Small Stories

A Petty Shopkeeper.

Usually, in order to secure licenses to open branches in metropolitan cities,banks had to open branches in unbanked rural places compulsorily in those days . It was a small border village between Andhra and Karnataka .There were only a few shops in that village. They were all situated on the main road of that village. There was no other go for a bank manager but to tread that street for one or another reason several times in a day. A shopkeeper among those shops used to wish the bank manager unfailingly whenever the bank manager went past his shop. The shopkeeper was very courteous. He used to accost the bank manager even though he had not even had his adequate glimpse too. The bank manager felt that if at all traditions and culture were to be found in a country, they would be mostly found in their villages than in their towns and cities. The shopkeeper had a peculiar type of laugh too. It was not a natural laugh that one would have. It was an artificial one. He used to exhibit all his uneven teeth while laughing. He was stout and had a big belly. He had black complexion. In short he resembled Kublai Khan in appearance. He was a vaishya by caste. He was not educated. Vaishyas are good at trade.They are businessman by birth. They are clever businessmen. By and large, they are wealthy too. There is a story which tells us how clever they are. Once a thief entered the home of a vaishya skillfully and stole whatever money and valuables he had.As a result, vaishya became almost penniless. The son of vaishya was so frustrated that he knew not what to do.In fact, he was about to start to cry loud and openly. But,the elder vaishya did not allow him to do so. He shut suddenly his son's mouth. He enlightened him that nobody would finance them if they leaked out that there is every possibility of their being bankrupt. The son and father maintained the secrecy of their finances. They never leaked it to anybody. They availed credit from various sources in the market and prospered once again.

One day the bank manager was urgently in need of a kg of sugar for domestic use. It was costing Rs 4 per kg in all other shops in that village. Moreover, it was not available in other shops in the village on that particular day. Generally, bank manager used to purchase his grocery requirements from the nearby town. Urgency compelled him to approach the above mentioned shopkeeper for sugar. The shopkeeper was very much pleased. He welcomed the bank manager to his shop with his customary routine artificial laugh. He offered bank manager a cup of coffee too. He supplied bank manager a kg of sugar nicely packed. He collected from manager only Rs 3.50 for a kg of sugar. As a result, bank manager was very happy and much pleased also.

The bank manager returned home and emptied the sugar purchased into a particular container which had space for only one kg of sugar. To his amazement, the quantity of sugar which he had bought occupied only ¾ of space in that container.He exclaimed "Oh , I have to worry not only price and quality but also quantity. Is this world full of deceit? "Now, he understood funny peculiar laugh of the shopkeeper very well. He remembered the Sanskrit saying "Athi vinayam, dhoortha lakshanam" which means Too much of humbleness is a characteristic of the lumpen. On that day onward, the bank manager resolved that he should not trust those who are too polite and too modest. He realized that shopkeeper might have cheated many illiterate poor villagers in that small village in this fashion. Upon inquiry, the bank manager came to know that the Vaishya had 2 sets of measures.One measure to purchase merchandise from villagers and another one for sale of commodities to customers . Both the measures were inaccurate. Both were advantageous to vaishya only. Whenever the vaishya purchased something, he used to make use of that measure which gave him more quantity and whenever he sold something he used to make use of that measure which gave his customer less quantity.Thus, he was fooling people in either ways. It's unfortunate that he was not at all realizing that bad money drives good money out and deceit brings only short term gains but causes long term losses. He was unaware that fair deals always increase bank of clientèle and they also increase his business as well as popularity also . In their hurry to make money,some merchants throw all ethics to the wind.They don't have any conscience too.Those businessmen will not hesitate to stoop to any level to earn money also. They adopt all sorts of unfair means. In fact,in business there are as much unfair means as fair means.On the other hand, we can observe that the majority of the business men visit places of worship before commencement of their business for the day unfailingly.They liberally donate to good causes too. It gives rise to question in us whether is it to prayer to god to forgive them for their malpractices?

Once we come to know that one is a cheat we would never believe them thereafter.They lose their credibility in our eyes.In fact, one would never mind to pay a little bit more but would never like to be cheated or fooled . This episode reminds me of old news paper buyers who call at our doors on bicycles and offer us attractive rate for our newspaper. It is their weighing scale and weights that play all the mischief in such deals. Newspaper whose actual weight is 5 kg weighs in their balance 2 ½ kg only.Often, one would have similar kind of experience with most of the roadside vegetable vendors also.These instances are not confined only to rural places.We come across such instances even in urban places too.It is pity that only a few notice these foul plays and those who come to know of these dirty tricks also do not take any action.Even,weights & measures officials also do not take any stringent steps to prevent such malpractices. The bank manager thought if people are so much untrustworthy in small deals how much careful he must be in financial deals. A banker is always between the devil and the deep sea.

