
Chatting is talking to other people. It is a way of communication only. It is one way of time passing. It is there in this world from time immemorial. It is in every inhabited place. It is very entertaining. Chatting can be a lot of fun and it is easy too. It is a great way to socialize. Chats shows are very popular now a day on television. Who does not like chat shows of Jaspal Bhatti, Johny Lever, and Shekar Suman etc? They are full of humor. Chatting of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar with public is a treat to watch and is very educative. Chatting need not be only on internet. Of course, next to email, the most popular activity on the net is chatting. Is there anybody who never chats? One who does not chat is a few and they primarily comprise of those people who are a deaf and dumb. More or less, everybody in this world chats. Of course, we find that some people chat more and some people chat less.

One can never be serious always. One needs recreation, rest and recuperation especially after hard work. Chatting is one that provides all this. Is there any other way for those who cannot read and write,or, see, to learn and communicate other than through chatting ? If one is an illiterate and does not get sleep during night times, or if one has to keep oneself awake for any reason, chatting with companion is one of the best recourse at their disposal. Illiterate people love chatting. It is very very dearer to them. It is a popular pastime for majority of people in this modern world. It has also become an addiction from the habit of time pass. Online chatting has become a great medium of entertainment for people. Chatting enables one to unburden their thoughts. It makes one relaxed and refreshed. It is not a serious conversation. It is a short and brief light conversation.

There are various opinions about chatting. Some say it is bad and some say it is good. Some say it is a boon. It can be ones vice too. Some have addiction to chatting. More one spends time on chatting more lazy one becomes. Yet, nothing prevents one from chatting. An ideal chatter requires innumerable qualities and a plausible tongue. It is always better if a chatter has patience, knack, knowledge, enthusiasm intelligence; and convincing nature. It is always better if chatting has both upper and lower bounds.

During chatting some only convey facts whereas some add pepper and salt and convey false unrelated and unconcerned matters.Though, it is always difficult to prove legally all that comes out during the course of chatting, it is always better if one is cautious while chatting with others. Chatting has its pros and cons. It as a medium is leading to illegal and illegitimate practices . One may have different experience with regard to chatting than one that other may have. Some are of the opinion that sometimes chatting may land one in unnecessary controversies and disputes. Chatting is a channel where generally secrets get publicized. It is during chatting only many times one loses control over self for one or another reason and reveals unknowingly or due to slip of tongue many concealed matters which otherwise one would not have revealed, It is said one who talks less is wise or intelligent. Polonius advises his son to give everyone his ears but a few his tongue .

Man is a social animal. He cannot remain mute. Shakespeare says “There is nothing good or bad thinking makes it so." Thus chatting is also neither good nor bad. We should chat discreetly. One should never try to poke into others personal affairs during chatting. As far as possible one should confine self to the subject .It is always better if one confines oneself to certain bounds while chatting with others. There is a saying in Kannada which means that those who know how to talk well would never end up in quarrels. One should always bear this in mind while chatting. If one does not follow certain norms, chatting may create complexities.

One cannot chat with everybody in same vein. It was year 1999. We had begun to live in newly built our residence “Annapurna “. Gradually, we were getting acquainted with other residents of Sahakaranagar. Architects namely M’s Nirmala & Appanna had designed the building well. Mr. Suresh had carried on the construction work superbly. As a result the building was attractive. So many people were visiting us. It was quite but natural chats take place during such visits. Mrs. Saramma & Mrs. Vimalamma were two such visitors. During the chat we came to know that Mrs. Vimalamma and Mrs. Saramma were from our native place. Further Mrs. Vimalamma belonged to our community. They enquired about cost of construction, cost of land etc. While chatting, we conveyed to them that we paid a sum to their friend Mrs. Padmini‘s husband in the bargain. Mrs. Vimalamma added something more to this information and carried it to Mrs. Padmini. After a few days Mrs. Padmini and her husband called on us and a verbal duel took place. As a result our relationships were strained. Chat freely only with people who can be relied upon.

