Road to Success

Everybody wants to succeed in life. Nobody likes to taste either failure or defeat. As such everyone tries hard to be on the road to success. It is a path to success. Hence there is always quest for the ways and means to tread this path. Majority of people do not mind whether it is a right or wrong path to tread. Every individual spares no efforts and leaves no stone unturned to achieve success. Majority of people generally throw all principles to wind and by hook or crook want success at any cost. They do what they are not supposed to-do. Success is a craze for them. It is their thinking that once they are successful whatever wrong they have done occupies back stage and would not be remembered at all. By and large, this is a fact also. Life is very competitive we could see everybody whether rich or poor, strong or weak, young or old all striving and craving for success. Success stories inspire others. Success stories could be used as a guide for the road to success. Human activities are not confined only to a single field but are spread over innumerable fields. Depending upon the field we choose we have to develop our expertise in that particular field in order to succeed there. Our rivals also follow the same suit. Always a better man should win the race invariably. But this does not happen many a times. Success is always elusive. Unless one has trophy in hand he cannot say that he has won it. Some clinch victory from brink of defeat. Defeat always stares at a pessimist whereas an optimist never loses hope and is always hopeful of converting even a defeat into victory. Road to success is not success but it is only a way and means to success. Road to success is only tips to achieve success. Once we come to know the road to success our task would be easy. It is enough if we carry out whatever we have understood correctly, discreetly and without any deviation. Now a days all short cuts are used on their way to success. Road to success is just like developing infrastructure for a project. Road to success is a long strenuous process. Experience, knowledge, intelligence, talent, influence, participation, favorable stars, opportunities, circumstances and such other components are quite essential besides hard work during one’s travel on the road to success in order to be successful at the end. Which component helps us and to what extent in our endeavor to success nobody can forecast. Road to success is not a silken path but one has to tread it carefully otherwise we would be off the rails. Even though we are in sight of peak, there is no guarantee that success would be ours we might fall down any moment from such a height and success may elude us. Road to success is a rugged path. Many of the people who succeed generally he or she looks backs at the road to success and become proud of their feat. Their work brings them all the satisfaction and they remain contended. However, nature differs from person to person. There are people who do not stop at that juncture they take up new tasks and even adopt different strategies and plan or take up an entirely another route towards success. There is no hard and fast rule that how the road to success should be. Depending on the one’s objective nature etc it take its own course. If we succeed once that does not mean that we would succeed always. Failure is said to be stepping to success. If we do introspection and realize where we had erred on our road to success, if we make amends or plug all the loopholes and make an earnest effort, there is every possibility of success knocking at our doors. There are people who study great people and follow their ideals for carving their road to success. We can divide the study of road to success into various categories like 1.Education and the road to its success.2. Road to success and the career. 3 One’s profession and road to success. 4. Politics and the road to success, 5 Sports and games and the road to success and 6. Business and road to success.

Education helps us to understand various matters. It enriches our knowledge. It enables us to learn more and more. Education is a road to success. There is no end to learning limit is sky. We should involve our self fully in our field of study, take keen interest and work hard devotedly. Our thirst for knowledge should increase day by day. Passing an exam does not mean we are successful. By referring to guides, by hearting or mugging, guessing and such other means one could pass an examination. Our studies should not be confined to four walls of a classroom. Teacher is only a friend philosopher and guide. The teacher has other students also to be taught. One cannot expect him or her to know and do spoon-feeding. We should refer to various texts and books and know more and more about the subject or subjects with our efforts. We should grab every opportunity to learn and succeed in life. Intelligence, wisdom, smartness, and knowledge etc of one another compete and the fittest would only succeed in the struggle.

Whatever may be our career we must work hard, learn the job, display our intelligence, knowledge etc. Career is always a challenge. One should know how to please and win the confidence of superiors and boss with our manners and behavior .One should get on well with colleagues and meet their competition too. Career could not be built overnight. Here the success of the institution for which we work is also more important. One should give his or her best to the institution that gives him or her bread and butter. One should be an asset to an institution and not a liability. In a growing and developing institution only there is opportunity to succeed and one could climb the ladder of hierarchy. An intelligent person grasps the future prospects in an institution and decides about the future course of action. Talent, intelligence and knowledge should not be allowed to go waste. However one should not be a rolling stone. Thus in a career road to success is to be slowly built with our ability. One should not thrive on others influence or favors and others cost too. One who comes up with his or her efforts would have contentment and satisfaction. Everybody is ambitious and aims high. Majority of people take up a career for livelihood. One should have mutual respect and regard for another in a career. Career does not depend merely on educational qualification. After a long strenuous career one should retire without any regrets. Failure in one’s career hurts the particular person himself or herself more than anybody else. One’s career is an unforgettable story. It is a long association with colleagues, institution or institutions and work.

One chooses a profession by his or her liking. There is no profession where there is no competition whether one is a lawyer, doctor, architect, engineer, or an auditor. One should know one’s profession very well. A little knowledge or half knowledge is always dangerous. Popularity is always a key to success. If a client were satisfied he or she would bring in more clients. At reasonable fees if one’s job is completed or attended, it is more than sufficient. A real professional would make a difficult job appear easy. An able lawyer wins a weak case. A lawyer if he has knowledge it is not enough, should have a plausible tongue; his or her way of presentation of a case should be impressive and should be to the point. Similarly an able surgeon or doctor extends a fresh lease of life to their patient who was seriously ill and was at the verge of death. Every profession is an art and one should master art relating to a particular profession in order to be successful in that profession.

Politics is another field. It is a vast field. Depending on the nation we live, there are various political parties. These political parties follow different ideologies. Political life starts the moment one becomes a member of a political party. Where, when how and, what political course it would take etc, we cannot predict at the moment. Politics is an art. All tact is required to master it. Now –a- days muscle power, money power, communal, caste etc have entered politics depending on the nation we live and the people therein. Politics has become a profession to make money. Service motto is slowly disappearing.

Road to success here depends on these various factors. Politician should adopt different strategies to succeed. It is not enough that the political party to which he or she belongs is good but he or she who represent the party should also be good and capable. While exercising the franchise the voter takes into consideration various factors.

In order to succeed in the field of sports and games talent, coaching, good physique, interest, regular practice, encouragement, opportunities and such other factors are quite essential. Finance or funds are also equally needed for the purpose. Sportsman and athletes should participate in various competitions, and develop their talents and acquire various skills and must become master in their field. They should be thorough with rules and regulations, which govern the events or the games which they take part . There should be no dearth of various facilities, which the sports and games require and should be always available to them with ease. The participants should have good health, good food, adequate rest and recuperation. Besides, they should be well disciplined too. Participation is more important than whether we have won or lost. Sportsman spirit is always remembered in every walk of life. Practice makes a man perfect. Achievements in these fields are recognized world over and in no way inferior to academic achievements. They add to the glory, pride etc of a nation.

Even in field of business, everybody cannot achieve success. Success comes but rarely. Every trade has its own complexities and tactics. If one is after money in a trade, law of diminishing utility does not apply to him or her, he or she throws all the principles of business to wind and stoops to any level. Nobody should be crazy after success. If one is after success and if it does not come, he or she would be the most disappointed and disgusted person. In sports and games the best participant generally comes out successful and the defeated or those who lost congratulate him or her and shake their hands with other person without any hesitation. This is known as sportsmanship. Even in life one has to display this quality. No doubt road to success is very hard to tread upon. Though success always seems to be within our reach, it could not be reached easily .