Bloody Doctor.

After retirement, I was living in a rented house in Ganesha Block, R.T. Nagar Bengaluru looking for a suitable site to get built a decent house in a calm quiet place. Thus, in 1998 I was successful in getting built "Annapurna" at Sahakarnagar. I have been dwelling there since then. Daily morning & evening I go for a stroll there . One evening during my stroll, I met Mr. Karanth. Incidentally,Mr. Karanth had education from Board High School Kundapur from where I too had my schooling also. Besides, he knew my father & I knew his family at Vaderhobli Kundapur.We became friends & were meeting quite often. He & his wife both retired postal employees. Theirs was a love marriage. Mr. Karanth was at Hubli at that time of marriage .After marriage, Mr Karanth had become Mr Nagabhushana Rao. Mr. Karanth is older to me by five years. His is a smiling face. He was enjoying his retired life.

A couple lived very happily in twin city of Hubli -Dharwar. Though, there is statutory warning all over India that cigarette smoking is injurious to health and Government has been increasing tax on tobacco every year in its budget ,cigarette smoking is not coming down at all. In fact, profits of cigarette manufacturing companies are increasing year by year. The husband was a chain smoker. As a result ,his lungs were severely damaged. He was affected by a disease called bronchitis. When it became unbearable they approached a doctor. The doctor was a specialist and his diagnosis was perfect. The doctor conveyed to the couple that husband would not survive another 3 years if he continues smoking cigars.Immediately, that husband stopped smoking . My friend Karanth knew this couple very well. He was very friendly to them. After sometime Mr Karanth met the wife of smoker. Naturally, he inquired her about health of her hubby. Poor rustic woman was in all tears. She expressed angrily that bloody doctor killed her husband. She contended that her husband would have certainly survived for at least another 3 more years had he not discontinued smoking at his instance. According to her the doctor cut short her husband's longevity. Her husband lived only for six months after he heeded to doctor's advice. What should I call that doctor other than "Bloody Doctor" retorted the affectionate innocent lady to Mr Karanth. Poor lady was ignorant how serious is smoking. Cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. Smoking is directly responsible for approximately 90 percent of lung cancer deaths and approximately 80-90 percent of COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis) deaths.

Mr Karanth could not utter a single word .Tears rolled down over his cheeks too. Mr Karanth is also a smoker.He is also suffering from bronchitis. He is not now bold enough to discontinue his smoking totally. His wife is also not insisting him to discontinue smoking. In fact, she is accompanying him every evening and getting him a cigar.

Now a days ,Mr Karanth has not been smoking. He has become "Rajesh Khanna" with black shawl. There is no smile on his face these days. His wife breathed her last.Death is often a bolt from the blues. When it would take place and how it would take place. It cannot be said at all.She haunts his thoughts every moment .Her departure has affected his life very much . He has become frustrated. It is an irreparable loss to him. He is in eighties. Adapting to life after the loss of a partner is not easy at all.

Mr Chang.

Laziness present in one's body, is the biggest enemy of humans.It is rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant. It's absence of enthusiasm. It doesn't allow one to be interested in anything at all.In fact, laziness and inactivity kills just as many men as smoking does. Some compare their laziness with that of others and feel contented. It is in any quantum is no good at all.Instead of repentance afterwards,it's better not to be lazy at all. Man must go on doing something or other and never be lazy in life.Prosperity and welfare are always in the hands of those who are active and who don't know laziness.

Laziness isn't only a problem to man himself but also it is a problem to others also.It develops in man due to various reasons . It is cancerous. It drains out all the qualities in man.It doesn't allow man use his potential fully. A lazy man seldom succeeds in life.Many times man loses race due to laziness only.One needn't tell that they are lazy or not.Their movements and appearance indicate whether they are lazy or not . Laziness is a great hindrance in a man's progress .It'is a self made crime.

Not only human body must be active but also a human mind must be active.In fact,those who are active are liked and praised in the world whereas one who is lazy is neither liked nor praised.An idle mind is devil's workshop.Laziness is a state of mind. It's an instinct. A lazy person is always full of excuses. Laziness though it isn't a disease infects young, old, man,woman and everybody. It's in no way good at all.

