A Conversation

A conversation is informal interchange of thoughts, information, etc., by spoken words; oral communication between persons; talk; colloquy. William Shakespeare describes how a conversation should be. He says “Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood.” Conversations improve relations. One would have certainly more misunderstandings without conversations than that they might have after conversations. A conversation is a powerful tool. Conversation is a tool to read minds. It is in a frank conversation one unfold their mind.

Here is a conversation between Yaksha and Yudhisthira in Mahabharata. It enlightens us on various matters. It is a very useful and well known conversation since time immemorial. It is always worth remembering it.

Yaksha: Who is really a helpful companion?

Yudhisthira: Steady intelligence is a very good friend and can save one from all dangers.

Yaksha: How can one acquire something very great ?

Yudhisthira: Everything desirable can be attained by the performance of austerity.

Yaksha: What is amrita (nectar)?

Yudhisthira: Milk is just like nectar.

Yaksha: What is the friend bestowed upon man by the demigods?

Yudhisthira: Wife is such a friend.

Yaksha: What is the best of happiness?

Yudhisthira: True happiness comes as a result of contentment.

Yaksha: Why does one give in charity to brahmanas, artists, servants and kings?

Yudhisthira: For religious merit, prestige, maintenance and protection, respectively.

Yaksha: Why does one forsake friends?

Yudhisthira: Lust and greed drives one to forsake friends.

Yaksha: What is the only food?

Yudhisthira: The cow is the only food, for the milk that she produces is used to make ghee (clarified butter), which is used to perform sacrifices, pleased by which the demigods give rain, which causes the grains to grow. Therefore it should be understood that the cow is the root cause of all kinds of food.

Yaksha: What is the king of knowledge?

Yudhisthira: Knowledge pertaining to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the king of all kinds of knowledge.

Yaksha: What is ignorance?

Yudhisthira: Not knowing one's constitutional duty.

Yaksha: What is the best bath?

Yudhisthira: That which cleanses the mind of all impurities

Yaksha: What is real charity?

Yudhisthira: Real charity is protecting one from the onslaughts of material nature.

Yaksha: Since dharma (virtue), artha (profit) and kama (desire) are opposed to each other, how can they co-exist harmoniously?

Yudhisthira: These three become congenial to one another when one has a virtuous wife.

Yaksha: Who is condemned to everlasting hell?

Yudhisthira: When one promise a brahmana charity but upon his arrival refuses to give him charity.

Yaksha: What make one a brahmana, birth, learning or behavior?

Yudhisthira: It is behavior alone that makes a person a brahmana. Even if one who is expert in the four Vedas, born of brahmana parents, but whose behavior is not proper should be considered a sudra.

Yaksha: Who is pleasing?

Yudhisthira: A person who speaks in a pleasing manner.

Yaksha: Who is truly happy

Yudhisthira: One who cooks his own food (is not dependent on anyone), is not a debtor (does not spend more than he can afford), does not have to leave home to make in order to earn his livelihood (does not over endeavor for material things) is truly happy.

Yaksha: What is the most wonderful thing?

Yudhisthira: The most amazing thing is that even though every day one sees countless living entities dying, he stillacts and thinks as if he will live forever.

Yaksha: What is the real path to follow in this life?

Yudhisthira: The best path is to follow in the footsteps of the pure devotees, for they are the actual Mahajanas whose hearts are the sitting places of the real truths regarding religion.

Yaksha: What is news? (that is What is real situation in the material world?)

Yudhisthira: The material world is like a frying pan. The Sun is the fire, the day and nights are the fuel. The passing seasons are the stirring ladle and time is cook. All living entities are being thus fried in this pan. This is the real news of what is happening in the material world which is a miserable place full of ignorance.

Just like famous quotes we come across famous conversations too. Famous conversation is always remembered. Success of a movie or a drama depends much upon conversations or dialogues that they contain. Conversations or dialogues are undoubtedly backbone of a movie or a drama. Polonius advice to his son, Hamlets first soliloquy, Anthony‘s speech, conversation between Bhima and Duryodhana during epic battle of clubs in Kurukshetra war, are a few other rare gems which are not forgotten even to-day. Ranna, the famous Kannada poet has written so beautifully conversation between Duryodhana and Bhima that one sympathizes with Duryodhana. As a consequence Duryodhana appears like a hero rather than like a villain.

