
An opinion is important. It is a statement that tells what someone thinks. One who has no opinion of their own is useless. One has to live on their opinion and not on others opinion.Living on opinions of others is living on thoughts of others. One who cares opinion of others more usually finds it really difficult to live on this earth. A dictator cares a little to others opinion. Those who think that they are always right do not want others opinion. Those who think one cannot please everybody are not bothered about others opinion. Sometimes opinions eat our head more than anything .Sometimes it's difficult if opinions are sought and sometimes if opinions are not sought also it's difficult. Sometimes we can act upon an opinion and sometimes we cannot act upon an opinion too.Many are not honest in sharing opinion. Sometimes opinions do not give a real or an actual picture. They give other than real picture. They are many times not practicable also.

However, it is found that opinions that decide many matters. They play a pivotal role in making right decision. They are important,powerful and useful. They cannot be neglected. A great man collects opinion from all people. He respects others opinion. We can elicit great ideas from bunch of opinions only.Based on opinions decisions are taken. If one’s opinion is sought means, one gets elevated, gets pleased, feel that they are given importance. We form an opinion about others and others form an opinion about us. One forms opinion about the other.Others form opinion about one. It is all common. It is routine . Opinion formed by one may not be same as the one formed by the other with regard to a particular matter, particular person or anything. Different persons have different opinions usually. Some have favorable opinion on that particular matter or person and some have an adverse opinion on same matter and about that person and some might not have been able to form an opinion at all. All depend upon the nature of person who forms the opinion.

Some express their opinion and some do not express their opinion.Some care others opinion and some do not care others opinion. Sometimes we find as many opinions as the number of people. People do not think uniformly. They think differently. As such,opinions that emerge are favorable,adverse or without comments . One should respect what others opine but what is one’s individual opinion is that is always more important than what others opine. However, one has to bow or say yes to majority opinion. Of course, sometimes opinions mislead us too. We must be careful whenever we give our opinion or whenever we bow to an opinion. Opinions always matter. We cannot ignore them . Nobody wants to be bad in others opinion. There are many ways to express opinions .

What is opinion? It is one's views or what one thinks about, what impression one has. It is one’s thoughts, judgment, or belief too.It depends on many factors. One's moral, religious and ethical values influence their thoughts and opinions. Having an opinion is one's right. Opinion forming normally needs time, interest ,intelligence and information. An opinion may be a fact or may not be a fact. It could be elicited by different means and methods. There is no bar in one having opinions. Some take time to form opinion. After discussion and clarification only they form an opinion. Whereas, some without thinking all of a sudden in a hurry form it. One's opinion need not be all others opinion. Rarely , we have a single opinion .A single opinion or one opinion or a unanimous could be only had with tremendous efforts.

There is no guarantee that an opinion would remain the same. Opinions may change or may not change. Some change their opinion soon; gradually after much hesitation and discussion, and clarifications change their opinion and some who are adamant do not change their opinion at all.The first opinion that one creates in anybody is always important and is said to last long.Once an opinion is formed, it remains deep rooted. It's hard to change it. It takes time and a lot of efforts to get it changed. It all depends upon the nature of person who forms the opinion. One who is fickle minded cannot form a firm opinion. They often change opinion. They generally do not have opinion of their own. Their opinion could be easily influenced or changed. A person who has firm mind and thinking of own can give a genuine opinion. Their opinion is important and valuable to them. They consider it as their prestige.

Opinion is only one of the ways to find solution. It is not the one and only way. It gives insight. It could be had on everything. It could be right or wrong. It may or may not help. It could be accepted or rejected. Before undertaking any venture, some have the habit of seeking opinion from others whereas some do not bother to have. On the contrary even if others give their opinion on own, some do not care for the same and proceed further.As long as our conscience permits we need not care for others opinion much. However when our relationship with many gets strained due to this stance, definitely we have to change our stand. A shrewd man always collects a number of opinions.Usually ,they are available without any cost at all. They are the cheapest commodities on earth. He not only goes through them but also thinks over them and arrives at a better decision. It is always better to go through as many opinions as possible while embarking on any venture otherwise one may have to repent afterwards for not doing so. Human nature is unpredictable . Some persons have persuasive skill to change others opinion. Here we can remember Mark Anthony. He changes opinion against Julius Caesar through his great speech. Lawyers through their knowledge of law and arguing skill generally succeed in creating a favorable opinion for their client in courts of law. A good lawyer wins a bad case. Generally expert opinion is sought in case of illness from doctors, in case of legal complications from advocates etc. Even in other cases advice could be sought from luminaries. But one should know fully well a subject to give an opinion. Opinion should not be sought from people who know nothing or from crooks. Even half knowledge is always dangerous. If an opinion is obtained from anybody that doesn't mean that they are bound by it.

