A Journey

A journey does not begin and end by itself. It has to be undertaken.It can be undertaken on land , on water or by air. Everyone undertakes numerous journeys in their life. Only,a few journeys among those journeys remain in their memory. Every journey is an experience. Every journey has different features. Every journey is unique in one or another way. Experience in every journey is not the same. It varies from journey to journey. Experience also differs from one person to another too . Journeys are seldom smooth. We come across one or another hurdle during journeys. Usually,at the end of a journey, one gets so exhausted that generally they would not have certainly same quantum of enthusiasm that they had when they began the journey. They would be anxiously awaiting the journey to end. The thought that the remaining part of journey is only a little persuades them to put with the hardships.How long a journey is not all important how much comfortable and enjoyable a journey is more important. Not merely when a destination is not reached a journey is incomplete but also a journey is incomplete whenever the purpose with which it is undertaken is not served too.

Our interest does not remain the same throughout while reading a novel. It varies. Sometimes a novel is interesting to read in the beginning, in the middle it becomes boring and again at the end it becomes interesting. Only some novels are interesting to read from beginning to end. It is one's liking and authors capability that affects or influences a reader . Similarly, a journey becomes sometimes interesting and sometimes boring according to a place that one travels , one's nature and transport facilities. Some people enjoy journeys and some people do not enjoy journeys. Some people like adventurous journeys though they are dangerous and risky.They find thrill and charm in adventurous journeys. An adventures journey is like a ride in a roller coaster. There are people in this world who are always on the move. They do not mind being called vagabond. If one reads about a place, or if they come to know about a place through somebody, or witnesses a documentary or a movie about that place, definitely they would not have same thrill or experience as they would have when they undertake a journey and visit that place. There is nothing like seeing and feeling . In ancient times when there were no modes of transport also people used to undertake journeys by walk, dollies, palanquins, or bullock carts. Journeys were never safe in those days. They were hazardous. There was no guarantee that we would return back safely after a journey at that time. In India, people used to get their last rites performed before embarking on long journeys on pilgrimage in olden days.

These days journeys are more comfortable and less perilous.One can fly over Pacific Ocean on their way to San Francisco either from Seoul or Hong Kong by air. That part of journey requires about fourteen hours. It is a monotonous journey. Depending upon the timing of journey, if it is daytime one would come across snow like white clouds and if it is night everywhere one finds darkness. In otherwise lull atmosphere, time-to-time beautiful courteous air hostesses serve food drinks etc. to crew. One crosses the date line also. Certainly in such journeys, one would not have the pleasure of traveling.

It was 13-3- 2004. I had been to Udupi my native place to attend a religious function at my ancestral home at Tenkapet, Udupi. I should have returned to Bangalore after the function via Charmadi ghat Sakleshpur, and Hassan by deluxe buses that ply regularly during night times between Udupi and Bangalore. If we leave Udupi at 10.p.m., we reach Bangalore next morning by 6.a.m. by those buses. As it is a travel in the night time that too in March, I might have had a pleasant journey. In such a journey, if one closes their eyes at Udupi, they open them at Bangalore only. Of course, seldom one would have a sound sleep in a bus. Distance between Udupi and Bangalore is covered while we are asleep. As such, we cannot enjoy such journeys at all. Journeys should be adventurous, humorous, interesting, pleasant and enjoyable. So, I diverted route of my return journey from Udupi to Bangalore. I left Udupi at 11.15 a.m. with my mother, sister and brother in a car. My mother was about 95 years old as on that date. She was not in a position to identify her own children even. She was seriously ill. I recollected how much healthy she had been a few years back. She was mother of eleven children. She conceived about 18 times. My eldest sister is 75 years old. My mother used to get up before sunrise always. She used to work continuously up to 2 p.m. and then only she was having bath, food, and a nap. She was hale and healthy. We never took her to a doctor for any illness. Only at the age of 88, her heart was not functioning properly that too due to old age and she had to be supported with a pacemaker. She is an illiterate who lost her parents at the age of six. Despite that she could manage a big household and brought up all of us very well. Hospitality has to be learnt from her. Only after feeding all her children, she used to have food. She used to feel happy whenever the guests and we ate well. On our way to Shimoga she was restless. She was often inquiring every five minutes whether Karkala has come.Karkala was in a different route altogether. She had no presence of mind. She was unnecessarily fearful. It was very difficult to take care of her. She who brought up numerous children had become herself a child like. She always wished that she should have a sudden end. But it is always a man proposes and it is God who disposes.

