
In olden days, there were no modes of transport and people had to undertake journeys by walk only. Great saint Shankaracharya traveled five times across length and breadth of our country by walk only. Now-a-days people are becoming more and more health conscious. But this is not the sole reason behind walking. There are other reasons too. Formerly rich and intellectuals only used to take up walking. Further, walking was meant for old and retired people. To day, we find people from all walks of life going for a walk. Now-a days a few people skip walking. It has become a necessity. Even if one is busy, they somehow spare some time and go for walking. It has become a routine. It has become part and parcel of life to many people. Some go for early morning walk. Some go in the evening for a walk. Some go for a walk both in morning as well as in evening. Some go for a walk after food in the night. Some go for a walk during weekends. All depends upon the leisure and convenience which every individual has. Some go for a walk alone. Some couples go for a walk. Some families go for a walk. Some groups of women go for a walk. Some friends go for a walk. Here the saying“ Birds of same feather fly together ”generally holds good. We find people of similar nature walking in company many a times. Walking enables one to understand completely at least their companion. Walking could be used as an opportunity to learn many things. How speedily Gandhiji used to walk even at his advanced age. He used to walk at a brisk pace. It was difficult even to youngsters to keep pace with him. Gandhi's walking was a treat to watch.

Walking is a simple and an easy exercise. One who cannot do this exercise cannot do any other exercise also. It does not need a trainer necessarily. It is in this exercise where one finds lowest drop outs. Walking prolongs our life span. Walking keeps us healthy and fit. Walking is man's best medicine. It distances us from heart attack. It enables one to have control over blood sugar. Walking is king of exercises. Way one walks reveals many of their qualities. Way one walks differs from person to person. Some walk briskly whereas some walk at snails pace and some at moderate pace. Some keep both hands inside their side pockets whereas some swing both their arms while walking. We can make out whether one is confident, whether one is proud, etc from the way they walk. Life itself is a walking where one does not now how much they have walked and how much they have to walk yet. Normally,one does not keep any record of it. Surely, they might have covered globe by walk. Mathematics calculations reveal this fact. What a joy parents would have when a child begins to walk. One can enjoy walking to any extent. It is left to their sweet will and pleasure. Walking is also an ambulation of mind. Walking with a slouched or despondent body posture can lead to feelings of depression or decreased energy, but those feelings can be reversed by walking in a more upright position.

Some neighbors go for a walk. Some colleagues go for a walk. Some go for a walk alone. Some go for a walk with their pet dog and while doing so in western countries; they carry a plastic bag to collect shit of the pet. People never spit on road or throw any waste on roads while on walk or at any other time. People give utmost importance to cleanliness. We find restrooms and dustbins in all public places in western countries without fail. Gradually, such practices are followed hereto. Now-a-days not even old people carry walking sticks. Most probably, they do not want to be identified as old. Some do not complete their walking at a stretch. They cover some distance and then sit for sometime and relax and. then once again proceed farther. Some are well-dressed wearing shoes, T-shirts, shorts, jeans etc. Some ladies could be seen in their housecoats. We come across people in variety of costumes during walks. Some walk briskly whereas some walk at snail’s pace and others at moderate pace. Two persons do not walk generally at a same pace. One has to adjust to other's pace in order to walk together at a same pace. Coordination is quite essential at every stage of life and in a walking too.

Some take up walking on their own. Some are advised by their doctors particularly, those who are suffering from diabetes and blood pressure. More than medicine, walking helps such people a great deal. Some are worried about beauty or physique and in order to remain slim and trim take up walking. Some after becoming fat and stout to reduce obesity join for walking. Otherwise also walking is good for health for our body gets exposed to sunshine, which is full of vitamin D, and as a result generally we would never have deficiency of this particular vitamin. Moreover sun rays comprise of ultra violet rays, which kill bacteria too. Some resort to exercises during walk especially younger generation. Doctors and elders advise pregnant women walking. They are advised to go for walking both in every morning and every evening unfailingly. Those pregnant ladies who follow doctor’s advice do not face any difficulty in delivering a child.

