Appreciation .

Philosophy says what is the use if we do this & that if there is no appreciation .What is the use of being alive. Now a days even a mother in law wants appreciation from daughter in law.

Who doesn't welcome appreciations ? A dog would be always wagging its tail & would be keeping its tongue stretched & waving to receive a pat from the master .Verbs always want adverbs & nouns want adjectives to express better.Man too needs always appreciation to be active & enthusiastic.

Appreciation is a gainful venture . One wouldn't lose anything but would gain many things by appreciating.Happy days in life are when everyone appreciates. Appreciation sounds like music to ears. One needn't amass wealth , it is enough they win appreciation of one & all.

Appreciation doesn't fall from the blues. In fact,often one has to move heaven & earth to have it. One has to put in hard work & sacrifice also to secure it. It's the ultimate reward for all the stress,strain & efforts that one puts. It is a compliment on being pleased. Everyone wants if not from anyone , they want God to appreciate them. The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.What a marvel a few words of appreciation would do it couldn't be said.Appreciation costs one nothing but a few words.It often works wonders.It motivates & encourages. Don't ever underestimate the power of it.It must be timely,it mustn't be at any time. But don't appreciate where it doesn't deserve at all.Let it always emerge from the bottom of heart.There shouldn't be different scales to appreciation. While appreciating , there shouldn't be any partiality at all.

Appreciation & inspiration always go together. Without appreciation there can be no distinction between the coarse and the fine. Appreciation is often productive only. It is not merely successes deserve appreciation but also failures deserve appreciation. A man would appreciate a situation well provided he himself undergoes & has intimate knowledge about it. What one appreciates and what one doesn't appreciates depends upon man.Appropriate steps at inappropriate moments are always appreciated. In this fantastic world people are ready to do everything to win appreciation. The incident "Haryana Brave hearts "/ Rohtak sisters on a bus gives a full account in this regard.

What isn't appreciated in this world. Beauty is appreciated. Wisdom is appreciated. Patience is appreciated. Courage is appreciated. Man has quality of appreciating anything good in others. Whatever good that one does usually receives an appreciation from one or another in one way or other. It wont go unnoticed usually. Appreciation is sometimes expressed in words & sometimes its expressed in deeds.How it influences a person it depends upon many factors.It depends upon the mindset of person who is praised. Whether there is appreciation or whether there is no appreciation it is not so important. What's important is achievement. Achievement wont go anywhere at all. Appreciation comes many times posthumously also.Appreciation brings one another closer & closer. It improves relationships. How many awards Government of India has disbursed since independence to its people in recognition & appreciation of their achievements in various fields. It is appreciations make one ambitious too.

Appreciation is not a material thing. Yet, majority of human beings would be after it as if it is a treasure. It is one of the expectations of majority of human beings.What one would do,what one wont do to have it in their life. What a competition for it in every field between whom & whom not. It takes place between known & unknown too.Appreciation shouldn't be either more or less. It should be appropriate. It has limits . Children are often spoiled by over appreciation. Appreciation is an art. There are several ways to appreciate also. It should be where it should be. Otherwise, more than good it may often do bad too. It in fact may give room to ego overconfidence & arrogance in a man.Mere appreciation seldom does justice to a man.One may have talent & capabilities but may not be appreciated anywhere at all.They may not get opportunities to display their talents & prove capabilities at all. They remain like a fruit behind leaves also. Stars play their role in the life of a man.Appreciation isn't to be bought.It has to be always earned.Criticisms aren't easily forgotten.So also, appreciations too aren't to be forgotten at all. They are to be always memorable.

How one treats appreciation is always important.Appreciating others is really a great quality.All don't possess it.One with positive mind can only appreciate. Some appreciate whatever they come across. Some are choosy in appreciating. One shouldn't feel bad after appreciating anybody at all. That is why it is better one always thinks twice before appreciating anyone.Some work for appreciation only.Appreciation is their motto. Poor man doesn't realize that he needn't be after appreciation at all .It comes to him on its own if the work is good.Self contentment one must aim at & not the appreciation .

Good deeds need no appreciation. Contentment one would have is itself appreciation. It is His appreciation.

Same tongue that appreciates criticizes too. Appreciation and criticism are two faces of human life."Sri Basaveshwara who propagated Veerashaiva religion cautions " Be careful man may appreciate & appreciate and crucify you to golden spear." Do not be after appreciation. Appreciation is a tool which mesmerises many people, It is used to fool many people also. In fact, many people get fooled with it.One must be always beware of it.One shouldn't be after it at all. It must come searching a person.

One shouldn't be either too proud if they are appreciated or get too dejected if they aren't appreciated. Better they remain as they are whether they are appreciated or not. Believe those who abuse you in the front than those who appreciate you in the front. There are several kinds of people in this world . One kind of people always try to find faults with others. There is another kind of people who always try to find good in others.Former always abuse others & latter always appreciate others . Mind of those who appreciate others would be always calm & quiet where as the mind of those who abuse others would be always agitated and they would never be happy or contented at all. They wont have sound sleep also at all. They would not achieve anything at all. In olden days in the courts of kings & emperors there used to be courtiers who had no other job other than appreciating them.

Appreciation fills one with courage & confidence. It makes them realise that they are on the right path. It is not easy to understand life. Good that a man does never goes waste at all. It is appreciated by means of favourable incidents in life. God's blessings are nothing but His appreciations only.

Though, everyone can appreciate anyone whether we are qualified to shower appreciation this is to be answered by us. It is better appreciation comes from eminent personalities. Appreciating is not easy at all. Appreciation must contain apt words and phrases & convey only what is there in one's heart and nothing else .Otherwise there is every possibility it becoming an offensive too. President John F Kennedy rightly says "we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." Mere words do not convey appreciation. Appreciation must be impressive & effective.With all amenities & comforts if one leads life what is there in it to be appreciated ? It is one who couldn't make his both hands meet deserves appreciation if he leads life happily & cheerfully. Likewise if an handicapped person wins an athletic event he deserves more appreciation. It is good nature is to be appreciated than beauty of a person. Beauty fades as days pass by but nature of a person matures as days pass by.

Appreciation is not an easy task at all.Why did I appreciate him , I did a mistake in appreciating him this question arises many a times. One has to face the consequences of appreciating too. It is not easy withdrawing appreciations also.