Man has boundaries. Man has limitations. Man cannot be a God.

A man's dreams are not always the same. What were his dreams then & what are his dreams now they are not the same. Dreams ,when a man was rich & when a man was poor are not the same. Dreaming is a bad habit . More ambitious dream more.Man has to dream what he could have what could achieve. Better not to dream more in life to be peaceful & calm .

Dreaming is a madness It is method in madness.Man cannot dream according to his whims & fancies. It is dreams if shattered give rise to disappointment & disgust. Dreams are building castles in the air. They are having a ladder to the skies.When man is not blessed with many things he cannot dream even. Dreams cannot change destiny.

A glass house is beautiful to look at from a distance only. Dreams are also beautiful while going through them only. They are like a tower built with a pack of cards. Many a time they fall while building itself . Dreams are hopes. They are optimism. There must be always a limit to them.

Dreams are not magic to perform wonders. They make one forget reality. They make one walk in the air. As a result one falls into a pond. Dreams have no bounds. Many times they are hallucinations only. Nobody considers a dream as truth, it is considered a dream only.Dreaming means calls to memory a beggar's dream. The beggar in dream becomes King & what not. When the dream was ove. r he finds begging bowl also broken.With dream one has to work hard relentlessly. One must hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.

Life is not long , there is no much time in it to dream also .In life what one dreams not merely happens but also what one doesn't dream too happens. In life of some more than what one dreams too happens. His blessings, one's efforts are more important than dreaming.

Because he is stong man cannot hit his head to a rock. Man has boundaries. Man has limitations. Man cannot be a God. Man can eat only what his stomach accommodates. Otherwise it is indigestion.What would be a man's limitations & boundaries, it couldn't be fully said at all. They differ from man to man.Leave alone what happens in the world, what happens around him itself man wouldn't be aware of many a times. Man has limitations & boundaries. It is always a man proposes & God disposes. Leave alone others man cannot change himself completely. He can make change here & there only a little bit .

Man has to think what he can do what he should not do. What he can talk what he should not talk. What he can write what he should not write . Limitations of man are physical, financial , intellectual, legal & whatnot. Man often realises his limitations & boundaries after failures & defeats.Ego, superiority complex & overconfidence make many forget their limits & boundaries. Some people only remember limits & boundaries always. Mostly it is dictators who transgress limits & boundaries. That too in vain . Not only history but also people condemns them. Their gain would be little, but the loss immense.

If man had no limitations & boundaries he would have been uncontrollable.What has no limit ? Stupidity has limit. Genius too has limit . Limitations & boundaries cut a man to size.If man has no limit & boundaries he wold have been God.Why in mythologies God takes birth.Is it not to limit man to his boundaries ? Whoever be the man when he exceeds limits & boundaries he falls.Man has death . Man is not permanent. Surpassing limits & boundaries is always foolishness & dangerous to man. There is a saying " Always stretch your legs according to the length of the mat." All omissions & commissions take place in the world because of man's actions only . Life would be beautiful if man knows his limitations & boundaries & acts within them.

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