We come across people in various moods during our walk. Some people are very tense and serious even during their walk. Some are very jovial and give smile and exchange greetings with acquaintances that pass on their way. Some go to parks for walk. Some go round in their colony. Some go for long walk on high ways. Generally, nobody likes busy streets for walking. Everybody likes calm and quiet places for walking. Riverbanks, seashores or beaches, parks, groves, hillsides, lake views etc are ideal places for walking. Cool breeze makes walking more enjoyable. Nobody likes to get distracted during walking. While on walk with friends, some discuss various topics and exchange their views. Walking not only helps us to acquaint with many people but also helps us to develop friendship and come closer and closer with many too. Morning fresh air contains ozone, which is very good for health and enlivens us also. Further, what an opportunity it provides us. It enables us to see nature at its best. It is during walking nature often becomes one’s companion. In fact one becomes one in nature. Birds leave their nests in groups in the morning making all sweet noises or tunes and at dusk they return to their nests in similar fashion. We could see the beautiful sunrise in the east in the mornings and the sunset in the evenings in the west. Many flowers blossom as soon as sun rays fall on them. What a beautiful scene it is! We can observe the changes that take place from season to season in the atmosphere. We can feel the changes that take place in the climate from time to time. Winter brings in a type of experience whereas summer brings in another. If it is spring or autumn, it is a different story. These seasons enthuse us in their own way. Seasons appear in different form depending upon the situation of a place. At some places winter is, severe and unbearable and it is impossible to walk outside. Same is the case with summer at some other places. In such places, people resort to indoor walking. We can see personally the developments, which are taking place in our surroundings during our walks. Further, we can come to know the latest rumors, news going round in our locality as well as in our town or city. Generally, during walks we do not get tired. Generally, one feels relaxed after a walk. It is due to walking only that proper blood circulation and digestion take place in our body. All our organs get adequate exercise on account of our walk.

Walking reduces rich and poor divide. It establishes social equality. Walking teaches many lessons to us about life. While walking one should invariably look around and put a step forward otherwise there is every possibility of their staggering and falling to the ground. Similarly in life one should be careful while taking a step, they should invariably look into pros and cons otherwise there is every possibility of their encountering all sorts of problems. Similarly one should bow down their head and see the path and then only put a step forward otherwise there is every possibility of their falling down. These fundamental about walking could be applied to any task that one undertakes in their life. One should not walk in air. It is impossible to walk in air too. If one attempts such a walk one falls down and break their ankles. Walk in air means one walking in majesty and pride. These qualities do not remain for a long period in a person at all. Gradually, these qualities vanish in an individual and individual become a normal person. Our mood will be in upbeat during walking. We should never worry about anything while we are on walk. We should forget our domestic as well as official or business affairs at least during walk. Walking is meant for relaxation, which we should remember always. Walking is good for our brain. Walking makes every person fresher. Walking helps alleviate symptoms of depression. In Olympics, 20kms walk is an event. Walking helps for the development of a personality. Walking with a purpose is not a waste of time or passing of time. Walking is always beneficial. It has only advantages. Normally, walking costs us nothing. Only in a few parks entrance fees are charged.

Walking is creative too. Many ideas strike to us during the course of our walking only. We realize many facts during walking. We come across people who walk to and fro. A great thinker or one who is worried often resorts to this kind of walking. During it only new thoughts flash into their mind. Walking is a pastime for many people. Those with inner guilt and who cannot face the world only avoid walking. Due to arthritis or some other sickness if a person could not go for a walk, he or she would think that they are cursed. Likewise, disabled persons blame their fortunes for their inability to go for a walk. Walking is one of the best means to familiarize us with an area. Walking develops liking or affection for an area too. We should be through with road rules and regulations even while going for a walk for the sake of our safety only. Most important thing about walking is that we should forget our office, business, our worries, etc. We should go like a free bird when we are on a walk. It is a different world.

It is always better if walking is carried out properly. One should follow correct postures always whether it is walking, sitting or standing. We should not bend our head and look at our feet while walking. We should keep our chest and belly little inside and walk straight. The distance between one step and another should be less and both arms should be swung smoothly while one walks. One should take rest at regular intervals while covering long distances. Similarly, one should take rest while climbing hills, while carrying loads etc. By walking straight one gets filled with more enthusiasm.

