Sound may disturb but it does a lot of good too.

It's hard to keep anything secret.What's happening that nobody need telling.The fall of a pin too makes a sound. A day doesn't see light not merely with sun rising in the east, but sees light with chili billy sounds of birds & insects. Sound is one which wakes up one who is in sleep also. Sound is a mode of communication.It isn't enough if sound falls on ears it must touch one's mind & heart.Every material & every living being have a unique sound.All sounds aren't bad.All sounds aren't good.Often things don't move without sound at all.Little sound is enough to create a big noise.Sound could be an indelible memory.

"You hear anywhere from 20 to 100 times faster than you see," Horowitz, neuroscientist says.

Sound is caused when objects vibrate. Vibrations create sound waves that can travel in all different directions through air, water, and lots of other materials. When sound waves are spread out, the sound we hear is quiet. When they are clumped together, the sound is much louder. When sound waves enter your ear, they hit your eardrum and make it vibrate. The tiny vibrations move through your ear like a light shining through a long tunnel until they get to some nerves at the end of your ear. The nerves take them to your brain where they turn into the sound that you hear! Because sound travels very quickly, this all happens before we even have a chance to think about it. Sound makes concentrating hard, it tests concentration & patience. But, nothing could change one's emotions than rhythm of sounds.Thunders aren't merely sounds, tunes are sounding too. Sounds are memorable. Making a sound is a technique.Where what produces sound & what happens that knowledge that's quite essential to man in life.

If sounds it would be known otherwise it would be unknown.But for sounds many things won't have come to light at all. Many things would have gone under the carpet.No matter one doesn't sound often, one must sound warning wherever something untoward likely to happen. It's an omen service.

Who doesn't sound? The man sounds,animal & birds sound,nature sounds.Besides there are instruments to make sounds. What sound is it ?It isn't easy to identify quickly at all, it's a talent. Though not all many sounds can be recognized, imitated & responded. Sounds have significance. "The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.” says Hazrat Inayat Khan. Sounds of School, Church,Temple bells alarm all convey messages.Breath of a man when in sleep or awake is the sound that heralds that he is alive.Paying attention to sound depends on individual.Some care for sound & some not bothered about it at all. No one can ignore a sound easily.It's caution.It has significance.It conveys something. It may be easy to man to know what's sound in physics, but it isn't easy for him to bear & respond to sound that life generates. It has both advantages & disadvantages.

Sound should be where it should be. What's the use of beating drums before he buffalo.Often it's one's sound that comes into criticism.Empty vessels make more sounds.Barking dog never bites are some of the criticism to sounds that one make. Sound can be in any volume. High, low, middle. It's flexible & usually controllable.Its difficult to make a sound that pleases others. The suspense is coming to light without making sound.Doing anything without any sound or funfair is always a tough task.It needs immense skill.Sound emanates when a pot is full as well as when it's empty too. They are different.Always it is better one is like a pot that's full.

One cannot expect always a life to be calm. It is seldom soundless. It's an echo. Sounds wake up those who are alive. They can't wake up those who aren't alive at all.Quite often where there's more sound there's nothing. A sound can mesmerize one or do nothing at all.Many a time from where it emanates it couldn't be made out.It's mysterious.Its awe inspiring.If ears are sound only one can hear sound. All sounds aren't alike.There are variety of them.How many types of them are there it isn't known.It can be natural or man made noise. Famous poet Keats says ' Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.'

Noise pollution haunts majority of modern cities. It can cause hypertension,high stress levels,tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances,& other harmful effects. Sound has amazing uses too. Sound makes life sound. Sound is a good omen.

Here are Top 10 amazing uses of sound.

1.Ultrasound 3.Levitation.

2.Echolocation. 4.Noise Cancellation.

5.Stabilizing brain waves. 6.Revealing Natural Geometry..

7. Growing Food. 8.Healing Wounds.

9. Boiling Water . 10.Curing cancer.

Sound varies by frequency (pitch) and intensity (loudness). Sounds enthuse inspire people. A man dances to the tunes.The practice of using sound as a tool for transformation is by no means new.The prescription of music for mental illness by early Greek physicians, the chanting of mantras in India, digeridoo playing by Australian Aborigines, the Icaros (medicine melodies)of Central & South American shamans,African drumming,Hebrew prayers,Gregorian chants,& Sufi zikrs (hymns are just a few examples of how different cultures have harnessed the power of sound music to alter consciousness and uplift the spirit.

IAS officer Rajeev Sharma blew the ‘holy’ conch in a room full of listeners at the 103rd Indian Science Congress for about two minutes. He didn’t do so for religious reasons, but to show how psychosomatic disorders can be cured by blowing the conch correctly. He reasoned with an Albert Einstein quote saying, “most problems in universe have simple solutions.”

Lungs expand, neck muscles stretch beneficially, and the brain gets nourished with all that blood flow. Sharma claimed.

Sharma also used Prime Minister Modi’s quote to say how we have to use tradition to find sustainable solutions. He thus emphasized that the solution to India’s complex health problems lie in blowing the conch properly. He explained that this routine provides “excellent exercise for rectal muscles, prostrate, urinary tract, lower abdomen, diaphragm, chest & neck muscles.” There is so much blood circulation that it will turn “white hair to black”, he claimed, as the audience consisting renowned psychologists, professors and students gasped .Understanding that this creates a holistic healthy approach to an individual, Sharma explained that the trumpeting of this device, used in many Indian households, apparently soothes and prepares the mind for meditation, if done correctly.

Sound may disturb but it does a lot of good too. Where there should be silence there it should be.Where there should be sound there it should be.They shouldn't be everywhere. All sounds don't echo & conscious of all don't echo too. Some sounds are distractions & some are melodious & entertaining. One who makes more sound is always a distraction not an attraction at all. Man likes not the lion that roars but likes the peacock that sings.Though sound causes uneasiness to ears, man likes it quite often. Sound is definitely essential to wake up those who are sleeping. Crying is a sound & laughing is a sound. Sound is a language that could be used for good or bad.

Some words carry double meaning. Sound isn't mere noise. It means strong too. Man often needs strong advice. One needs to be financially, healthily sound also. Sounds often awaken a man, & open his eyes. They are signals, clues. A small new study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience suggests that one easy way for older adults to get deeper sleep and stronger memories is to listen to a certain soothing sound called “pink noise"