
One can be alive or lead a life without eyes yet their importance can never be underestimated at all. The eye is a complex and amazing organ. It is an important and precious organ too. It is an attractive part of human body also.It is eyes which usually create either a good impression or a bad impression of an human being whom we come across. Not only does it allow us to see, but it also allows us to see in color, in the dark, and in three dimensions. Shakespeare says in his play Romeo and Juliet "Men’s eyes were made to see things, so let them watch " Eyes are in front because it's more important to look ahead than to look back. It's a lesson that one should not dwell more on the past but one should look forward.

Every human being has two eyes. One is left eye and the other is right eye.Both of them are equally favorite to an human being just like both their two sons are equally favorite to parents. The eyes are roughly one inch in diameter. Pads of fat and the surrounding bones of the skull protect them. Eyes are life long companions of everyone. Contents of all eyes is almost the same . But men with those eyes are not the same. More than what is there in ones eyes , more is there in the eyes of one who looks into it. Eyes feel not only what is outside world but also eyes feel what is inside too. It is eyes that mesmerize one another. Even if one is stationary, eyes move. They perform all the movements . Eyes travel up and down, left to right from where they are . They are the only way to see feel and love the world. It is the eyes where love first blossoms.

Everyone opens their eyes when they are born and close them fully only when they bid adieu to this world. It is the eyes which see present, past and future. It is eyes which see both the good and bad things of life. It is not easy to hide things from the eyes. Eyes see beautiful scenes , horrible scenes, ugly scenes and scenes which one cannot bear also. In fact, one feels sorry or pity them many a time. Eyes are always alert. They are subjected to test more than any other part of human body. Without eyes, the five basic senses would be incomplete. However, experience of eyes of everyone is not the same. Eyes of some see more of darkness and less of brightness and eyes of some see more of brightness and less of darkness. Anyone who is fickle minded cannot focus their eyes on an object with ease at all.The eyes are one of the most vulnerable as well as one of the most sensitive body part of the human being. Eyes are wonderful creation of God. They are watching dog. The eyes are the jewels of the body. They are said to be doors of the Heart. They express all the feelings of the heart. There are many types of eyes.

The world may be very big unless one opens their eyes and see around they would not be able see anything at all.They would wonder what is there in this the world. It cannot be easily said whether it is our eyes or whether it is our legs which of them that travel more. If not for the eyes none would have been able to read and gather knowledge.Tears flowed from the eyes do wonders.They are capable of melting any heart.The eye has several major components: the cornea, pupil, lens, iris, retina and sclera. They work together to capture an image and transmit it directly to the brain’s occipital lobe via the optic nerve.When we look at an object, light reflected from it enters the eye and is refracted. This creates a focused, upside-down image of the object that the brain will have to interpret and turn in the correct direction.

Inside the eye are photoreceptors, which create nerve impulses when struck by light. There are two types: Cones makes color vision possible, and rods specialize in black-and-white images.Human eyes are able to determine distances and depth because information from the eyes’ right and left sides is sent to separate areas for interpretation. The brain recombines the information to create three-dimensional vision.

A series of muscles helps the eye move. The first set is the superior and inferior rectus muscles, which allow upward and downward motion. The medial and lateral rectus muscles allow the eye to move from side to side while staying level. The superior and inferior oblique muscles let it move up or down and to the side. Most of these muscles are controlled by the oculomotor nerve.

Friction from these movements would quickly damage the eye without lubrication. Tears released by the lacrimal glands provide this. These are spread around by blinking. Tears also help remove foreign objects and bacteria that could cause damage.

In every creation of man eyes play a pivotal role.No beautiful painting would have been there without the participation of the eyes. Eyes are so important that parents say " Children are their eyes " Nothing could be done perfectly without the involvement of eyes .It is difficult to move even a small stone without the participation of eyes. Sometimes when one does not open their mouth at all, it is their eyes speak .Many times , they speak more than lips .More often we find that it is mouth that tells lies and it is eyes that speak the truth. Many things can be expressed through eyes. We need not either question anyone or wait for the replies, eyes answer most of our queries. Either good or bad whatever that eyes catch generate thought.We follow or respect mostly our thoughts . Gandhiji said rightly " Do not see bad" This he said because when we see bad negative thoughts arise in our mind.We need not teach everything to a child. Most of what a child learns is from what it sees. Eyes are powerful. There is no need to cane the children. It is enough the parents teachers keep their eyes red and wide open. Children shiver. Eyes not merely control children, they control many other things. We can not merely talk with our mouth but also we can talk silently without any hue and cry talk with our eyes too. That is how lovers, conspirators and many talk too. One need not open their mouth . Eyes convey most of what one wants to convey. Eyes make their job easy. Eyes betray a person. Whether it is kindness, jealousy, greed, anger, joy, love ,inferiority, ego , or peace all feelings could be noticed in human eyes at one time or another. It is the eyes which make known what a man or a dame is. Eyes are so powerful and influential that is why Lady Justice wears a blind fold.

