Challenges .

One that is very difficult & not easily solvable is"Challenge." Whatever skill & efforts that one has are often inadequate to emerge out of it. Nothing bogs down a man & consumes his energies in life than challenges. Challenges often need one's full attention & energy. It is often considered as a do or die. In short , they always tests one's full capabilities to the brim. Dame luck too undoubtedly plays a vital role in meeting challenges. Winning a challenge is an achievement that makes one proud. Nobody would be successful or great, without taking up challenges & succeeding at all in life. It is they make one a hero.

Challenge needn't be one,it could be several also. Besides, they needn't come one by one. Several challenges could come at a time too. Every challenge is a battle. Challenges are 'valleys of despair and winds of adversity' . One has to learn how to live & manage them. Challenges in life may strengthen a man if he is able to meet them successfully. On other hand , if he is unable to meet them successfully, they may flatten him & may make his life miserable too. In what all forms challenges surface in the life of a man it could never be predicted . They may appear in the form of poverty, disability & what not. Challenges are optional as well as they are compulsory .Don't runaway from them. .One who runs away from a challenge is called coward. Challenges change a man. They refine a man. They make a man , a superman. Challenge has to be always faced boldly.Smooth roads never make good drivers .Smooth seas never make good sailors. Clear Skies never makes good Pilots. In short , it is challenges that make one a complete man .

Challenges would be after man & man would be after them. Who wins the race. It couldn't be said at all. Challenges need not be from the rivals only they could be from anybody else too. They could be from friends & relatives too.Life’s challenges usually seem like inconveniences when they interrupt one's schedules, or get in the way of something that they want to do.

World & life are full of challenges. Sometimes whether one wants or doesn't want challenges surface. Sometimes man has to go in search of them. Challenges don't distinguish anyone as rich man, poor man, man, woman, educated & uneducated. They confront whomsoever. Besides ,challenges that life creates, a man may have to face challenges that others throw at him too. When challenges would begin when they would end it could be said at all . A man may have to face challenges up to his last breath of his life also. They have no age or no time. They may surface at any time or at any age.They are merciless too.However, world & man would not have advanced this much if there were no challenges. In a way challenges are a blessing in disguise .Ernest Agyemang Yeboah says

“Challenges are everywhere. Awake! challenge and defeat the challenges that challenge you in a challenging way and be not be defeated by the challenges that challenge you in a challenging way. "

It is not merely in courts there are challenges. Wherever there are injustice there are challenges too. It is not merely in the courts of law injustice are to be challenged but also in life injustice are to be challenged & fought at every step. They are never to be allowed to pass by at all.

Some like challenges in life. They want life to be full of challenges. They want life to be adventurous . They want it to be like a roller coaster ride. Some do not like challenges in life. They want life to be calm & quiet. As such , some conclude that all depends upon man. Man is important. Some are of the opinion that it is God who makes life of a man either challenging or calm & quiet.

Man if he takes anything as a challenge could perform wonders. That is how he conquered Everest. Every discovery & invention is nothing but a challenge met by man only.Challenges are exams to man. They sharpen a man otherwise who would have blunted. After every challenge usually man emerges more brightened .It is well said " The harder the climb, the better the view."Challenges may make one cry. But it is they which make life worthy & one proud also.

Life isn't a straight line.Challenges don't tell & come in life.They generally take one by surprise.They aren't of one type at all.There are of several types. They cannot be met or brushed aside easily at all. No one forgets them in their life.They are always memorable.Whether one overcomes them or doesn't overcome them is secondary. Challenges are to be accepted. They are to be treated as opportunities and not to be treated as hurdles .Life seems to be boring without them. One would be a monarch of all they survey if there are no challenges at all. No one wants to runaway from them in life.There's no fun if anything isn't taken as a challenge.Nothing should be taken lying down.Challenges make one stronger. Achievement s are possible only if challenges are accepted & met.

Challenge is to a man more from within than from anywhere else . It is challenges which give rise to either success stories or stories of failures. Challenges are experiences. They develop self -confidence in a person. They test one's capabilities , patience & what not. In challenges sometimes only one gets support. Sometimes one doesn't get support from anybody at all. It is solely their efforts only.Challenges are always to be faced boldly. One shouldn't lose heart while facing them at all.Come what may should be the attitude.One shouldn't leave no stone unturned.One should be always optimistic while facing challenges. There should be always planning & strategies to counter challenges.

More than physical strength mental strength is quite essential often to meet the challenges in life. From where from whom how & when challenges appear it could n't be said at all.A mole hill becomes a mountain due to challenges only.Challenges make man's life more colourful. Man goes up & down in stature due to them only. Challenges make one know what life is. They bring the best out of a man. Efforts,stress & strain that one puts in usually whenever they take anything as a challenge are quite different.When one takes anything as a challenge one spares no pains at all.They in fact,don't sleep well until the challenge is completely met. They put their heart & soul into it.

Some face more challenges & some face less challenges in life. Man may not meet similar challenges . Challenges may differ from man to man also. Life seems to be beautiful or difficult because of the challenges only. Day by day challenges are increasing more & more in life . As a result competitors are more too.