Following the American Medical Association’s advice,Obama administration has officially classified it as a "disease". It's a medical condition that affects millions of Americans and is on a steady rise.

It's easy to be lazy whereas it's always difficult to become active again.Laziness if not controlled grows by leaps and bounds and becomes uncontrollable.It's a web easy to get in but difficult to come out.It often becomes a habit. It incapacitates a person.A lazy man neither does anything to-day nor does anything tomorrow. He is just like a pig that doesn't want to come out of dirty pond and loves to be there. Laziness makes one useless or good for nothing .Nobody likes it except a lazy person himself. He doesn't understand or realize that laziness spoils health. He desires more comforts. He can't get along with discomforts. In fact,he enjoys laziness .Laziness isn't God given quality at all. It's a self imposed curse. One can have any quality but not laziness.

No one postpones a task more to tomorrow than a lazy person. Laziness is not only a reason behind one's failure but also it is that brings others success. A lazy person is unaware of value of time. As such, he wastes precious time more than anybody else . He opens his eyes only after everything is over.Opportunities don't wait for a lazy person. Due to laziness, one often loses opportunities. There is a saying which says that a man is spoiled by sitting idle at home and a woman is spoiled by wandering without any work. Either today or tomorrow ,one day one who is lazy would be compelled to repent for being lazy. Time spent lazily would never comeback at all.However, nothing is impossible in one's life. if one minds, one can get rid of laziness too.

Where there's work, where there's hunger and where there's enthusiasm, there would be no laziness at all.Mother always advises son not to build only body but to pay attention for the development of mind too. Physical strength is no doubt essential up to certain extent only.It's not the case with intellectual capabilities. There is nothing like enough with regard to intellectual capabilities. A man has eat to live and not live to eat. Mr Chang was a teen aged Chinese youth living in a village. Chinese are known for their hard work. Chinese economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world . China's production is growing up by leap and bounds day by day. China has been exporting all kinds of goods to almost all countries in the world.

Mr Chang was unlike other Chinese people. He was very very lazy. Daily he used to get up late. He used to eat well. He never did any work. He did no exercise. He used to sleep and sleep. He never strained himself in any manner . He never contributed to view that land is source of wealth and happiness. Daily, he was growing fatter and fatter. In appearance he resembled a tiny elephant. In fact, he was looking like famous wrestler King Kong. Difference between Chang and King Kong was that King Kong was hale and healthy and was full of strength whereas Chang had no strength at all. Chang was a mere lump of muscles. As a result, his health deteriorated day by day. He was unable to breath properly. He had a little fever too. Laziness affects a man psychologically a lot . It makes him feel that he has this pain that pain that are not at all there in him.

Chang's father namely Ching took Chang to a local doctor named Cho for consultation. Cho examined Chang thoroughly. Cho advised Ching to bring Chang to his dispensary daily both in morning and evening by walk to enable him to serve medicine. Cho's dispensary was situated at a distance of 1 mile from their house . Daily Ching was assisting his son to walk to and fro to Cho's dispensary for a month. Cho's medicine worked wonders on Chang. Chang was cheerful and could walk freely without his father's assistance. There afterwards , Mr Cho advised Chang to visit his residence daily in morning and in evening for medicine. Mr Cho's residence was at a distance of 2 miles from Ching's residence. Chang walked daily in morning and in evening to Cho's residence to have medicine. In this fashion two months passed . Chang was perfectly well. He wanted to thank Cho. He entered Mr Cho's residence. His medicine bottle was there on the Mr Cho's table. Mr Cho who was in full of smiles to receive Chang . He heartily welcomed Chang. Mr Cho poured all medicine that was before him into a glass. Chang was surprised to note that it was nothing but water only. Mr Cho did not charge Chang either for consultation or for medicine. Mr Chang realized he was treated for his laziness and had no sickness whatsoever. It was evident to him that laziness needs either medicine or has any medicine.

A Success story.

People of Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka are enterprising. In nineteen fifties , a mam migrated to Thyavanige in Channagiri taluk for hotel business from a place near Kaup in Udupi taluk . Thyavanige is at a distance of only 28 kms from Davangere. He belonged to Gowd Saraswat community. Gowda Saraswats are enterprising as Malayalis are. It is said that Malayalis are found even at Antarctica with a tea cup. GSBs too are spread all over the globe. Thyavanige is a far off village from Kaup. It is a roadside village on Davangere Channagiri road.

