Entertainment isn't a time pass. It's a necessity.

Who doesn't need entertainment? Educated, uneducated, haves, have nots,man,woman,kids birds ,animals & all.

The man isn't a machine.He can't work continuously.He needs rest physically & mentally periodically. Entertainment is one that gives rest physically & mentally.It has medicine for all ills.It's a diversion from the routine. It is one that's capable of taking one to another world & forget themselves completely. It's which drives boredom miles miles away.It is often a mood changer.It's one that brings why a smile on a face brings peals of laughter in a man too.It makes rosy part of anybody's life.That which can make one forget many a time distress is it only.It is one that could be provided free of cost too.There isn't one type of it.There are a variety of it. It needs no education necessarily.

Entertainment is an art of recouping.One of the ways of refreshing,relaxing & energising mind is it. It makes life liveable, lovable, tolerable & memorable. It brings one another closer &closer. One another begin to like one another & become friends too.There aren't one or two ways but several ways to it. Entertainment when where it should be.It must be dexterously mixed.Wisdom lies in choosing right ways. Entertainments keep one fit & trim. They rejuvenate them too. They could calm the storm & disturbance within & herald peace.Nobody forgets the entertainment that they had with ease. Entertainments are memorable. They make one popular.

Too much of anything isn't good. Too much of entertainment also not good.Everything has two faces. It too has two faces, good & bad. Its a powerful tool that can be both detrimental & beneficial to society; it can corrupt the human mind as well as the body, but under the correct circumstances it can bring out the best in individuals, allowing society to flourish.

Entertainment has importance since time immemorial. Jesters were used to be in courts of kings & emperor s to keep everybody in good humour. A circus wont run without a buffoon. Without a comedian no play thrives . Entertainment is part & parcel of life.What a contentment & joy one would have in entertaining others & entertaining themselves . It is boundless joy. There is more entertainment in entertaining others than entertaining ourselves.

Entertainment is an art. It is a vast field. What entertainment one opts, it is an individual choice. It may be as free of cost or may be at a cost. It is to enjoy & make others to enjoy too.Entertainment has a time.It shouldn't be"When Rome was burning Nero was fiddling" It must not be at somebody's cost at all also.

Entertainments are capable of making one who doesn't know how to laugh, laugh until stomach is busted. It doesn't allow a man to be idle. It fills him with enthusiasm. Samuel Johnson says "A am a great friend of public amusements, they keep people from vice."

It isn't human beings only, but also nature, & animals subscribe to entertainment . How lively cats & dogs keep a man. The majority of poets is inspired by nature.

Entertainments often leave behind memorable memories. It is invariably one of the agenda of any programme. It is on God's agenda too.The contribution of Him to entertainment of human beings is no less. It's believed God plays with human beings in the way kids play with dolls. That is why it is said life is a doll play.

Life without entertainment is like a curry without salt. It's entertainment which makes life tasty.Otherwise, it would have become very dull&boring.It gives the life charm & beauty.There isn't one or two,but there are innumerable entertainments in the world. Whole life can be spent in entertainments. But life isn't it only. Las Vegas, Los angles, Disney parks in Orlando are entertainments only. Walt Disney rightly says there's no bounds to man's imagination at all.

Don't depend upon anyone for entertainment .It isn't the one that is to be purchased but one that's to be developed within. It is there in the world in various forms. One must be fortunate to have it.One would have only what they are blessed their share of cake wont be more than it. As the world develops as days pass by entertainment doesn't remain as it is. It also undergoes a sea of change.Too much of it is also bad. Absence or inadequate entertainment too is also equally bad.

Laughing & making others laugh is entertainment.It seems easy but not that easy.It isn't a time pass. It's a necessity.Life isn't mere tragedy & its comedy too. God too advocates it .There's a world within the world, its entertainment world. Entertainment is rather thinking or mindset of a person than anything else. It isn't same to all as thinking or mindset differs from man to man. As a result, drug addictions, alcohol consumption, & gambling, etc. are being considered as entertainment also .

Entertainment is a different world where only smile,happiness & laughter are found. It is one to make who is dead to be alive again.What's there in it what isn't there in it. It's to kindle one's spirit.It is inexplicable.Where it takes, where it leaves it couldn't be said at all.Not merely youth needs it, but also old need it. Sans it everyone becomes restless. It is an attraction that binds one to life.With little one who derives more entertainment & remains contented is a successful man in life.Good entertainment always gives one more than what one pays for it .

Entertainment isn't merely feast to eyes & ears but also feast to soul & mind. It is a memorable presentation which anybody can make to anybody.It's difficult to understand it. What is it to one, it may not be to another. That is why the saying " That which is a ploy to a cat is a last breath to a rat " It often keeps one off bad dreams. Without it contentment is often remote. Its often addictive & better one has control over it. It isn't permanent too. It enables one to forget pain or sorrow, for some time only. When they once again enter real life pain & sorrow appear again to them.

Entertainment industry in India has registered an explosive growth in last two decades making it one of the fastest growing industries in India. Contribution of it to one's health,& longevity is immeasurable. Good entertainment always gives one more than what one pays for it .Entertainment may make one forget age, past, present , future sufferings , what others think & what not. It is a powerful tool. It can be a way of life.But all can't depend upon it. All can't be jokers.

Man is a social animal.He loves entertainment. It's often harmless.It often adds & not subtracts.It's mental.It's brain food . It's tonic to mind. It reduces stress and tension.It's motivator. It's a knack.There are various means to entertain. One can entertain others by laughing, crying, dancing, jumping, falling, bluffing & telling the truth also. It keeps one n good humour. It can't be had at all times. It needs conducive atmosphere & positive thoughts .

Entertainment how from where it comes it cannot be made out many a times. It isn't anywhere . Its in man himself.Only with entertainment earth can be heaven. It enables man to bear upheavals of life.Without it life is not beautiful. Its a tool to enjoy life.Some entertainments come in search of man & some entertainments man goes in search of .