Capabilities &shortcomings are two sides of a coin.

Who doesn't have capabilities & shortcomings ? They are two sides of a coin. Some have more capabilities & less shortcomings .Some have more shortcomings & less capabilities. Their proportion is not the same in all human beings. Shortcomings make one's living difficult. How much that depends upon what they are. Capabilities make one's living comfortable . Shortcomings & capabilities are opposite to one another. Life is interesting because it is not merely capabilities or not merely shortcomings. It is a mix of them. They make one know what life is. In what ways capabilities & shortcomings make their presence felt it couldn't be said at all.

Capability where all it is. It can raise it head in science, art, technology or in any field. It waits always in the wings to show its calibre. Competition is there in the world because of capability only. In what direction capabilities would pull a man is always important in life. They can pull a man either in right or wrong direction. Capabilities are essential not only to execute something good but also they are essential to execute something that is bad too.It's always very easy to boast about capabilities but translating them into reality isn't that easy at all. Capable is a certificate,It is a recognition. It is an acceptance . It is an acknowledgement. No one accepts it without an evidence at all. Do everything sincerely,honestly & efficiently. It knocks at you.You need not demand it at all.

Capabilities no one usually tries to hide. Everyone tries to display them whenever possible in whatever way possible. Otherwise they feel that they would become useless .Whereas shortcomings those who have try to hide them in whatever way possible wherever possible. There is nothing strange in it . It is trying to hide bad & displaying good. It is human tendency only.

A man always tries to exhibit his capabilities in his deeds. It is their work that always displays one's capabilities more than their words. Capable man survives anywhere. Where there are no opportunities also he creates opportunities. He often has no excuses. Life sometimes awards everything to a man according to his capabilities & sometimes life doesn't award man everything according to his capabilities. That is why some people are contented and some people are depressed in the world.

Capabilities are not one or two, they are numerous. One wont acquire them normally overnight.They are an accumulation little by little over a period of time. They are always within. They are to be established. Capabilities can create something out of nothing too. They can perform wonders.They do not fall from the blues. Capability is more than money. Money is only a type of capability. With it one cannot attain all the capabilities at all. Capabilities are to be either achieved or attained.They are either to be developed or to be inherited.When in danger capabilities involuntarily arise in a man. One wonders afterwards from where they came . It is peril teaching the way. One needn't worry. Anyone could have capabilities if they sincerely put in their efforts. Everyone requires everywhere capabilities to shine ,survive and make known their presence in the society. Capabilities bring in recognition.Everyone claims capabilities but a few have capabilities. It is impossible to have capabilities in all respect. It is enough if one has capabilities in as many respect as possible. It is enough if one has capability to digest whatever they do.

A capable person is one who is able,efficient & does what he says. Besides,he would have knowledge,fortitude,forbearance, determination,& other qualities.Who has capabilities & who has no capabilities that could be made out from appearance itself. A man with capabilities would be always brimming with confidence. Capabilities enable one to lead life anywhere in the world. Whether it is a desert or whether it's a mountain top it matters a little to a capable person. Capabilities should never be spent over paltry matters or any destructive purposes. They are to be utilised for constructive useful purposes .Better they are utilised in discoveries, inventions & such other useful purposes.

Shortcomings do not allow a man many a times to exhibit his capabilities at all. Capabilities bring one another closer & closer. Shortcomings make one drift farther & farther from others.In fact, many time man has to cut a sorry figure because of shortcoming. Majority of people think that they are quite capable. They are in fact not fully aware of their capabilities at all. Those who are capable do not usually brag at all. A man who has capabilities need not have riches. He creates wealth. He becomes rich. Meme rightly says "Don't chase after success, chase after capability .If you are capable success will be chasing you ."

Shortcomings are challenges in life . Capabilities are to meet the challenges in life.Capability lies in converting shortcomings into strength, useless into useful and educating dull herds. Capability in short is making impossible possible.

Who doesn't want to enhance & display their capabilities ? One of the ambitions of a man is to enhance & display his capabilities. Life is survival of the fittest. Life is competitive too. Capabilities is the veil under which one's shortcomings are often hidden.Capabilities & shortcomings are plus & minuses of life. Man's life is one wherein duel between capabilities & shortcomings is always on.Who wins the duel it couldn't be said.Sometimes capabilities have the upper hand & sometimes shortcomings. Basis for any recognition is capabilities. In fact, shortcomings often disqualify a man. Only in case of enemies it is better their shortcomings are known for obvious reasons.

Man has various kinds of shortcomings & capabilities .They accompany him right from birth to death.Strengths & weaknesses of a man are not one or two. They are numerous. Capabilities are strengths of a man. Capabilities are one that expand more & more when more & more made use of and are one that decline if not made use of. All capabilities are not concentrated in anyone in the world. It is only in God all capabilities concentrated. God is all powerful. Mere capabilities aren't enough in life at any time .They must be always accompanied by enthusiasm,motivation, opportunities & successes .Successes increase confidence in own capabilities & failures decrease confidence in capabilities .

Shortcomings are weakness of a man. Shortcomings are an hindrance to smooth sailing of life. Shortcoming is often a disadvantage only . It is an impediment. It is odds against. Shortcoming cuts a man to his size . It doesn't allow him to be egoistic. One should not have it but it is according to one's destiny. Shortcoming need not be merely physical it can be otherwise too. In what ways it inflicts & affects a man it couldn't be said at all . Life is not a bed of roses to anyone.

Sometimes shortcomings turn out to be a blessings in disguise too. But by & large, man regrets for the shortcomings that they have. It is shortcomings which develop inferiority complex in a person. Sometimes only it is better to share them & sometimes it is better not to share them with others at all. What takes place often due to a shortcoming is not either intentional, or deliberate . It is unavoidable

Perfection is a rare phenomenon. Some have more shortcomings & some have less shortcomings. Some know what their shortcomings are. Some do not know what their shortcomings are. Some shortcomings are glaring. Some shortcomings are hidden . Some shortcomings could be corrected . Some shortcomings could not be corrected or overcome and one has to live with them.If one never challenges their shortcomings, they ensure that they remain their Achilles' heel.” Whereas ,despite shortcomings If anyone achieves something that is great , it is really worth appreciating & commendable. It is human to think that our shortcoming is really unbearable . When we compare it with that of others we only feel that it is really nothing. Comparison is one of the ways of bearing shortcomings too.One who has shortcomings shouldn't think more of them at all. They have to give less importance to them. It is one of the ways tackling shortcomings.

Shortcomings are more concealed than displayed. Often capabilities shield shortcomings. It is not always not easy to make out others shortcomings. What shortcoming who has could be made out often only when one mingles with them & deals with them. Nobody likes shortcomings but one has to adjust themselves to them to live their life. One who has shortcomings need not be depressed, he too has life .Of course , it may be a little harder. Shortcomings make one more human. They make one understand others suffering.

World consists of all kinds of people. World is such that more people try to take advantage of shortcomings of others in one way or another rather than being available to those who have shortcomings in one way or another. Some laugh at others shortcomings.They do not know that others laugh at their shortcomings. Some sympathize others shortcomings. Some utilize others shortcomings to their advantage .Dalai Lama says "To be aware of a single shortcoming within oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in somebody else. "