
Life is full of uncertainties. One cannot definitely say what is going to happen in their life. One cannot also say what is not going to happen in their life. We do not find a man who has not faced an uncertainty in their life. Experience is the best teacher. Experience speaks louder than words. It is through an experience only one realizes better what uncertainty is. Uncertainty is rather a practical experience only. By and large, it is an unforgettable experience too. One can feel what uncertainty is through an incident that they come across at one time or other in their life. It needs no explanation at all. Those that were affected by 26 /11 Mumbai terror attack can explain very well what uncertainty is. Especially those who were inside either Taj Mahal Palace or Oberoi Trident hotel or Nariman House at that time can explain it more elaborately. Similarly, one who tries to cross a sea in a small boat comes to know "what is uncertainty" through precarious moments that they pass through when the waves toss their little boat up and down like a feather. A king in Indian mythologies got stranded in between hell and heaven. He was neither in heaven nor in hell. He was in an unstable state. He always depicts uncertainty. One who is facing an uncertainty often compares them to position of that king Trishanku. His was an interesting story. An uncertainty can end up either in an interesting or a dull story.

Yesterday, I was waiting for a bus in the morning at 10.30 a.m. Three buses went towards terminal within a span of 15 minutes only, which is 15 minutes drive from the stop where I was waiting. I was expecting at least one of them to turn up. It was 11 15 a.m., of course a bus came; it was going through some other route. So I left it relying on other two buses. Other bus came only after another 15 minutes. Thus I had to wait for one hour for the bus. Is our time not precious? Uncertainty made me impatient. Every five minutes I used to look at the direction of terminal. Similarly other people who were waiting at that bus stop too were annoyed. Whether it is a bus, a train or a plane they should run in time. They should be punctual and should not create a period of uncertainty for everybody has one or another important work to attend to.

Uncertainty denotes unpredictability; indeterminacy; indefiniteness. Uncertainty means state of being uncertain; doubt; hesitancy. When and how uncertainty over pours them, one would definitely have no idea at the outset.Whether it is a developed nation or a poor country , whether one is rich or poor, whether one is literate or illiterate, it does not matter to it. One need not be scarred of an uncertainty. Uncertainty is always impartial. Uncertainty can be described as a bird in bush. It is a part and parcel of our life. Uncertainty does not run for a fixed time or period. Duration of uncertainties always vary. Uncertainties are either of a long duration or of a short duration. However, uncertainty cannot be there for ever. Uncertainties come to an end. Uncertainty beyond a limit is definitely intolerable. However, life without any uncertainties is life without any hurdles. Life without uncertainty is a smooth sailing and there is no charm in such a life. Uncertainties teach us many lessons. One who tackles uncertainties successfully in life is praise worthy.

Where there is no certainty there is uncertainty. There is uncertainty in every sphere of life. Uncertainty wastes one's precious time. Uncertainty makes one restless. Uncertainty causes tension and anxiety. Uncertainty makes one sometimes serious and sometimes angry. Uncertainty makes one feel insecure also. Almost everything is unclear in an uncertainty and everything appears vague in an uncertainty .Uncertainty tests everyone in one or other respect. Uncertainty ends either favorably or unfavorably or without any change. There is uncertainty everywhere until one is well established. Even after one is well established also uncertainty never leaves them totally. In a democracy uncertainties are common. Of course, where there is no democracy there are more uncertainties too. Wherever a verdict is not decisive there are uncertainties. Hung assemblies throw up uncertainties. Nobody generally likes uncertainty. Whether one likes or dislikes it, nobody can avoid uncertainty at all. Uncertainty is like a web. It hangs over; it never leaves anyone easily. One often considers uncertainty as a punishment. Whenever an uncertainty is over it is a relief and one gets generally elated also.