All conversations are not alike. Some conversations are interesting and some conversations are boring. Conversations depend upon on men and topics. Conversation is an art. All are not blessed with conversational skills. The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. Conversations do marvel. One who converses well can communicate well. One who converses well can convince others well. Developing effective conversational skills is a lovely investment in your future. By improving conversational skills one can talk with confidence. One would have the ability to talk to almost any person attracting friends and business clients twice the rate as one would without such skills. One who converses well has generally a plausible tongue. They have control over their tongue too. They know what they talk. They know how to talk. They can understand what others talk also.

Bhagvad Gita is a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna. Muddana & Manorama conversation is famous in Kannada literature. It is a cheerful conversation between the writer and his wife that veers into the actual telling of the tale. Padyam vadyam/ Gadhyam hrudyam (poetry goes over my head, prose is one for my heart), says Muddanna's wife Manorama, thus prompting the former drill master to telling Valmiki's classic "Ramashvamedha" in a contemporary idiom. Yakshagana or a drama comprises of conversations between various characters which are part and parcel of them. Conversations spread knowledge, skills, talents etc. All agreements, truce, negotiations etc take place only after several rounds of conversation. Conversation is one of the modes of unburdening one‘s thoughts and feelings. Conversation is an exercise of the mind. That is why conversation is food for the soul to many people.

Conversation reveals ones true color. We can make out of what mettle one is made up of through a conversation.The character of a man is known from his conversations. One can judge other, read other, and know other from a conversation. Sometimes it is one's active part in a conversation that makes one popular or unpopular. Eavesdropping is overhearing others conversation without their knowledge. It is not a good habit. One is not supposed to do eavesdropping. Do or undo anything good or bad collectively conversations are quite essential. However,one should enter into a conversation as and when only it is necessary. One should never engage themselves always in a conversation. It should not be a pastime. A conspiracy is an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more. It is outcome of many conversations that take place between conspirators. Sometimes one enters into a conversation with us, just to divert our attention. It is difficult to make out one's motive. Thus a conversation can be used either for a good or a bad motive too. One should never indulge in a bad conversation nor lend their ears to a bad conversation. Many of one’s wishes or desires are not fulfilled during their life time. Similarly many of the conversations that one would like to have with others may not take place during their life time. They remain only as their dream .

When voice is low and what is spoken is not audible in a conversation one feels that it is a secret meeting. Similarly, when heated exchanges are taking place in loud voices in a conversation, one concludes that it is a quarrel. When everybody is laughing in a conversation, one feels that some jokes are being shared in it. Thus conversations create different impressions upon on onlookers.

What we know is a little. What we are yet to know is abundant. There is no use of keeping that a little knowledge within us. It is better to make the best use of it. Conversation is one of the tools that serve this purpose. A conversation enables one to transmit their knowledge to others. It is which in turn enables us to gather knowledge which others possess also. It supplements or enriches our knowledge. It is in a conversation we quite often come to know what difficulties others have, what is life, what is taking place in and around us etc. Man is a social animal. He cannot avoid a conversation and remain mute for a long time especially in this busy world. One who makes such an attempt is generally driven mad. That is the reason why some people address empty halls. That is why one does soliloquies. If one does not dispose off thoughts that arise in their mind through a conversation, their subconscious mind gets filled with those thoughts. That is why we come across many instances where people converse while they are asleep.

A conversation is a necessity. It serves as a food to many. It is conversations that make life interesting. Listening attentively to an interesting conversation is as good as taking active part in a conversation. Listening to a conversation and taking part in it are considered as good hobbies. Listening to a conversation is generally easier than taking part in it. One has to enter into a conversation with others for one or other reason either to day or tomorrow invariably. At that time one should not only respect the other in all respects but also should note not to insult others too. Normally one greets the other at the beginning of a conversation. One may not be in talking terms with a few people due to one or another reason. That does not mean that one has to remain isolated and avoid conversations. Generally, strained relationship does not exist for a long period. It exists for a temporary period only. Changes are bound to take place. Situations do not remain as they are. Relationships improve. Where an individual is sincere, and honest, the individual does not hide anything in a conversation. That individual who is frank reveals and shares in a conversation all views without any hesitation. Whereas, where an individual is cunning, that individual always tries to benefit from a conversation. Such a person is not frank and does not come out with views, knowledge etc openly. Further, a conversation cannot continue for ever. It has to conclude either to-day or tomorrow. It concludes either with accord or with discord. When there is dispute a conversation is postponed. Of course, parleys are held to resolve the disputes. Generally a conversation is based on facts only. In a conversation a participants try to establish their point of view. Without reason or proof nobody accepts others point of view in a conversation.

