
There's no doubt more one thinks more thoughts arise.Elders say life is short.When there's no time to think even what's that's necessary don't think at any time unnecessarily.It leads one nowhere at all . If one thinks more than what's necessary often everything goes topsy turvy. It's thinking more that always leads to worries. Not only eating has limits but also everything has limits.Think only what's necessary and essential .Time is precious. A major portion of man's life elapses to worry. In fact,more than half of life of a man is usually spent to attend and dissolve worries .Instead of worrying, one can better use their precious time gainfully for other purposes. Worries make one look older than their age.It doesn't matter we age we can't stop it. But we shouldn't allow the mind to get older than our body. We must remain forever young in our hearts, minds and spirits . Everyone strive hard so that they shouldn't have any worries especially during old age.

Kannada is a beautiful language. It has abundant words. There are two words in Kannada. One is Chintha and other is Chitha. The letter ‘n’ makes all the difference between the two. But Chintha means worry and Chitha means pyre. This is to illustrate a proverb in Kannada that says that Chintha kills a man and Chitha burns the body and it is a fact also.Worries would bend the back of men more than what weights would make the back bend. It is also true that more than because of age because of worries one's back bends.Nothing disturbs the peace of mind of a person more than what the worries do.Worry is a total waste of time. It changes nothing. All it does is steal our joy and keep us very busy doing nothing. It is an obstacle to living life fully. Everyone knows worry is no use. Everyone says "Worry, Worry, Go Away!" Nobody wants to worry but everyone worries. That's the dilemma of life.

When worries become real and show their true color they are alarming and unbearable. Thoughts can make a life a heaven or a hell but worries make a life a hell only. Once, Gautam Buddha asked a lady to get sesame from a house free from death and she was unable to secure it. Even if,Gautam Buddha had asked her to get sesame from a house where there are no worries, definitely she would not have been able to secure it too.One Mr Leo Aikman rightly says "Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night".One who does not allow worries in their neighborhood really deserves a kudos. One cannot either neglect their worries or they can pay heed to them also. In fact , one who is worried is like a person who is between the devil and the deep blue sea. If one has no money, one worries and if one has money, then also one worries. Likewise,if one has children, one worries and even if one has no children,then also one worries . Worries have no bounds at all.

What is worrying?Worrying is nothing but becoming agitated, thinking over and over again, feeling helpless to find solutions to problems confronting us. It is thoughts thoughts and thoughts only. Worrying is useless thinking. It is unproductive thinking.Worries emanate more useless or unnecessary thoughts than useful or necessary thoughts. Moreover, those thoughts are persistent also. Is there anybody who has no worries in this world? Of course,those who are carefree and those who have no responsibilities whatsoever have no worries. Other than them, if anyone says" I have no worries " it is a false statement only. One knows pretty well that it is foolish to worry . They often find worries are absurd as everything takes place better than expected many times. Yet,majority of people worry. In fact ,intelligent worry more than the dull herds.

If we can solve our problem, then what is need of worrying? If we cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying? However, many feel that there is no charm in life without any worries.In fact,worrying is the habit of many people. It is by and large considered as a bad habit too.Whether problems lead to worries or worries lead to problem one cannot make out. Sometimes worries that lead to problems and sometimes it is problems that lead to worries .They are synonymous.They go hand in glove. But worries and problems are different. They are not one and the same.

There are thousand and one reasons to get worried in this world. What worries one would have it couldn't be imagined also. Worries are very powerful and make a man depressed or subdued.Worries seldom contract, they always have a tendency to expand.They cut a man to his size.There are people who get worried without any reason even also.Every human being in this world has one or another worry. They have solvable and unsolvable worries also.Some display their worries whereas some conceal their worries. Appearances are always deceptive. Every man thinks that the other man has less worries and some times even jealous of that other man for that reason also. In reality, nobody could say which man has how many or what worries. Everyone has their own worries.

Worries are another name for a headache.If not nipped in the bud, they double treble every second. They seldom contract ,they generally expand only. They couldn't be measured. Here we should consider not only the number of worries which a person has to face but also the gravity and circumstances under which he has to face them also. We cannot make out also which man has how many worries. Some have more worries and some have a fewer worries. If not the human beings who would have worry. Worries are often considered as tests conducted by Almighty on human beings to make them understand what is life. Worries gauge patience ,forbearance perseverance, determination and fortitude in a human being.

Worries do not have class creed or any other distinction. Whether one is rich or poor, whether one is tall or short, whether one belongs to west or east, it is immaterial to worries. Without thinking, one should never do anything. Thinking is always necessary. It is always a right step. One should think and act. That does not mean that one could worry. One cannot achieve anything by worrying. Worrying does not bring in any solution. It sometimes makes one feel helpless, desperate and agitated. It is one of the causes of mental depression. Besides,it can also wreak havoc on a person’s physical well-being.