Our ghat roads, be it be Agumbe or Shiradi are always in a bad shape. Gradually our car approached Someshwar, which is a hill station at the foot of western ghat, we rested there for about half an hour. My mind started darting back. It was about forty years back , Someshwar was brimming with activity. Taxis were plying between Agumbe and Someshwar in those days. Prior to that carts(Gadi) drawn by bullocks were the mode of transport in that portion of western ghat. In fact, a family was carrying on that service. It was family of late Mr. Manjunath Shenoy. In that memory Mr.Shenoy called his bus service Motor Gadi Transport service and ran it successfully for many years. Days were there when people had to wait for considerable time at Someshwar for their connecting bus. Whenever there was break down of a taxi, we used to climb down the ghat from Agumbe. It was adventurous .One would have different experiences in different seasons on this ghat. The misty mornings, windy evenings and rainy nights are the delights of this ghat. In rainy season we come across heavy rain whereas in winter we come across dense fog on this ghat. 14 hairpin curves of the ghat were covered by taxi at that time. This part of journey is really difficult even to day especially to those who suffer from travel sickness. After 14 hairpin curves,we reach Agumbe.

Agumbe is situated at a distance of 90 Kms from Shimoga at an elevation of 826 meters . It is a hill station. It is a trekker’s paradise, with endless nature trails ranging from moderate to difficult. Agumbe is also known as the Cherrapunji of South India.The sunset at Agumbe is a rare sight .It is highlight of this place. One can experience and enjoy the delightful sunset, which gets reflected from the Arabian Sea onto the horizon. Further,one would also enjoy the greenery that is all around. Further, one can sight Arabian Sea while traveling on the ghat. As we go up one after another curve in the ghat far away objects look smaller and smaller.Agumbe is the home of the Lion Tailed Black Macaque (Monkey) and Yellow Ringed Kraite ( a endangered species of snakes). Agumbe is well-known for the only permanent rain forest research station in the country. With the advent of mini buses not only the distance between two places on either side of ghat are covered speedily and absolutely there is no congestion of traffic either at Someshwar or Agumbe. Now a days these places look deserted. Sometimes, we do not find a single person to sight even at these places. Mini buses do not even halt sometimes at these places. Waiting for bus or taxis that was a hell of a job is completely dispensed with and much of our time and strain are saved. However, now we badly miss opportunities that we once had to have a chat with friends, and strangers. We used to gather information, exchange experiences and what not there. Sometimes memorable incidents take place at such junctions too.

A beautiful scenic hilly place in U.S.A. is generally developed into a National Park invariably. One has to pay entrance fees at every National Park in U.S.A. National Park in U.S.A. is not only maintained clean and neat but also provides all types of facilities like restrooms, dustbins, cottages, food courts, drinking water,and parking places. A tourist would not find dearth of any facility at such places. During weekend’s people from nearby places throng such places with their family without fail and spend their time happily far away from busy hum of city life. A tourist is always provided with an opportunity to buy T-Shirts, key chains, Tea Cups bearing the pictures of that National Park . Yosemite, Rocky Mountains, Grand Canyon, and Crater Lake are some of the places that I visited during my stay in U.S.A. In Someshwar on that day at an auditorium adjacent to Sri Venkataramana Temple birthday of a child was being celebrated. People were very courteous and hospitable and provided us with sumptuous food on plantain leaves that was arranged for the occasion. Numerous school children and teachers were taking part in the function Here I noticed how western and our cultures are coming closer and closer. What we miss in western world is our hospitality and cordiality.

Just after western ghat or Agumbe ghat, we come across Malanad. Malanad is blessed with Tunga River, plantain groves; Arecanut gardens and wild animals. One has to visit Malanad unfailingly, to encounter the ecstasy of Mother Nature and recuperate from the busy and mechanical city life. Thirthahalli is a small town in Malanad on the bank of river Tunga . Heritage, religion, adventure and leisure go hand-in-hand in Thirthahalli. To explore the nature's beauty, there are many such places, both in and around Thirthahalli, where you can go hiking and trekking. Many holy places like the Rameshwara temple, Sri Lakshmi Venkataramana temple among others also adorn Thirthahalli. The Bridge built across river Tunga at Thirthahalli, is also very unique one. Thick Forests, beautiful paddy and sugarcane fields attracted me in and around Thirthahalli. Because of dam across Tunga river at Gajanur surrounding areas are well irrigated. Lands are very fertile. Even though, modern architecture is slowly making its dent in this part of Malanad, Mangalore tiled wooden roof houses which remind us of our old architecture are still found in large number on this route. We find numerous bamboos trees sky scraping huge trees of dense forest on either side of the road. It gives one a feeling that a few decades ago that this area should have been an abode of wild animals. No doubt even now the area is awe inspiring after dusk with fluttering of tree leaves, various sounds emanating from birds, and animals pierce our ears. We come across cutting and burning of trees for preparing charcoal in and around Mandagadde. At Mandagadde which is at a distance of 32 Kms to the north-east of Thirthahalli ,a natural bird’s sanctuary has been maintained on the banks of the river Tunga.It is a habitat for a variety of birds. Between July and October, flocks of migratory birds take shelter on the leafless trees there and present a fascinating picture to visitors who can see them from a high platform located conveniently close. At Mandagadde, we could do some boating even. An army training camp was also found. Thereafter, 10 kms to the south-west of Shimoga, on the Shimoga Thirthahalli Road, ( NH 13) near a crest of Western Ghats we come across Gajanur where a dam has been constructed on the river Tunga. Elephants are trained at the Elephant Camp here.The tourist bungalow welcomes us and reminds us that Shimoga City is fast approaching . The bungalow on the hillocks near the Gajanur Tank commands on enchanting of the area. After Gajanur when we are only a few mile It is a beautiful village. Here what I remembered was it is the amazing sound of the common rus away from Shimoga, we approach a village called Mattur. It is on the banks of the Tunga River.n of mankind conversing in Sanskrit in Mattur, Here, even a vegetable vendor, milkman or the person in the grocery shop, everybody speaks flawless Sanskrit. Even the Muslims of Mattur converse in Sanskrit.

