Life is strange.

Life everyone is facing "what is strange in it" many ponder . There are billions & billions people in the world. A person's life is not like life of another in it at all. Is it not strange? Life does not remain as it is. One man has full meal. Another has half meal. Another has no meal at all. The contents of meal too differ from man to man. Often, one who is rich cannot have rich food too.From where to where he reaches a man wouldn't be aware at all. Some move & move & reach the top. Some move & move & reach the bottom. Some move & move but still they are where they had embarked only.We come across different different stories from different different people in life.It is when only we realize how strange life is. One or another reason make life of ours strange. Problems in it make it strange too. Some would not know their shortcomings at all. Some even though they come to know their shortcomings also they could not do anything at all. They would be helpless. They have to live with them. Life is strange.

Importance is not that easy at all. Only a few people become well known. Some gradually gain importance. Some gain importance overnight. Some do not gain importance at all in life even if they try tooth & nail also. Many talented people, many worthy things see the dust without any importance at all. Life is strange.

Sometimes, some are at the top, some are at the bottom. Sometimes, latter are at the top & former are at the bottom. A man cannot say he wants this , he does not want that. Life moves forward . It never stops. Life is strange.

I want this I want that how many desires flock a man. It is human only. Desires more often bring pain than pleasure. A man gradually begins to say I do not want anything let my life be calm & peaceful. That is everything. That is my goal.

Life is strange.

When we were born who were around us were different and when we die who would be around us would be different . They would not be one & the same people. The atmosphere around also wouldn't be the same too. Life is strange

Sometimes life is ferocious & many punishments befall on a man to make him suffer & suffer. Sometimes it is pleasing only good things takes place in it. What happens in it & when it couldn't be predicted at all. Life is really strange. It is strange not now only. It has been strange since long long ago. When Rome was burning Nero was fiddling .

What difficulties a man would have, it is impossible either to know earlier or to understand them completely afterwards also. Some understand others difficulties and do whatever they could do . Some difficulties are such that they cannot be shared with others or shared by others too. One has no other go than to undergo them . Some do not either understand others difficulties or share them at all. Life is strange.

Life is sometimes a comedy, sometimes a tragedy & sometimes it's complexion unknown. Life is strange. It is the incidents which takes place in it give it all the colors . Nothing subscribes more to its strangeness than incidents in it . When there should be rain, there would be sunshine and when there should be sunshine,there would be rain too. Life is strange.

At any time, monetary gains never compensate physical & mental torture that one undergoes . Monetary gains & physical & mental torture are two different accounts. Of course ,there are people who undergo loss both monetarily physically & mentally too. Life is strange.

Life is strange. To-day it's very fine.Tomorrow what it would be it couldn't be said at all. Possible becomes impossible & impossible becomes possible in it only.What we plan & what we want to take place sometimes only takes place. Instead , many times what we haven't planned & what we haven't anticipated too takes place.Arthur Conan Doyle author of Sherlock Holmes adventures rightly says "Life is infinitely stranger than anything the mind could invent. "If life weren't strange everyone would have understood it & everyone would have been successful in it too. Life is so strange that all strange things take place in it . Not only a rich man becomes a poor man & a poor man becomes a rich man but also sometimes one who is alive dies & one who is supposed to have dead comes alive in it . Nothing is impossible in it. All that glitters is not gold in it. Why many times in life those who do good to others suffer and those who do bad to others thrive in it. Nobody understands this. It is said it is for the time being Only. Life is strange

If a man has time it is difficult .If a man has no time also it is difficult. Its not only difficult when a man has no intelligence but also sometimes when he has intelligence also it is difficult. It is difficult not only when a man has no money but also when a man has money also sometimes it is difficult . If a man has no children it is difficult . If a man has children also sometimes it is difficult. If a man has desires or no desires it is difficult. Similarly, if a man has feelings or has no feelings it is difficult. If the life is long or short it is sometimes difficult. Though all people on the earth are human beings they are not alike either in behavior or in appearance. Some if they don't know also they smile . Some if they know also they don't smile. Leave alone anything else, sometimes a man can not breathe freely in life too . In what ways it binds him it couldn't be said at all. Life is strange.

Thinking differs from man to man . What one man thinks the other man doesn't think at all.Tastes & hobbies also differ between them too. Some love daytime. Some love nighttime. Some like bitter . Some like sweet. Some like outdoor games & some like indoor games. Some are physically strong, mentally weak. Some are mentally strong but physically weak. Some are both physically & mentally weak. Some are both physically mentally strong. When we laugh many laugh with us but when we weep no one weeps with us at all .Some snore & some don't get sleep at all. Some are miserly & Some spendthrifts There are more dissimilarities than similarities between a man & a man.Life of everyone isn't one & the same. It's different & has different features. Everyone has their own personality.They speak different languages .They have different customs & traditions.They follow different religions & faiths. Life is strange.