Ravana kidnapped Sitadevi & challenged Sri Ramachandra & consequence is "Great epic Ramayana " Why to wed her also had to face the challenge of lifting great bow in Janaka's court too. Challenges are part & parcel of everyone's life.

Every competition is a challenge. It is not only between man & man. It's between God & God, animal & animal too. These challenges leave behind many morals. The race between hare & tortoise says "Slow & steady wins the race". The race between Ganesha & Shanmukha reveals mere strength is not enough, wisdom is more essential.Winning a challenge is an achievement that makes one proud.

How challenges creep up how they grow up it couldn't be said.What all challenges circumstances put forth before man. Could they be explained? Man feels helpless against them. One that is very difficult & not easily solvable is"Challenge." Whatever skill & efforts that one has are often inadequate to emerge out of it. Nothing bogs down a man & consumes his energies in life than challenges. Challenges often need one's full attention & energy. In short, they always tests one's full capabilities to the brim. Dame luck too undoubtedly plays a vital role in meeting challenges. It is called a challenge for all in it is not usual, it is beyond grasp.

Everyone claims that their challenge is great. Definitively to them. Seldom it remains as it is. It goes on changing what shape it would take it couldn't be said at all. It exhausts one's all energy, breath, at times makes one shed tears too, what all it would do it couldn't be said at all. Challenge becomes greater, & the greatest. One is great only after surpassing all challenges .

Challenges are not only in epics, history, sports & games, but also they are in everyone's life. They do not tell & come. They often take one by surprise. A challenge needn't complete, no need of any invite, another comes running. To say in words of Shakespeare "when challenges come they don't come in single spies but in battalions ."No business or profession is without challenge at all. How many verbal challenges, how the many challenges in deeds. What is going on in courts of law. Is it not challenges? Challenges are everywhere.They are physically, mentally & financially.They don't spare young, old, man, or woman. Everyone faces them. That's why it is said survival of the fittest. One of the ways of achieving success is considering it is as a challenge.

Further, democracy has given man right to challenge. He can challenge anybody or anything. Besides, if the challenge is not there, there is every likelihood of monopoly & dictatorship coming up. It is in the challenges a disciple beats even his master.

Is there any greater challenge than what life poses man? Challenges that man & man faces in life are not usually same. Some feel that many of the challenges that man faces are His creation. Some say many of the challenges that man faces in life are his own creation. Life challenges & other challenges are different. They cannot be compared at all. Individual challenges are a two way traffic. One can challenge the other. Other can challenge one. It can be a tit for tat.

Challenge means what immediately flashes is twisting & swirling of moustache & tapping of laps. It is a mind & body game. It's gearing up of the loins. Its rolling up of sleeves. It isn't a child's play. It's to gain or lose something. In a way challenging is good. In a way challenging isn't good. It should be where it should be but not everywhere.One with money & youth always welcomes challenges. One who is laid up with upheavals of life would never like challenges. They add fuel to fire. They make life a hell . When anything is taken as challenge one spares no pains. devotes full attention ,concentrates fully & leaves no stone upturned.

Challenge needs always much thought before acceptance.In hurry bury it should be never accepted. Question is not how big or small a challenge is what it is important.Leave alone facing it it is difficult to understand many a time what it is.Often in many challenges both winner & loser don't gain but suffer. Challenges build or mar a man. Challenges are not always success stories. Successes no doubt bring fruits & happiness in challenges but at what cost ? One of the ways of facing them is not giving them too much importance. It is better it is met like anything is met usually. Facing challenge after challenge, the challenge doesn't seem to be no challenge at all.

Challenge doesn't mean that one should win or succeed always . How much appreciation or satisfaction one gets if they give a tough fight . Loser also gets kudos. Achievement needn't be only with challenge.It could be otherwise too. All challenges aren't success stories at all.Of course, success no doubt makes one accept more & more challenges but not the defeats or failures.

Challenge is won more by self confidence & not by overconfidence. In challenge man is always important.Who accepts what challenge, how much devoted he is etc are very important too .Challenge is never to be taken lying down at all.

Martin Luther King says

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comforts & convenience but where he stands at times of challenge & controversy ."

Challenges are accepted , challenges are thrown & they make life busy, competitive,interesting &thrilling.Those who accept challenge needn't say they are courageous. They are courageous & deserve praise.

Challenge isn't ordinary. It's extraordinary.It's prestigious.It makes a battle door die battle.Winning over it is feather in a cap. Accepting itself is great.Success or failure in it is secondary.It needs courage, confidence,capabilities,patience,& determination. One who sincerely takes it up won't have slept until it's accomplished.

Having faced numerous challenges, man is worried what are future challenges ? God only can answer him.

Challenge needs always extra efforts, more stress & strain.It is an achievement & self satisfaction.Its a way of getting things done too. It ensures cent percent involvement.Often it is a thrilling story. In it even relationships aren't counted also. In it one doesn't mind whether its hook or crook one wants success at any cost. It isn't merely enthusiastic man goes on searching challenges,challenges go on searching man too. Challenges make one a better man. They are opportunities. They enable him know his capabilities . What are they, & how fierce are they, they leave a non erasable & a non diminishing mark on his memory. Challenges are memorable.