Eyes are a gift from god to human being. It is eyes which enable us to tell which is day and which is night. Imagine a life without eyes.It is definitely difficult to lead life without eyes. It is eyes that enable us to identify persons, recognize places or anything distinctly.Eyes study the crime scene the most.They play major role in detection of a crime. It is they get the major clues also. A burglary could be caught red handed only with the keeping of a suspicious eye.It is because of eyes we enjoy all that is beautiful. It is they make our life comfortable. God is magnanimous. He has given us the option. We can see what we want . We can shut our eyes at what we do not want to see. There are things which cannot be seen with the eyes .Eyes can see only that which is visible. They cannot see that which is invisible. All that takes place behind a screen could not be seen with the eyes. However,with modern technology we can not only see what takes place before our eyes but also we can see all that takes place behind our eyes too. Everyone looks at whatever they wish in the world with their eyes. Even though some have eyes they are blind in many respects. They do not evince any interest at all at many things .

Closing of eyes while something bad takes place, is not at all fair.Do not say "I would close my eyes" when somebody is doing something wrong. It tantamount to your doing the wrong and you would be a party to it. Eyes being part of human body play a major role in development of habits.They do involuntary actions and voluntary actions too. It is they that make us fearful. One can think only when eyes and mind work in unison. Eyes are a tool which can be used to fool anyone also. It is difficult but not impossible to deceive human eyes.We can throw dust into someone eyes but not into that of all. We cannot throw dust into His eyes at all.

Some have insatiable hunger for seeing. More they see, more they want to see. If we tie a piece of cloth to our eyes and murmur we have not seen it. It is our fault only. With eyes shut we cannot see anything. It is imagination or feeling only. It is incomplete. Nothing is complete without seeing with the eyes. What one has not seen with their eyes others may see with their eyes. Almost everyone has eyes but the vision of everyone is not the same. Vision differs from man to man. Eyes of everyone are not equally right . Everything does not attract every eye. What attracts one's eyes may not attract another's eyes.All that is attractive to eyes may not be good. Everybody does not look at everything with the same angle . What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over. Eyes of everyone are not equally good. When a child cries constantly for no reason a mother usually feels that it is because of evil eye of people. Everywhere it is same eyes but may not be the same vision everywhere. Eyes look at a man with love and affection when the relationship is good whereas when the relationship is bad the same eyes look at the the same man with hatred and vengeance.The eyes are the windows to the soul. Beauty of a human being lies in their eyes. Eye drawing is hard. A real artist is one who draws the eyes perfectly. Eyes are compared by poets to what not. They are compared to fish, lotus etc. Indian women bear names like Meenakshi, Nalinakshi , Jalajakshi and so on.

Whenever there is work eyes have no rest.When a human being is up the eyes work without any rest relentlessly. Normally from morning to night eyes work for a man. They need rest. Eyes are sensors. They record and store whatever that come in their way.They are sensitive. They are a source for thoughts. They supply materials to thoughts. They supplement thoughts.See good , it generates good thoughts. One who is fortunate only sees all that is good. A dishonest does not look into eyes and speak. Eyes show one's true feelings and emotions. What eyes saw and what eyes have not seen only the individual knows.Eyewitness is a person who has personally seen something happen and so can give a first-hand description of it.Eyewitness is generally held to be very reliable (if not irrefutable) .

Eyes have hypnotic power. Hypnosis is induced through an eye lock procedure. Eyes have probing instinct.They are good detectors. They are talent spotters too. Our eyes can catch someone. someone eyes can catch us.One can escape others eyes once or twice but not always. What ones eyes had seen and what eyes would see cannot be guessed. All eyes are not equally sharp. Sharpness of eyes depends on many factors. Without eyes one would touch like the blind.Though some have eyes they are blind. What ones eyes see that others eyes may not see at all. What is seen with eyes should never be believed suddenly. It is true that our own eyes do not fool us usually. Eyes are more accurate witnesses than ears. However, it is always better to believe anything only after verification.One should not close their eyes when something bad is happening. One should keep their eyes wide open and notice what is happening around them . All that is white is not milk. Shakespeare rightly says " Appearances are deceptive ". Some people try to throw dust into our eyes. Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing.We can wake up those who are really asleep but we cannot wake up those who pretend to be asleep.We must be careful. Things which pleases and brings joy to everyone is a feast to the eyes. A thing of beauty is joy for ever.

Eyes shed the tears when happy . It is they only that shed the tears when sad too. Crocodile tears are shed by eyes only. It is difficult to read eyes . Red eyes often depict anger. How happy we would be when one who is dear, who is ill,and who is unconscious open their eyes. We thank God. We breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, it is an assurance that they would live. It also indicates that they are on the path to recovery. The eyes are really a ray of hope.

Eyes have different colors.One should not wear the colored glasses and view for they would not be able to deliver fair views at that time. One who wears colored glasses normally delivers biased views. Concentration is an exercise that involves the eyes and the brain. It is in the eyes," confidence " is more pronounced than in any other organ of human body.Even after the death of a human being, eyes are useful. After the death of an individual eyes could be donated to another individual who has no vision. Another individual could see with those eyes. Eyes are one of the most active part of human body. All that eyes see, one does not share with others. Reason or reasons for not sharing with others all that they see are different.