Shimoga is an Arecanut marketing center. It is a district head quarters also. It is the place which great warrior Shivappa Naika ruled once. Shimoga was ruled by the great Indian dynasties of the Kadambas, Gangas, Chalukyas, Rastrakutas, Keladi and Vijayanagar Kings also. Shimoga is an important tourist destination, industrial, commercial, fine arts and educational center. There are various stories regarding how the city got the name Shimoga.The city has been growing by leap and bounds.It was nearly 4 hours since we left Udupi,when we approached a place called Harakere , which is in the out skirts of Shimoga city. It is now near the city limits. I remember this place very well. A Shivalinga was found here about five decades ago during some excavation. In those days, I had walked about two to three miles from Shimoga town to have glimpse of newly found Shivalinga. It was a remote place then. Slowly, the place grew in importance and people started to come here on Shivarathri day in large number to have bath in Tunga River and worship God Shiva. I badly needed rest before taking up onward journey. My brother’s house is situated in Vinobnagar-a new extension in Shimoga City. Formerly it was a barren land in the outskirts of Shimoga town near district jail. Between 1945 and 1947, I remember to have witnessed several processions that were taken out by our leaders to hoist our national flag on the top of jail building and in the process getting arrested. In between Amir Ahmed circle and Gopi circle hardly there were a few buildings. To day, I have to wonder whether it is the same place where as a boy I was accompanying my father for a walk. There is a sea of change. The place is brimming with activity. It has become heart of the city and is named Nehru Road. After dusk Durgigudi was a notorious place in those days. Similarly changes have taken place beyond recognition in Dodd Pete, Chick pet, (Gandhi Bazaar), B.H.Road, Ramaiah Setty Park area Chick bramahnakeri, Doddabrahmanakeri, (S.P.Road) Guddekal area, Islapura, Lashakermohalla, Nagappanakeri, Old Thirthahalli Road, New Thirthahalli Road. The place where sandy used to take place has become bus stand. The place where there was bus stand has become Shivappa Naika Market. In U.S.A., we find every city is well planned and developed with all facilities whereas in our India after growth only the planning commences. That is why most of the places are congested and have narrow roads and lack basic facilities. With these reminiscences, I viewed on television a part of first ODI cricket match between India and Pakistan that India won.

By that time, it was time for my bus journey to Bangalore and my brother left me at the bus stand. It was 6 p.m. Shimoga Bangalore Semi -luxury express bus was due for departure only at 7.p.m. There was no other direct bus for departure in between for Bangalore. Instead of waiting alone in the bus-stand, I boarded a Bhadravati bound private bus. It was a shuttle bus stopping at every junction. In order to make hay when sun shine, private bus people do not displease anybody; they accommodate everybody in the bus. As a result sometimes passengers in the bus exceed twice the permissible capacity. As a result, we do not find even breathing space. The distance between Shimoga and Bhadravati is only 12 miles and could be covered within half an hour at the maximum in the ordinary course. In U.S.A., we come across expressways, which enable us to cover such small distances in no time. An hour had elapsed, our private bus reached only the out skirts of Bhadravati town and traffic police stopped it. It was informed to us that rathayatra of deputy premier Sri Lala krishna Advani was expected any moment and we should not proceed further. There was not even place to take rest or restaurants for having tiffin at that particular point .In this way dozens of vehicles were denied permission to enter Bhadravati. As a result, vehicles were diverting their route. Many vehicles got stranded there. In convenience caused to general public was inexplicable. There were passengers who had to proceed to Bangalore and farther even. There were kids, old and sick people among the stranded passengers. The 7 p.m., express bus that I discarded at Shimoga, majestically arrived at this spot at about 7.30p.m. There was no other go to me than to get into that bus. The driver of that bus was facing a dilemma. He had no permission to run the bus on some other route. The other route was via Lakkavalli a round about one where he had to travel 25 k .m. more. He had to bow to the wishes of angry passengers. On bad bumpy road we had to take a turn. Ultimately, after 45 minutes drive, we reached once again B. H. Road, near Tarikere. Here also on account of Sri Advani ‘s rathayatra, there was block again. Rathayatra was on a special bus designed for the purpose followed by motorcade. What an extravaganza! All this inconvenience and extravaganza was at whose expense? A few politicians are honest and work for the progress of this vast democratic country. Majority of the politicians and bureaucrats are self centered and corrupt. At the expense of motherland and poor people, they are thriving. They only know how to make money. How many scams involving thousand of crores of rupees have taken place in our country? Fortunately, the block was for a very short period. All this and other topics were discussed during the course of journey.

