Why I Failed

A failure is always bitter and generally it disheartens anyone however strong willed they may be. The question why I failed confronts every sane individual no sooner did he or she fails. It is their instantaneous reaction upon a failure. It is an interrogation that leads them to an apt and timely introspection. Others failure may bring one joy but their own failure generally brings one dismay only. A failure undoubtedly irks such individuals. They do not remain quiet. They feel at that moment that somewhere something is wrong. Numerous thoughts like what was that was wrong with them whether they were not up to the mark,whether their preparations were inadequate, etc, make round in their mind at that moment. These are the natural reactions that one would have at that juncture. One should never allow more thoughts to occupy their mind at that stage. If more number of questions are allowed to creep up more confused one would be. One should be more analytic and systematic on the occasion. Nothing could be altered at that stage to alter the outcome. There is no other go than facing the question why I failed at that stage. That is the best option that is available at ones disposal at that time. However, this is a question which should be answered only after much thought and deliberations. It is not advisable to jump to some conclusion all of a sudden in this regard.

The failure affects generally prestige, confidence, and ambition of an individual. Only a dull herd may treat a failure tamely. Majority of people are always anxious to know the ways and means to succeed in this world. They do not leave any stone unturned in order to succeed wherever and whenever possible. Similarly, everybody is always anxious to know how to avoid a failure wherever and whenever possible because on one or another occasion one faces a failure in life invariably. Their intention is to know lacunae and make amends wherever and whenever possible and excel in their future performances. They do not want the failure to raise its head again and again. They want to nip it in the bud. They wish to succeed after a failure. It is a study. They wish to learn lessons after a failure. Hence, the question why I failed confronts many people in this world. Success and failure are common in life. Failure is said to be a stepping stone to success. Yet, this question why I failed arises in many people due to earlier said inquisitive. How one would treat this question that depends generally upon their nature. This is a question which either one cannot ignore or give too much of importance too. That is why this question can be termed as an intricate question. It is a mind boggling question. It is only after a failure this question arises in one. The question disturbs one’s peace of mind until and unless convincing answer is found by him or her to the question.

There should be always justification for any failure. There should be genuine reasons for a failure. If the reasons that one finds for their failure kindle the flame of hope for the future, then only one becomes complacent. One gets motivated. Otherwise it remains inside and flickers like a flame in an individual. It never extinguishes easily. The occurrence of this question why I failed again and again in a mind makes one generally depressed. Such an occurrence does not motivate or encourage anybody at all to make further attempts. On the other hand the question frustrates majority of people. It drives some people mad even. Some people commit suicide upon a failure. It is a serious question. Of course; it does not appear to one who knows the reason or reasons for their failure. If one does not involve them fully in any task honestly and sincerely failure is imminent to them. They do not have even moral authority to put to themselves the question why I failed. If one knows why one fails, one can overcome it. They can have armor in store to evade a failure. One should be aware of these facts always.

Having failed once, nobody wants to taste failure, once again. It is said once bitten twice shy. In order to avoid failure at least in future, everybody wants to understand their failure. It is always better if one realizes why they have failed. Thus the question why I failed arises whenever one fails. It is always better if one knows the reason or reasons for their failure. The reason for a failure may be one or may be several. Sometimes, the question necessitates a probe. Sometimes it is a search inside. Sometimes it is in a depth study. Sometimes one cannot make out reason or reasons for their failure and somebody else has to point out to them why they have failed. Sometimes, when a success knocks at one’s door soon after their failure the question of attempting this question does not arise to them at all. When there is no time or leisure at one’s disposal this question is not at all attempted at all. This question is generally faced by those persons who do introspection. This is a question which one should be put to self after a defeat or a debacle. The political parties generally carry on this exercise whenever they come across a rout. It is a fruitful exercise. It helps one to take corrective measures and improve their future performance. It enables one to fix the responsibility. One comes to know of one‘s strength and weakness during the process too. Failure cannot be a stepping stone to a success unless knows answers to this question. It is the answer to this question that brings many times a lot of improvement or modification in one.

Under a difficult situation and against a better opposition one naturally fails. Even such failures could be overcome provided one adopts better strategies suitable to such situations. One arrives at an answer to the question why I failed only after an in depth study. It enlightens one thoroughly about their failure. It brings to light that even one’s behavior, appearance, and habits etc play pivotal role in their failure. Based on what all one gathers, one has to chalk out future course of actions. Improvements are to be contemplated wherever possible. The question why I failed leads to analysis of one’s performance. In other words it leads to postmortem of one’s performance. Either an analysis or a postmortem are never easy. They are a tirade against failure.They are the best tools to know why one failed. They are one of the means that help one to carve out strategies to overcome a failure. In short, one realizes their strengths and weaknesses after such an exercise. One can expect better performance after such an exercise provided one is practical. It is always better to have exchange of views with well wishers and consultation with experts before one embarks or contemplates future course of action against failure. Some people do not perform any exercises at all after their failure. They simply offer lame excuses for their failure. They say that due to no fault on their part they have failed. They blame others for their failure too. They fail again and again. They are disgruntled. If analysis or postmortem is conducted systematically and accurately then only one can come to know the reason or reasons for their failure. Otherwise it is a futile exercise. Whatever corrective measures that one initiates after an improper process are of no use and are ineffective. Generally, as a consequence one draws mostly wrong conclusions and makes wrong decisions and hardly improves despite strenuous efforts.

The answer to the question why I failed is not the same to everybody. It varies from individual to individual because the circumstances that one individual comes across differs from the circumstances that other individual comes across. It is an individual who knows more than anybody why he or she failed. As such, findings after an analysis are different from person to person. Some find due to back stabbing that they failed. Some come across a lot of cheating in their failure. Some feel they did not have adequate knowledge at all. Some notice that they had not made adequate preparations. Some feel that they failed due to lack of experience, talent etc. Some feel that they failed due to inadequate finance. Some feel that were not coached properly. Some conclude that because of their too much of haste only they failed. Some feel that they lacked qualities like patience, common sense etc. Some realize that their overconfidence let them down. Some find that their ego was responsible for their failure. Sometimes it is observed that one fails due to their own negligence. Sometimes one comes to know that their failure is due to their carelessness only. Sometimes one does not come to any conclusion at all. Sometimes a failure is a mystery. It is dearth of intelligence and state of mind that cause a failure many times. Sometimes at the nick of a moment one’s memory gives them slip.

If one gets a satisfactory answer to the question why I failed they accept their failure gracefully. It is a great quality too. They do not have any grouse at all. That means that they have understood their failure in all aspects. They feel that they deserve failure and their failure is justified .They improve and perform better in future. In case of one who is not convinced with responses to the query why I failed. Such people feel that their failure is not justified. They feel they are wronged. They feel that failure is thrust upon them. They fight tooth and nail to seek justice. They are extremely unhappy and frustrated. They are disgruntled. In latter instances either something is wrong with such people or something is wrong with the system itself. Why I failed is a simple question but it is always not easy to find convincing answer to it. As a result, some argue that it is fate that decides either a success or a failure.