Life is nothing but a chain of situations.

Life is not a straight line. It couldn't be stagnant also even if a man wants it to be. Situations make life up & down. It is situations which create good times & bad times in life. Shakespeare rightly says when sorrows come they come not in single spies but in battalions . Life is nothing but a chain of situations. Seldom nothing happens all of a sudden. Anything to happen usually it needs preparation.Without clouds there cannot be rains at all.

What is the situation developing sometimes man understands.Sometimes he doesn't understand the situation developing around him at all.Situation sometimes takes him by surprise. Situations usually develop slowly and steadily. Any situation can be created too. Life contains tough situations , humorous situations, gaining situations , losing situations and all kinds of situations. Life is not merely crying but also it is laughing. That is why it is interesting & not boring too.

Only when life culminates , man would be free from chain of situations. Situations keep a man throughout busy. It is they who make life challenging. It is they who make life interesting too. What a man to-day is whether he is a kind hearted , whether he is a lion hearted or a rough & tough man is the result of the situations that he faced in life. Situations do not merely come & go in life , they leave their trail.In which situation what one would do it couldn't be said at all. Situations can make anyone helpless. One may come across situation that they might have not even dreamt too. At times what course situations would take it couldn't be imagined also. Every situation needs & demands strategies. Besides, sometimes only strategies work also. What may be there what may not be there in situations it couldn't be guessed at all.Some situations in life God alone could solve. Many leave them all alone. It is one of the ways of meeting such situations also. Sometimes such situations get solved favourably on their own too. Elders always advise " Don't be afraid of any situation. in life One must go through all types of situations to know fully what life is."Situations need actions. They need decisions . One cannot remain dumb with the situations.

What is a situation ? When others face a situation one may not feel what it is but it is when they face it they realize what it is. Everyone's endeavour in life is to improve situations in their life.Nothing pulls up a man or pulls down a man more than what situations in their life do. Nobody need tell what a situation is. It itself makes one know what it is. Of course, what would be situation tomorrow that nobody knows well other than Him. Once a situation is understood, it could be always faced better. There is always a way to handle every situation also . Life doesn't contain merely happy situations. It contains sorrowful, dangerous , & pitiable situations. When some are in vulnerable situations there are people who try to take advantage of them also. It is situations which provide opportunities & experiences to a man. It is they prompt one to do what they don't want to do also. Hunger prompts one to beg borrow or steal. It is situations make one know what is success & what is failure. It is they which make one like one another & it is they which make one dislike one another also .How much proud one would be after handling a situation with success.How much depressed one would be after failing to overcome a situation . When there is no disturbances whatsoever & when everything augurs well situation is considered good. When everything goes topsy turvy & when there are disturbances situation is considered bad.A man becomes a matured man only after facing situation after situation in life.As far as possible no one must try to avoid situations in their life. A situation is not to smile & brush away . It is always something to ponder about. Nothing banishes faster & quicker a man's ego than situations in life. Situations tackle ego in anyone very well & keep it within bounds.

Man is usually selfish . He always wants situations to be favourable to him.He wants to make hay when the sun shines. But it is always a man proposes & God disposes. Situations make one know what life is too.

One can forget anything but not the situations that they face in life. They recollect them usually when they are leisurely. It brings to their memory the situations that created dilemmas wherein they were helpless & knew not what to do. Similarly they remember many occasions wherein they had financial difficulties too.Some face an easy situation with great difficulty & some face a difficult situation with ease. Charles Swindoll rightly says "Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it.” Situations create problems & problems create situations in life .

Facing a lion is a situation. Crossing a river is a situation. Climbing a mountain is also a situation. It is not the situation which makes the man. But the man who makes the situation. Situations that man faces in life are varied .They make him tell truth. It is they make him tell lies too. What situations wouldn't make ? They make sometimes friends turn into foes and sometimes they make foes turn into friends. Situations make even great emperors servants in the court of ordinary kings. That's how Pandavas served Virata in great epic Mahabharatha. Sometimes a man's pocket would be full of money & sometimes a man's pocket would be empty. Sometimes a man would be surrounded by friends and sometimes there would be no friends around him. Situations are inexplicable.

Man often exclaims "Life is not a bed of roses " for only some of the situations that he comes across are desired and expected but majority of situations that he comes are surprises & unexpected.Whether it is financial situation, whether its a health situation or whether its a domestic situation seldom they remain same in life.Situations go on changing. To-day is not yesterday, tomorrow is not to-day. They either turn to the good or to the bad. Man is often humble before the situations in life. He is often a servant of situations in life rather situations are servants of him. Facing situations in life is a talent. It's not easy at all.

What man is to-day is because of the situations in life only.One may not fear anything but situations in life are capable of shivering them also. They are capable of making anyone nervous.They are very powerful. Many situations cannot be described also. Situations are not always bad also. They are good & loving too. Everyone one's life is full of situations. Some face more situations & some face less situations . Life is not without them at all. Life is colourful because of the situations one faces. Situations change a man.They make a man bold, angry, wicked, crooked & what not. It is situations in life make one roar like a like lion & it is they make one keep quiet like a cat too. It is situations which place a man between devil and deep sea also. Situation drive away one's innocence & ignorance. In fact, many times situations in life teach a man what that had not been taught between the four walls of educational institutions also.Every situation in life is a lesson to a man. Only a few are undeterred by situations in life.

Handling of situations in life is an important aspect of life. It is an art. Mere intelligence & knowledge aren't enough to tackle situations. There is a way to tackle every situation. Patience, presence of mind , determination ,cooperation, luck & what else are essential it couldn't be guessed too. More than anything else His blessings are quite essential to tackle situations in life.

Life examination comprises primarily one after another situation.Many a time situations are a riddle. It is difficult to understand them. They make a man go helter kelter. He must not lose his calm at such times.Positive thinking is always quite essential to meet a situation. Sometimes man has to imagine situations to understand what might have happened too. A situation requires normally not body strength but mental strength.Confidence always wins half the battle.Every situation in life is a battle without wagging of weapons.

Questions how situations occur,who is or who are responsible for their occurrence, can a man stop their occurrence or control them cannot be easily answered.Sometimes man can control situations . Sometimes situations are beyond his control. Always it is better steps are initiated before the situations go out of control rather than initiating measures after they go out of control. Once they go out of control , it is difficult to bring them under control yet again. One can utilize situations well provided they are under their control.

One cannot ignore situations in life.Some call them as good situations & some call them difficult situations. Everyone describes them in their own language and in their own way. Some share the situations faced by them. Some do not share the situations faced by them. Some are selective in sharing and share only some situations and that too to their near & dear. It is situations that make a man's life different from that of other.

Situations in life give rise to number of sayings & proverbs also.Situations seldom remain the same in the world at all also . There is a famous saying which says " One time is always always reserved for mother in law's regime & one time is reserved for daughter in law's regime " Similarly, one saying says " Make hay while the sun shines" Another saying says " act as the time demands " Third one says" A stitch in time saves nine" Fourth one says " Two heads are always better than one"...........................