Opinions are sometimes voluntary. Whereas sometimes, they are to be gathered. There are various ways of gathering them. They are just like news. They circulate . They spread.They are usually shared between friends and relatives wherever there is cordial relationship .One can share one’s opinion with others but that should not in anyway cause trouble or harm them at a later date. Various aspects like nature of person with whom opinion is going to be shared, secrecy, and importance of matter etc. are to be looked into before sharing an opinion. Without looking into pros and cons one should never share one’s opinion with others. Confidential opinions about borrower accounts are shared between banks. They are very important. They are to be carefully worded always for based on them credit decisions are taken by the institution which receives them. They should contain facts only. A doctor should be tactful while sharing their opinion about a patient especially when the chances of survival are less. A doctor should always give hope of survival till the last moment and try their best to save a life. There was a well qualified doctor in a place who used to convey that the case was hopeless as soon as a patient who was critically ill was taken to him. Because of this approach, he was unpopular and lost his practice.

Every opinion has value. In this context we can refer to great epic Ramayana where Sri Ramachandra renounces Sitadevi based on the opinion of a washer man. In a marriage alliance now-a-days opinion of both girl and boy are individually obtained by their elders invariably. One should have capacity like experience, knowledge, intelligence to form an opinion. One should follow some basis while forming an opinion. One should not form an opinion according to one’s whims and fancies. That is why opinion of one is not considered or sought until one is 18 years of age. An opinion should reflect one’s true feeling and should contain facts and supported by reasons. Nobody can come in the way of one forming an opinion.

Opinion is an individual right. It is an individual vote. An opinion under duress is not an opinion at all. It can be denied at anytime thereafter. Experience also enables one to give free,fair and frank opinion. Majority opinion generally weighs. In a democracy opinion is sought through ballots.In a democracy one can voice their opinion without any demure. Some create opinion through false propaganda, false rumors. Sometimes we are made to believe .What we see may not be true. What we hear may not be true. One should think twice before forming and expressing one’s opinion. Here we must remember what Polonius says "Give everybody thy ear but a few thy tongue "One should be cautious while expressing one’s opinion.

Some have the habit of giving their opinion even if it is not called for. Majority of people do not give their opinion unless called for. An opinion can be given either in writing, or orally or reserved within oneself. Professionals charge fees for giving their opinion. Further one has to remember what Shakespeare has said “Appearances are always deceptive” . He also says "Everyone who seems to be a friend is not necessarily one "Before forming an opinion, it is always better to recollect such great people. One has to collect all authentic information from reliable sources and view them from all angles. Media whether it is newspaper or television influence one’s opinion generally. Sometimes some of them are biased too. In an opinion what you think is more important than what others think. Opinion should be our own. It should not be allowed to be influenced. No doubt arriving at an opinion is not that easy. A learned judge collects opinion of juries before giving his or her verdict.If we know other’s opinion, it would be always advantageous; we can know other’s mind. We can be ready with our stance.

