
Time carries several meanings. It is difficult to define what time is. It displays its various colors from time to time. It is sometimes naughty /mischievous /420. Time is mysterious, intriguing. Time unfolds life chapter by chapter. Time does to adjust to us. We have to adjust ourselves to time. Time is an important factor in one’s life. Time means immediately we look at our watch or clock hanging on the wall. The click click sound raises many feeling in us especially when there is silence all around. It is an alarm. It is an awe-inspiring sound. It reminds us that it is getting late, deadline is approaching, and it increases our heartbeat or pulse rate especially when something important is to be announced or due so on. It is time that unfolds suspense. Time is precious. It does not stop. Nobody can beat time. Time is our boss. Time decides everything even our fate. To do anything we need time. When all is not well in our life, when our stars are not good, when everything goes awry, we say our time is not good. When our house itself is not in order, when everything is in disorder, when we are not at all prepared or ready, we say time is not ripe. Time is a great teacher. Nobody can teach better than time. Nobody can teach whatever that time teaches too. Sometimes, time is greedy too, it keeps to itself all the details. Time heals almost everything. Give the time, some time.

What does not need time? Everything needs time.Thinking, understanding, implementation need time. Besides ,ill health may also consume a lot of time. Wise men think twice before they spend even a pie. Similarly, they think twice while utilizing their time too.They never unnecessarily waste a single minute of their life. They do not waste time on unnecessary discussion or thinking. They plan and utilize every minute of their life. Life span is short as such time management assumes importance. People are becoming more and more time conscious. Now –a-days everybody is well acquainted with words like man-hours, overtime, productivity etc. At what time? Some may put this query in some other way. They may ask "when is it?” There is no doubt in the fact that it is an important query. It should be dispensed with reply at any cost. One puts this query or faces this query many times in a day. Without answer to this query one cannot proceed further at all. It is impossible for one to be punctual without knowing the exact time that he or she should make them available. It enables one to decide many things .It earmarks one time. It decides one’s itinerary and what not.

We find no words to describe the usefulness of time concept. From time immemorial time concept is there. In olden days sun clocks made up of glass and sand were used to measure time. Time to time various devices and various methods were used to measure time. Hen used to herald the dawn. People used to know time by observing the position of sun. We could know the time prevailing anywhere across the globe by referring to watches specially designed and manufactured for the purpose. Time is not static. Time always moves forward and never looks back. Everything should move forward with the time and we too otherwise we would lag behind .Further; we should always be in tune with time especially with regard to tradition, behavior, life style etc. Everything should be in conformity with the time and exceeding or going beyond the order of the day does not augur well. Time does not wait for anybody. We can prepare ourselves and be punctual in attending to duty, function or anything for that matter by making use of a alarm time piece which as the name itself indicates creates awe in us and we rush up. We could see people hurrying combing their hair, doing make up, having break fast on their way to office especially in the mornings .If they are not in time they will be penalized to enforce discipline in them. Late arrival at an office or leaving a office earlier before the closing of working hours without permission from higher authorities is considered as a lapse and punishment will be awarded according to the severity of lapse. If we are always late and are not in time people mock at us and call us “Late Latiff.”” We must keep up time. We should not do anything at snails pace. We should not be either hare or tortoise .Timing is fixed for every function, program. In order to make us aware of time or commencement of the program, bells are rung. In big factories siren is made use of to announce the beginning of a shift and as soon as the shift is over siren reminds too. Timetable for coaching students in a class is always there. Syllabus is prescribed for every course and subjects incorporated in it are to be taught during that academic year. Everything is time bound. If we fail in a class, our one-year time goes waste generally. On the other hand if we are promoted in a class means we have completed a year of course successfully. Discipline could not be maintained unless we adhere to timings and are punctual. If we are not in time we will miss the bus, train, or the aero plane as the case may be. We cannot write a single word more as soon as the time is over in an exam. Whatever we have to do, it should be done or completed in the allotted or prescribed time. Everything is time bound. Most of the competitions are how fast we complete a task in a given time.

Time is the limit. Time acts as boundary. Efficiency could be measured with the help of time. It is time that throws light into or brings forth many of our achievements. Our application would be rejected if we do not submit in time. Time is supreme. Time elapsed could not be regained. Time should always permit otherwise nothing could be done. Our lifetime is uncertain; it may come to an end at anytime. However time cycle, 24 hours, day and night, 365 days etc continue as long as universe prevails. Time does not stop. Next moment what would happen nobody knows, only time would tell. Till yesterday he was roaring like a lion, to day he is like a lamb. Mr. Saddam Hussein was ruling Iraq until recently; to day he is captured and is a prisoner, what is his fate only time has to tell. Time plays havoc. Time is unpredictable. Before commencing any work, religious people approach astrologers to know the auspicious time or Muhurtham. During “Muhurtham” only marriages, cradling ceremonies, house-warming ceremonies etc take place. It is a belief that a task undertaken at an auspicious time runs well and ends well. Many worship time. Basavanna, the founder of Veerashaiva philosophy says that there is no need to go in search of an auspicious time for any good work, the moment that we begin a good work, that itself is auspicious. According to him work is worship. Everybody is vulnerable to time. Nobody can challenge time. How and when the time strikes one cannot predict. Time strikes like a bolt from the blues. It is time that provides an opportunity to do anything good or bad on many occasions.

