Fool & Foolishness.

What all kind of fools are there in the world. It is not only mentally retarded ,but also there are numerous others too. The world is a sandy of fools . No fool would ever admit that he is a fool at all. He who is foolish thinks that others are foolish. Foolish act as they wish, as they like. Their thinking is not alright at all. They are restless.Life is serious . There is no scope for foolishness in it. This is what many feel also.

What all types of fools are there it's impossible to imagine too. We think they are fools & they think we are fools. Our foolishness others enjoy & their foolishness we enjoy. This is the comedy of life. Fool somebody makes, foolish we become when where how & why we cannot say. However,clever one may be they become a fool at one time or other in life. Only after being fooled man ponders how he has been fooled & decides to be careful in future. One can fool others but cannot fool themselves . It is well said "It's easy to fool the eye but its hard to fool the heart "

Fools always deserve sympathy. Sympathising is not easy. It is a great quality. All cannot sympathise.One must have a great mind to sympathise. One must have a great heart to sympathise. World over April first has been celebrated as fool's day. In what all ways it is celebrated . People plan celebrate & rejoice it.

Fools aren't alike & foolishness isn't alike too. Foolishness differs from man to man too. Nobody need make one foolish, situations in life sometimes make one foolish. They are fools for one or other reason only.It is not merely an ordinary man would be foolish even our rulers would be foolish. Who can forget foolish King Mohamed Bin Togaluk in whose hands people suffered.Foolishness no one admires generally except one who has been benefited by it. Foolishness does not , please foolish even. Nobody would realise what they are doing is foolishness otherwise they would not have done it. It is only afterwards they realise their foolishness. Making one understand their foolishness is not an easy task at all. They would be under the impression what they have done or said is right only.

Some say by thinking too much foolishness arises in a man. Some say it arises in man without thinking & keeping the mind idle. Some say it's one's nature. Some opine that it's a tool to fool others. Foolishness doesn't dawn upon anybody man only welcomes it. It has always to be controlled. It must never be allowed to go beyond a limit at all. It prompts many times one to do what is dangerous also. There may be other reasons for failure of a man, definitely one of the reasons is his foolishness.More than anybody else the man himself recollects & repents for his foolishness. He recollects how many opportunities he missed & how much he suffered. Foolishness costs one more at times.

All cannot be foolish. Only foolish could be foolish. If others try to be foolish they would be exposed, they would be in trouble, they cut a sorry figure & it serves no purpose at all.

What feelings foolish arise in us it cannot be said. Definitely, they arise feelings in us. Sometimes, we become angry at them. Sometimes we pity them.

Wisdom & foolishness aren't permanent. Wise become foolish & foolish become wise in the world.What life makes one what it couldn't be said at all.Life is strange All can't be always wise or all can't be always foolish also. Sometimes one would be wise & sometimes one would be foolish. Wisdom & foolishness are two sides of a coin. Further,one can't be foolish everywhere. One should be serious only where they should be & should not be serious everywhere. Lest ,they would be nowhere. Foolishness is one's own commitment. Behind it usually there's one or more reason. Hurry. Not using common sense , not consulting or seeking suggestions from others are some of the reasons for it.Too much intelligence, too much confidence & anger quite frequently lead to foolishness also. Often one has to pay a price for their foolishness. Man is generally penny wise pound foolish.

What's foolishness? To err isn't foolishness.To err is human.Foolishness takes birth amongst feelings & thoughts that arise in human beings.It's doing something that shouldn't have been done.It's enough to mar a golden opportunity.It's enough to spoil whatever good that one has done.It's when Rome was burning Nero was fiddling. It's repeating the same mistake again & again. It is one hitting hard head to rock because his mind is strong. There are numerous examples for it.

No foolish man thinks that he is foolish. He would have generally a high opinion about himself. He wont be aware of his foolishness at all too. One's foolishness others would know or understand always better. Further,one's foolishness is a nuisance to others. It isn't easy for one to tolerate it. It needs immense patience to bear it.

William Shakespeare used a unique device to explain how foolishness is an unavoidable part of everyday life in his play "Twelfth Night". Foolishness is as essential as intelligence to live in this world. At times it's foolishness saves one in life. There's a saying that an intelligent finds four ways whereas it is not so with dull herd it is only one way. Foolishness cuts one to size. It teaches man lessons. Once what foolishness one does they don't want to repeat again.One is handsome or beautiful that doesn't mean that they are not foolish. One's appearance has nothing to do with foolishness.

Foolishness is a part & parcel of everyone's life. It fetches useful lessons. Life teaches what it is.Man is generally penny wise pound foolish. Foolishness anybody can do. One does it in their deeds or talk .It isn't merely dull herd do it but also intelligent too do it . Rich, poor, handsome , man, woman & everybody do it. Some do it more number of times foolishness & some do it less number of times. Some do it purposely or wantonly too. Better one does not give either scope to it or do it as far as possible. Our foolishness often others would take an advantage.

Foolishness allows one to be what they are not for a moment at least. It reminds us of a beggar's dream. In it the beggar becomes a King for a moment & enjoys . When he wakes up from it, he sees his begging bowl being broken. Day dreaming is a foolishness. Before development of mind what all foolishness one does. Leave alone others man alone enjoys & laughs at his foolishness.

Being wise also many times one cannot achieve anything in life at all. How can one expect or achieve something with foolishness. Even for recreation one shouldn't resort to foolishness.Imitation is foolish. Many have the habit of imitating. Monkeys too have the habit of imitating. A monkey if it sees a man shaving with a razor tries to imitate him. As a result its chin bleeds profusely.

Shakespeare says there's method in madness.There's method in foolishness also. There are various types of foolishness. Some have a foolishness of singing.Some have a foolishness of scolding .Some have a foolishness of eavesdropping & some have a foolishness of bragging . Foolishness leaves no one untouched.Too much care is foolishness.Carelessness is foolishness. Arousing a fool too is foolishness . Playing with the danger is foolishness. Foolishness are funny & amusing too. One becomes foolish for fun & entertainment. One's foolishness is either an enjoyment or a nuisance to others.

Foolishness couldn't be fully described at all.Where are no foolishness. It's everywhere. In playing of cards also it is there. It would be after a man. He tries to avoid it, but become a prey to it.When & how it couldn't be said at all.Everyone claims that they are wise. They become foolish at one time or other in life.