Presence of mind.

Life is short & precious . Michael Shepard rightly says of Presence of mind.

Saints & wise men, so it’s said,

live entirely in the present moment,

don’t hang on to past things,

don’t plan for the future;

live a life of here & now.

Why presence of mind? One would do what's to be done & wont do what isn't to be done if one has it. It's timely thoughts. What's essential it to occur always is His blessing. It's it that gives a man chance to save anything from becoming topsy turvy. It protects & prolongs life. It is the instant realisation what to do,what not do.Its doing the right thing at the right time.What's essential to breathe freely & live from birth to the last breath is it. It should be where it should & not everywhere.Lack of it's one that's plaguing individuals in the modern society.Whatever one may possess,to use it in the nick of the moment what is essential is it .In what all ways it's immensely beneficial in leading life to man it couldn't be said at all.It is not only to avoid the accidents.It's required everywhere. It saves one from many untoward happenings too.Life is so complex when why & where it would be needed,it couldn't be said at all.It's a friend in need.What thieves do to rob a person is disturbing one's presence of mind. What one majority of people often pray Him is "Presence of mind"Mere physical appearance is an attendance only . Involvement emerges only with presence of mind.Presence of mind, means eyes & ears open & not sleeping too. It enables one to respond to drop of a pin too.

Time darts forward, opportunities don't wait,they come & go,but for the presence of mind one would misses them . It keeps one on top of toe. It is always essential to something good to happen & badly not to happen.It's it that enables one to know what is happening in the surroundings. It is a blessing in disguise. One can't say that they don't need it. Often, not having it is a shortcoming.What all untoward happen in no presence of mind it couldn't be said at all. Sans it one won't be aware when the sun rose & when the sunset & won't be aware even of daylight robbery too.It is seldom an impediment it is always a Savior. All needn't have it even if one has it also a situation can be faced & won many a times .Man often repents for not being with presence of mind. Presence of mind works in sleep too.It's always invisible.It's through its performance it makes its presence felt.It doesn't allow take anything lying down it duly responds.

Man & man differ in many ways. Man & man differ in the presence of mind too.Absent minded & presence of mind is two different faces of man.There's a saying "Stitch in time saves nine". It's impossible sans presence of mind. What is essential to run life smoothly for a man is it. It is essential while taking every step. What is done without it seldom goes right . Often it goes wrong only.A thinking would be alright only if there's presence of mind & often everything done with presence of mind would be only alright too.It isn't enough a man is present. The presence of his mind is quite essential otherwise everything goes awry & futile.Presence of mind wherever it is it invents solution or a way out.It helps changing the tide.It is it that makes one think not only this but also makes one think of that too. It prompts timely quick action.

Presence of mind one has to develop themselves. Modern world is so busy man has no time to scratch head even. A well groomed mind is a computer in it. It's presence of mind too. It depends upon the individual not on their age.One of the qualities that a successful man would have in life or anywhere is it. It is gem of a quality.It often plays a great role in the life of a man.One who has it their eyes, ears, mind all are sensitive & work cohesively.Presence of mind doesn't remain always the same for all. It varies from time to time due to various reasons.It isn't enough one have it must have His blessings,common sense, know how to tackle the situation. Anger is one that often steals presence of mind of man. Too much of thinking, worries & distractions affect presence of mind too.One who maintains it either in a storm or norm always deserves appreciation.

One who is idle while away time won't have the presence of mind ,whereas one who is alert & don't sleep would have it always.With presence of mind & intelligence one can outwit others. Apart from every other things that contribute to win a situation undoubtedly presence of mind is one that always makes one proud.Our technical knowledge helps us in tackling a number of difficult situations in life but it is our the presence of mind which makes us the real winners in this competitive world. You need not have the requisite knowledge but you should be smart enough to fox the questioner. Why essential presence of mind? A Kannada saying illustrates very well " It's over if a word is spoken & It's over if a pearl is broken "Presence of mind is needed not only while doing anything but also needed while uttering a word too.

Life experience develops presence of mind in many. One to have the presence of mind one must be attentive & their mind mustn't waver. Swami Vivekananda rightly says " Controlling mind isn't a one day's job but it needs a regular job & systematic practice."For the mind to be present in the concurrent moment,you need to let go off your thinking about both the past & future.It is a prerequisite to have presence of mind. Presence of mind makes one conscious & follow one by one to be systematic .It is the anxiety or excitement, fear, lack of confidence, do not allow one to have presence of mind.It isn't merely in great works, but also in silly paltry jobs too presence of mind is essential.Whatever skill or talent one may possess, to use it in the nick of the moment what is essential is presence of mind.With whom quality presence of mind lies is also always important too. Presence of mind with good is used for good & with bad is used for bad.Many a time one's presence of mind is put to test .Many jobs need presence of mind primarily.One's steps in encountering an incident or a situation, explain one's presence of mind.It is not enough one has the presence of mind besides one should know when what happens & what has to be done also.It is in situations of life man exhibits presence of mind & loss of presence of mind.One who has the presence of mind may go to past or future but remains at present.More a person is blessed with the presence of mind more they would be able to grasp what's going on in the world.