Two Essays

A. Prayer.

Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed.Prayers may be recited from memory, read from a book of prayers. It can be one's own also. Prayers need not be long . They can be short and simple. It is one of the ways of worshipping God. Is it not from school prayer we learnt punctuality, attention, silence, and discipline? Is it not they relaxed us and made us ready to take lessons.? It would not be possible to prevail in this world without praying Him.Prayer armour and prepare one to face life.It's not begging,it is share everything with Him.It is prayers that establish that God is very kind and merciful. It's they bring man & God one another closer closer.Most major religions involve prayer in one way or another. Don't pray for anything. Just pray. Definitely you will be blessed. It's the secret of praying. Prayer is His umbrella . It's His blessings, Man needn't worry ,it protects him from all evils whatsoever.

Prayer helps one to separate their soul from the body and discover who they really are. It's a communication with God. The communication seldom remains same way. Sometimes it's joyful, sometimes it is angry and sometimes it's sorrowful . It's through prayers one seek His blessings & protection. It's through them one begs His pardon for sins. It's through them one shares distress with Him. It's a hope. It seldom disappoints anyone. God is never late and never early in answering prayer.He has no restriction or bar on any communication. One can feel free and be at ease while praying . Majority of our difficulties we win over praying Him. In what way He answers prayer. It can't be said at all.

Prayers are medicines to majority of ills.They can do all things. It's in them one can be free from botheration whatever. It's one of the most effective ways to tackle worries and problems.It's a kind of meditation. They cleanse and purify heart, mind & soul .They are a powerful weapon. Of course, a prayer need not be necessarily to get anything from Him otherwise also it could be offered . One can pray when they are in troubles or when they are not in troubles.We pray God not just to please him and get over our difficulties at all . Prayers are all powerful. The power of prayer should not be underestimated. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results. More than anything a prayer instills will power in man.

A prayer costs one nothing.It never goes unheeded.God does answer prayers however,it might sometimes be indirectly.Definitely,it will be answered one day or another.Prayers do wonders. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. It's not how long we pray but it's how devotedly we pray is important. We can forget ourselves completely while praying. Prayers are one of the ways of surrendering to Him. Prayers must come from deep within. A prayer sans devotion and belief is no prayer at all. Silence is golden to prayers. There is no fixed time to prayers. Usually, a prayer is either at the beginning or at the end. Time spent on prayer is really valuable . It is auspicious time.

Nobody need tell us anything about prayer. It's results that bring in immense faith in prayer and make one dumb struck.Undoubtedly , prayers build self - confidence and peace in one who take shelter under them. They cost nothing but time and the returns are endless.It is in our own interest we must make prayer a natural part of everyday life. We would be a changed man. We would be a different man. Prayer changes lives. It is one way to activate and send out positive vibrations to create change in the world. There's certainly difference between a man who prays and a man who doesn't pray.

The older we become, the more we pray; the more we value prayer. Prayers increase cellular levels of the enzyme telomerase. Enzyme telomerase improves cell health. They are helpful in psychological healing programs. More faith in a doctor more the medicine works. More faith in prayers bring more miracles. When no hope left, it's prayers prayers and prayers only. When no other go prayer is only recourse. More one prays negative thoughts go away giving rise to more and more hope.We can pray in any way. eyes open, eyes shut, silently ,loudly squatting , standing, ears open, ears shut whichever way we like. Prayers could be sung alone or in group. They could be sung at any time convenient .They can be sung in any language. There's nothing wrong even if they are sung at the middle of night. It doesn't matter whether it's joy or grief one could pray. What one prays is always more important and not the rhythm of prayer or anything else.

Here is an incident which tells us about prayer. Allen Wright came out of his coma of eight days after being struck by a hit-and-run driver. Wright's family and friends asked for prayers... and received them on the Apple iPhone app that their son invented called "A Note to God."

In The Sacramento Bee, the neurosurgeon treating Wright was asked whether he might have been helped by prayer. The doctor's reply: "Sometimes I think it does. Sometimes I think it doesn't. I don't actively encourage it. But in my opinion, it never hurts to pray."