A prevailing view is known as public opinion and it is collected one or another way. We cannot ignore public opinion. It helps us to feel the pulse of people. Opinion sometimes acts as preventive. It prevents favoritism, partiality etc. It prevents somebody from doing something bad because one has to live tomorrow in a society. Public opinion is very important. one has to live in a society. It is society that responds here. Now-a-days opinion polls have become common.Opinion polls are conducted by media before and immediately after any election. Opinion poll before election reveals the trend whereas exit poll just after election helps one to know likely results. Opinion polls help the political parties to chalk out their strategy .Opinion polls were not accurate in India because they were based on random samples . In most of the newspaper and magazines our opinion is sought on various matters. Subsequently, we get percentages of favorable opinion, percentage of those who have different opinions and percentage of those who do not opine at all. On internet these results come simultaneously. Money power, muscle power, religion are effecting some of the democracies. That is not a good omen

Among opinions there are different types like public opinion ,confidential Opinion , individual opinion, unanimous opinion, unilateral opinion, biased opinion,false opinion, and fairness opinion. Then there are harmless opinions which do not affect anybody. If the subject is of public interest, opinions emerge spontaneously otherwise there will be lukewarm response. These opinions are either favorable or unfavorable to somebody. It depends on whom it relates to. It may relate to an individual, some persons, , public in general or to a matter. When an individual receives a favorable opinion he or she gets elated. Similarly when one’s opinion is rejected, when it is adverse, one gets disappointed. If opinion relates to public, they have their reactions.

Confidential Opinion about an employee is obtained while promoting the employee from one cadre to another from their superior officer under whose supervision the employee works. Similarly while confirming an employee in a post confidential opinion is a must. False opinion is not one's real opinion. False information, rumors, circumstances etc lead to wrong opinion. Fairness opinion is an independent opinion characterizing the fair value of a firm's stock. A fairness opinion is frequently obtained by a majority owner of a company that is attempting to buy out the interests of minority shareholders. Opinion is a Certified Public Accountant's written attestation as to the fairness of presentation of financial statements. Anything other than an opinion that the statements have been presented fairly is a matter of serious concern to investors. It is also called accountant's opinion, auditor opinion. In courts of law we find advisory opinion, concurring opinion dissenting opinion, majority opinion, memorandum opinion, per curiam opinion, plurality opinion, separate opinion, slip opinion.

We cannot expect all to have same opinion on same matter. Opinion of one person need not be always same as the opinion of another person at all.Opinions differ from person to person on same matter or on different matters too. There are reasons for the same. If somebody has different opinion, it does not matter. But those with whom we have to deal daily or quite often have a different opinion, it may affect our relation. This is called difference of opinion. Difference of opinion among individuals is not uncommon.

A difference of opinion between husband and wife, differences of opinion between any members of a family or difference of opinion between friends is not at all good. It may bring in rifts, quarrels, disputes, etc. Difference of opinion once comes mean; it never goes easily. It tries to grow by leap and bounds.The relationship gets affected and deteriorates day by day . Then one starts disliking the other. One starts looking at the other with suspicion. One starts to find fault with other. It is always better to curtail difference of opinion at the beginning itself. It is better to nip it in the bud. How far the rift or rifts would take one and how the situations would develop, nobody can predict. Difference of opinion is always an hurdle to get over.

Due to difference opinion sometimes friends become foes, husband and wife become divorcees, and family gets divided and so on. It disturbs the peace of mind of all concerned.It is always better to patch it up as early as possible. Some express difference of opinion and try to sort it out. Sometimes it cannot be shared with others also. It remains as an untold story. Those who can understand and those who know the consequences of allowing the difference of opinion to grow reconcile and do not allow the difference of opinion to grow. Nobody generally interferes whenever there are differences of opinion except those who are their well wishers and those who want to utilize difference opinion between others to their advantage. Difference of opinion is always a problem. Difference opinion is always bound to come. That doesn't mean that one should not have their own opinion. It should be tackled tactfully.One should learn to live with it. It shouldn't be allowed to go beyond control. Whenever there is difference of opinion one should not try to impose their opinion or do anything and as far as possible avoid arguments. One should be careful under such circumstances for any wrong move at that moment may add fuel to the fire.

Generally with divided opinion one cannot face an opposition easily. Generally ladies do not have same opinion. Hence the saying “Two ladies never agree”. Similarly, two lawyers who argue a case cannot have same opinion. One argues with other when he or she does not have same opinion as the one with whom they argue. New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any reason but because they are not already common. The idiom that birds of same feather fly together applies to those who have same opinion too. We can conclude that “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion”