Blaming is an habit of human beings.

Blaming is an habit of human beings. There's no one in the world who hasn't tasted it at all.Hence,there's no need at all to explain what is Blaming also. When and why one would come across it, it couldn't be said, too. It takes place sometimes openly & sometimes behind the curtains . It goes on between, young, old, rich, poor, educated & uneducated. Sometimes , man blames himself. Sometimes blames his stars. Sometimes, he blames God & sometimes everybody.Many of his blaming aren't at all with any intention at all but due to frustration only.Failures,& hazards of life make a man to lose his cool.Of course,some need no reason to blame too.Many a times, blaming is settling a score. Nobody keeps mum after listening it . They wait for an opportunity to settle score. It is their nature.They won't have sound sleep unless they don't blame & empty their bent up feelings. Jealousy ,revenge, & animosity also make one wait for an opportunity to blame others too. Blaming may be for good too. Without an intention nobody usually blames. One should have at least little patience to listen and understand it. There may be some substance in it too. It's always better one understands anything appropriately in life before coming to a conclusion.

All cannot blame. One must have courage to blame.One must have authority to blame. Blaming has repercussions. Leave alone blaming , there are people who are not even prepared to listen other people blaming anybody too. They are God fearing. They are always afraid of blame. One of the wishes that they generally would have is that they should not have blame either during his lifetime or there afterwards.

Life is strange. In it blaming is as necessary as appreciation is. If blaming weren't there many would have been overconfident & proud of themselves. It cuts one to their size. Better a blame be from a well wisher. A mother not only appreciates her child but also blames her child when it is necessary. A teacher can't remain without blaming students. Teacher blames students to discipline them. Students also sometimes blame their teacher for not allotting them good marks.When one is doing something really good blaming them is nothing but demoralizing them. Similarly ,blaming without any substance is of no use and is waste of time & energy. Before blaming anybody a man must think twice. But usually,only a few think before blaming anybody.World is such that there are people in it who rejoice when others are blamed. Its in which both Rama & Ravana are blamed too. Some after blaming number of times only correct themselves. Some with any number of blaming won't correct themselves even a little at all.

When blaming began in the world no one knows. Blaming needs no teacher . Every human being tries to avoid blame but somehow no one can avoid it totally since to err is human.Who hasn't been blamed ? Whether eminent or ordinary all people have been blamed at one time or other . God too has been blamed. It's hard to escape from it in life. How to respond to it's seldom easy . One shouldn't be very sensitive in life. One should respond to blame only when & where it is quite necessary and that too aptly. Blaming is part parcel of human life. It's a mode of communication. But for it a lot of matters wouldn't have come to light at all. It indicates freedom of speech & expression also .Ruling party blames opposition & opposition party blames ruling party. Employers blame employees & employees blame employers. Mother in laws blame daughter in laws and daughter in laws blame mother in laws.There are people who transgress laws but blame laws. Who doesn't blame whom? World is active and busy because of blaming.

Blaming takes place due to various reasons. It scares a man. It makes him give a second thought to whatever that he does. Many a time it corrects him too. It's sometimes a tactics. Some adopt it and arrive successfully at truth too. It has to be taken in right spirit & analyzed. Blaming could be condemning ,fault finding or insulting. Sometimes ,blaming is quite necessary otherwise things don't move at all. One's behavior would be sometimes so bad that it may need not only severe blaming but also it may need punishment too.There are different opinions about blaming.There is an opinion that those who don't have a better work only resort to blaming. Blaming could be an art too. One can blame others &convey everything without hurting them too.There are experts in blaming also who don't need even more matters to blame even .

Blaming a few like.It's always bitter.Any other blaming other than the one with good intention is a negative expression only . If anybody who would be pleased with blaming ,it would be either opposite camp or rivals only.It's as good as slapping. It has good & bad aspects. Many think,it demotivates, hurts and pains people . It spoils relationship and things won't remain as they are with it. It is often treated with scorn. There are who consider a blaming as blessings too. They say "Don't heed to an unnecessary blaming. Just smile it away. It isn't a curse at all but a blessing."

Blaming affects some people and doesn't affect some people at all. How it affects a person depends more upon mindset of individual . How individual treats it. It normally doesn't affect dishonest but affects honest people. When a blame comes, some want to disprove it. Some want to bring clear and real picture to light.

Using bad words is not blaming. Blaming must be with facts, figures and reasons.Blame is the act of censuring, holding responsible, making negative statements about an individual or group that their action or actions are socially or morally irresponsible, the opposite of praise.When someone is morally responsible for doing something wrong their action is blameworthy. Blame and anger often go hand in glove.Sometimes anger leads to blaming and sometimes blaming leads to anger.

When anyone is to be blamed, they are to be blamed and when anyone is to be praised, they are to be praised.On both the occasions there should be no exaggeration whatsoever at all.One cannot blame anybody as they like without a reason. Blaming strains relation between one another. Blame solves no problem but it adds problem.One cannot get away from their responsibility blaming others. Man is creator of his problems he has to blame himself for all problems and shouldn't blame anybody else for them . One must be always cautious while blaming others it may boomerang. As far as possible and wherever possible blaming is to be avoided . It is well said "Better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness."

If a good man is not praised there is no problem. In fact, he expects no praise at all. He does nothing for a praise too. But when he is blamed he becomes sad. Others who wanted to do something good are dissuaded as a result too. Before blaming anybody or praising it is better to think twice. Words spoken cannot be taken back.

Blaming does more than good does always more harm. Quarrels accelerate with blaming. Blaming doesn't decrease differences but widen them. Blaming affects physical as well as mental health of persons. Blaming is an offense for defense. When one cannot do anything and one is helpless , they begin blaming others for their fault. It is a cover up . It is passing on the buck. By blaming one doesn't gain anything but ill feelings. Often ,situations don't improve with it Instead matters worsen with it.It's better it is used as a matter of last resort. It's better other options are tried. A tongue has no bones. It has no manners too. It has all the mean qualities.

When a blaming starts when it ends, it couldn't be said at all. Blaming isn't for teaching one a lesson. It is not the way of molding one. When one doesn't find any other way and when one is desperate to defend selves,they resort to blaming . Many have the habit of drawing curtain over their undoing by blaming others. Blaming reflects one's culture. When Dushyanth doesn't recognize Shakuntala and says he doesn't know her. The way Shakuntala blames him shows her culture. She calls him "uncivilized" How much civilized Shakuntala was.

Blaming is a worth watching scene for onlookers. It is fun for some watchers. It is an ugly scene for some. It is a dilemma for some. It is interesting to some .One who can blame well can quarrel well. Blaming will not stop but will go on forever in the world. Yes ,blaming must come down. It has to come down on its own. It seldom comes down on anybody advising. It comes down only when one realizes that it is no good.

Wayne Dyer says

“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.”