A few essays.

Mr Hebbar was from a remote village near Kaup in district Udupi. He belonged to a poor Brahman family. It was a big family. In those days majority of families were big only. They were number of brothers & sisters . They were all in hotel industry either employed as cooks or running a small canteen . Udupi Brahmans are pioneers in hotel industry. They are famous in hotel business all over India. Here, Hebbar was only seven years when he lost his father. His mother was an illiterate. It was days when only a primary school was prevailing at his place and fortunately he had been attending it. Somehow it had gone into mind of little Hebbar that he should study and thrive in life.In poor families hunger is not merely in bellies but also it is equally abundant in brains too. Little Hebbar had developed an aptitude for studies. He had no proper dress to wear while attending the school. He used to go to school barefooted . Even in school there was no adequate furniture at all. Many classes had to be attended squatting on floor. Why there were no teachers to take classes sometimes. Our cultures & traditions could be found more in rural places than in towns & cities. It was a blessing in disguise to little Hebbar . He was well versed in poojas, archanas and customs. He used to make available his services to local people and earn pocket money but never neglected his studies.

They were feeling it very difficult to make their both ends meet. Hence, mother wanted to send Hebbar along with his brother to Gangavathi to work in a hotel. He resisted and persuaded his mother somehow to send him to middle school. Poor lady made young son aware of their poor finances. She expressed her inability to provide him any assistance in that regard. She however promised him that she would always pray for his welfare. In fact, she accompanied him to school committee chairman Mr Sreenivasa Rao and got him admitted to the school. He appeared for free ship exam in the school & secured free-ship too. In seed germination itself we can make out how the crop would be . Similarly, we can make out what would be the boy from his infancy itself. He was a hard working , capable talented boy . He was ambitious and determined . He had many big dreams and plans.

Hard work never goes unrewarded . His hard work paid him rich dividends . He finished middle school with flying colours. As in case of any poor family question how to pursue studies crept up again.There was Board High School at Admar. It was not nearby . It was far away from his home and there was no conveyance whatsoever to Admar in those days. Poor boy had to cover the same walking .Besides,he couldn't have afternoon meals at home. He had to search for it either in one or another's house at Admar . One who has a goal in front of them pooh poohs hurdles. He too was ready to overcome all the obstacles. Day & night he toiled. He didn't bother the discomforts at all. Result was outstanding he topped to school in S SLC exam. His teachers & well wishers came forward & assisted for his college education. His food , clothes & stay were taken care by a well to do Madhav Rao. Thus little Hebbar joined the M. G. M. college for his intermediate studies. He opted physics, chemistry & mathematics as his options to be an engineer. In college his efforts did not yield desired marks. He could not secure, high marks. But he was undeterred. He went to Coimbatore where his neighbour was running a hotel. The neighbor provided him free food & stay. Daily he was peeping through newspaper for employment & applying for jobs & was able to join Johar & Co as a clerk with monthly Rs 60/- . Six months passed with paltry income. One fine day he received appointment order from Postal Department.

1. Love Everybody.

This is a message from none other than God himself.This is what parents advise their children too. It is a message that is not only be followed but also to be spread. It is it that brings one another closer and closer.All religions advocate it. Mother Teresa throughout her lifetime was conveying this message only. All great people from time to time have been preaching and insisting to Love everybody.One who understands this message would start telling everybody to love everybody.It's a wonderful message. All negative thoughts would disappear once one begins to love everybody. Once one loves everybody all hatred in them vanishes. Love always generates love. Love fills heart with love only.To one who loves everybody there would be no enemies in the world at all. One who loves everybody is always contented and has peace of mind. To love everybody one needn't spend anything at all.Those who love others would find only good in them.

2. Whom to believe, what to believe and what not to believe.

Shakespeare says " Appearances are deceptive"More we try to understand life more intricate it becomes. We are all human beings. Yet, our feelings are not alike .When one becomes happy , the other becomes sad , the third becomes angry , and the fourth becomes jealous. That too not in same quantum. What feelings and what thoughts are going on inside others it couldn't be easily made out at all. We know not whom to believe , what to believe and what not to believe.

These, questions confront everyone in their life at one time or other. It is foolish to believe everyone and it is not possible to believe everything.Everyone has their own strategy in this regard. Everyone takes their own decision too.

What is lacking now-a-days is sincerity and honesty but find duplicity everywhere. Everybody is trying to improve in the present generation. That is a good sign. What is lacking nowadays is sincerity and honesty and duplicity at many places.

As I was thinking about Man & old age , I remembered Mr. Raghavendra. As far as development of hotel industry in India is concerned surely credit must go to Udupi Brahman. They are house name. Raghavendra had passed 9 th std from Board High School Udupi in 1948. Due to financial difficulties he could not continue his studies. His relatives had hotels in Mysore. He joined one of them as cashier. Gradually, in that hotel, he picked up one by one knowledge about how to run a hotel. There he had no major expenses to incur . In hotels, generally employees are provided with free food & shelter. He was saving major chunk of his salary.

Understanding anything is always important. Understanding fully well no doubt always takes time but gives a clear picture. Coming to conclusion before understanding & after understanding are often different. They are not one & the same. One shouldn't come to a sudden conclusion.It is in fact, an habit of some people.They are hasty or overanxious. It would be either wrong or inaccurate only

Every beginning has a conclusion. It is always not easy. Conclusion is the end.Its last part of something . After everything is over,after understanding fully only one should come to it. Often, one who comes to a sudden conclusion have to change their conclusion & repent for it too. Sometimes it is inferences. Sometimes, after conclusion others draw inferences.

The Lake District, also known as the Lakes or Lakeland, is a mountainous region in North West England. A popular holiday destination, it is famous for its lakes, forests and mountains (or fells) and its associations with the early 19th century writings of William Wordsworth and the other Lake Poets, Beatrix Potter and John Ruskin.Wordsworth's Dove Cottage (go in March to see daffodils), and if you've got kids in tow, visit The World of Beatrix Potter. Or just enjoy a leisurely drive through beautiful scenery.

Keswick is the northern tourist hub of the Lake District National Park and is a favourite base for serious walkers and climbers, artists and photographers, and anyone who enjoys mountain and lake scenery. A thriving town of individual shops, including many selling outdoor equipment, art galleries, delis, cafes, restaurants and pubs, Keswick is a great place to collapse at the end of a long walk and eat a hearty meal. It also has many attractions to occupy visitors on a rainy day when heading up into the hills is not the thing to do.

Castlerigg stone circle is not just its location that makes this one of the most important British stone circles; considered to have been constructed about 3000 bc, it is potentially one of the earliest in the country.

The pain never goes or subsides if one cries or weeps. One who has pain would not have sound sleep usually.

Yakshagana. The story may be the same. The way one presents it differs from person to person. Storytelling is an art. Some possess the talent of making something out of nothing. They make it beautiful. They mesmerise the audience. When the story began & when the story ended audience wouldn't be aware of. They in between add other stories. What a command they have over thalifornie language. People bow to their knowledge.

Man changes as his thoughts change. Here is a list of 15 ways to make one their thoughts positive.

Deval Ganagapur is a Village in Karnataka, India. It is located in the Afzalpur taluk of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.The village is noted for its temple to Lord Dattatreya, who is said to have attained realisation on the confluence (Sangama) of the banks of the rivers Bhima-Amarja.

On 24-2-2018 we boarded Udyan express at Kempe Gowda Railway station Bengaluru. We had booked berths in second class AC two tier fortnight before. We are being senior citizens was allotted lower berths. The train was on time at 8.45 p.m.


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Dattaram Sharma

Dattaram Sharma