What happens what doesn't happen in life it couldn't be said at all.Life is strange for in it,it isn't merely a type of character but all types of characters. To-day they are friends , they like us tomorrow they are enemies they dislike us. Till yesterday they were unknown to-day they are very important person. Today they praise, tomorrow they blame.What changes would take place in it, it couldn't be imagined at all.How many twists & turns it takes it couldn't be said too. Dreams either become real or are shattered .Today he is alive. Tomorrow he is dead. What weren't there ,they are here today . What are there here today,they disappear tomorrow. People whom we love,hate us & people whom we hate,love us. People who eat less are fat & people who eat more are thin. Sometimes only good news fall on ears & sometimes only bad news fall on ears. What to believe what not believe it isn't easy to decide at all . When life would begin & when it would end it couldn't prophesied too. What strange things do not take place in it ? Many things even If we search we don't often get but many things even if we don't search also we get.Life is strange.

Not merely a man & beasts fight in it but also mother in law & daughter in law,son & father,friends & friends & all fight for one reason or other at one time or other.Of course,sometimes they love one another and remain affectionate too. It is said In life many times one who wins is defeated & one who is defeated is completely finished & never rises again. However, there are people who rise again from the dust in it . Life is strange. Abe Lincoln after many defeats only rose to become the President of U.S.A.

You need not change them. They themselves change when they realize their faults. You are only surprised. They come to you with a smile. It is always better others change than we change them too. Life is strange.

It is difficult to remain as we are though it seems to be an easy task. Leave alone in our behavior even in our appearance to remain as we are is difficult .Emotions play a large role in our life . Man wouldn't know where he is when fortune knocks at his door. His state is inexplicable when sufferings come to him in battalions. When he is in power he couldn't be talked at all & when powerless he is depressed & pale. When busy he is a type of a person & when he is not busy he is another type of a person. It is difficult to understand a man & a man also . Life is strange.

Only sun rises in the east & sets in west. One day isn't like another day in life at all. Today there's sunshine. Tomorrow it is rainy & stormy. Day after tomorrow it is earthquake. Some days there are epidemics.Some days we are pleasant .Some days we are depressed.If we have teeth we have no Bengal gram to chew & if we have Bengal gram,we have no teeth to chew it. Many times except what we want many other things would be there in it. Nature of people we come across in it isn't the same at all .Nature differs from man to man. Some are angry people. Some are cool & patience personified. Some are grateful . Some are ungrateful. Some are cunning. Some are dull herds. Life is strange.How to describe it other than it is strange. That's why it is considered 10 faces of a mad mind too. Man many a time becomes tired of it & shouts " Enough Enough This life is enough ".But, life never becomes weary at all. It goes on teaching lessons after lessons that aren't found anywhere also. Life is strange.

Looking at rainbow in the sky poet Wordsworth says "So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man So be it when I shall grow old" No doubt there is no change in rainbow even today. However , Life doesn't allow a man to remain what he is .

What he was , what he is , what he would be are three different personalities . There may be only a little difference in appearance but there would be a lot of difference in his thinking & behavior as time clicks. That is why it is said " A man is circumstances made." It is Wordsworth only says " Child is the father of a man" Life is strange.

Fitzgerald has rightly written "The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit. Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. " Everyone tries to alter the course of their life but nobody can alter a little of what has been written by Him. Life is strange.

What all happens in life. How many stories ? There are jolly , funny and cruel stories in it. Life is strange. Here is a story that I came across in Facebook that illustrates how strange a life is.

A poor boy loved a rich girl. One day the boy proposed her. Then the girl said, “listen! your monthly salary is my daily hand expenses. Should I be involved with you? How could you thought that? I will never love you. So, forget me ‘n get engaged with someone else of your level.”

But somehow the boy could not forget her so easily.

10 years later.

One day they became face to face in a shopping center. The lady said, “Hey! you! How are you? Now I’m married. Do you know how much is my husband’s salary? Rs. 2 lac per month! Can you imagine? ‘n he is also very smart.”

The guy’s eyes got wet with tear by hearing those words.

After few minutes her husband came before the lady could say something to the guy, her husband started to say by seeing the guy.

“Sir! You here? Meet my wife.” Then he said to her wife, “I’m going to assist a project of sir, which is of Rs. 200 crore. ‘n do u know a fact? Sir loved a girl but he didn't get her. That’s why still he is unmarried. How much lucky the girl was. Isn’t it? Now a days who can love like that way?”

Moral: Life is not so short. So, don't be so proud of yourself and damn others. Situations change with time. Everyone should respect other’s love.