Optimism is healthy.

All will end well. Victory will be ours.This is optimism. Optimism isn't exactly a choice or a belief . It's a deep trust in life & in people.It's a mental attitude.It's nothing but positive thinking .It's in a way fantasy too. Nothing begins with pessimism. Everything usually begins with optimism only .One with optimism is always full of hope & enthusiasm. Optimism keeps one going.It's a bubble that doesn't burst easily. It floats & floats. It has been proven to be a powerful tool that will pay dividends for our personal life & give us a competitive advantage professionally in our career. There is a lot to be gained, indeed, in cultivating an optimistic outlook . Nobody builds more castles in the air than an optimist .Optimists are day dreamers.They never dream bad. Everything appears rosy in optimism. Where there's optimism there's no need of support or backup of any kind .Optimism is the faith that leads one to achieve something .One can't be ambitious without being optimistic. All the great changes that have taken place in this world have been accomplished by optimists.Leibniz,one of the inventors of calculus, was optimist. When all doors are closed, it's optimism that always tells that there is a way out. We don't know how close we are to goal. We shouldn't give up. We must be optimistic otherwise we may have to repent.

Optimism is an emotional competence that can help boost productivity, enhance employee morale, overcome conflict and have a positive impact on the bottom line. Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. It makes life lively.It is a means to lead life. It's an admirable quality . What one could have until they take their last breath is optimism. That which could give a man solace and company in situation hopeless in life is it.What rich,poor, young,old and all could have is optimism. Some exhibit it whereas some don't exhibit but keep it within. It's optimism that tells one that a better day would come.An optimist always looks on the bright side of things.Optimism stalls one from becoming desperate. In fact, many times situations demand it. What the elders always advise one to be is be optimistic. They say "Aim at the sky you would be at least somewhere".

In fact,optimism doesn't always remain as it is.It materializes or disappoints . It isn't easy to remain optimistic under all circumstances. Optimists are happy go merry people. Mark Twain aptly describes an optimist as a person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness. An optimist always brims with confidence. He waits until the end. In life optimism has to be allowed to blossom like flower while pessimism has to be nipped in the bud itself. However, optimism shouldn't exceed the limits at any time.

Human mind oscillates between optimism, realism and pessimism. It doesn't remain as it is.The company of optimists imbibes optimism and company of pessimists imbibes pessimism in people . People like optimists better than pessimists and optimists have more friends than pessimists . Optimists have fewer health complications when compared to pessimists. In fact, happy people and optimists live longer. Optimists can do better in life. In optimism everywhere there's light and no darkness wheresoever at all.It's optimism that makes one put a step forward without any hesitation. Optimism makes future bright . Without optimism life is a dull story.Without it the world would never be so colorful and different. There would be no inventions, masterpieces of art, architecture, if the scholars and artists didn't possess optimistic vision of the world and didn't believe in themselves. Only when optimism doesn't bear fruits one drifts to pessimism. This shouldn't happen for consequences of same are really bad.

Optimism is a state of mind. It's brightness in darkness.It's a ray of hope.A common idiom used to illustrate optimism versus pessimism is a glass with water at the halfway point, where the optimist is said to see the glass as half full, but pessimist sees the glass as half empty .Optimists love life in any situation.They are relaxed . They look for the light at the end of the tunnel. It is they who see a green light everywhere.They manage the stress very well. Optimism is a motivator. It is a catalyst. It is the faith that leads to achievement.It brings in success. It increases with every success. No doubt it decreases with every failure. What has bearing on optimism is what that takes place in and around. An optimist feels Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond.

Developing optimism and becoming an optimist isn't easy at all.Life allows only a few to be optimist. All cannot be optimist.Only one who is fortunate and whose stars are good would be an optimist.Optimism makes one dream more and more.A worried man would never know what's optimism.Everything looks rosy to optimist. He sees opportunities everywhere.Winston Churchill rightly said" A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty ."As long as everything goes well in optimism life is heaven.

Optimism may be faraway from realism but it's better than pessimism.However,when everything goes topsy- turvy, life turns into a hell even in optimism. Therefore, no one should be too much carried away by optimism. One must be aware of the real world invariably.Everything has two faces. Optimism too has two faces. One's optimism must be balanced one. It must be neither more or less.

