Life and Ambitions

Nobody is ambitious by birth. Nobody has a strong desire to achieve something by birth. Nobody becomes famous or powerful overnight. One puts in efforts after efforts, acquires many qualities and becomes famous or powerful over a period of time. A child has no ambitions whatsoever at all. It is not mature enough to make any resolve. A child looks around and tries to understand one by one whatever that it comes across. Child would always be in a learning process. How fast it would learn depends upon the intelligent quotient which it inherits from its parents. It is the environment, circumstances, opportunities and such other factors that develop ambitions in us as we grow up. If our parents, friends, brothers, sisters, and cousins are all well educated, it is natural that we would also like to be well educated. We come across a number of curriculums in the school and we slowly and steadily develop interest in a particular curriculum or two. This depends upon our performance in those curriculum as well as encouragement from teachers, friends and guardians. There afterwards we devote ourselves completely to acquire maximum knowledge possible according to our capacity in those lines of studies. Similarly, if we are surrounded by people who excel in sports and games, there is every possibility of our trying to become a sportsman or an athlete depending upon the talent that is imbibed in us. Similarly some people develop interest either in music or drawing and become either musicians or artists. During adolescent days generally we do a lot of daydreaming. Our imagination has no bounds during that period. Our thoughts could never be chained at that time. We assume, feel and enjoy a great deal particularly during those days. Even in our school our mentors pose us questions like what you would you do if you were a prime minister,/ president,/ engineer, doctor /pilot,/ astronaut,/ musician,/ artist,/ athlete,/ cricketer .etc to know our inclination. There is nothing wrong in assuming. There is vast difference between assuming and aspiring. However, ambition and aspiration are related to one another. They go hand in glove.

There is no human being without an ambition in this world. It is easy to have any ambition. One can aim even at sky. Question that one has to answer is whether that ambition is within their reach or not. It is always prudent if one thinks twice before having an ambition. It is ambition in everyone that is responsible for spurt of activity in this world. It is a catalyst. It fills one with enthusiasm. It is that makes life lively and interesting. It is a driving force behind everyone. Ambitions develop within everybody invariably. Of course, all do not have same quantum of ambition. In other words everyone is not equally ambitious. Some are more ambitious, some are a little ambitious and there are others who are over ambitious. Some reveal what their ambitions are and some keep their ambitions close to their chest. There is a limit to one’s ambitions and one must not exceed that limit. Ambition indicates nature of a person. We can make out what type of person one is if we come to know what is their ambition. Ambitions can make or mar a person. Ambition could not be thrust upon anybody. Parents, friends, colleagues and other well wishers however could give only a vent to our ambitions and make them deep rooted in us. Life is a struggle to fulfill our ambitions. If one ambition is fulfilled, it may give rise to another ambition unless we are complacent. It is said where ambition ends happiness begins. Ambition is always mind blogging. It is said by elders that a desire is root cause of a misery.

Human nature is such that one does not become easily contented and happy. Happiness is a state of mind and is very difficult to achieve it. Sometimes a series of successes make us blind and over ambitious and over confident also. Our efforts and luck definitely play a major role while getting fulfilled any ambition. One generally puts in all the efforts whole heartedly without leaving any stone unturned to get an ambition fulfilled. Thus their joy would have no bounds when they succeed in their endeavor. It is nothing but a dream becoming a reality. As a result, they become more confident too. On the contrary if they fail, their plight becomes inexplicable. It is nothing but a dream shattered. They not only become desperate and depressed but also become frustrated and dejected. Besides, it may give birth to feelings like jealousy revenge, rivalry in them. Thus, ambition is not good in either ways. Ambition is a two edged sword. Ambition is a strong desire. Ambition is a fire. Ambition is a motivator. Ambition and attachments go hand in glove. We should think twice before allowing an ambition to occupy us. Ambition is a web. Once one is in that web, it is difficult for them to get out of that web easily. Ambition does not allow one to remain satisfied. The ways of fulfilling an ambition can be either fair or foul. Brutus killed his friend Julius Caesar because of his ambition only. Ambition sets one goal or goals. Ambition is our own.

Life without ambitions is just like a bow without an arrow. No ambition can be achieved without overcoming hurdles. One would have to cross either more or less hurdles on their way to an ambition. Majority of people in this world strive hard to fulfill their ambitions. That seems to be the main and sole motto of their life. Different people will have different ambitions. Those ambitions can be strange or peculiar too. Ambition should be realistic and should be achievable. Every body does not achieve their ambition in life. Some are able to achieve their ambition in life. Some are unable to achieve their ambition in life. Those who achieve their ambition are said to be successful in their life. One should be choosy in an ambition. Young have generally more ambitions than ambitions that old people would generally have. Experience makes one more cautious while selecting an ambition.

Saints do not have any ambitions at all. As such, true saints are very rare to be found now-a-days for renouncing all the worldly pleasures is not that easy. They live to serve fellow citizens without expecting anything in return. They share their wisdom and, knowledge with others. This seems to be the sole object of their life. Whereas, there are other people who are prepared to stoop to any level in order to get their ambition fulfilled. They become addicted to ambition. If we too fall a prey to an ambition, we devote all our time, energy, resources and everything for the sole purpose of getting our ambition fulfilled. In the pursuit of ambition some people throw all the fair means to wind and adopt all the crooked means to achieve their objective. A politician will have generally an ambition of becoming a member of legislative assembly at the outset. Once they succeed in their attempt, they eye for the post of minister. Then the chain prolongs to the post of chief minister and other governmental posts. Their ambition never leaves them and haunts them up to the last moment of their life. Same is the case with the wealthy persons, they go on accumulating wealth, there is no end to their lust and the law of diminishing utility never applies to them. Unless, they try to become happy and contented at one stage or other stage of their life, ambitions may make their life quite miserable. This is a universal truth and applies all walks of life whether it is research, engineering, sports, games or whatsoever. One must have complete restraint over their ambitions. Ambition is a type of madness. One should have always a method in madness. Otherwise, ambition rules and ruins them.