for identifying & managing adversity in all its forms. It coupled with mighty prayers, is always very powerful . Anywhere initially going would be tough usually. Even in case of fasting one may feel initially it to be tough but gradually one would be accustomed & it would be a routine one.

In case of a long fast, constant hunger will be experienced for the first three days or so. During this period one might experience irritation, headaches and tiredness as the body starts its detoxifying process. After about three days, appetite diminishes, skin is cleared and your energy levels return. When fasting, one give their body a complete break from food. Since majority of their energy goes in digesting the food, their body has a lot more energy than the usual. This energy is used by the body for healing the old wounds and removing the toxins built up for years.

Paracelsus says

"Fasting is the greatest remedy -- the physician within."

Fasting is necessary in measure & detection of deficiencies & abnormalities.

What fasting does:-

1. it rests the digestive system. allows for cleansing and detoxification of the body.

3. It creates a break in eating patterns, while shining a spotlight on them.

4. it promotes greater mental clarity.

5 It cleanses and heals "stuck" emotional patterns

6. It leads to a feeling of physical lightness, increasing energy level

7. It promotes an inner stillness, enhancing spiritual connection

It is a tool that will greatly add to our life. It needs no teacher. Without guidance from anyone also it could be carried out, A number of studies have suggested intermittent fasting has numerous health benefits, including weight loss, lower blood pressure & reduced cholesterol. Emotionally, one will feel calmer, clearer & happier after fasting. Doctors have reported patients experiencing improved concentration, less anxiety, sleeping better and waking more refreshed after fasting.

Fasting appears to be trifle but it is not so at all It develops confidence in a man. It is one that makes one realise "Where is there is a will there is a way "One of .the greatest weapons that Gandhiji used is undoubtedly fasting .A hunger strike is a method of nonviolent resistance or pressure in which participants fast as an act of political protest, or to provoke feelings of guilt in others, usually with the objective to achieve a specific goal, such as a policy change.Fasting is an effective way of protest .

Fasting is not troublesome or hindrance to anybody. It is a psychological weapon . It's a direct attack on conscience of a man. It can be a sacrifice in times of drought, famine or any national disaster. It knows no bounds. Of course, these days it is misused for unfair ends also.

In old age more one fasts more healthy they would be & longer they would live too. To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals. says Benjamin Franklin. Fasting is a shield against evil. It is a purifying process. It is one of the ways of punishing self.