Uncertainty is nothing but a suffering to most of the people. Uncertainty creates weakness. Sometimes only uncertainty is a blessing in disguise. Generally none enjoy an uncertainty. There is a lot of uncertainty in a pregnancy. Yet, for most, pregnancy is a time of joy. Majority of women love that uncertainty. Uncertainty is always better than nothing. Uncertainty keeps boredom at bay and sparks creativity. Maturity of mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty. R. I. Fitzhenry says “Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life”

Sometimes uncertainty is not at all avoidable and one has no other go than to undergo it. But, sometimes uncertainty is definitely avoidable yet it is unnecessarily thrust upon us. Of course, that is not fair at all. There should be no uncertainty in what one talk or does. Uncertainty may give rise to another uncertainty. Sometimes there is a reason for an uncertainty and sometimes there is no reason for it also. Uncertainty is powerful. It can make anybody humble. Once one is in an uncertainty, there is no other go to them than facing it. Uncertainties cut a man to his size. Uncertainties curtail one's ego too. At one time or other uncertainty plagues everybody in life. Difference is that it bothers some people a more number of times and some people lesser number of times. It is just like facing a dilemma. It is ambiguous. When uncertainty begins and when it ends we cannot say. Better it is always if uncertainty ends early. Sometimes, uncertainty is coupled with risk too. One loses their patience during uncertainty. One needs a lot of patience to face an uncertainty. During uncertainty one does not know many times what to do. They are rendered helpless. Uncertainty is really very complex. We cannot either do something or remain quiet in an uncertainty. Sometimes uncertainty chains us. Sometimes uncertainty makes us immobile. Sometimes we are desperate or frustrated or depressed on account of uncertainty only. It is always better to play safe during uncertainties. That is why a trader restrains while investing in a market where there is uncertainty.

There is no uncertainty without a wait. Once an uncertainty is over one heaves a sigh of relief. There is no guarantee whatsoever that everything would be fine after an uncertainty. If after an uncertainty if result is favorable wait is worth and one becomes happy. In case of an uncertainty where result is unfavorable one naturally becomes not only unhappy but also sometimes becomes disappointed and dejected too. What is in store after an uncertainty who knows?

It is during uncertainty one is distracted mentally. One would have no peace of mind during uncertainty. That is why a few like uncertainty. Depending upon an individual, uncertainty creates various feelings. Uncertainty may create stress and strain in some individuals. It may create anxiety and restlessness in some. Many doubts and a series of questions like what might have happened, why there is no response, etc arise in our mind depending upon situation that uncertainty creates. If we are pessimistic and depressed a bunch of negative thoughts haunt us and make us nervous too. Sometimes during uncertainty we cannot take any action. We do not know what to do. Our valuable time, energy is unnecessarily wasted due to uncertainty. We cannot take a correct decision during uncertainty because we do not know our position exactly. The fear whether we would go wrong would also be there. In other words we do not have confidence during uncertainty. Similarly,if we have no confidence we feel uncertainty also. We feel that sky would comedown and fall upon us.

Uncertainty is nothing but a suspense. What will happen and what will not happen in an uncertainty we cannot say at the outset. During uncertainty no wise man does anything. It is a time to think only. Nothing could be done perfectly at that time. One should never keep anybody in uncertainty. If one wants help, other should help at the earliest. Of course, other may have their constraints and restraints. More time one keeps anybody in uncertainty, less the help would be of avail. It might be late. They may receive help from some other quarter also. During that period sometimes they cannot think of alternatives too if they are solely dependent upon that help. If we keep somebody in uncertainty for long and then do not help. It is too bad on our part. Uncertainty is keeping one in darkness. Nobody keeps others in uncertainty purposely. Sometimes there are compelling reasons. Somebody‘s nature is such they do not take quick decisions. They do not know our urgency. Life itself is uncertain we do not know what would happen very next moment in this universe.

Life is nothing but grappling and managing uncertainties. It cannot be predicted when an uncertainty will arise in a life. Sometimes it a rises early in life sometimes it arises in middle part of one’s life and sometimes it arises in the later part of one’s life. Uncertainties are events in one's life. Uncertainty is nothing but a problem to be tackled. Ideas and planning can reduce a number of uncertainties in life. Uncertainties that one face in their life need not be similar to one faced by another. They may differ from person to person. Uncertainty is sometimes precarious and sometimes it is harmless. Sometimes uncertainties can be happiness too.

