A man & fate.

Where fate does n't play its role in the life of a man? Whether it is his life partner, children, profession , education, decisions, opportunities or everywhere it plays its role.When all is well no one thinks about fate at all. It is others who say that their fate is good at that time. No one knows their fate. How can they describe it. One can't have plans to counter it too. One has to face & tackle it in possible manner. There's no other go.There's no other escape.Whenever fate is bad whatever that one undertakes would be usually a failure.What that often enables one bear such a situation in life is comparison . It enables one to bear it. Comparing with one who has undergone a situation worse than that usually brings solace .

We have a goal for our life. We decide our life. Fate too decides our life. It decides everyone's life. It plays it's part in everyone's life. It rules man, woman rich poor , young old & whom not. It is a bolt from the blues. It is dame luck. It is not what all one desires but it is what it desires to happen to man. It may carry one into heaven or may drop them into hell also. Wherever it may carry one must handle it appropriately though it is not fully in their hand.Fate is a tool used by Him to control & mould a man. Those who are too proud, those who have superiority complex do not pay much heed to fate. It doesn't leave them also. It cuts them to size.However strong physically, mentally & financially or otherwise a man may be at times he would be helpless against fate. Fate is all powerful.

Everyone's life is a wrestling with fate. It is not similar. It varies from man to man. Man is nothing before fate .Fate makes him dance to its tune. It's described in number of ways. When it comes to fate there are two types of people, those who believe in it and those who don't.Fate is a tool used by Him to control & mould a man. Fate does both good & bad to him usually . How a man's fate is decided it He only knows.Sometimes God seems to be fair & sometimes He does not seem to be not fair in that respect. Whatever may be their fate , whether it is good or bad, no one keeps quiet. No one leaves any stone unturned at all. Everyone tries to change its course.

Fate is writing on the wall. It's said to be what's written on the forehead . Opinions about it aren't one or two but numerous It's opined that fate is important. It is opined that one shouldn't care for it. One should learn to swim against tide. Some say it cannot be changed . Some say it can be brushed off & written. It is believed one's life runs as per fate. Some relate fate to previous births too.The concept of fate, the idea that someone, a power,perhaps greater than our own, controls every aspect of our lives,has plagued mankind since the dawn of philosophy.

Where there's wealth ,there is no health or children. Where there's health , there's no wealth or children . There would be one or another lacunae in life If fate is not good all types of unfavourable situations occur. Only if fate is good favourable situations occur in life. Life would be a hell or an heaven as one's fate would be. Fate is strange. Many a time one who does good wouldn't earn a good name instead earns a bad name. Similarly,one who does bad doesn't earn a bad name or punishment but earns a good name . Many a a time fate spoils sport.

Fitzgerald says as follows regarding fate.

''The Moving* Finger writes and having* writ,

Moves on; nor all your piety nor wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,

Nor all your tears blot out a word of it."

Nobody knows fully what is written on the forehead. Regarding fate astrologers make predictions. They may prove to be true or may not prove to be true. Whatever may be their fate everyone wishes it to be bright & shining. Everyone struggles to make it glowing. That is how we come across one after another stories.Some are pathetic stories, Some are adventures, Some are successful stories , some are failures. Some can be shared and some cannot be shared. Every incident that takes place in one's life is linked to fate.

Every man is under the surveillance of society. One can throw dust into anybody's eyes but not into the eyes of society. What all a man did what fate did he have this society observes. Fate that one would have would be always a lesson to others.

Everyone talks about others fate . Some laugh at others fate. Some pity others fate. They do not know their fate. What fate makes one into it couldn't be said say poets ,& writers . They say fate makes kings into beggars and beggars into kings etc Whatever one may say everyone has a say in their fate.One can't blame for everything their fate.No one is responsible for their fate,other than they themselves. Swami Vivekananda rightly says " You are the maker of your destiny" One reaps what they sow. We are what our deeds are. One shouldn't think much about fate in their life.

Some think we are fortunate & some think we aren't fortunate. No man knows our fate better than what we know it. It is what it is. If it is good we enjoy it & if it is not good it is we have to suffer.In life if everything goes on well man doesn't talk about fate at all otherwise man curses it for everything .If fate is good one's life would be pleasant. It would be a bed of roses . If it is bad , life would be a bed of thorns. Fate doesn't remain as it is. Wealth is said to be unstable. Fate is also unstable. It along with the life moves. It changes. There is no one in the universe who has not struggled with their fate at all.