
What's going to happen is going to happen always. But if one anticipates good good only happens & if one anticipates bad bad only happens usually. One cannot anticipate everything that' s going to happen always. It's God only who knows what happens when. How much a man would be pleased if one anticipates what's there in his mind & complies in advance. It's an art that all can't do.Nothing seldom comes as soon as one anticipates. Anticipation needs patience. It has its own time limit too.

All that's anticipated seldom takes place too.Yet, man never leaves anticipation. It often continues until his last breath too. All those who buy a lottery anticipate that they would bag it,but one who is lucky only bags it. Anticipations would be accurate based on individuals & their intelligence & expertise.Optimists are always full of anticipations whereas pessimists may not have any anticipations at all. Anticipation is one's thinking. Only successes aren't merely anticipated failures or defeats too are anticipated also

Only if you do something to others would do something to you. Everything is mutual.Anticipations are mutual . They depend on individual.Where there's relationship there's anticipation. One anticipates something from other & other anticipates something from another.It is anticipations of a man reveal what that man is.One can anticipate anything from one who is flexible but anticipating anything from one who is rigid is waste of time & energy only .Anticipations of everyone need not be same, They may differ from man to man.

Anticipating is a way of planning. Nothing falls from the blues one has to anticipate & strive in order to reap an harvest. No matter anticipation does not take place let what is that not anticipated take place. Always expect the unexpected - not all hazards can be anticipated.


One can anticipate. Nothing bars one from it at all. Only if they had responded to others anticipation their anticipation would be responded . Otherwise, it remains not responded.

Elders say "Only if one anticipates they would be either pleased or disappointed.

Hence, don't anticipate anything."

But, it is human to anticipate & every man anticipates that life be advantageous to him & he be successful in it, However, it is always " Man proposes God disposes "everywhere. Anticipation has been there since the dawn of history. Stars do play roles on anticipations. In fact, whenever they are good whatever one anticipates turn into reality without hurdles.It is easy to anticipate. It could be done in no time. It could be done in click of a second. It is its becoming a reality that is ticklish & unpredictable. It may take place or it may not take place. It may remain a hope only also.

Anticipation, or being enthusiastic, is an emotion involving pleasure, excitement, and ... Robin Skynner considered anticipation as one of "the mature ways of dealing with real stress... You reduce the stress of some difficult challenge by anticipating ...

Life is anticipation . It is "This will happen . That will happen . This will not happen. That will not happen .Nothing will happen. Only that will happen & so on. One anticipation after another up to the end .

Anticipation is important. What is one's anticipation is more important. Some anticipate something that's impossible too.Anticipation is a process.It isn't enough if one anticipates. It never ends until the goal is reached. As one anticipation is over another arises. Anticipations continue throughout life. What all anticipations one would have. One would have full of them just like one would have dreams .

Anticipation is a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future. It readies one to face a situation. As it is anticipated it neither surprises nor creates any awe at all. Ambitious have always more anticipations.

Marks Helprin rightly says

"Anticipation is the heart of wisdom. If you are going to cross a desert, you anticipate you will be thirsty, and you take water ."

Anticipating when it would rise & when it would fall is a tact . All wont have it. One who would have it comes out unhurt when it falls.One who has this tact would make money in a share market. Anticipation helps one to remain be prepared. It helps remain confident,stress & tension free.

There's no limit to anticipation of parents.They anticipate to the end that their naughty son would be alright. What cannot be anticipated ? Love, affection, revenge , danger, incidents & all can be anticipated. Anticipation is by & large beneficial only . Only if one anticipates nonsense it is nuisance.

Life is beautiful because of anticipations. One cannot be without anticipation in it at all. One wont know value of anything if they get them without anticipation. How many anticipations of a man are there before God ? God is ever busy disposing off them. They would be never nil.

Who doesn't anticipate? Everyone anticipates at one or another time in life & be ready to face situations in life. World or life are not standstill at all. Something good or bad takes place in them. Some anticipate good & some anticipate bad. Anticipation depends upon individual. Anticipations are not alike. They are different types. Optimists always anticipate good & pessimists always anticipate bad. Anticipation is sometimes long & sometimes, short. All that one anticipates does not occur too. Sometimes. anticipation leads to disappointment . It turns out to be a waste of time & energy.

Good or bad one has to anticipate in life. Many a time man has to regret for not having anticipated also. Anticipation is a good habit. It always demands patience & imagination. Hope, imagination and future are all anticipations only. Before taking any steps one must anticipate steps that others may take in retaliation . That is wisdom. Anticipation makes one wait. One who anticipates doesn't become desperate all of a sudden. They wait to the last moment.

Anticipation is a product of curiosity and expectation.

Anticipation is often Greater than Realisation.

Great poet Keats too says

"Heard melodies are sweet but those that are unheard are sweeter"

Life is unpredictable. Everything cannot be anticipated in it. Many incidents in it aren't one that are anticipated at all. They take one by surprise only. Anticipation is a tact too. It helps prevention. Prevention is always better than cure. If expected one performs there's no wonder & one who hasn't been anticipated at all performs it is wonder only.

Where there is negligence, Where there is carelessness ,Where there are no activities & place is secluded , Where a place is buzzing with activities & crowded one can anticipate something untoward happening. Knowledge, intelligence, experience & thinking etc always help " Anticipation".

Anticipation depends upon man, situation,relationship & various other factors. Anticipation of two persons may be same or may be different. When one does something for other a few do not anticipate anything in return. Whereas majority expect something or other in return. There's lot of difference between expectation & anticipation.Expectation is almost sure & anticipation is may or may not be.

Selfless people have no anticipation. Its selfish people who are full of anticipation.

More than anywhere wherever corruption is there there is more anticipation. Anticipation is in fact thriving in corrupt world. If have nots have anticipation it doesn't matter even rich opulent anticipate in world means, it is a wonder only.

Every instinct has good & bad so too " Anticipation". Too much of anticipation at anytime isn't good at all.Anticipation mustn't exceed limit at all. Its that enhances hope, desires and makes one restless & sleepless. If it doesn't materialise man would be disappointed a lot too.Anticipation must not be always confined to monetary gains. It must spread to performance, talent, skill,& knowledge etc.

The anticipation that good days would come make one bear hardships in life. One should not anticipate that others should come & request for help. When others are in dire straits one should not have any such reservations at all. It is their duty to help without second thoughts.

Anticipation should be where it should be. It should not be everywhere. When one is seriously ill or in a do & die situation principle to be adopted is "Hope for the best ,be prepared for the worst." In such serious situations one cannot anticipate success or survival always.

No matter if one could not do good. At least them anticipate others to do good. God blesses in such instances one who could not do good invariably. There is no wonder in anticipating one who has sinned or done wrong to repent. Everyone has conscience & they too have conscience. One who has sinned or done wrong would repent if not today at least tomorrow without fail.