A Sleep.

Sleep is one of the basic needs of human beings. Quite a sizable portion of man's life elapses in sleep. In fact, the average human spends about 24 yrs of their life sleeping.It denotes how much important & indispensable sleep is.All won't be blessed in this world with sound sleep at all.That's why one of the prayers to God would be always God give me sound sleep". Sleep enables one to forget everything at least for a while. It's sound sleep in night that makes one feel fresh & bright through out the day.Before sleep a world is different. After sleep a world is different. Sleep transforms world. A sleep is a magic wand. What one often loses most when they do something wrong or when they are going to do something wrong is sleep. There will be always a reason or reasons for loss of sleep invariably.

Who doesn't rejoice a sleep? Man woman, kids & animals all rejoice it. Good sleep, Bad sleep, Long sleep, Short sleep. Nap, cat sleep & snoring how many types of sleep? How many positions ? What doesn't appear in a sleep, not only dreams, but also fear, surprises what's there & what's not there in the world all appear in it. Yet, man cannot live without sleep. It is one of the favorites of a man. All people don't have same quantum & kind of sleep. Sleep varies from man to man. One who enjoys healthy sound sleep is really fortunate & often would be happy in life.However,it's seldom. One has to aim & achieve it.Making a child sleep is an art. A mother has to sing lullabies & swing the cradle. Little children do not go to bed without bed time stories , dim light and pin drop silence.

However, having sleep more than what is quite necessary amounts to wasting of precious life. Some are leisurely and have enough time to sleep in life. Some are busy and do not have enough time in life to sleep at all. When a stomach is full what one needs most is sleep & when it's empty what that eludes one is sleep. If anything is very attractive & interesting or horrible even sleep runs away many times.

The way one feels while they are awake depends in part on what happens while they are in sleep. During sleep, one's body works to support healthy brain function & maintain their physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development. In most societies people sleep during the night, but in very hot climates they may sleep during the day. A sound sleep indicates that the person is keeping good health. Having sound sleep is often considered as a boon. In fact, those who don't get proper sleep are often found to be jealous of people who get sound sleep.

A sleep is always a relief to a tired mind and tired man.How much happy and lively one would be if they have a sound sleep. Just like a meal is rejoiced ,sleep too is rejoiced. It takes one into different world. It's favorite of many. They would be prepared to forego anything but not the sleep.Some would have such a sound sleep that even if there is thunder outside, they won't wake up at all. Whereas some who are asleep get awakened at the drop of a pin too. It's believed that who are asleep are as good as half dead.Further,it's believed that those who breathe their last in sleep are really fortunate. A death in sleep is always considered as very peaceful .

Different age groups need different amounts of sleep. In short,sleep needs depend upon individual.Sleep duration has no"Magic Number "at all.If anyone sleeps more one it is harmful to them and if anyone sleeps less also it is harmful to them. More than man has control over sleep, sleep has control over man. Many times it overpowers man. It could be addictive too. It makes a man dream. It makes a man talk or walk in it. It has variety in it. It can't be described fully at all.

Some open mouth and sleep.Some open eyes and sleep. It's not enough if one has control over their mind.It's better one has control over their sleep too. Otherwise, by the time one wakes up from the sleep, anything might happen and it could be too late to do anything also. Further,what one does in sleep,one wouldn't be aware at all. In sleep one cannot make out easily where are they,what's time, and whether it is a day or a night.Look at one who is sleepy. Sleep distracts them very much. It doesn't allow them to concentrate properly at all.They would feel difficult to stand straight even . Condition of a sleepy person is really deplorable.

The place where one sleeps & the way one sleeps are also important. There is a right way or posture to sleep too. Besides,the place where one sleeps must be hygienic & must be full of ventilation also.Sleep is not a joke. It's a habit to be cultivated properly. Unfortunately, sleep becomes associated with laziness and many people kill time sleeping.

Sleep affects daily routine of everyone. One would be lively or depressed based upon the quantum sleep that they would have. If sleep weren't there many people would have gone mad also.That does not mean one should sleep more.One should sleep only when they are supposed to& shouldn't sleep when they aren't supposed to. It shouldn't be like "when Rome was burning Nero was fiddling"The number of people who suffer from a lack of sleep is growing in the modern world. It is said more comfort less would be sleep.Instances which drive away sleep and instances that make one sleepy are quite different. Man comes across both of them in life.

What one could not see in their life,many times they would have the satisfaction of seeing it in their sleep. It's in sleep one forgets many of their difficulties. Sleep tames a busy mind. Atmosphere before sleep and atmosphere after sleep wouldn't always be the same. They are often different. There are more reasons for not getting sleep than there are reasons for getting sleep.It's said one with pure or clear conscious would have sound sleep.

Why mother advises child to remember God when it goes to bed.It's to make it think at least something good.If it thinks something good positive thoughts emanate in it's mind. It would have sound sleep & sweet dreams also. So, a man too if thinks good would have sound sleep & sweet dreams . However, a man who has evil thoughts in his mind wouldn't have generally sound sleep at all. Remembering God is a good sleeping pill. It's the best way of banishing negative thoughts too. Sleep is the best meditation says Dalai Lama.