How and why he chose it for hotel business God only knows. "Necessity is the mother of invention" It is true not only in case of great inventors but also it true in case of poor & hungry also. Poverty & hunger do not allow a man to remain quiet at all. They drive a man to greater heights. One thing was obvious, mam came to Thyavanige to find his living.

There are many things to be known about a man. What we know many times is only a little.What we heard or seen only. When we know more about a person our opinion and respect to him often grow.Mam might have had little education only. He was thin . He was short 5 ft and odd tall man.His was half shaven face with grey beard here and there. His body was reflecting how much he might have toiled in life. Everything has a price in life. Theirs was a mud walled thatch roofed road side hotel. It was their residence cum hotel too. Such road side hotels bear names of famous hotels in cities. As per my recollections , the name of the hotel which I am referring was "Chandrika Bhavan".

Any business isn't a cakewalk. It is a steep hill to climb. Many people burn their fingers in it and exclaim "My stars are bad" Those were the days when gas or electricity wasn't available for cooking. Besides, it was a village where there was no tap water too. Husband & wife were managing the hotel with the help of only one maid servant. The couple were cleaners, servers, cashiers and what not. The maid servant was available only for cleaning the vessels . Besides,wife had asthma and had to cook eatables in smoke oozing firewood and serve them to villagers at affordable rates. As such inside of the hotel was like a woven. I don't remember to have seen even tables in that hotel. It was an unhygienic hotel. Husband and wife used to sleep there on the floor. The hotel didn't have cement flooring also. Whatever the hotel might have been, they were providing the villagers food at reasonable rates well below the rates of luxurious urban hotels. His wife was a stout woman with a big mole at the tip of her nose clad always in an ordinary sari . They might have carried on hotel business in that fashion for more than two decades. They had become one among the villagers. They were popular. They weren't involved in any controversies.

There is a saying in Sanskrit "Udara Nimitham Bahukrutha Vesham" which means "to adopt different styles to effectively find both ends meet"They were doing money lending business . They were carrying on other transactions like purchase of gold ornaments, paddy ,etc from villagers who were in need of money. They toiled everyday from morning to night. In this way,they earned lakhs of rupees. Either their business or income was not attracting any tax at all. It would not have been possible to anyone to make out from their clothes or behavior their opulence at all. Their richness was hidden. Amassing wealth or minting money is a knack . All do not possess it. They were seldom well dressed. Leave alone ironed clothes, they weren't even wearing well washed clothes. They had only a son. During vacations sometimes he used to visit Thyavanige from Manipal & spend sometime with his parents. At that time, he was like any other villager only. He used to be in lungies. He was unassuming. He was handsome. He was good at studies. They educated him at the renowned Kasturba Medical College, Manipal. He became a doctor from that famous institution. Though, the couple was financially well off and their son was getting highly educated, they remained humble and courteous to everybody.The value of an education uneducated people know always more & better than the educated because uneducated undergo hardship more without it in their life.

Theirs was a success story.Medical is education is expensive. It is in fact a dream even to middle class people. They made me remember Buddhist value: Like a lotus flower that grows out of the mud and blossoms above the muddy water surface, we can rise also above our difficulties and sufferings of life. Theirs was a true rags to rich story.They proved that one who has ability would certainly prosper in life & their hard work seldom goes unrewarded. In nineteen eighties ,the couple closed down the hotel to live with their son permanently & contently.

A Strange Man.

Man is a strange being. Strangeness is a quality. Some are born strange. Some develop strange qualities as they grow up. Strangeness differs from man to man. It is strangeness that divides man and man. It is strangeness in a man quite often helps one to identify or remember him also.Those days when Malayalis and people from Dakshina Kannada districts were only moving out of place of their domicile for jobs in Southern India.Those were the days when people believed "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet" People used to take up a job with an institution and retire from that institution only. Majority of working class had no ambition at all. Majority of people were following their family professions. They were following the forefathers blindly. In 1950's people were preferring jobs at post offices to jobs at banks and other institutions. A clerk at a post office in those days was drawing approximately total emoluments of Rs 135 per month. It was an attractive salary at that time. At that time value of money was not depreciating as it has been these days. One could have made their both ends meet with that salary.