They begin with a difference of opinions, perhaps, coupled with an impatience to calmly discuss their opposing views. This impatience leads to anger, which leads to an argument, and can lead to fighting. These days, it seems like everyone is arguing about something or other. No doubt argument is the longest distance between two points. Argument is necessary in a democracy.It is necessary to bring those two points closer and closer and bridge them.

World consists of people. They are all different kinds of personalities. Everyone has their own views. Everyone try to stand by their views. Though all are not enemies all are not friends. Argument is necessary to stand by one's views or change one's views. It is a process. It is a bunch of thoughts. A life could not be run without arguments between husband and wife.Where there could be no arguments there would be more soliloquies generally. Arguments enable one vent their emotions, feelings and thoughts and make mind empty .Brain and mouth both work together in arguments.In fact,it's mind that works more in arguments than mouth.Definitely ,arguments contribute a lot to development of world. Otherwise, world would not have developed as advanced as it is now. If everyone agreed with everything the world would be a boring place. A good argument can make one accept, believe and understand a matter well.It can prove anything true or false as they are.Every argument could turn into a lesson also. Arguments are to be looked upon from all angles. They must be convincing. They must be justified. It is not enough if arguments please us they must please all.

There are various opinions about argument.Some are for arguments and some are not for arguments . Arguments are everywhere.They are one of the means of convincing . They are one of the means of opposing too. . They may help one get away from many of their ignorance. Before every war,there are invariably arguments between warring nations . Arguments make things move up or move down. They are one of the modes of discourse. They not only brings out views of one another but also brilliance in one another. Of course, one who argues doesn't decide they put forth only argument.

Arguments do not produce the same results always. Sometimes, they calm down the situations. Sometimes, they hot up the situations.Sometimes they do not have any effect at all. Arguments serve purpose or purposes .They always include reasons in defense of purpose. They need not be for one reason, they could be for several reasons .They are persuasive. Often arguments are responsible in bringing about necessary modifications. How happy one would be when they argue and get justice. Arguments with the wisest and the learned make one realize how much ignorant they are. Whatever good that come out in arguments are generally worthy to be followed. A legal profession is based mainly on arguments. Winning an argument is often an achievement. But winning an heart is always a greater achieve than it.

Often many think argument as nothing but opposing. Never consider arguments always as bad. There are good in many respect. Why debates are arranged for students in schools? Is it not to train them for arguing their cases as and when necessary in life? It is always better one argue their cases themselves. Others can do it rarely better. Argument is part parcel of everyone's life. One engage in it unknowingly too. Sometimes arguments take place without one's knowledge also. An Argument is not a mere retort or tit for tat. An argument is a tool in the hands of arguer. Arguer could make it flexible and twist it too. Here are three important characteristics of argument.1.All its premises are true.2.It considers all relevant information .3. It is logically valid.

However, argument must not be senseless. It has to be avoided with stupid.It must not be for argument sake. There are people who argue that their donkey has three legs. Argument does not stand before anything that is perfect or in order.Nobody could enter into arguments with God. One should be careful while arguing and never argue unnecessarily. Arguments may spoil the relationship. Argument is point -scoring .It is points that win the arguments. A sensible argument gets one justice. It saves one from being hanged.Arguing is a skill that all do not possess. Some argue so well that it it's not easy to decide either way. Why people dislike arguments because they become heated and full of anger. Maintaining composure and respect for the other person while arguing is difficult because many put heart and soul into argument and make it prestigious. Arguments once begun proceed like wars.They don't stop all of a sudden. That is the reason why emotions flare and show. There is a way to win an argument peacefully. Silence is the best weapon against argument. Winning an argument is not top of the world. Argument is not solution to all problems.

How to win an argument? Preparation is always necessary to win an argument. How to argue is a tact. Arguments are to be well thought out. They are product of number of intelligent minds. They must contain intelligent inputs. It is better one rehearses their argument as many as times as possible and feel confident .At any time one should not get overconfident at all. They should always consider others equally competent.One must have argument strategies and counter strategies. It is better one takes up argument for a good cause. One must possess adequate knowledge. One must have patience and stay calm during argument. One's behavior must be exceptionally good during argument.During argument one must give respect and command respect . One who argues must have studious nature and develop qualities like presence mind and concentration etc in them. Last not but the least practice makes one perfect.