We come across all sorts of people during our journeys on public conveyance and numerous discourses take place depending upon the nature of co passengers. The driver was an expert and he speedily drove the vehicle to a place in between Banavara and Arsikere. It was past 10 0 ‘clock in the night when we arrived at a place near Arsikere. Drivers stop their vehicle usually at such places to have rest and food. Generally, at such places the hoteliers provide drivers and conductors of buses with free food for that enables them to have more business and to that effect there seems to be some understanding between the two. The result is quality of food is generally not good. Anyhow, I was happy that I could get food at that late hour and it was reasonably priced even. It was roadside dhaba like food. After food, I liked to have two plantains. I finished plantains and contacted my wife over mobile phone and informed her that I would be at Bangalore after 1 a.m. When I came to board the bus, it was not there. It had already left with my bag. Fortunately, money and mobile phone were with me. I did not know what to do. Generally, before leaving conductor counts the heads to ascertain whether all have boarded the bus. Sometimes, he shouts at the top of his voice. He did not follow any of said procedures. As it was only 5 minutes since the time that bus had left, we contacted Arsikere bus stand and left them a message to convey to bus number 5761 about my bag. Of course, I was very fortunate , conductor of another bus, which was standing there, obliged me.

They agreed to take me on same ticket to Bangalore. When we reached Arsikere, we were informed that bus 5761 did not come at all. Because during the nighttime buses do not stop or report at bus stands. In the bus, which I was accommodated, hardly there were any passengers. I could have nicely slept on one of the seats. But I was much worried about my bag containing two to three pairs of my dresses and Sudarshana Homa prasadam and could not even close my eyelids. Bus without any interruptions or trouble was passing through Tiptur, Tumkur, Gubbi, Nelamangala, and Peenya at great speed. Except for flickering of lights here and there was silence everywhere. These ever-busy towns appeared as if they have sparse population and no activity at all. It was a great feeling. When the whole world was sleeping, I was awake. The conductor was snoring on the other seat. Of course, driver was quite alert and carrying on his duty very well. Being on national high way, there was adequate vehicular traffic. Vehicles from all nook and corner of our country pour into Bangalore. Similarly, they leave from Bangalore to various parts of the country.

At about 3 a.m., I reached K.S.R.T.C bus stand at Bangalore. There were fleets of buses. It was appearing like an ocean of buses. Poor people numbering thousands comprising of young, old, men, women, and children were sleeping everywhere on the platforms. Some of them might have slept even on empty stomachs. Scene was pathetic. It was establishing the fact that even though, more than fifty years has elapsed since independence; poverty has not vanished from our country. The conductor guided me well. He informed me where bus number 5761 would be parked. As I knew that area very well, I was able to locate the bus but to my dismay the driver threw all the blame on me for the incident and said that bag was with conductor. The conductor was sleeping on a bus about more than a mile from that spot. I dragged my feet to that place in the middle of night, my both legs were aching, and once again I got abuses from the conductor of bus number 5761 but received back the bag in tact. It was half past three in the night. There were no buses at that hour to my destination in Bangalore nor it was advisable to travel by auto rickshaw at that hour. So I went to Yatri Niwas at bus stand and hired a chair to have sleep for for two hours. I could sleep for two hours. It was comfortable, and altogether a different experience. In the morning, I washed my face and had a cup of coffee at Yatri spot and walked to Kempegowda Bus Stand and boarded BMTC bus to Yelahanka at 6.30.a.m. and got down at Kodigehalli gate at 7.15 a.m. to reach home safely. I did not inform anybody at home about my adventures. (This turned out to be my last journey with my mother. She passed away on 13-4-2004 to heavenly abode. That is exactly one month from the date of this journey i.e.13-3- 2004)