A Woman

Whatever you give a Woman, She will make it Greater....!!

Give her a House, She will give you a Home....!!

Give her Groceries, She will give you a Meal....!!

Give her a Smile, She will give you her Heart....!!

She Multiplies & Enlarges what She is given....!!

A woman is as capable as a man is.A caring mother, a loving wife, a wonderful sister, an obedient daughter – women play many roles. She isn't inferior to a man in any respect at all. She is never to be treated as a mere object of enjoyment or a reproductive machine. There are occasions when a woman fights and wins a battle alone.Activities of a woman are neither confined to four walls of a house nor to a single field . They are manifold and are spread over almost every field. Hand that rocks the cradle can rule the world. Behind every successful man there is always a woman. A woman influences a man more than a man influences a woman. She can definitely change the course of life of a man. Certainly, a woman is there behind anything good or bad that takes place in this world also. She has generally a greater tolerance for pain than a man. A woman lives longer and is more resistant to many diseases too. But, all women are not alike. As we come across different types of men in life we come across different types of women too . As such,we come across some women who are more dominant and some women who are less dominant. Woman to woman differ not only in appearance but also woman to woman differ in their behavior. Women are known as a weaker sex. A feminine woman leans toward trustfulness, adaptability, and fearfulness.She is submissive to her husband and has a dependency upon men for their care and protection.She is generally weaker than a man physically.But intellectually, she need not be less intelligent than a man at all. She can be powerful dominating and strong willed also. She can be cunning and crooked also. She can build or destroy a family.She can be as ambitious and egoistic as a man is. A woman is as necessary as a man is for welfare and progress of a family .She can do and undo many things.It is always better she is learned.She must be an embodiment of love and affection.The management of a house is more a responsibility of a woman than that of a man.The house does not rest upon the ground but upon a woman. It is she who keeps atmosphere of a home lively and pleasant too. It is very difficult to describe a woman fully. A Kannada proverb describes a woman well. It says that only if pleased she is a woman otherwise if enraged, she is a devil.It is the duty of an elderly woman to develop love and affection among the younger generation and groom them.Usually a younger generation imitates the older generation.Elders must be models to youngsters in all respect.

It was before independence in India. The woman by name Aditi whom I am referring here was not even sixteen years old . She was about 5 ft 3 inches tall. She was neither fat nor thin but moderate. Though not very beautiful ,she was fair to look at. She was studying in a convent where medium of instruction was English. She had not even completed her secondary school certificate examination at that time. Besides, she was learning harmonium ,carnatic music and embroidery too. It was a time when girls were married at an early age. In those days even child marriages and cradle marriages were taking place. Her wedding with Anand was at 12.30 a.m. Marriage ceremonies were taking place one after another. In fact many young were asleep by the time wedding took place. Such a wedding at odd hours was in fact a punishment to invitees , couple and all others too It was after world war II. There were controls and restrictions in every field. There were hardly a few marriage halls at that time in that town and weddings were generally held at brides residences during those days. That was why only near and dear and important people of that town were invited to the function. It was a huge gathering. It was a grand function. It was for first time that family was conducting a function. The parents of bride were not very rich. Some people are neither concerned nor think of future at all . Her parents belonged to that category. They had five more daughters to get married. Yet, they were not curtailing any of the expenses because bride was their eldest and affectionate daughter. It was the first major function in their family. There were no male issues in the family initially in that family. Parents affection is always without any strings. Similarly, a child has certain duties towards the family where it is born and brought up. Exactly at the stroke of 12-30 a.m. wedding took place with pomp and grandeur. It was a memorable occasion.

Soon after marriage, Aditi passed her matriculation and began her married life at New Delhi with her husband. Secondary school certificate examination was a fairly good education in those days. All the qualities that a man or a woman possess are not at all born qualities. Majority of qualities that one possess are qualities that are developed by them only.Unlike many women, Aditi was not an idle chatterbox. She was a moderate talker. Her alertness deserved kudos. She was always busy doing something or other. Somehow, she developed into a greedy and selfish woman. Greediness is one of the qualities which many of the human beings have. There is variety in greediness too. We come across one who readily spend as much as they want for their sake but while spending for others they are miserly. Aditi was always ready to spend anything for her sake but she was not opening the zip of her wallet for others sake even for the courtesy sake.When she comes across a needy also, her attitude would not change. On the contrary,when the needy was helped by someone ,she would not either enjoy or tolerate it. Instead, she expects similar help simultaneously.


God's every creation is always a difficult puzzle to solve. It is difficult to find out circumstances under which Aditi became greedy and selfish. It might have been due to financial difficulties that her family faced when she was young and her studies were affected or it might have been due to her friends circle or neighbors at New Delhi. Once a good or a bad quality develops in a person it never forsakes them till the end. Whatever that was beautiful and valuable at her parents house, she persuaded her parents to gift it out to her.The husband and wife were made for each other. They were living very cordially. There was either no misunderstanding or quarrel between husband and wife. Her husband was more amenable. In fact ,he was dancing to her tunes. He was a henpecked husband. If she had a will, she could have certainly helped her parents a lot .

