
A few look at a faded flower & exclaim " How much beautiful you were " How much fragrance ,happiness & joy a flower gives to a man when it blossoms & spreads its petals . In fact,it draws & engages his attention fully for quite some time.

A man himself cannot remain as he is. One day he too becomes old.

These days what one does is forgotten the very next moment. No matter if one forgets what bad the other has done. One forgets what good other does too. Gratitude is becoming scarce day by day. A few only know what it is in this world & they remember whatever good that others do them.

Gratitude emanates usually from the bottom of heart of a person. It is the sign of noble souls. One who has gratitude always waits for an opportunity to do something in return & whatever they do in that respect seems to be little to them always. How much joy they would have & how much light would be their heart if they could get an opportunity to express their gratitude . It would be certainly nothing less than unburdening of a heavy weight& heaving a sigh of relief . It isn't quite necessary that one has to do something in gratitude. It's enough even they are remembered whenever time permits also. What is necessary is gratefulness. What that hurts anyone the most in life is not that he didn't help but that he wasn't grateful at all.

Gratitude is an inner attitude that solely depends upon man. It can be displayed in different ways or can remain within too .Grateful is one who falls on the feet of who came to rescue in times of need & ungrateful is one who pulls the feet of who came to their rescue in times of need. They are poles apart. World consists of all kinds of people.It does not matter one is not grateful. It's enough if they are at least not ungrateful.One should not do anything to anyone & expect gratitude.It tantamount to selfishness. Gratitude is never to be expected from anybody . One must have it on their own. Disappointment is usually often in store to those who expect gratitude from others.

Where to where a gratitude can carry a man. One can be a God in the eyes of a man too. When one is in great difficulties if anyone who comes & helps them would appear to them as no less than a God. In fact, one who is really grateful would treat them as God & worship them too .Gratitude makes one think always more what they have to do to others in return than what others had done them. Man usually knows only praying for himself & kith &kin .Gratitude teaches him praying for others.A heart filled with proper gratitude has no room for selfishness & ambition.The importance of gratitude has been taught by several religions.In modern world, the importance of gratitude has been steadily on decline due to numerous reasons.

Gratitude is a good emotion that always springs only in a good heart. It's the greatest of virtues.It's an emotion that once it arises in a man doesn't forsake him easily at all. It gets deep rooted in him. It is a cherished memory that never fades at all. Many times gratitude shown by man could make anyone dumb also.In fact, sometimes he would be even prepared to sacrifice his life too. Whatever that he does on account of it seems to be little or inadequate to him. In fact, many times he bears silently inconvenience,& pain caused by the benefactor. He overlooks small small mistakes of benefactor too.

What you do to others , what you give to others go no where. They come back to you only doubled via " Gratitude ". Gratitude is invaluable. Everyone do not possess it. It is a sacred emotion. It too brings one tears. They are tears of immense relief from strain &. stress. To a man who gives room to gratitude, gratitude never becomes a zero at all. Though, it isn't an indebtedness he treats it as an indebtedness. Gratitude shown encourages others to be more & more magnanimous also.

All would not have gratitude . Only those who have a great heart would have it. A man is not born with feelings of gratitude at all. The feelings of gratitude do not fall from the blues. They are to be developed in him right from his childhood. Gratitude is more than a relationship. In Mahabharata Karna was with Kauravas instead with his brothers because of his gratitude to Duryodhana only.It is a rope that ties one another which cannot be untied easily. It is eyes of a man often portray one's gratitude. Eyes filled with gratitude are enough to melt any heart .Gratitude is brainchild of conscious of man. When a good man takes or receives help from anyone , his conscious doesn't remain silent at all . It irks & the result is gratitude.Many do not sleep peacefully until gratitude has been settled to their satisfaction. Gratitude teaches kindness. Gratitude puts one into others obligation.

In life, a man couldn't do each & everything himself. At one time or other he needs help or assistance from others. He could have it only if he has gratitude. Without gratitude a man cannot prosper in life at all. Those who have gratitude only know " Give & take "Many people make sacrifices in one way or other to their mother land. Even in life of a man too many make sacrifices for his sake. Is not duty to express gratitude to them. That is why 21st Sept,is treated as "Gratitude Day " worldwide.

It is mindset, & company instill a sense of gratitude in a man. Gratitude shouldn't make anyone feel inferior to no one at all .Research shows that people who regularly express gratitude are happier and healthier than their counterparts, regardless of measurable wealth.Research has also shown that feeling gratitude can help calm the nervous system.Dealing with a man who has no gratitude is always difficult.It is said that even a serpent fed with milk would not bite. But it could not be said how much dangerous a man without gratitude is.It is ego often makes one forget what is gratitude mean.

Whatever good that one does,it goes nowhere at all . It remains in the form of gratitude. When it would be useful it couldn't be said at all. If we tread a wrong path knowingly or unknowingly, if a magnanimous person pardons us, we must be grateful to him or her unfailingly . Pardoning is a great quality which only a few possess in this world. Money can be borrowed but not the prestige. How much grateful one must be to the other who saves prestige taking all the risks. Where, when & why one has to be grateful to another in life it couldn't be said at all . Be friendly always with everyone. Politeness & gratitude always go hand in glove.

Gratitude is not the same as indebtedness. While both emotions occur following help, indebtedness occurs when a person perceives that they are under an obligation to make some repayment of compensation for the aid. The emotions lead to different actions; indebtedness can motivate the recipient of the aid to avoid the person who has helped them, whereas gratitude can motivate the recipient to seek out their benefactor and to improve their relationship with them.

Many lessons man has to learn from animals. Especially, certain lessons of gratitude.When there is nothing to pay back it is tears of gratitude & a hug that evade all embarrassment.

Life is varied. What all circumstances a man would face , what all help or assistance he may need, who would all assist him & whom all he should be grateful in it ,it couldn't be said at all. Gratitude is not confined merely to monetary assistance .It is necessary that one must be grateful to another for one or another reason in life A man must be grateful not merely to another man but also he must be grateful to God, nature,animals & what not. Gratitude must not be always in words . It must be in deeds too.When somebody does something helpful even if you couldn't do anything be at least grateful.The practice of meditation is a method for developing gratitude . While prayer is often practiced alone as a path to gratitude, in combination with meditation, it is even more powerful.

Gratitude can bring marvelous changes in the life of a man . Here is a real story in that context which I came across while surfing the web .

There was a young, poor farmer in Scotland and his name was Fleming. One day, while doing some work, so that he can get some money in order to feed his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby area. He dropped his tools and ran to the place where the noise came from. There he saw a terrified boy, who was half submerged in black swamp, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the boy from the swamp. Had he not saved the boy, he would have died a slow and terrifying death drowning in that swamp.

The next day, a stylish carriage driven by handsome horses came and stopped in front of the poor farmers front yard. It was very weird to see such a beautiful carriage in that surrounding. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved. He expressed his gratitude and said,

"I want to repay you," said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life."

The Scottish farmer was amazed.

"No, I can't accept payment for what I did," said the Scottish farmer, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came outside hearing all the noise.

"Is that your son?" the nobleman asked.

"Yes," the farmer replied proudly.

At that moment the noble man got an idea and said,

"I'll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education. If this boy is anything like his father, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of."

And that he did become a great man.

Farmer Fleming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.

Years afterward, the nobleman's son was stricken with pneumonia.

And What saved him?


The name of the nobleman?

Lord Randolph Churchill.

His son's name?

Sir Winston Churchill.