It was September 11th, your son, daughter etc were in New York, terrorists had bombed world trade center. Twin towers of it were shown burning on television. Heavy casualties were reported. Entire world was under shock. Phone lines, Internet, every thing was cut off. It was impossible to contact them. How much worried you might have been. Uncertainty might have stopped your heart beating even. Your wife might have been crying. You might have offered thousand prayers to God for their safety. Why a weekend call had not come from U.S.A due to unforeseen circumstances. You are unable to contact them. You would be much worried for that reason. It disturbs peace of your mind. All negative thoughts haunt you. Uncertainty about their welfare causes much concern in you and would be relieved only when the call comes next day. It is always better to avoid uncertainty as far as possible by being prompt and systematic. Uncertainty generally causes inconvenience and displeasure.

Delay always causes uncertainty. In India arranged marriages are more. Boys ’parents generally take their own time in disposing a marriage proposal. They do not dispose off proposals quickly. Though everybody talks of male and female equality in practice male dominance prevails in India. Boys ’parents keep unnecessarily girls parents in uncertainty for a long time. As a result, girls' parents are unable to look for some other alliance also. Ultimately, sometimes even reject marriage proposal on silly grounds too. One can imagine girls as well as their parents’ plight in such a situation.

Where irrigation facilities are less, where agriculture depends more on monsoon, uncertainty in monsoon causes much damage to crops and agriculturists only know the hardships. Uncertainty in weather causes hindrance to travel plans. In sports and games too uncertainty of weather plays havoc. Not only participants but also onlookers would be disappointed if the weather spoils the sport. Confidence, courage, and intelligence do not make one more or less uncertain. A competition is always shredded with an uncertainty until it is over and a result is declared. Stiffer a competition is more an uncertainty is. Announcement of any selection, examination results, etc however confident one may be , carry an element of uncertainty until results are announced and known to them. As the moment of announcement approaches candidates pulse rate generally goes up. They hold their breath and wait for announcement. Uncertainty carries an element of surprise with it many a times. Longer the period of uncertainty more impatient one would be. One becomes perplexed. One would not know what to do. As a result one may face a dilemma too.

Most of us try to achieve one or another thing in our life. We cannot say we have achieved it unless we achieve it. There is always a period of uncertainty. We may achieve it or may not. At the most we can be confident. Sometime we quote Bhagwad Geetha, “Do your duty and leave the results to God.” Only when you achieve your goal period of uncertainty ends. When somebody retires, or for any other reason a post falls vacant and immediately regular posting is not made and somebody is put in charge temporarily. There is uncertainty. There is no guarantee he or she would continue. He cannot exercise the powers of regular incumbent and do not command so much respect from the subordinates too. Moreover he or she would not envisage much interest if it is going to be a stopgap arrangement and there is no likelihood of he or she being confirmed. This is one of the uncertainties found in administration. It arises due to improper planning or due dearth of efficient replacement

Our existence itself is uncertain. Death may beckon us any moment. How and when it falls on anybody nobody knows. It is just like a bolt from the blues many a times. Even when one is suffering from a grave disease, we cannot say when he or she breathes his or her last. Some after prolonged illness die. Some die of heart failure all of a sudden. Some succumb to injuries in an accident either on the spot or in the hospital. Why the government, which rules the country, is itself uncertain in a democracy if there is no majority. It may fall any moment. As such any act or legislation unless passed in a parliament is uncertain only. There is every possibility of it being rejected. Similarly any law of land could not be said as permanent. In a democracy anything can happen.

A surgeon may be efficient; and quite capable. The operation may be a minor one but element of uncertainty is there till it is successfully performed. The period in operation theatre generally causes anxiety in us because of fear that we would have for an operation.

