A stranger.

Why a man becomes a stranger ? There are number of reasons for it. One of them is surely ego. Ego makes a man & man apart. Ego keeps keeps one aloof. Ego makes one man a stranger to another. Language and culture could also make one another strangers. Similarly, anything one or more among thinking, behavior, busy time appearance, and distance could make one another a stranger.

It is impossible for an individual to know everyone personally. All people are strangers. God will be a permanent resident among us. All religions also make the same point. Bible also reminds us that we are all strangers, temporary sojourners. Muhammad makes the same point. Man comes to this world as a stranger. Man tries to change life but life changes him. It's said man is circumstances made. What are circumstances? Are they not a part of life ? What course life would take no man knows ? Life is stranger than fiction.

Man seldom spares any pain to take life on right direction. Of course, something is only in his hands but all is not in his hands at all .When a child is born in this world, it appears to it everyone is a stranger & begins to cry at everyone. When we visit a new place, we appear to everyone there as strangers and they appear to us as strangers too. World is strange. In fact,some wish to live like a stranger in it. It is always better to be not like a stranger. Be known .You can feel free at home anywhere. One or another would take care of you. One or another would be worried about you. If you try to be a stranger, you will be alone. Loneliness is madness. Man is a social animal.

There are some in world who even though they know one well will behave as if they are a stranger to them. All depends upon a man. One can come closer and closer to anybody or can live like a stranger also in their life. When all is not well in a society, we come across a man living faraway from it like a stranger also.In a big city where there are lakhs of people , it's really difficult to make out who is a stranger and who is not a stranger at all.

Where the talent is it couldn't be said. It could be in a stranger. Tomorrow, what a stranger would be it couldn't be said at all.What turn life would take it couldn't be said too. "Greatness is not born. Greatness is grown ".Spotting a talent or greatness in anyone only a few possess. A beggar can be a king, a king can be beggar.In the olden days king and his minster used to roam in the clothes of ordinary citizen. A stranger may be anybody. A stranger may be either good or bad. A stranger means immediately doubt , fear , and many other negative feelings arise in some. A stranger is no doubt mysterious. The experiences with strangers wouldn't be always the same. They would be varied. Yet, a stranger is not a ghost. Bible rightly says "

Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. "A stranger always draws and needs an attention too.

A man can be a stranger not merely to another man. A man can be a stranger in many other ways. That's why the idiom" Be a stranger to bad habits but be not a stranger to anything good." One can tell something about a person they know but they cannot tell anything about a person they don't know. A stranger is a person not known. Anything said about a stranger is assumption & presumption only.

Dealing with everyone isn't easy in this world. World cannot be expected to consist only of good people.All that glitters isn't gold. One must be cautious always while dealing either with stranger or known person.Dealing with a stranger isn't easy too. It's an art . It's risky. A Stranger is one who hasn't been met or seen earlier at all & nothing whatsoever is known about stranger at all. A stranger is an outsider. A stranger is a newcomer in a place or locality. Stranger is one at whom a dog barks. Generally, nobody knows a stranger by name. Besides, usually a few like a stranger. By and large a stranger is treated with scant respect also. Strangers are considered as nonentities and nobody wishes to die as stranger in their life also.

A Stranger means immediately not only numerous thoughts flash in man depending upon experience but also stranger appears strange to another man to look at too. A stranger catches our eyes and draws attention. When something is going on generally stranger doesn't involve at all . That's why the saying "don't stand like a stranger "Strangers generally don't know either local customs & procedures or follow them also.

Strangers are often suspected.At many places strangers are barred entrance too. Whenever &wherever an untoward incident happens immediately stranger first arouses suspicion. If one person is thief considering everyone as thief is absolutely wrong. Likewise, all strangers don't deserve to be suspected . Seldom,suspicion gives one a peace of mind. It is vicious. One begins to suspect one after another. Ultimately, one wouldn't have confidence in self. It's dangerous.

Nowadays security cameras are installed everywhere. Why a stranger everyone is easily identifiable.Why to worry about a stranger. One with whom we can deal freely without any strings and obligation is stranger. Those who have intention to cheat are among both known and unknown also.If you think anybody a stranger, they will remain a stranger.

Man is a social animal.One would be called a stranger for some time only.It's to distinguish only one is called "stranger". Thereafter, they become one among all. Helping a stranger can also make one feel much better in heart .It is an opportunity to know a person. Until we know each other well we are strangers only. Everybody enters our life as a stranger only. Yesterday's stranger is today's friend.Life partners of many in the world were once strangers only. Strangers receive different treatment at different hands.Initially one cannot have a free talk with strangers.There would be suspicion & hesitation in a talk with a stranger. A stranger is a man who has to win always the confidence of others first .

A stranger may be a tourist with good intention, knowledgeable learned person and may have missed the way & come.Some may have bad experience with a stranger too. A good & bad experience is common in life. Many times, one may burn their fingers and may be of opinion that they may outsmart them also.Yet, a stranger shouldn't be always suspected as a child lifter or a thief. Interact with stranger invariably before coming to any conclusion. A general conclusion isn't always good.One with a preconceived thought, wouldn't think rightly. Definitely, there would be always a story either with the stranger or behind the stranger. Spare sometime for others too in life. Man must think of a situation where he was a stranger & imagine the difficulties that he would have confronted & undergone. Humanity must overrule everything. Steve Maraboli rightly says "Smile at strangers and you just might change a life "Alex Lickerman, M.D. author of book "Happiness in this world ." says regarding smiling at strangers "How the simplest of gestures can spread joy for years "

Days are changed now.This is Face Book age and the thinking is. "He is a man . I am a man. Nobody is stranger to nobody . "