Conversations take place on countless topics. Favorite topic differs from a person to person. Topics do not remain same. Some topics become stale as time passes. Young have a different topic for a conversation. Old have a different topic for a conversation. Kids have a different topic for a conversation. Similarly male and female have different topics for a conversation .One cannot foretell on which subject conversation takes place and on which subject it does not take place. Conservations seldom run smoothly and uniformly. On several occasions a conversation goes out of control. Twists and turns take place in a conversation. One cannot even imagine what form and what way a conversation would end up. A conversation can be very powerful and effective. Conversations many times break barriers. Conversations can open new chapters and close old chapters.

It is always better if one avoids a conversation with people who are either quarrelsome in nature, or who are drunkards and who are in inebriated condition. Similarly, it is better not enter into a conversation with those who are insane too. One should not begin a conversation with others when neither they have moods nor others have moods too. Enthusiasm is quite essential to make a conversation interesting and lively. Similarly, one should not enter into a conversation when others are busy with their work.

There isn’t much better in this life than finding a way to spend a few hours in conversation with people you respect and love. Conversation is an exercise of the mind. States of mind, intelligence, knowledge etc play a great role in this exercise. Besides, conversation is not merely an exercise of mind but it is an also it is an exercise to eyes and ears too. On number of occasions it is a stressful and strenuous exercise also. Time also plays an important factor in a conversation. Conversations take place between one individual and another individual or between individuals. Sometimes individuals are known to one another and sometimes they are unknown to one another. In latter instance, generally they get themselves introduced to one another. In a conversation where one is known to other, generally there are a few reservations and conversation continues normally without any hindrance. Leniency sometimes promotes a conversation and it sometimes spoils a conversation too.

Sometimes conversations take place between males only. Sometimes conversations take place between females only. Sometimes both males and females are involved in conversations. Further, it is well known that females are fonder of conversations than males are. They cannot keep anything within them for a long time. There is no age barrier for a conversation. Elderly people can enter into a conversation with younger people and youngsters can enter into conversations with elders. Sometimes only conversation is confined to a single topic. Sometimes conversation switches from one topic to another topic. Interesting topics of course add to the spice and make the atmosphere livelier and brighter. Conversations revolve round many topics like philosophy, art, poetry, love, scandal, and the weather. In a nutshell, conversation depends upon the nature of person or persons who engage themselves in it. Some converse less and some individual converse more. But, of course in a conversation, apart form what you actually talk, it the way you talk also that matters. There are people in this world whose knowledge is superb. We notice that a few among them cannot express properly whatever they know to others in a conversation. As a result, they cut a sorry figure in a conversation. We cannot expect everyone to be good in a conversation. Some have good conversation skills and some do not have conversation skills. Striking a fine balance between listening and speaking is the key to good conversation. One can develop their conversation skill by indulging in more and more conversation with more and more people. We come across all types of personalities during conversations. A conversation sometimes takes place in public and sometimes a conversation takes place privately. It is conversations which are eavesdropped. Of course, eavesdropping is a bad habit.

What are advantages or disadvantages of a conversation? Advantages and disadvantages of conversation depend upon a person with whom one enters into a conversation. A conversation is always an opportunity to one to enrich their knowledge, gather information etc. Conversation is not meant for killing one's time. It is an individual who has to make the best use of a conversation. An individual can also misuse whatever they gather from a conversation too. Some are smart while conversing with others. They think twice before uttering a single word. They come prepared for a conversation. Shakespeare says in his play Hamlet “Give everybody thy ear but a few thy tongue”. Some do not have any reservation while conversing with others. They are frank, and they unfold whatever they feel or whatever they know. They enter into a conversation with Tom, Dick and Harry. Person to person conversations vary. Conversing with others is an art. Silence is one of the great arts of conversation. Confidence contributes more to conversation than wit. One need not spend any amount to enter into a conversation. Of course, one has to spend their valuable time and energy in a conversation. Whether it is worthwhile? It is an individual who has to come to a decision in this respect. A linguist is one who knows many languages. A linguist can enter into conversation in anyone of the languages known. Sometimes, two people enter into a conversation presuming that the third person does not know their language. In fact, the third person knew the language and could follow that conversation too. All types of expressions are found in conversations. Some expressions among them are real and some are artificial. In a conversation one should be aware of what they say and understand what other says.

