Our life is our creation only.

It isn't enough a man has all parts in his body,they must function well too. Besides, man needs essentials like food, shelter clothes and all. It is impossible to make a list of requisites that he would need to have a contented life. Further, life would have one or another deficiency otherwise it wouldn't be called a life at all . Man comes with bare hands & goes with bare hands in life.In between it is his life. It is a day to day show. Seldom the show repeats. Everyone faces life with a purpose or several. They have different different dreams for their life.One wants to be great singer. other wants to be writer . Third wants to be politician. Fourth wants to be a rich man. None can deny the fact they want to be something in their life & they strive for it too. Some succeed and some fail due to various direct & indirect factors. Some factors are not in their hands also. That is why contentment and discontentment are there in the world .

A man's mind could run in any direction but his life would move only in forward direction either silently or making hissing sound and when it would come to halt it couldn't be said at all. That is why it is often compared to a passenger train halting at stations. Life is precious. There is no one who doesn't love their life. It is our journey from our birth to our death too.

In life majority of people aren't content with what they are blessed with at all. There is nothing wrong in it. Its human nature to be ambitious or more desirous.They want their life to be as beautiful as possible.They struggle hard to achieve their goal.They try to change His calculations by hook or crook. In the process sometimes they succeed and sometimes they fail. As a result , they are stressed strained, depressed & undergo all types of miseries. More ambitious, more desires, more are the miseries. This is life. It's created by us only. It's centered around us. We build it brick by brick from our birth to death. We leave no stone unturned or leave no pains spared to make it as beautiful as as possible. If at all anywhere or at anytime we go wrong it is by oversight only. We don't know how long it is. Even a drop of a pin in it affects us. How to improve it is always our concern.It is through it only we can serve others or achieve something. Steve Grand, author of " Creation: Life & How to make it. " says "Our life is the creation of our mind. We live in a virtual world inside our heads "

Our life isn't a life in seclusion at all. Our life is no different than others life.What affects others life affect it too. There's every possibility of it being affected by lives of our kith & kin and whatever that happens around us too.Fate and other forces also act upon it. All those people whom we come across & who involve in our life as friend , relative, wellwisher or in anyway find place in our life. However, for our life nobody would be held responsible other than us . It is we only who have to pay price in case of any eventualities.If we are able to take our life on to a right path it is we who would enjoy the fruits and if not it is we only who suffer too. Likewise either pride or blame it is we only have to share too. We mustn't allow life to go helter skelter as far as possible. We can try to make it as we like it. But it is not always an easy task at all . In fact, everyone tries to make their life as they like it too. Every step must be well thought out in life . We must learn lessons from lives of one another too. It's always better we realize as early as possible that our life primarily depends on us & not on anyone else.

"I " only some can forget . Without " I "our life couldn't forge ahead at all.Whether there is selfishness or whether there is no selfishness, life is our baby. It bears our name. It is our portrait. It is our reflection. We are known by it. We can deal with it as we like it. We can sell it, mortgage it or pledge it . We are life & life are we. Life & we are one entity only. All sorts of feelings like sorrow to happiness & emanate in it only. We must care for our life.If we do not care for it,what happens to it cannot be said at all.There is every possibility of it going helter skelter and becoming messy. It is usually then others poke their nose into it and try to make it a laughingstock also. Life is not a joke. Our life is our blood, toil, tears and sweat. It is what we mean. It is what we understand. Our life grows how it is developed by us. Our sincere efforts & His blessings are quite essential for it.While creating an art an artist has to prepare a sketch ,choose right colors & place them at the right places so that his creation would be beautiful. Similarly, while building our life too we have to make the right choices at right time and include them in it .We need not tell what we are to anybody . Our life reflects what we are. If we are selfish , it reflects our selfishness. If we are greedy , it reflects greediness.

Swami Vivekananda rightly says "Man maker of his destiny " Our life is our creation only. Of Course, there is reason or reasons for our life being so . Sometime we are aware of them and sometimes we are not aware of them at all.That's why life of one has one meaning, the life of another person will have another meaning, and life of third will have some other meaning too. Of course, there's every probability of influence of others & His control over our life. What forces influence life of a man it couldn't be completely understood at all. It is simply often said " A man is circumstances made." However, without our involvement our life wouldn't move forward at all. Our efforts seldom go unrewarded & are reflected without an omission in our life.Besides,our life includes whatever we have learned & whatever we imbibe from time to time . How much stress,strain we take & planning we do to make it comfortable & beautiful. It is our aim & it is our dream too .

Life of every man is a different story. "We reap what we sow" We knowingly or unknowingly create to ourselves as well as to others problems & try to solve them. It's learning from our mistakes.Our life not only needs our efforts planning, devotion intelligence & other qualities but also it needs cooperation of others wherever necessary. It is impossible to make a list of requisites of life at all . Life is not a bed of roses. It is never a straight line. Why a man becomes a thief , liar, gambler, benevolent, stingy, devotee of God or an atheist it is because of his life only that he creates to himself.Life is a web which we create to ourselves and fall in it. It's difficult to come out of it successfully. A man is a product of his life.Often, life is compared to a ship. We must remember that we are the captain of the ship.Further, Shakespeare says all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players. As such, our life too is a drama & we are the major players.

Anybody can forget but we cannot forget our life. It is invaluable. It is precious. It is said that human life is rare. It is by the grace of God. We love it. There is no one who doesn't love their life at all. Even animals love their life.