A City.

It is well said " Rome is not built in a day." No city is built in a day. There is story behind every city.In modern days cities are a craze of people. People are under impression that cities can cater to all their needs. They do not know that city life is always more expensive than rural life & it is difficult to make their both ends meet there. Nothing is available free of cost there.Everything is valued in terms of money in a city.There are advantages as well as disadvantages in city life.One must remember in a city "All that glitters is not gold" Culture of any country is usually found not in cities but in its villages.One lives in a city doesn't mean that they are happy go and rich person. Wherever one may live what is essential is contentment. Life is more competitive & contentment is more elusive in cities .

Cities cover just 3% of the planet's land surface, but are already home to more than half of its people. That means cities are bringing people into ever greater contact, where collectively they act as a giant physical, biological and cultural force. City is a place where people live & let others live. One arrives at a city thinking "where there is a will there is a way." They think it is always survival of the fittest.Problems are everywhere they are more in cities.Bigger a city more are problems.Its really difficult to pull on with the problems & lead life in a city.Strain & stress are an integral part of city life.Money is everything . That is what many believe.This saying is more true in cities than anywhere else.One can't live in cities with empty pocket. City life sways between excitement & lulls. Its a playground of human enthusiasm, ambitions & celebrations. It is where less ignorant & innocent people live.

A city is beautiful to look at only from a distance.It's a mini world.It's a place where more one walks more there is to walk. City is not often what it looks from outside . It is often rotten inside. Which road leads where it is difficult to make out in it. Roads & life are misleading in cities. One must be careful. In city life there is not much difference between a day & a night. It is where heaven & hell are found on earth. City life is a busy life.It is where man lives more like an animal than like a man.

In cities leave alone others one has no time to think about themselves.It's tedious life. It's where one comes across people who don't see either sunrise or sunset on many days.It's a sea of people consisting of rich, poor, educated , uneducated, healthy & unhealthy. Known are a few & unknown are numerous. Who has born & who has died to-day nobody is bothered to know there at all. One seldom cries for the others. Rarely one finds a tree shadow to take rest in cities. People suspect more others than they believe others in cities, Cities are where life becomes a challenge to a man. One must have capabilities to lead life there. Cities are lucky or unlucky centres. It's where one becomes a millionaire or a pauper.

In cities there is less or no caste communal divide usually. People are less religious minded too. People are more business minded & selfish .Some like city & come. Some come there for livelihood. What happens & what doesn't happen there only media announces. Daily new new stories. A writer can't imagine even. They are accidents murders, thefts,love marriages, cheating & what not. Only some come to light & some remain under carpet.One has no time to listen or pay attention to them at all.What's there if there's no wild animals in cities,there are underworld & dons. City life is not at all boring.

City life is a roller coaster ride. 24 hours continuously one hears rattling sounds of vehicles in a city.In cities calm & quiet places are a few. In fact,one has to go in search of them.Everywhere a city is filled with noise. Semblance of cool breeze or greenery no one could even dream there at all. There is dearth of fresh air in it. Its full of pollution. Yet there is no outward flow of people but only inward flow in it.The idiom peril teaches one the way & the saying necessity is the mother of invention more applies to cities than to other places.

Autonomy is less & dependence is more in a city. It's a place to young & energetic to live than to old people to live in. It isn't a safest place to live in peace. News & fire spread like lightening in cities. Cities aren't only more fire prone but also calamities ,catastrophes or anything creates more havoc there.Despite adversities what pulls one towards cities is optimism.It pulls one towards them. It is more and better jobs better hospitals & health care ,better living standards. Cities are social and financial centres too. Its in one have better education—schools & universities. All these attract one towards cities.