A single conversation across the table with a wise person is worth a month's study of book. Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehoods. Conversation may be a discussion, it may be an exchange of views, it may be an argument, and it may be a verbal dual. Conversation can take place in any language known to those who engage in it. Generally, it takes place in a local language known to participants. One cannot understand a conversation between two persons in an unknown language. Yet, a language is not a barrier to a conversation. Even, a deaf and dumb can converse among themselves or with others too. Animals converse with each other in their own language. In the presence of an interpreter a conversation can take place in an unknown language too. It is an informal interchange of thoughts. It is a talk. It is a communication between persons. It may be on any subject. It can be a dialogue. It can be short and sweet and to the point. It can be long too. Generally, there need not be any boundaries to a conversation at all. However when, a conversation is over a subject, it has limitations and by and large one has to confine themselves to subject matter only. It is conversations which take place in a country that reveal whether democracy is deep rooted in that country or not. Sometimes conversations impress one so much that they remain live in their memory for a long period. Content of a conversation is more important than how long or how it is held. One need not be necessarily educated to take part in a conversation. One need not be an orator too. More resourceful and inquisitive one is longer an interview or conversation would be. An interview is nothing but a conversation between two or more personalities.

It doesn't matter how long or short a conversation is. What matters is how fruitful a conversation is. A conversation can be in many forms. It can be a question and answer session. During some conversations heated exchange of words take place. There are various types of conversations. Some conversations are lively and delightful. Some conversations are humorous. Some are boring and do not carry any substance at all. Conversations can be held through secret codes. They can be either prosaic or in poetry. Conversations can take place either orally or in writing. One need not be in front of another to enter into a conversation now-a-days. Technology enables one to enter into a conversation with another over telephone. The advent of mobile phones has made conversations still easier. Phones are tapped now a day to listen to conversations. That is also bad. It is also unlawful.

One should not enter into a conversation unnecessarily. A conversation should serve some purpose. It should be meaningful. One should either benefit from a conversation or get others benefited from it. Otherwise, it is not a conversation but it is prattle. A conversation with older, experienced, and educated people is always more productive. It is always better if one learns more and more from one conversation to another. Such a progress is always essential for a healthy development. It is the best use of time and energy. That is how a conversation becomes really useful. One should never indulge in a conversation unless they are well conversant with subject matter. One’s total involvement and commitment is quite essential in order that a conversation to be fruitful. One’s total involvement and commitment not only enlivens a conversation but also makes it interesting too. We come across sometimes participants who are so immersed in a conversation that they are unaware what is happening around them. When a conversation is very interesting, one does not even notice passage of time too. Where one is not well conversant, it is better they lend a patient ear. They can only intervene to get their doubts clarified or to contribute something that is worthwhile. Otherwise, they cause distraction to an interesting conversation. They cut a sorry figure. An unproductive conversation is really a waste of valuable time and energy. There should be one or another strong reason to begin a conversation. Of course, sometimes there are problems at the beginning of a conversation. There afterwards, all problems one after another gradually disappear. A conversation should always begin well and proceed well without an interruption. It should never be in a lighter vein. It should end with a note of complacency and the outcome should benefit every one of its participants in one way or other. By and large, a conversation should result in either sharing or gaining of experience. A conversation should never be a fault finding exercise.

A conversation may yield either good or bad or no fruits at all. Many times developments take place only after a conversation. A Conversation may usher in changes. It is during a conversation one gets many clarifications, it is during a conversation many doubts are cleared. It is a conversation that makes one understand everything precisely. It is during a conversation sometimes something that which should not have been spoken, knowingly or unknowingly leaks out. However it is very difficult to prove in a court of law that statement or matter. Generally one denies their statement made inadvertently. It is also during a conversation only doubts arise, one gets perplexed etc.