Encouragement can do wonders.

Where is encouragement isn't needed? There's no field where it isn't needed at all.It isn't merely a man who needs it. Plant & animals too need it. Sowing & watering a seed is an encouragement only. Consequence is seed becomes a plant begins yielding beautiful fruits & flowers. Many things fade away unknown due to lack of encouragement only .World won't have developed without encouragement . There's hue & cry over it. Children to old everyone need it.Encouragement is putting more life & more enthusiasm. Encouragement from where it comes, how it comes, & why it comes it cannot be said many a time. It cannot be easily understood at all. Many a time a sympathy is misunderstood as encouragement . Many a time a smile is misunderstood as an encouragement also.

Encouraging one another is important. What isn't encouraged ? Everything that's good is encouraged.Encouragement is in the blood of human beings. Human beings encourage animals, birds,plants & what not.They love & encourage growth everywhere.Banks & Govt encourage people to improve productivity to bring down economic disparity.Its life that encourages man sometimes more than anything else & it's it only discourages sometimes too.That's how life teaches a man lessons.World consists of different types of people.There are people who encourage good & there are people who encourage bad too in it. As a result,we come across both good & bad stories.Encouragement must be without any strings ,expectations & must be without selfishness too. Where it can't be extended directly, it can be extended indirectly also. The beautiful thing about encouragement is that anybody can do it.Many times an encourager wants to be anonymous too. He doesn't want any publicity also.

When a sick man who has lost the hope of survival comes to a hospital. When doctors encourage him how happy he would be. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day. Encouragement develops a bond between one another & establishes that a man is for a man. Even weather lends encouragement through good monsoon ,clear skies, & nice breeze when a man is doing something good.A glimpse of encouragement is enough many times to make man elated.With encouragement even anything that is half dead or sick could be revived.As there are people to discourage,there are also people to encourage too. As such, now a days in sports & games we find cheer girls. Encouragement can do wonders.

Encouragement often pours in from well wishers & benevolent people. God too encourages man by creating amenable atmosphere. The favorable incidents that follow are His encouragement only. In what forms encouragement comes forth, it couldn't be said. Honoring, promotion, increment, bonus, perquisites, and gifts are all in fact in one way or the other encouragement only. Similarly, donations, subscriptions ,attendance, banners and advertisements also contribute to it.

Encouragement is always a strength. It is a tool. It's a friend in need. One word of encouragement when someone is first starting to pursue their dream is worth more than a million words of appreciation when they achieved it & already become successful. Encouragement can do wonders. It's the little things that make a big difference.It is not everywhere . It is light in darkness. It's just like watering & looking after a plant .These days it is becoming rare. One must make the best use of whatever encouragement they get. One who needs it must go in search of it, attract & secure it.Due to encouragement of one or another only one comes up in life. Some say" Guru is behind my success." Some say "my wife is behind my success " There is a saying also " Behind the success of a man always there is a woman "

Human mind is great. Good ideas would be there in it. A man would be wavering whether to proceed or whether not to proceed with his ideas. He won't be bold enough to take a decision.What he needs at that time is push or encouragement. Encouragement is the fuel on which Hope runs.

Encouraging isn't mere a quality.It's a great quality.It can do wonders. It could get something out of nothing. Without it many times talent gets wasted or rusted.It motivates, It gives confidence.It energizes man. It lifts him up. It supports him, It inspires him. It needn't be always in deeds. It could be in words like "You are on the right path" You can do it "You needn't worry "Success would be yours" You are on the right path" Best of luck"God bless you "You are made for it " Encouragement isn't a praise. It is standing besides one. A word of encouragement during a failure is more than a hour of praise after a success.

When students make all sorts of noises & the teacher remains silent . It's an encouragement. Silence is many times encouragement only. There are many ways to encourage.What should one encourage & what one shouldn't encourage , one should know well. Otherwise, what they encourage may become costly to them. Encouragement is to be extended where it is needed & not to be extended where it is not needed at all.

Encouragement should be where it should be.It shouldn't be everywhere.It hasn't been going on properly in world.It has limits too. It has Dos & Don'ts too.The demand & supply of encouragement seldom match.It's always better to be cautious while encouraging anything or anybody. One must always remember that they reap what they sow only.Some deserving persons & good schemes do not receive encouragement whereas some undeserving persons & schemes receive undue encouragement .One shouldn't encourage corruption, smuggling & indiscipline. Encourage what that's good to appropriate person wholeheartedly. It's a great job. It is a good quality.At times, it's a duty too. By encouraging anything good one won't lose anything at all.Whom to encourage & whom not encourage is a knowledge.Encouragement needs many times a tactics. It won't be always fruitful. Sometimes, it is fruitful & sometimes not . When it's fruitful one would be proud & happy.

Nature of everyone isn't the same. It's nature of some to encourage one when all is well & discourage when all isn't well. Some are grateful to encouragement given & some aren't grateful to encouragement given at all. Some people don't need encouragement. Some don't move despite encouragement. Everyone & everything don't deserve encouragement & don't receive it.Encouragement must be to a man or to a matter.It depends on likes & dislikes of encourager. Without reasons often it doesn't come forth. The best criteria for encouragement should be nothing else than deservedness. Sometimes,one hesitates to encourage anyone due to bad experience that they had earlier. When one is not given encouragement that they deserve they naturally get frustrated & disappointed .They lose enthusiasm. While those who does not deserve it get it there would be chaos & headache of one sort or other.

Encouragement is always not an easy job. Caution is essential while encouraging also. Elders say that it shouldn't amount to an ape being got drunk. It is like between the devil & the deep blue sea. It can do either good or bad. Good or bad of an encouragement often it is one who encourages only encounters. While encouraging it is always better one makes use of their scruples & have some forethoughts .

It happens many times with us too when we do not encourage. Many times we don't encourage what we have to encourage. We repent for it afterwards many times . He wanted to share so many matters with us . We didn't encourage him at all. He has to become mum. All that he wanted to share as a result remained with him only. We lost the opportunity of knowing many matters which would have been very useful to us. We are the loser.

How to encourage? Encouragement doesn't mean merely lending financial support. It is not just pay and wash off their hands. The steps taken must affect attitude, emotion & moods of person who is to be encouraged. They must cater to the needs of the person . One who encourages must know whom they are encouraging well & what they are encouraging always well. Afterwards they can share whatever knowledge they have to the person. Involve themselves as much as possible also. Give their suggestions & advice from time to time. Make positive & encouraging comments. Encouragement isn't mere clapping & applauding . It isn't a one day affair.It must be from beginning to end. It mustn't be discontinued in the middle. However, it seldom remains the same. It often varies with the performance of person encouraged.Success, achievement & happiness of a man lie not only on his abilities but also lie on the encouragement he gets. Encouragement can do wonders. It could be a magic wand.