Chatting can take place in various ways. It can be a serious discussion. It can be an idle talk. It can be prattle. It can be babble. It can be tittle-tattle. It can be saucy. It can be twaddle. Further, it can be classified as private chatting and public chatting too. Chatting takes place especially, when people who speak same language meet, when friends meet, when relatives meet. Sometimes even language is also no bar for chatting. Gradually one picks up others language. Even deaf and dumb can chat now a days. They follow the lip moments of person with whom they would like to chat. Generally they chat in a particular language only. Chatting is a bond that brings one nearer to another. Chatting could be used to please others. How many small small groups are found whenever there is large gathering. They are chatting groups only. Chit -chatting everything under the sky.

Neighbors cannot live without chatting to one another. They have to be cordial to one another for one or another reason. They have to maintain good relationship between them. One need not go to another’s house for chatting. One can stand at their door step or compound and chat. Though any place can be used for chatting, the places where many people meet in large number that is clubs, temples, churches, are ideal places for chatting. It is dining place or a dining table that is an ideal for chatting at a home. Of course, where silence is to be maintained chatting cannot take place. Those who chat much generally have one or another habit. Some eat pan. Some chew tobacco and some are chain smokers. Those habits give them inspiration to chat. Further similar habits bring one another closer because one can cater to others needs. Of course, majority of people do not require anything for chatting itself provides them everything. In fact, many forget, food, water, time and what not when they are deeply engaged in chatting. Mood and leisure are quite essential for chatting .Minimum number of persons required for chatting is two. There is no limit to maximum number. More the number chat gets distracted.

Braggarts try to make use of chatting to serve their purpose. They do self boasting. They do not allow others to chat. One can bear with them only for a few minutes. Thereafter, they are a nuisance only. They are cut to size by others. During chatting we come across all types of characters. It is during chatting only many a times we come across fascinating or interesting personalities. One generally has peanuts along with them while they enter into chats with others. Peanuts are very popular with chatters. Some are so crazy for chatting that they are ready with eatables. They offer them to others so as to persuade them to join the chat. Some cannot survive in life without chatting. Similarly, we find drunkards always engaged in chatting. Of course, sometimes their chats unfortunately end up with brawls or crimes.

The proverb “Birds of same feather fly together “applies to chatter very much. Wherever two chatters come together, they chat for hours. They cannot survive without chatting. We may chat and forget everything. However, at least a few of the chats among them remain green in our memory for ever. Except a few, majority of people in this world like chatting. It depends upon nature of the individual.Those who chat with others generally do not have either superiority complex or inferiority complex. Some do not chat much but are interested in listening others chatting. Some do not consider chatting seriously. They treat it as waste of time and energy. Such people have superiority complex. Some chat a little bit more and some a little bit less. All depends on a person. We can chat on variety of subjects. Newspapers, gossips, rumors etc provide a lot of material for chatting. Chats make life interesting and lively. How a chat will commence and conclude nobody can predict. Chatting does not require any particular subject or topic or occasion .It can be over any subject under the sky. Sometimes it is politics, sometimes it is about glamour world, and sometimes it is about calamities. Chatting does not require any education. It does not require any training or practice. Some people initially hesitate to enter into chatting but once they are in, they are at ill at ease. It does not require any friendship. In fact, chatting develops friendship and leniency. It does not require any art. Of course if one is articulate can make it lively and prolong it.

Women are supposed to chat more than what men do. Chatting is favorite pastime of many women. Some chat if they have business, some chat even if they have business or not. Such people have created an impression that chatters are lazy and chatting is to wile away time. I have seen people addressing empty walls, when they do not find anybody to chat with. Is a chatting an addiction? Chatting is treated as vice by some. It is utilized by some to poke into others affair. These days one need not necessarily meet the other to chat. The advent of mobile phone and internet has made chatting easy. Chatting is now global. One can chat with any other person in any corner of the world these days. They need not come across at all. Cell phones have made chatting handy and television has made it lively. Even in movies and plays, we come across chatting. Chatting makes movies & plays livelier, attractive and popular .Chatting is a habit of a few but a pastime of many. Chatting can be one’s pastime but should never be allowed to be one’s hobby. Chatting may unnecessarily consume one’s valuable time and one’s other talents may get wasted or blunted. We come to know certain matters that are not either found in newspaper or books while chatting with some people and they only have that information. Chatting not only helps one to spread information but also helps one to gather information too.