Worrying gives room to negative thoughts in our mind. It causes moments of anxiety. It is a state of mind. It diminishes our confidence. More we worry more we become disabled to face a situation. Worries cause often restlessness.How many sleepless nights one would have because of worries we cannot imagine even. Nobody welcomes worries but still they occupy us. They deprive us of happiness. A man with worries cannot be happy or enjoy life at all and at the most he can only appear to be happy. Worrying is cancerous. It is worries that kill some people mentally even though they are alive physically. How when and why worries occupy us is the question that confronts many of us even though we know pretty well that by worrying we cannot do anything and it spoils our health. It is impossible to predict which would bring in what type of worries. Even beauty, character, and behavior create sometimes a lot of worries. Uncertainty also causes many times worry. Some worries are self-created and some worries are created by circumstances. Some worries are inherited too. Some say that God Saturn is behind all our worries. Normally, those who worry blame others for their worries. Some blame their fate for their worries. There are various kinds of worries.There are people who even for silly cause become worried. Worrying is their nature. Worrying is said to be a futile exercise. Ultimately by worrying one becomes useless. One rarely gains anything by worrying but loses many things by worrying. One's intelligent quotient, presence of mind,common sense and mental as well as physical qualities get reduced gradually due to worrying. One becomes absent minded also by worrying .Worries slow down not only the pace of a work but also they bring down the quality and quantity of a work too. Those who could ward away all their worries are really great.

Worrying is an addiction. Any amount of advice does not have any effect on a person who is worrying. Worrying and deep thinking are not one and the same. Regarding, any problem relating to our job, profession and studies, etc we will be compelled to think more and more in order to understand intricacies, find out solution, and achieve desired results. It is quite necessary or essential in that case. It's known as contemplation and not worrying. We cannot avoid such thinking. Family affairs like only son not studying, daughters yet to be married, financial troubles, our own health, health of wife and children, and such other numerous personal problems could be best tackled by finding solutions rather than worrying. In that context if we worry, we would be adding miseries only. Failures add to our worries. Here, failure may relate to any field of our activity. Life is a struggle or an adventure.It is not a bed of roses.Numerous difficulties may arise during the course of life and one should face them instead of worrying and wasting time and energy. Successful persons in life worry less. They boldly face whatever difficulties or problems they come across by making the best use of their intelligence and other resources. When we laugh the whole world laughs with us and when weep we have to weep alone.

Worrying is nothing but weeping within ourselves only. Some people unable to bear worries try to run away from life and sometime commit suicide also. Some go out of the way to come out of the worries just to be caught in the web in the middle and getting their worries increased much more in the process. Some people in order to forget worries become drug addicts, alcoholic etc. It is easy to preach but it is very difficult to practice. When difficulties come they come in battalion. They do not come in single spies. It is not even possible to imagine how when what type of worries would encircle us. Some times it is financial worries, sometime our health as well as health of kith and kin is root cause of our worries, and sometimes members of our family create us worries through their behavior. Man cannot withstand such worries at all. These worries are nothing but tests which one has to face in life. Nobody except a few worry unnecessarily. Nobody wants to purchase or buy worries. With all the knowledge, we cannot stop worrying. We have to learn to live with the worries. In fact, there are people who are of the opinion that life without worries is really monotonous.

Nature of worries differs from person to person. It depends on human nature too. If a person is wealthy, he is worried about tax, theft, etc whereas a poor man has to worry how to make his or her both ends meet. It is said by elders that in crematorium fire burns our body whereas when we are alive it is our worries that burn us. The difference between an intelligent person and a ordinary person is that intelligent person finds solution to many of his worries and emerges successfully out of many of them whereas a ordinary person always remain in worries not knowing what to do. A dull herd has fewer worries for their mind doesn't work. It is the human mind where all the worries generate. According to age also our worries change. A mother is worried about finding out a suitable groom to her daughter whereas a daughter is worried about her husband but the grand daughter’s worries are different. Further, it is ego that always increases our worries. Blackmailing also causes many people worries. Every human being has one or another short coming. If some crooks come to know of their shortcomings, they would try to take full advantage in whatever way possible by blackmailing them.

Similarly if we are involved in any controversies, they give rise to numerous worries. In context, we can cite premarital affairs of a lady. If some crook comes to know of it, he would try to extract her blood. Incidents give birth to worries too. If a father comes across an incident wherein his son is engaged in immoral, illegal activity, naturally he would be worried. If incidents of arson, thefts, and etc take place in our locality, it is a cause of worry for us. Depending upon intensity worries disturb our sleep, appetite and cause us sleepless nights and sometimes drive us mad even. That is why worries are said to be a curse. Further it is believed that if a man who has worries dies, his soul would also have no peace and would be wandering. Whether it is business, profession or employment, or any walk of the life for that matter they have got their own complexities, which give rise to worries. Bigger the business, profession, etc more worries they cause. Even in employment, prospects, retrenchment, transfers, stoppage of bonus, and increments cause worries.