New Delhi is one of the biggest and beautiful cities of India . It is capital of India too. There are numerous opportunities in New Delhi to one to come up in life. There are also numerous occasions for one to get spoiled at New Delhi too. Aditi was fortunate to have a very good caring husband. Weather of New Delhi did not suit her at all. She had asthma there. He had a decent job in New Delhi with quarters provided. It was a time when accommodation was a problem at New Delhi. The good husband relinquished for her sake his decent job. He thought that Mysore would suit her health. She was pregnant. He migrated to Mysore. He started a business at Mysore for their livelihood. Moreover, she and her husband stayed with her parents for a period exceeding two years. As a result expenditure at her fathers home went up. In addition to this her father had other expenditure too. More than a dozen people were dependent upon him. He was the only an earning member of family. As a consequence, all his savings gradually became nil. His financial condition deteriorated day by day. In fact, he had no money even to celebrate marriage of his second daughter. At the time of marriage of his third daughter his coffers was almost empty. Moreover, his heath too deteriorated. Soon after his retirement from employment he breathed his last too leaving behind a huge family. The family was at a bay. The family was like a ship without a captain. The saying " Laugh, and the world laugh with you, Weep, and you weep alone " was very much true even with that family. It was a testing and challenging period for the family and it needed all the support.

Every child whether it is a male or a female has a right over ancestral property and majority of children enforcrce their rights also. Majority of people in this world know their rights well but majority of people in this world are not aware of their duties at all. Every child whether it is a male or a female is duty bound to the family to which it belongs by its birth. It must always have an interest of that family in mind. It cannot forget that family at all. It must never be selfish. Whether affection towards other members of their family and duty to their family are to be taught to every child by their parents or they would be there in every child by birth. Elders say, that could not be developed in children by preaching . As one grows up, they must realize and develop them themselves. Unfortunately, many do not either realize or develop affection towards family to which they belong by birth. One can study others and understand them. But it is difficult for anybody to understand themselves. Further, it is difficult to understand a woman than a man for a woman is generally more complex than a man is.

It is the duty of elders to guide youngsters. Guidance costs one nothing. It is showing others a right path or direction with one's knowledge and experince . What one needs more at times is not money but guidance. Guidance helps one immensely. She should have been a guiding light to the family but never she was. After settling down in life, she did not try to help her parents and others in family when they were in dire straits. She was not either realising or sharing their difficulties. She was jealous of her own brothers and sisters. She could not bear their progress also. She always wanted to be superior to other members in the family. If she were not in a position to help, one would not have minded at all. In fact, she and her husband could save a large sum of money and build their own house and settled down well in life. If one is full of jealousy and petty qualities they will always be thin and hungry looking and will never be fat even if they eat well and have all the comforts of life. This was true in her case. She remained thin through out her life. She forgot that she has got as much responsibility for welfare of a family as a male child has. In fact, some female do not marry even to lookafter, parents, brothers and sisters. They sacrifice their life for the sake of their family. Sharing of others difficulties cannot be taught. It must be in one's blood. It is a rare quality. Those who have no selfishness only have this quality.

How strange this world is. Our own five fingers of hand are not alike. Children of same parents are not only different in their appearance but also are different in their nature too. They are born together. Same blood is flowing in their veins. They grow together. They play together. They go to bed together. They eat together. Sometimes eat in the same bowl also. I do not not understand why they turn into rivals as they grow up.

Here, Aditi was a powerful and commanding woman within the four walls of her house. She was a strange woman. She was not emotional. She was of a different mold. There are many ways to help others. In fact,helping others is an opportunity which one gets rarely. A help need not be financially only. It could be in kind too. But, she or her husband neither helped that family neither financially nor helped them in securing good alliances to unmarried in that family. However, she availed as and when necessary assistance of her brothers , sisters and mother to make her life comfortable. She did not treat brothers,sisters and mother who came for her assistance properly at all. In fact, she ill treated them. She hurt their feelings. Teenagers generally have more appetite than others. It is at teenage one's growth is maximum. It is at teen age one has no control over their appetite also. It is when one longs to eat more too. She used to have fruits and milk for her children , her husband and herself but was sparing nothing for her teen aged brother. Her mother had the good habit of sharing everything with others. After sharing with others only her mother used to have anything for herself. Whereas that habit was totally absent in her. She used to serve brothers and sisters with left over food. Whenever guests were there , she was not allowing them to share table with the guests.It seems she was treating her servants better. In fact, they served her for long periods. She had no conscious at all. Opulence sometimes makes one blind.Money was everything to her.She did not bother to think about relationship or anything else. As a consequence, all the love and affection that her brothers and sisters had for her gradually disappeared. She was looked upon by them with scorn.

Situations do not remain as they are. Situations change. Situations take either a good turn or a bad turn. The good that her parents had done and their generosity paid rich dividends to her brothers and sisters. Whatever good that one does always remains, it pays them if not to-day at least tomorrow. One or another well wisher came to their help in one or another way. More than anybody it is God who blessed that family abundantly. It started looking up. Her brothers and sisters could get themselves moderately educated, They got decent jobs. They were able to build up their careers also. They were happily married and are well settled in life now. Whereas in case of her, it was a sad story. As a house wife she discharged her duties well. She looked after husband and children well. She was not a spend thrift. However, she was not fortunate. Her husband breathed his last due to a heart attack. A daughter too passed away due to ill health. Shakespeare has rightly said "When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions." She lived a life of a widow for over two decades. One must not come across difficult days after happy days. She suffered a lot during last days of her life due to ill health. Of course, she was financially secure through out. It was mentally she had to under go turmoil. She might have repented for her earlier deeds at the later part of her life. Life is not continuous. It has to come to an end. One fine morning she bade adieu to this world. Now she is only a remembrance .