Chatting is part and parcel of many people's life. It has both advantages as well as disadvantages. Chatting with intelligent and learned people on any topic is always productive.Chatting brings one another closer. It strengthens the bond of friendship. If one has time at his or her disposal, one of the best pastimes at one's disposal is chatting. Some go on chatting, they cannot remain quiet or idle even for a single minute, and they are called chatter-box. They are a nuisance. They create headache .People try to evade them. Those who chat more are generally talkative too. There is a proverb that if the eldest member of a family is talkative all the members of family are talkative. This is true in case of chatting too .Some get so much engrossed in chatting that they do not notice what is happening in and around. It is just like Nero was feed ling when Rome was burning. That is their nature. Being busy in chatting sometimes, women forget what they have kept on oven. Sometimes they add chilies for the second time too.

Chatting reduces pace of a work. It affects the quality of a work too. Generally those people who chat more are straight forward and they do not have anything to hide or seek. If the topics are interesting, chats may continue late into nights even. They will not be aware of passage of time also. Chatting can be used to build our knowledge, elicit other’s views; ideas express our views, exchange of pleasantries, and humor. One can have many advantages out of chatting. Advantages of chatting are numerous. It is solely left to us how best we can utilize chatting to our advantage.

In a chat, nature of a man plays a pivotal role. Through a slip of tongue without their knowledge several important matters are revealed during a chat only. Probes begin with a chat. Interviews generally begin with a chat too.While chatting one comes to know of others nature. Chatting enables one to study one another. Many times one’s true colors come to light during chatting only. We come across many cock and bull stories which we do not generally find in any of the books during chats. It is during chats we get well acquainted with customs and practices of our places. We learn to argue that two plus two is not four during chats. We learn to stick to our guns during chats only. Chatting sometimes provides an opportunity to one to discuss a topic and clear their doubts completely or get clarifications wherever necessary. Thus chatting is productive at times. We come to know many proverbs, and sayings through chats only. One should have ample time at their disposal to chat. One should chat, only when time permits.

Generally chatting does not cost us anything. Of course use of telephone, internet and mobile costs us something. Some resort to chatting for killing time. While chatting some forget what they should share with others and what not. Though there need not be any purpose behind chatting, chatting can be used to settle scores with others taunt others, appreciate others, win friendship of others .Chatting enables one to understand others too. Generally, those who are not in good terms with one another do not chat. However, chatting can be made use of to sort out difference of opinion.

Strangers also do not chat even. Chatting with strangers is generally considered as dangerous. Chatting could be done over a cup of tea, dinner or without anything at all. There is no formality at all. If two friends meet after a long time to chat, they forget the whole world. They cover everything under the sky. They chat about their school days, quarrels, many past incidents, their business, their married life and what not. They will not miss any subject. Usually, Chatting should not disturb others. Teachers take pupils to task who chat and disturb the classes. Chatters should not create an impression that they are quarreling. Chatters should not allow a place to turn into a fish market. It is some of the chats that spread rumors, and give room to gossips. Love affairs sometimes begin with chatting only.

Now-a—days, in Indian towns, we find along roadside sale of Bhel puri, Dahi puri, shave puri, and panipuri.It is known “chat. ” because it enables friends and relatives not only to relish those eatables but also enables them to spend their time chatting. Why in U.S.A. in I came across "Chat Bhavan" in Fremont. Even in marriage receptions we come across chat counters these days. Festivals, marriages and other functions people love to attend because they are the occasions which provide people with opportunities to chat and have jolly time. One can forget their worries and miseries at least for the time being while chatting during those occasions. Age bar, caste bar, creed bar, or any bar is not there for chatting. Old can chat with young and young can chat with old.

There is no time limit for chatting. Sometimes we cannot predict how long it would continue. Chatting with a child keeps both the child and us happy. Chatting with children helps one to forget their worries. They are innocence personified. Is it not? There are many writes up on Chats. The witty tales of Akbar and Birabal are nothing but chats between Emperor Akbar and Birabal. Similarly, tales of Tennali Ramakrishna is the result of chats between Tennali Ramakrishna and Emperor Krishna Devaraya of Vijayanagar. Even now those tales are popular and we find them in many text books. Bechii is a famous Kannada writer known for his humor. His chats are famous all over Karnataka.