Faith has always got a soothing effect.No one goes to a doctor with pessimism everyone goes to a doctor with optimism only. Similarly,every one approaches God with optimism only. Faith in God always transforms into optimism.More the faith a man has in God more he would be blessed with optimism . More often what makes a man live is the optimism that God would secure him victory over his difficulties.

An optimist sees something good in whatever happens. Optimism helps one to bear the miseries and face situations. Hardships are seen as ‘learning experiences’ by optimist, and even the most miserable day always holds the promise to an optimist.Optimism is ability to see the silver lining in a dark cloud and having the ability to maintain a positive attitude in a negative environment. There could be many opinions regarding optimism. If one is cool and optimistic even though in deep trouble draws praise from many people. However,there are some who call them a fool for being optimistic in such a situation.

Whatever might have happened .Whatever may be happening .Tomorrow is there. Its optimism.It's positive thinking. It's which reminds that all isn't over.It enables one to face tomorrow confidently.It fills one with courage.It allows one to remain calm.It drives away negative thoughts. Its one which not only makes to-day pass by but also makes one look at future with hope. It is "Acche Din Ayega". "Good Days would come.It has no limit. Like a lamp burns to the last drop of oil. One can have it up to the last breath.Optimism depends upon the mindset of a man. The most significant aspect of optimism is its power to transform the negative thoughts into positive thoughts. One with it wouldn't become desperate usually.

Optimism is thinking & expecting good everywhere. It is a quality. It is a developed quality. It isn't a born quality.Young, old or anybody can have it. Some are more optimistic. Some are less optimistic. It is a quality imbibed in a man due to circumstances & environment in life .Successes enhance it & failures reduce it.An optimist can spread optimism. He can motivate others to be optimistic also. An optimist says "If you can dream it, you can do it "

Optimism some praise & some condemn & say "It should be where it should be & shouldn't be everywhere " What is going to happen is going to happen.Why think negatively & become desperate.Optimism is the best recourse in a desperate situation. It is optimism that wouldn't allow enthusiasm to decline in a man. Good things to happen much time isn't essential at all. When clouds are there it may rain at any moment.

It is optimism that wouldn't allow enthusiasm to decline in a man. It makes one fight to the end. It makes one give their best. Our prime minister Mr Narendra Modi is the best example of optimism. He says "I am a very optimistic man. & only an optimistic man can bring optimism in the country

Optimism is healthy. It makes people more resistant to stress. Optimism may even help people live longer.It turns out that an optimistic attitude helps one to be happier, more successful, & healthier.Research has shown that becoming an optimist can alleviate depression and help prevent relapses.Optimists are more productive than their pessimistic peers, persisting through obstacles and making up for any deficits of intelligence or skills. Optimism boosts immune system, protecting one from infectious diseases and decreasing the likelihood of breast cancer relapse. Optimistic sports teams tend to improve year-to-year, and optimistic athletes perform better, particularly in crunch time. Optimistic politicians tend to win elections.

Here is a story of Optimism.

There was a king who once went to the jungle for hunting . He was accompanied by one of his ministers . While the minister was trying to arrow down a peacock , he happens to hurt the king's index finger unknowingly.The king turns very furious. He decides to maroon the minister deep in the forest . Doing so, he starts off to his palace . On the way, he encounters some tribal inhabitants . They immediately take custody of the king and prepare him for a ritual sacrifice . While just about to kill the king ,one of them notices the king's bleeding finger. He informs this to all his fellowmen . They then let the king go ,saying that an incomplete life can not be given as a sacrifice to the God .

The king realizes that the mistake committed by the minister has now saved him . He goes back to the minister.He narrates to him what had happened , apologizes and thanks him . The minister being very optimistic , says that its he who has to thank the king for marooning him . Bewildered, the king asks what for he is thanked ? The minister replies that if he had not been marooned by the king , The tribal would have killed him for being perfectly healthy . Saying so, the minister concludes that there is always something good in whatever happens . Lets look at the better part of things .