Pleasure of sharing.

Pleasure of sharing only those who share with others & enjoy know. It is believed that God would be pleased if one shares anything with others and remaining only would have it for their use. This was the custom in olden days. When smile & glow in the eyes of an hungry man are seen what satisfaction one would have its inexplicable.Anything always tastes better if shared and eaten than eaten alone. Sharing brings one another closer & closer. It develops relationships. What one shares would not go anywhere. It comes back to them in some in other way. It is rightly said "What goes around, comes around.”

Here is an excerpt of India’s famous freedom fighter Balgangadhar Tilak when he was barely an eight year old child.One day Tilak was playing in his courtyard with his best friend. While playing the boys became hungry so he went inside the house to get something to eat. His mother gave him two pieces of sweets and instructed him to eat the bigger piece himself and give the smaller one to his friend. Tilak came out and gave the bigger piece to his friend and ate the smaller one himself. The mother was witnessing the whole incident from the window. She immediately called Tilak inside and scolded him for not obeying her. He innocently remarked,”Mother, I feel intense satisfaction and pleasure in sharing and giving others more than myself.”The mother became guilty and ashamed of her own intentions.

Sharing is one of the finest constituent of human morals and values. Once we learn to share and become selfless then peace, unity, love and compassion shall become all pervasive. Gautam Buddha rightly says "Thousand of candles can be lit by a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared".Nothing could be hidden long without being shared with others.It's always better to share & be magnanimous . Even birds & animals share many things amongst them.

How one would know others difficulties unless they are not shared . One can share others difficulties only if they are shared. One would always get pleasure in responding to others difficulties. What a contentment one would have when one shares their experiences with others. When many people join together & share a work. How quickly & nicely the work would be finished. It is not merely burden would be halved when shared with others but also everything would be halved when shared with others.

How is travelling alone & travelling in company ? Travel when shared with many is more enjoyable. Jokes are also more enjoyable when shared in company than cracked when alone .How a man would have known so many stories had they not been shared. The stories would have remained untold stories if they were not shared.

Dalai Lama says "Share your knowledge.It's a way to achieve immortality."

If something is shared during a life span only, it is of some use otherwise it is useless or a waste only. There is a saying that goes "which is shared is ours and that which is hidden belongs to other ." It is not known how many herbal medicines have been wasted without being shared. Always try to share more than what was shared to you.

What one shares what one doesn't share how much one enjoys sharing depends upon the man. What type of a man one is that what one shares with others often discloses.How much magnanimous one is that often what one shares with others often discloses.One who is miserly shares a little with others.Though it is essential if one shares it with others it is sacrifice. Sharing is revealing. It is informative.

World would not have developed this much at all if not for sharing .Sharing is very important.One who has sharing habit would never be greedy at all.