World comprises of all types of people. An office too consists of all types of people. In fact, every office is a mini world only. Normally,efficient, inefficient , lazy hard working, some loving, some hating and some jealous people are found in it . Mr Madhav Murthy was a postal clerk at Tumkur head post office in 1950.His was an unique & special personality. He belonged to nearby Gubbi village. He was the only son of Mr Sreenivas Murthy. Mr Madhav Murthy was a post graduate in arts. Besides, he was a law graduate also. A post office commences at 8.30. am. daily. Every day, Madhav Murthy used to get up leisurely at about 7 a.m. He was a devotee of God. He was worshiping God in the morning as well as in the evening. He used to get his body massaged and have an oil bath every alternate day. As a result he had glowing skin and glossy hair. He had developed into a handsome awe inspiring personality. He never attended the office at 8.30 a.m. at all .He used to attend the office at 10. 30. a.m. always. Daily he was drafting one or two letters only and not more than that at any time.His drafting of letters was excellent and was very much appreciated by his colleagues . He was not at all attending to any other work in the office. Exactly, at the stroke of 12 noon, he used to have a sumptuous meal.Thereafter, he was having afternoon nap also. He was not at all taking any initiative to build his career. He was not appearing for any competitive examinations also.He never aspired for any promotion in his career.He was contented.He was not jealous of others moving up the ladder also.Such employees contribute 'to productivity a little. In a way they are a burden to an institution.

Physical idleness as well as idleness of mind are not at all good to anybody.More than physical idleness , it's idleness of the mind is always more dangerous. Even at home Mr. Murthy was not attending to any work also. His father was looking after all the affairs of house. Mr. Murthy as a voracious reader. He was reading number of books. He was having sound sleep always. Every year, Mrs Madhav Murthy used to deliver a male child . Children were growing day by day.In fact, they were assisting their grand father in the upkeep and other affairs of house. Madhav Murthy was not at all bothered about anything at all. He was not at all straining himself at all. He was an easygoing carefree man. Whenever anybody received a charge sheet or any explanation from higher authorities for their misconduct, they used to approach Mr Madhav Murthy. Mr. Murthy was usually reluctant in the beginning to assist them. At the outset, he used to decline to assist them in replying to the charge sheet or submitting an explanation. Murthy was fond of Crispy Masala Dosa . Ultimately, it was an offer of the most popular double Crispy Masala Dosa only used to lure him to take up their task. He was sparing no pains. He was putting all the efforts and was submitting suitable replies to clear them of all the blemishes.

Now, Mr Madhav Murthy is no more in this world. India is changing.Work culture in India is undergoing a sea of change. Marvellous changes are taking place in India.What one had not even dreamed are taking place in India. We can see the effect of computerisation in almost every field. The telecommunication industry has undergone an amazing revolution in India.People from India are taking up jobs all over the globe. There are no places in the world where Indians aren't employed.Multinational companies have entered India . Indian economy is being opened up. Liberalization is taking place in India. Son of a potter is no longer a potter these days in India. An employee also no longer continues with a company throughout their career in modern India. Changing of jobs is a fashion these days. Now a days workers are not well versed or well acquainted with words like our institution , grateful , sincerity, honesty and faithful.

An Entangled Whale.

Golden Gate is in San Francisco ,California , U.S.A. It is a suspension bridge. On one side of it there is Pacific Ocean and on other side of it there is bay. A female humpback whale had become entangled in a spider web of crab traps and lines. She was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused her to struggle to stay afloat. She also had hundreds of yards of line rope wrapped around her body, her tail, her torso, a line tugging in her mouth.A fisherman spotted her just east of the Faralon Islands (outside the Golden Gate) and radioed for help. Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was so badly off, the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her… a very dangerous proposition.One slap of the tail could kill a rescuer. They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her.

When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles. She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, nudged them, and pushed gently, thanking them. Some said it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives.

The guy who cut the rope out of her mouth says her eye was following him the whole time, and he will never be the same.

Then that was happiness and now this is happiness.

Some people have the habit of comparing. When a man looks at life often feels that then that was happiness and now this is happiness. It has given rise to a saying " yesterday was pleasant in a way and to-day is pleasant in a way too." It is a kind of thinking. Everyone wouldn't have this kind of attitude at all.Those who have it would be always contented . It is adjustable nature. Those who have this kind of nature wouldn't be often innovative & hard working. Life, & happiness are how one considers them.

In this context there is an episode. There was a saint in olden days. He did a lot of penance &,was highly enlightened. He came to know what was going to happen to him. He realised that his end would be soon. He called one of his pet disciples and conveyed him that he would breathe his last soon and would be born as a pig. How to identify him as a pig that he briefed him too. He asked him to axe him as soon as he locates him so that he could attain another birth.