We can turn walk into work out. There are several ways to turn walks into workouts without significantly breaking stride. They just involve a little creativity and walking outside of the box, as it were. A few simple techniques can help maximize the benefits of our walk and make it more of an overall body workout. The next time you're on that power walk, think of creative ways to tone specific muscles. One can use a park bench for push-ups, a curb for calf raises, and a wall for wall sits. To increase body toning, cardiovascular fitness, and calorie burn, walk uphill. As a gauge, each 500 feet of elevation gain you walk will feel like one additional mile. If we want to get more sweat (and effectiveness) per stride, we have to break up our walk into slow and fast segments. Vary the pace of our walk so that we have a phase of working hard (up to 90 percent of our maximum heart rate) followed by a recovery phase where we stroll slowly bringing our heart rate down. We have to repeat each group of segments as we feel fit. We should not forget to warm up for at least 10 minutes before each session.

Generally, elders do not advise walking alone especially after dark or before sunrise when it is still dark and that too in secluded places. This may be due to security reasons or on account of poisonous snakes etc. Human mind does not remain idle. All types of thoughts come to human mind especially whenever we are alone. If they are positive thoughts there is no problem but if the negative thoughts dominate, definitely it is harmful. Thus it all depends on individual. Walking generally develops confidence and poses less or no problems at all. My personal experience is that walking alone gives one an immense scope for thinking without any interruption. Most of the thoughts that come to me, I scribe. This has become my hobby for the old age. I feel free like a bird and I remember the lines “ I am the monarch of all I survey, there is none to dispute my rights” whenever I am on a walk. I think everybody realize their freedom, democratic rights etc particularly more during their walking.Thanks to technology, we can carry Walkman (cassette player) or FM radio station and listen to melodious tunes over it or keep ourselves abreast of latest news. Why with the advent of mobile phone, we can be in touch with anybody and similarly others with us too during our walk .But what is important is how much we enjoy our walking, whether it serves our purpose and beneficial to us and not these accessories or comforts which are all secondary. There is pleasure in walking and what we need is positive mindset to have it.Certain beautiful places in this world and shrines are to be covered by foot only. We have to go round Disney parks at Orlando by walk only. Similarly, Disneyland and Universal Studios at Los Angels are to be seen walking only. Yana a place in Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka state was covered by us by foot about three decades ago on a picnic in the company of about 60- 70 people comprising of young, old, women, children etc. through a forest. What an experience, it is fresh even to day.

Kedar is in Uttaranchal. It is at a height of 11000 feet above sea level. From Gaurikund we have to go up about 4000 feet in a narrow steep 14 kilometers way. One could go up in dollies carried by four Nepalese gurkhas for 2000 plus rupees or on the back of a horse for lesser amount.But one cannot enjoy such a journey. As such we left Gaurikund at morning 5 a.m. before dawn and slowly went up and up by walk. We came across beautiful scenes that we had not come across in our life earlier . The mountain gives birth to many rivers. Though, we could not cover the distance at a stretch like the boys who were with us. We took rest at every half an hour of climb. And ultimately at 1 p.m. we had darshan of Sri Kedarnath. We can never forget that remarkable experience. We shared it with others and rejoiced.

Man is a social animal, he should mingle in society and the best means for this is walking and it serves the purpose suitably. If we accustom our children to move around in vehicles only, they do not become independent, bold, and confident and would not know what life is. We can make out from the way one walks what type of a person they are. The way a proud confident person walks is different than the way a person who is timid or worried walks. The way one walks reveals what type of a person one is. We need not spend anything for walking. It is free of cost. Walking brings out the fact that all are equal. Generally there are no limits for walking. One can walk anywhere except in a few prohibited areas, without any demure. In fact, one can walk on fire, water and air too.

Walking without any purpose is wandering. Those who wander in such a way are called vagabonds. They do not know where they are going and why they are going. They do not do any work. They waste precious time of life idling.They may be frustrated people or mentally unsound. They are dangerous to the society sometimes. Some great people appear like vagabonds they roam around like fools with thoughts making round in their mind. Nobody can make out that. Here they do not know where they are. Thoughts drive them out in such a fashion. There are in a different world trying to find solutions to too many difficult tricky problems facing this world. Here, we would be called insane, if we brand them as vagabonds.

Those who do not have legs and who cannot walk always feel that they are not fortunate. It is unfortunate that some who have legs do not walk or walk less. Walking is for our betterment only. Those who skip walking become lazy. They become patients. Those who know the benefits of walking never skip walking. Man walks & walks life long walks. Yet, when he cannot walk he feels a lot . He becomes desperate. He becomes depressed. He realizes that his days are numbered. Walking is so important. It acquaints man with everything closely.