Time does not remain as it is. Time brings in changes. Time brings in changes not only in our life but also in our surroundings also. Time moulds a person more than anything else. Time brings in changes which one thought that it was difficult to bring in. Time brings in changes in one’s ego anger and what not. How many changes take place as time progresses? How many inventions take place? How many new faces come into existence? How many old faces disappear? Nobody can precisely prophesy what changes time would bring in. History briefs us only of marvelous changes that had taken place from time to time in the past. Everyday we come across developments and progress in the every nook and corner of world. We find transformation everywhere. Transformation takes place sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. Yesterday’s luxuries have become today’s necessities. Countless things have become stale over a period of time. Still changes go on where, when, and how they would take place nobody knows. We should adjust ourselves to time and not the time. Values go up and down as time passes. Old order changes yielding place to new whether it is law, lifestyle or anything for that matter. Even custom and traditions undergo change with the time. Everybody take a plunge with the time and follow it. Nobody can defy the time. Those who defy the time face the consequences. But certain things could not be changed by time at all like truth, facts, sayings and quotes. Truth always prevails. Facts always remain the same. Certain quotes, sayings have been continuing to hold good for generations.

How many prefixes and suffixes could be added to the word "time". What all time brings to light. We can pun with the word "time". When anything of consequence or significance happens at any time it is called an incident. It is time that reminds us of incidents like wedding anniversary, death anniversary, birthday, Independence Day, martyrs day etc. Time acts as a reminder. It reminds us that it is time for breakfast, it is time for meeting so and so, it is time for going for a walk etc. Time enables us to follow our routine. Time enforces discipline in us. Time is a good tutor. As time moves forward we could enlighten ourselves but all depends on us. We can kill time but at the same time we can make the best use of time too. Many students wile away their time through out the academic year but when the examination approaches they realize their fault and spare no pains and put in all their efforts and study day and night but often their efforts do not bring in desired results. Here we can say that it is better late than never. Elders advise their children to study on date-to-date basis lessons taught in their class systematically and not to postpone anything to the next day. According to them tomorrow will always remain as tomorrow. Though we cannot set right whatever that had happened in the time gone by we can make use of the experience gained for guidance, drawing conclusions, making amends etc. Certain things especially food items we cannot keep for a long time, they get spoiled whereas certain things like wine, antics if we preserve for a long time they become more tasty and valuable. Sometimes it is said that old is gold. These are marvels of time.

Time always moves forward uniformly at same speed. But, sometimes one feels that it is moving fast and sometimes one feels that it is moving slowly. When one is busy one does not notice the passage of time, one does not notice sunrise, sunset, what is going on in outside world and exclaims whether a day is over so fast whereas if one is idle one complains that time never passes. One should never idle the time. One cannot make up for the lost time. One has to repent for idling of time either to day or tomorrow. One must make best use of time. Opportunities do not come time and again. Time is always short for a hard working successful busy people; they would never find surplus time at any moment of time. They would always grumble that so many tasks are yet to be completed.

One wastes a lot of time running after people who could have been caught by just standing. Time is precious. Even, a fraction of a second also counts. Accidents occur in a fraction of a second only. In the shortest duration when one closes and opens their eyes that is in a spit of a second what all happens that nobody can imagine also. Patience withholds action but it is not waste of time. Hurry burry spoils our efforts and may result in waste of time. Sometimes there is no time to think even. One realize s value of time when they miss an opportunity for being late or last in the queue. Sometimes time comes to our rescue, the tree fell down only after a second of our crossing it. Time warns and persuades us to take preventive steps in time or well in advance. That is why it is said a stitch in time saves nine. If we take remedial actions, corrective measures etc like repairs, alterations, changes, and setting up of alarms etc in time we can avert many untoward incidents. We hesitate to take any steps particularly when our time is not good. In a shortest possible time if a person implements a useful much needed project, people would remember and appreciate that person who carried out the work expeditiously for a long time more than the person who funded it. Time is primary and money is secondary. We should not come in the way of others work or disturb others that amount to wasting their time. On the other hand if we could we should assist or help others that would save time. Wherever possible we should save time. Here we have to remember the quote “waste not, want not”. If we have no time, if we are busy with a work, which is half way through, and if we are offered one more work, we buy time to attend to it and generally it would be granted provided we are indispensable. These days, people have realized the importance of time. Everybody wants to make optimum use of time. Hence division of labor, specialization, incentives, motivation, computerization, industrialization, development of infrastructure etc has assumed importance.

