Life is an experiment.

Life is an experiment. Man is born an innocent. Wordsworth rightly says " Child is the father of a man." Man learns by experiments. Matters to be experimented aren't one or two. They are varied & numerous. Man never surges ahead in life without experiment at all. If one or two experiments are successful. Nobody need tell one goes on experimenting. It becomes a routine. Experiments are success stories.Everyone cannot experiment everything in life. However,everyone tries to experiment whatever they could in life.Experiments show one the way. Of course, Experiments sometimes disappoint too. They are lessons. Santosh Kalwar says “Life is an experiment in which you may fail or succeed. Explore more, expect least.” Man never stops experiments. He scaled Mount Everest , Now he has been scaling moon & higher. Experiments never stop as long as earth & moon are there.

Experiments in life or anywhere are always productive & no waste of time & energy at all.A man progresses only if new creative & innovative ideas are hatched & experimented. Experiments are tools of development. Treating life like an experiment helps one make faster decisions. The result that an experiment brings out is always ultimate. There is no proof beyond it. Man needn't be a scientist to experiment. Man experiments to choose a better life. Man experiments without his knowledge too.It is not merely chemicals ,liquids, solids ,man & nature either dead or alive are subjected to experiment but also whatever strange that one comes across in life are subjected to experiment. It is easy to make a statement. That would be welcomed only if it could be experimented only. Otherwise it carries no weight & it is of no use at all also.

Life is an experiment. World is a laboratory. Experiments ensure dependability & reliability in life.Experiments in life develop challenges also. More one is successful in experiments more successful they would be in their life & remain more contented too. It is not merely individual experiments . Others as well as God too experiments on one's life. Story of King Harischandra illustrates how much sage Vishwamitra plays on the life of the King. Sayings & quotes like "Truth always prevails "emanate from such experiments on life.

Life is theoretical as well as practical.There's no use if one is theoretical only. Experiment is theory & practical clubbed together. Goal is seldom surpassed not at the first attempt in life. It's achieved after experimenting & experimenting only.Practice makes a man perfect. It's nothing but experimenting & experimenting & becoming perfect. In life who does which experiment when it couldn't be said at all.Its experiments that bring forth various aspects of life. It is they which make always comparison possible. Good, better &the best could be chosen through experiments.It is they find out remedial measures to various lacunae too.

What one can't understand that experiments make one understand. They make many things clear.Experiment is a method of study.It's only experiment after experiment only one develops tact. Experiments have revolutionised lives. They have made impossible into possible. Without them no research, or invention would have been possible at all. Thinking before an experiment & thinking after an experiment generally wont remain the same at all. By & large experiments always enlighten a person in life .They create knowledge.

While conducting any experiment one must proceed step by step only. One must never be in a hurry at all.One must remain cool & spare no pains whatsoever. Results must be evaluated at every stage. Experiment is not as easy as one imagines. Life experiments are not too as easy as one thinks. They are hard nut to crack.

Life experiment or any other experiment has always to be conducted cautiously & systematically one at a time & not all at a time. Seldom anything improves on its own. Life too seldom improves on its own. Man tries to improve it often by means of experiments only.An experiment has always to be planned .It doesn't fall from the blues at all. In order to be successful in life all ways & means are to be tried .No stone has to be left unturned at all.

Experiments evolve ways & means to lead life comfortably.More one experiments in life more experience one gains in it. Experimenting is trying something new, awaiting changes & observing etc. It depends more upon an individual. Everyone experiments in life in their own way. What is good what is bad one wont realize unless they experiment.What is right, what is wrong it is experiment usually reveals. In scientific laboratory experiment results are seldom same. Accuracy differs from individual to individual . In life experiments also there is every possibility of results being different on aspect to aspect from person to person.

Nothing makes one proud than when their experiment becomes successful. It's a moment of rejoicing to them & they rejoice it unfailingly. Experiments keep one busy & make their life interesting. Where what suits one would know only when they experiment. Experimenting is nature of some people . Circumstances make some experiment too.

What all is not tested in life. How many times a child falls before standing erect. A child learns standing walking & everything experimenting only. Perfection is impossible without experimenting at all. Whether it is sweet or bitter one wont know unless they taste it. Similarly one won't be aware what it is unless they experiment at all. Experiment is usually a trial.It's a strategy. It may boost confidence or decrease confidence of individual. It enables one to change & improve life. Experiment in life is often to lead it peacefully,comfortably & successfully.One must have courage, confidence, enthusiasm, intelligence,patience,knowledge & support to experiment.Unless one is ambitious & optimistic one won't experiment at all too. Whether between four walls of a house or beyond it also one would be compelled to experiment in their life . Life is an experiment.

Ralph Waldo Emerson rightly says" All life is experiment. The more experiments you make the better. "

Variety is the spice of life. Life can be led in several ways. It differs from man to man. Some try to lead their life in a particular way only.They don't want to change it at all. Some want to experiment .They change the way of leading their life. They want to to give it a better form & shape. What all experiments a man does in life. Sometimes, he gets his fingers burnt in the process. Sometimes it brings him joy. Denzel Washington says "Nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Fall forward. Every failed experiment is one step closer to success." Always remember that Rome was not built in a day.World wouldn't have advanced if man hadn't experimented at all. When I recollect my experiments in life I laugh . I wonder . They are memorable. Some we can share. Some we cannot share too.When we experiment many a time advices pour in also . Do not experiment. Be careful . It is dangerous. In life man must experiment where necessary but not everywhere.It is true that necessity is the mother of invention.

Experiment gives one knowledge & experience . It seldom goes waste. It makes one wise.Those who are practical in fact experiment usually more in life. Some experiment more in life & some experiment less in life. Experimenting depends upon an individual.