Communication is not a bolt from the blues.

Communication isn't a bolt from the blues. It's a lesson in life. Man has to strive hard & imbibe it into his blood. It is the process by which we exchange information between individuals or groups of people. It's a process where we try as clearly and accurately as we can, to convey our thoughts, intentions & objectives. It is conveying what we know & knowing what others know. It's exchange of thoughts.It can make or break relationships.In it it isn't merely style everything is important. It must be presented with all care & diligence. It may be oral ,written or otherwise. What's conveyed is more important than how it's conveyed.Many times deeds communicate more than what words communicate.Communication reveals what one is, what we are, what's happening. It's it drives away darkness & illuminates. It's a mirror.Many things are to be learnt from others in life & one of them is undoubtedly how they communicate.

Communication is a great tool of progress. The world is not developing this much, but for it. It is a skill. There are various types of it. 7 C's of communication are clear,concise,concrete, correct,coherent,complete, & courteous. There are dos and don'ts in it too. Any communication must be always conveyed only after twice verification of its correctness.It's growing faster & faster & the world is getting smaller & smaller. Where & whom communication isn't needed .It's often anvil to development of relationship & understanding. It is an useful tool to man to study & mold his life & make it successful. It's said never too late to work on your communication skills & by doing so improve your quality of life.Dumb,deaf, blind, birds, animals & all need it. It's part & parcel of everyone's life. Man is a social animal. He can't remain without communicating with others at all.

Communication is as essential as basic necessities to succeed & survive in this world. Without it many questions remain unanswered.It's through it one often gains only & seldom loses.It's an academic discipline.It's food for thoughts, ideas, & what not.It's how one makes use of.Good communication skills are key to success in life,work & relationships. It's a way to empty mind & remain hale & healthy.Without effective communication,a message can turn into error, misunderstanding, frustration, or even disaster by being misinterpreted.More one communicates more one experiences, more one experiences better one communicates.

Communication isn't a verbal war or chit chatting.It's with a purpose. It isn't as easy as one thinks.It's one that can throw light open eyes & enlighten. It begins when we are born & ends only when we say adieu. It's lifelong. It's it makes life smooth.It is successful only when both the sender & the receiver understand the same information.It benefits sender as well as the receiver.It isn't enough if communication is with others, it must be within too.Communication within does wonders too. Realization is the product of it only.It's a tool that helps to resolve any dispute or conflict. The mood of a man's anger, happiness, depression, often reflect upon his communication.What surprise is in store in a communication often it isn't known. It's one that's capable of swinging a man's mood to any extent & anyways. It may give rise to emotions of any kind. All that comes to mind, all that one experiences, aren't for communication,there are choices to be made in it.It mustn't be either more or less it must be appropriate & complete & suit the moment.

God has blessed man with mouth,eyes,& ears. Communication is a boon to mankind.It has made life easy and comfortable Dumb, deaf, blind & all can communicate in this 21st century.Deaf men & women are serving Turkish National Assembly. Steve Job, Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg have revolutionized communication. Communication is one with which one can share anything with any number of people.Anything would be more effective if communicated the way it should.In today's highly informational and technological environment it has become very very important.If one doesn't communicate it remains within them only.It neither helps them or others,but creates problems.By communicating mind won't be empty. New thoughts, information occupy it.Communication cover surprises,deaths, births, real, false, concerned & unconcerned news. It depends upon man & matter.A communication must always set for the occasion.Man often feels relaxed when he communicates what all he wants to communicate .Communication isn't confined only to man but also it's confined to birds & animals too.

Communication can be long or short.What's important in its exchange of thoughts & ideas.Often a man would be happy & contented on communicating what he intends to communicate & feels unburdened & relieved.Absence of communication often gives rise to misunderstanding, sadness, difference of opinion etc.Better a communication better is its effectiveness. Willingness, concerted efforts, knowledge, time etc are quite essential to be successful in communicating. The backbone of a communication is undoubtedly man's thinking.

No communication no information & result is suspense,rumors , gossip.Communicating properly is vital to have a happy comfortable hassle free life. It's the voice of a person. It heralds one's presence to the world. It stands on many basics. In it one can't use same language & tone everywhere.Speaking heart to heart is essential. Often the heart is able to communicate & radiate love in ways that words can never reach. Situations aren't same at all times.It isn't easy to communicate always. In communication it isn't merely what's said matters how said matters more.It isn't how fast,how much you communicate, its how nicely you communicate.Compromise, communication & consistency are needed in all relationships, not just romantic ones. We are modernized in communication in this 21st century more than anywhere else.Communication is a channel that can bring one another very closer.

The biggest communication problem is we don't listen to understand . We listen to reply. In a relationship when communication starts to fade ,everything follows.Communication is a breath of a man. Without it man is like a corpse only.Often a man feels burdened if he can't unburden what he wants to communicate.