Everything does not remain the same all the time. Every dog has its day. Everyone would have a favorable time at one time or other. One's fortune changes along with time. One's life could be divided into two parts namely good time and bad time. When stars are good, it is good time. When stars are bad, it is bad time. Degrees of comparison apply to good time and bad time too. When our time is good if we touch even mud it becomes gold whereas when our time is bad everything boomerangs and even if we touch gold it becomes mud. It is good time that enables us to bear the difficulties or sufferings that we might come across during bad times. Similarly we enjoy good time more because of experience, which we had in bad time. Everything depends on time. Sometimes it is time that brings in solution for a ticklish problem. When we are unable to determine who is wrong or who is right, it is time that determines or answers. That does not mean that we should leave everything to time, we should do our duty and then only we should leave it to time. Time of birth of a child is important as far as those who believe in astrology are concerned. Our horoscopes are drawn based on the time of our birth. Our good time and bad time are predicted on the basis of position of various planets in our horoscope. Athletes break world records by covering various distances in shortest possible time. The races are more against time rather than among the individuals.

We come across many people who curse time for one or another reason. Time gives slip at nick of moment many a times, we could not do anything, and we become helpless. Time can play with us but we cannot play with time. Time spoils the sport. When everything is ready for the play to begin, even when the curtain has gone up, we notice that the main actor is missing. When the function is about to begin the lights go off and everything comes to halt. A person gets a heart attack there is no time to get the emergency medicines to treat him. For all such contingencies time has to share the blame. But if everything goes on well and ends well, nobody gives credit to time but he or she shares the praise or honor . Some say philosophically that his time is over that is why everything is going awry. Now –a-days people take all precautions against contingencies even then time gives slip. If we cannot teach anybody a lesson, it is time that waits and teaches appropriate lesson to the concerned person at the right time.

When we face problems after problem, we call it testing time. It is the time when we have to face really a test. The test may be of our honesty, integrity, ability, or efficiency; we cannot guess what it could be. Efficiency is not merely completing the work with precision but in time that too under adverse conditions. We cannot say how many times, the testing time comes in our life. It is the most challenging time in our life. It cannot be called a bad time. It is during this period that our capabilities are tested. It is an opportunity. We should never run away from it. Even if we fail, it does not matter. We would have satisfaction of facing it and gaining experience. Running away from a problem or a difficult situation nobody appreciates. It is escapism. Later on, we have to be ashamed of ourselves. Whereas our efforts, our combating nature etc. may draw applause if we face the testing times boldly. If we face and come out successful, it would be generally an achievement, which we could be proud of too.

Interest and time go hand in glove. The moment we borrow, as per terms of borrowing the interest starts accruing. If we borrow for a longer period, it is called a long-term loan and if it is for a shorter period, it is called a short-term loan. It is customary to compound interest on quarterly basis for fixed loan whereas for running accounts like cash credit and overdraft accounts interest is calculated on daily products. Deposits are accepted for longer and shorter periods. Longer the period of deposit, it attracts the higher rate of interest and shorter the period of deposit lower rate of interest is offered. It is time that counts. Promptness and commitment to adhere strictly to repayment schedule of principal and interest as per terms of contract is the essence of banking system. Due dates and maturity dates are calculated as per custom of trade or business and commitments on either side are expected to be met on due dates promptly without any delay. Credit worthiness of a borrower as well as the rating of a bank depends on how the best they meet their commitments. Meeting of commitments in time is of paramount importance as far as a financial deal is concerned. Time bills help both business houses and industrial houses to en cash their receivables with ease. They ensure liquidity of funds and create bill market scheme. Successful completion of transaction depends on timely acceptance and payment of bills, which in turn proves keeping up of time and credit worthiness of the client. Time does not leave even explosives. Time bombs explode after time set is over. After expiry of time, the drugs, food items and such other goods lose their quality, effect, and become useless. As time passes, day-by-day we human beings become old and lose our strength, vision, and wisdom appetite and without giving any clue the time one day sends us away to the other world with honor. Time is not cruel. Time is always a controller but not a dictator.

Our pulse may stop but not the time. Nobody can ever stop it. Sometimes we think that it is moving fast and sometimes we think that it is moving slowly. That is our assumption only. It darts forward at the same speed always .Billions of men have come and gone. Generation after generation has vanished. Nobody can ever stop the time. Time goes on clicking. Time represents present, past and future. It is permanent. Time is an ever rotating ever moving wheel. Time is precious. It is to be always utilized for a good purpose.


To realize the value of …………………………………………………………….

One Year - Ask the student who missed a Grade

One Month - Ask a worker who is waiting for his salary Day

One Week -Ask the Editor of a weekly News paper.

One Hour -Ask the parent who is waiting in the Airport For the arrival of his family.

One Minute- Ask the person who missed the train.

One Second- Ask a person who just avoided an accident.

One milli-Second— Ask a person who missed the Gold Medal in Olympics

REMEMBER Time waits for no one ---

Yesterday is History,

Tomorrow is Mystery And Today is a GIFT .

That is why it is called ‘the present’


Be Easy --Be Busy –Not to be fussy.

TIME RESPECTS THOSE WHO RESPECT TIME . When one is busy, one does not notice movement of time. One who is lazy also does not notice movement of time. The difference between former and latter is, former makes best use of their time whereas latter idle their time. Time lost can never be gained back. One can only try to make up for time lost. One often repents for time lost and time wasted.

Better late than never, one should realize value of time.