The words of a saint can never be untrue.He breathed his last and took birth as a pig in a remote village.The faithful disciple as advised by him went in search of him in the form of pig and was able to locate & identify him too. The saint born as a pig was happy & comfortable in the company of piglets. When the disciple raised his axe to chop the head of pig.The saint pleaded him to brush aside his instructions. He informed him that he is happy & contented. He said " yesterday was pleasant in a way and to-day is pleasant in a way too." It illustrates that whatever may be a life man must live it and not run away from it at all. Running away from it is cowardice.Every life has good & bad. Every life has dark & bright spots. Poverty has dark & bright spots & richness too has dark & bright spots.

When anything could not be changed do not worry at all. Our thinking could be changed. It is in our hands . Of course, it is easy to some people to change their thinking and it is hard to some to change their thinking too. By thinking "Then that was happiness and now this is happiness " one can reconcile very well in any situation in their life.


There are a number of parks in Sahakar Nagar. We retired people meet with one of them. We exchange daily jokes, news & what not. Today, my friend narrated me an incident. It was about Traffic Safety Day. A police stopped a BMW. In it there were altogether three persons. On the front seats there were two ladies & on the back seat a person was sleeping. Both the ladies on the front had belts on them. They were a mother & a daughter. Lady in the driver seat was a daughter. The police was pleased . He told them " it is rare to find people who follow rules like you.Nowadays we do not find even a single person wearing belt on the front seat. I wish to present you a prize of Rs1000/- What would you do with it. Immediately, daughter in the driver seat, jumped & said " I would go to R.T. O. office & have a driving licence. " Mother who was seated by her side did not make any delay. She added " Sir, do not listen to her, she is drunk. She is uttering nonsense " By the time due to noises father who was sleeping in the backseat woke up. He grumbled "I had told you not to steal this BMW of S.P. You didn't listen "In this commotion the police swooned.

How to overcome fear & problems.

What epic " Mahabharata " contains & what it doesn't contain?. It is not mere a tussle between "Pandavas & Kauravas" What a great writer Vyasa mahamuni is . What moral it doesn't put forth. To-day my friend enlightened me two lessons. One is about fear & another is about problems & challenges. Here are they.

Once on a full moon day, Krishna and Balarama were walking in the forest, it was late and they decided to rest in the forest for the night. It was a dangerous forest, so Krishna suggested "Baladeva, you keep watch until midnight while I sleep, and I will be on watch from midnight till morning." They both agreed and Krishna went to sleep.

A few hours passed, Krishna was sleeping sound. Balarama heard a growl at a distance, it was a terrifying sound. He walked a little further towards the sound. Now he could see a gigantic monster approaching him. The monster growled again, Balarama was very afraid, he trembled in fear.

Every time he trembled, the monster grew double in size. The monster grew bigger and bigger as it approached Balarama. Now the monster was standing very close to Balarama, it growled again. Terrified by the sound, size and terrible smell of the monster Balarama screamed "Krishna! Krishna!" and collapsed and fell unconscious.

Woken up by the call, Krishna followed the sound and found Balarama sleeping, Krishna thought, 'It must be my turn now' and started walking too and fro. Slowly Krishna recognized the monster standing nearby.

The monster growled at Krishna. "What do you want?" Krishna asked unafraid. The size of the monster decreased, it shrunk to half its size. "What are you doing here?" Krishna asked again and the monster shrunk again. Krishna kept questioning it expecting a reply, the monster kept shrinking every time he asked.

Now the monster was just 2 inches tall, and looked cute and adorable. Krishna took it in his hand and placed it in his waist pocket. The night passed and Balarama woke in the morning.

Balarama saw Krishna and joyously shouted "Krishna! Krishna!".

"Krishna! you don't know what a terrible thing happened while you were asleep. There was huge monster trying to kill us both. I don't know how we survived, the last thing I remember is that I fainted." Balarama said trying to recall yesterday night's events.

Krishna took out the little monster out of his pocket and said, "Is this the same monster?"

"Yes, but it was so big! how did it shrink?" asked Balarama.

"Every time I questioned it, it shrunk in size, finally it became this."

Balarama told Krishna how the monster grew yesterday every time he was scared of it.

Then Krishna concluded "Every time we are afraid, our fears grow big, but every time we face them and question them, they become smaller and smaller."

Similarly our problems too. Every time we challenge them & face them boldly they disappear. If we are afraid to take them, they wag their tail.