How to get out of worries or get rid of worries? This is a million dollar question. Everybody wants to know answer to this question. Success in life primarily much depends upon on successful management of worries. Everybody wants to master the art of extricating themselves from worries. Some say we must master the art of living to live happily. Some say ,one to be worry less ,they should be always childlike. Some people quote Bhagwat Gita and suggest that we should be “Sthitha Pragnya” Sthitha Pragnya” is a person who considers profits and losses, comforts and sorrows or difficulties etc everything in the same strain or manner. But it is very difficult for everyone to become “Sthitha Pragnya”. The best way to come out of worries is to think more of others than thinking more about ourselves. Further, we must always take precaution not to add to our worries and reduce them to the barest minimum. Time to time we can enlist our worries according to gravity and delete unimportant items.It is not worrying about worries. It should be an honest attempt to reduce our worries. As far as possible, worries should never be allowed to settle down. They must just come and go.

Prevention is always better than cure. This applies to worries too. As far as possible one should avoid worries. One should not have free time and be a busy bee especially when they are worried. Diversion from routine, keeping ourselves busy without giving the mind even time to think are some of the tactics that are used to face worries. Lesser our needs, lesser would be our worries. It is always better to restrict our needs to the barest possible. Good planning generally does not add to our worries but on the contrary eases our worries. If we function within the framework of rules and regulations, laws of the land and follow the laid down procedures; we would not come across fresh worries. Experience is once again the best teacher to reduce or get rid of worries. Experience need not be ours. We can share the experience of others. Lazy people worry more. Their mind is also idle and idle mind is devil’s workshop. We should not poke our nose into others affair. It is purchasing others headache/ worries. If we engage ourselves in an activity fully, we would be busy and we would have no time to think even. Of course it would be very difficult to concentrate at the work in the beginning depending upon how much worried we are. Worries distract our work, mood etc. Most of our worries are self-centered. They relate to our kith and kin or us only. We seldom think of worries, which confront others or the society as a whole. A few consider others worries as their own. A few would worry for others . One who worries for others bears their difficulties too.

That which cannot be cured is to be endured. This is applies to worries also. More one understands life, less one worry. One of the ways to decrease our worries is sharing them with our intimates. A friend in need is a friend indeed. They render whatever help could do on their part and lend moral support too. More than anything else it gives a lot of mental relief. Further, we can draw solace always by comparing our worries especially with those who have more worries than we have. And our worries seem to be negligible compared to the worries that they have been facing and gives strength to bear our worries. However, nobody would like always listening to our grouse always for they have their own too. Meditation gives much needed relief to mind agitated with worries. Meditation is an instant cure to worries. Meditation is an instant treatment to worries.It rejuvenates the tired mind. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dream of. We should always hope for the best and be prepared for the worst too. Optimism should always prevail in us. We should never lose our hope under any circumstances. Worries don't bother carefree people because their attitude is "Come what may " Pleasure always comes after the pain. Everything changes for the better and better days are always sure to follow. Our attitude should always be come what may. At times we should take shelter under religion, try to lead spiritual life and attain mental and spiritual tranquility to be away from these worldly worries and lead a peaceful life. Forgetfulness is a blessing in disguise to a man with worries. More you forget your worries happier you would be but it is not possible to escape from worries always in this way.

There is a saying that even if we go to Himalayas the worries would never leave us. We should never run away from the worries. It amounts to a timid person running away from a battlefield without putting up a fight there. Whenever some come across worries without knowing what to do some remember God but not on other occasions. Simply remembering God in times of need would not decrease our worries or solve our problems. We should earnestly put in all our efforts and solicit His blessings. It is always better if we think more about other person less about ourselves that certainly enables us to reduce our worries. Pastime, hobbies keep us engaged and do not give room to worries to over pour us. We should definitely pay attention to little little things but we should not worry much over trifle matters. We should better ignore majority of them. We should no doubt try to develop our memory but at the same time we should learn to forget as many trifle matters as we could. Instead of worrying one should work for solutions of problems that one faces. That would not only reduce one’s worries but also brings in success many a times. We must burry the past and never worry for what had happened for that cannot not be changed. It is crying over the split milk. This enables us to think more of to-day and a better tomorrow too. Once one realize that worries don't do anything good and they do only bad, one don't give room to worries.

Countries have worries. Build up across the border is always a worry to a nation. Build up of nuclear arsenal by various countries is concern of whole world. Natural calamities like floods, earthquakes,and cyclones cause worries to many nations. That which causes nuisances to one and all is source of worry for all. Sources of worries are numerous but solutions for their elimination are limited. One need to be emotionally strong to ward off worries.