" Man must change & not merely the note"

Abraham Lincoln ,says " Democracy is the Government of the people,by the people , for the people. "

Demonetisation of notes has taken place in India & notes of denomination Rs 500 & Rs 1000 are withdrawn from circulation & new notes of denomination Rs 500 & Rs 2000 are said to be introduced with effect from 8-11-2016. The nation is taken by surprise. No preparation whatsoever were made to introduce a new currency . Intention of the Government is good . It wants to nullify fake currency & black money. Financial transactions have become difficult. Leave alone rich, common man is undergoing hardship. Time taken by Government is 50 days for normalisation of the situation .

Rs 2000 rupees note more easy to hoard. One instead of two or four. Further higher denomination. Bribe too costly . Inflation.

" Man must change & not merely the note"

Here is a news.



Gujarat port trust officials arrested, had Rs. 2.9 lakh in new notes

Had sought bribe to clear pending bills of electrical firm: authorities

After old notes ban, individuals can withdraw Rs. 24,000 of per week

As the country struggles with the aftermath of the ban on high denomination currency -- a move aimed to root out black money - two port trust officials of Gujarat have been arrested for accepting a bribe of Rs. 2.5 lakh. Another Rs. 40,000 was recovered from the home of one of them.

What has stunned the officials is that the whole amount of Rs. 2.9 lakh was in new Rs. 2,000 notes, which had been launched on November 11.

Politics is a lucrative business these days. It is invest on elections & reap the harvest thereafter. Elections are won on caste basis , reservations & money. Nobody could promise more than what a politician promises during an election.Politicians speak nothing but no truth. No politician is a poor man.

Nowadays majority of political rallies are organised with black money only. People do not come but are brought in vehicles & in elections people is voting on the basis less evil who are. .Black money roots are deep. Black money is not with common man Common man is always tried to be bought with it . However, compared to population of India population of people who hold it is less. It is concentrated in some hands. It is their surplus money only. There are experts in generating once again If one way is blocked, they find another way to generate it. Corruption is not only in India but also it is all over the world. It has to be tackled wisely. The government could have resorted to other means than demagnetisation. They surely have intelligence report & list of list of people who hold Black money. " MAN MUST CHANGE & NOT MERELY the NOTES " Demonetisation is a one time measure. It cannot be repeated" It has created war like situation, chaos. For & against propaganda. Parliament is not functioning properly. Common man is undergoing hardships. Our country transforms the day man begins to sacrifice for it & relinquishes selfishness. Money can be changed but a man cannot be changed easily. Note to change a little time is enough. Man to change more time is always essential.

Opposition parties & ruling parties are two sides of the same coin. Changing side doesn't make much difference. Man must change. His thinking must change, his thoughts must change, & his behavior must change too. His devotion to the nation must increase manifold.Man to change what Government could do is only a little. Stringent laws against corruption &,speedy efficient judiciary is the need of hour in India than plastic notes & cashless transactions.

Paramahansa Yogananda says

"There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you."