When economy is not doing well, uncertainty will be there in the job market. There is likely hood of retrenchments. Jobs are not assured to those who are coming out of universities. There is no demand for the goods produced and supply wherever required are less even. Everywhere there is uncertainty. Similarly, in stock market we find uncertainty whenever there is change in political scenario, whenever investor friendly atmosphere is not there, whenever heavy dosage of taxation on corporate earnings and dividend income etc, are found. Industrial recession also causes uncertainty in stock market. Commodity market also faces uncertainty when food grains arrive more than required either through domestic production or through imports or whenever there is acute shortage due crop failures or excess exports take place or whenever there is no proper balance of demand and supply due to hoarding and such other reasons. There are people who turn such uncertainties into opportunities also. It is an opportunity to them to buy at low rates and sell and make profits when market picks up.

Adventures are fraught with danger. There is always uncertainty about safe return whenever we undertake adventures. Even during olden days there was no guarantee that we would return safe after a pilgrimage. There was always uncertainty and people used to get performed their last rites and distributed their wealth before embarking on pilgrimage. Whenever we send a message or a communication or say something we should be always clear and unambiguous otherwise there is every possibility of it being misunderstood and thereby causing an uncertainty. Modern world is changing and improving every day and uncertainty is dwindling day by day.

Uncertain means not certain or not sure that is one unable to decide whether to appear for an examination or not. Those who are fickle minded are uncertain, wavering, changing and not firm in their decisions. We can call them Hamlet minded for they change their decisions every now and then. Where power supply is uncertain, where it is not regular, it is better to use generator, UPS, inverter which ever is necessary especially on occasions like public watching a movie and power goes off and there is uncertainty about its resumption otherwise there would be cat calls and other disturbances. While, working on a computer if power goes off and you have not saved the contents, your work simply gets wasted and could continue if there is UPS only. Uncertainty and irregular supply of any power causes inconvenience. A public function was arranged and the chief Guest was due for arrival. Public were anxiously awaiting and one hour had elapsed; yet chief guest had not turned up. Public had become impatient. Chief Guest could not be contacted. There was uncertainty. The plight of organizers could not be explained. This is only an example. There are numerous instances like a play when about to begin and the hero was found missing and some other actor coming to rescue to save from uncertainty. Thus how and when an uncertainty would arise nobody can foretell. Circumstances create an uncertainty many times.

Public utilities like school, college, hospital, post office, railway station, etc. unless they are established we cannot say we have it. Everybody needs them. Our adjacent village or colony people also try for them. Then question arises where they are to be located. Legislator belongs to some other village or colony. He wants to have it in his village or colony. Thus tug of war starts. Till Government sanction comes it is uncertainty where and when it would come. Then, in execution also uncertainty prevails until project is fully completed. That is why it is said that it is a man who creates an uncertainty, it is a man who faces an uncertainty, it is a man who banishes an uncertainty and it is a man who is helpless in an uncertainty.

Whatever we aspire if we get easily without any efforts without any “Uncertainty” we would never know the value of it. Uncertainty generally creates thrill and thus in a way helpful to us. Otherwise life would have been a straight line only. Uncertainty prevails in every walk of life we must learn to live with it. But, it is always wise to avoid uncertainty as far as possible. Though, uncertainty is not totally avoidable; sometimes it can be avoided provided it is approached properly. Managing uncertainty is certainly in our hands. One can manage uncertainty well by not allowing negative thoughts to occupy their mind and by remaining cool, calm and relaxed. It is better if one is optimistic in an uncertainty. Great poet Keats says “Heard melodies are sweet but those that are unheard are sweeter” After uncertainty, everything may turn out to our advantage and our liking.

Astrologers can predict uncertainties to a certain extent only. They cannot predict uncertainties to a full extent. If we know a question paper in advance is there any charm in facing an examination? If we know what will happen tomorrow is there charm in life? Uncertainty is a challenge. One should not run away from it. One should boldly face it. How to tide over uncertainties? This is the question that Obama as well as world is facing at the moment. Uncertainty is to be understood and approached properly. How we tackle an uncertainty. It depends upon us only. One is to be endowed with many qualities to tackle uncertainties successfully. Some are capable of tolerating uncertainty. Some cannot tolerate uncertainty at all. If one truly tolerates uncertainty, they can do pretty much anything. One has to think always positive and try to gain something out of an uncertainty. Uncertainty has advantages and disadvantages too.