My thoughts on Zero.

Who said there's nothing before or after zero. Zero isn't a bolt from the blues.It appears during incidents which take place either early in life or in later half of life. Zero's cannot be hidden.It comes to light in one way or another.Man isn't only worried about something happening, he is worried over zero overtaking him too. Zero doesn't mean no intelligence. Even intelligent secure zero. When mind is zero. Its completely blank.No thoughts whatsoever.Many words man can understand better from his experience than referring a dictionary.

Fuller gradually or suddenly becomes zero too. Zero is mysterious. It opens one's eyes. It makes one nonentity . It means something wrong. It should never be left not analysed. Zero is for ignorance & not for innocence. It is a challenge to be warded off. It is zeros enlighten us what a man is. It is they enable to study him.Zero is sometimes surprise . Zero is sometimes disappointment . It's zero that often brings tears in one's eyes. It makes no one happy. Sometimes zero is the fruit of one's hard toil. It many times seems to be merciless & partial too. Some have many children & some have zero children. Zero is important. Zero enhances value , It descends value too.

Not appearance, but one's behavior & talk disclose whether one is a hero or a zero.It is performance that always indicates whether one is zero or not too. Zero would not able to make out which is milk & which is water etc. An intelligent makes many inferences when comes across something, but not who is a zero.

Zero has no importance. It is not often taken into count at all. It may make one ill famous but wont make one famous at any time. On the other hand , it may bring one title like dull-herd, stupid & idiot etc. No man wants to be recognised himself as zero in life at all. However, life many times makes one feel that it is better to be zero than be intelligent.Many times it is many zeroes together, it is zero. Zero efforts, zero pains it is zero experience. Zero success.

Life is to enhance knowledge. One can't remain at Zero in it. Achieving even a little starting from zero is an achievement.

Achievements from zero are always lauded. Achieving with everything available isn't an achievement at all. One would not know the value of a thing if they get it to zero toil.One who boasts himself most often turns out to be zero.There is a famous saying on zero " Empty vessels make more sound ".

Most of the human beings treat life as an examination. Their goal is to perform well in it. They spare no pains at all. Time to time they do introspection too. Some fail & some pass. Some secure zero too in life exam. Zero is everywhere in the world. Though great men know everything & their knowledge has no bounds they consider themselves as zero. Basavanna founder of Veerashaiva philosophy sings how a zero can build a temple. He says "my legs are pillars, my body is temple & my head is tower "

Zero is an awe inspiring number. Who says It has no value.It sends many messages. It is an alarm.It is a powerful number. It scares young, old, man & woman.It scares haves & have nots too.It's zero which proves that there's something in nothing too.

Life is strange. Man,despite taking several steps remains where he is, zero step ahead. Zero is solid . It won't tilt a bit.Emerge out of it is seldom easy at all. Where it is zero there the ideas don't flash despite thinking day & night.Often after discussions, & arguments, end in zero only. Coming up from zero & coming down to zero is a life process. Its upheavals of life.Only with His blessings one would have often Zero trouble or no trouble.It is better man realises as early as possible that he is only zero at any time in front of God.

However,zero can be made to disappear.What's needed for it is efforts.Efforts must never be zero.They must be persistent. They never go waste. Sometimes their results are immediate & sometimes belated.

Zero is a lucky number to some & unlucky number to some. What a strange & great number it is.How many feelings it arises. It's capable of arising all types of emotions. Some look at it & laugh.Some look at it & cry. Some sympathise it. Some improve upon it. In some places it's essential . In some places it shouldn't be there.It's always better than minus . It is from it increase or decrease always begins.No number has more significance than it . It is a number that often makes other number either great or insignificant. Zero is comparable sometimes only, not always.No business could be conducted on zero profit at all. Unless zero occurs no settlement could be concluded or would be over too. It is most disliked number also.

Zero isn't a mere failure. It is below all expectations. After it, one cannot go down. Of course, in temperature minus is there. It isn't confined to a field, it's in every field. Some are zero in some fields & excellent in some fields. It all depends upon individual. There is much to be understood with regard to it . With many couples, the husband is zero without wife & wife is zero without a husband. Similarly, in many partnerships one without another is zero.Much time, many questions aren't essential at all to know whether one is zero.With a question or two often it could be made out.

There's a saying in Kannada language "One who has teeth has no Bengal gram & one who has Bengal gram has no teeth."It is said that God doesn't bless everyone with everything. That's why there are zeros in everyone's life.It's an opportunity to optimist whereas it appears nothing to a pessimist.It's life that makes many to have zero emotions. Zero seldom appears without reason.Sometimes reasons are several & sometimes one. Generally, where there is laziness, where there is no money, no intelligence, no work, no progress It is zero.Life many a times in difficult situation make one feel that it is better to be a zero than to be an intelligent.

The world is funny. Many zeroes in it aren't ready to agree they are zero, they are under the impression they are well learned .Whereas many luminary think that they are zero. All stories begin with zero. Only afterwards they are either a tragedy or a comedy.Seldom one can become a hero overnight sans effort, & His blessings. Whereas one can become a zero in no time despite all efforts. Society comprises of heroes & zeroes.Hence, where superiority & inferiority complexes creep up in it. Perfection is zero defects.

Thinking self as a zero is negative thinking . Thinking self as not zero is positive thinking .When a zero becomes a hero, some do not change at all they remember their past, whereas some become egoistic. All depends upon individual.

Valuations depend upon individuals. What's zero to one may not be zero for another.

Zero is not a permanent number at all. Moon too becomes zero on new moon day. A good advice is " Be zero where you should be & be not be zero everywhere. "Desires are said to be the root of all sorrows. In life better, one has zero in desire, anger greed, lust, jealousy, envy, pride & many other negative qualities. Majority of success & failure stories in life emanates from zero only.In fact, success many a times is only after many zeroes. Success is rising from zero & failure is drifting to zero. Nothing else. Man would never forget whatever feathers he had on his cap he also won't forget his zeroes too. They are memories.