Light isn't fully easily conquerable at all.

Light is not one that glows only. What's realization? . Is it not a light . Light has many forms. It's understanding something new.Why one remembers their teacher is it not for the light that they bestowed upon.Man often goes after, wealth, glory, & other longings only afterwards he realizes the importance of light & turns towards it.Man worships light . What all he doesn't do to see light ? How much pain he undergoes at times without it.How much happy one would be in life when they see light when they are in the doldrums.What one needs when in difficulties isn't treasure. It's a light to right path that would extricate them from it.Light is in eyes that views. It is a hope. As long as it is there there is hope.At the end of a tunnel an optimist always sees light & a pessimist sees always darkness. Whoever helps,guides & shows way in darkness is light only. A lamp does not know how far its light spreads. It's a man who has to gauze its power & know.Light means influence too. Good words, & deeds of great people throw light on whom all it couldn't be said at all.

Sunrise doesn't take place all of a sudden. It's step by step in the Eastern horizon. A man too in life doesn't become enlightened at a stretch at all.Man's search for the light goes on, goes on throughout lifespan & won't be over, remains unfinished even though lifespan is over.Light isn't fully easily conquerable at all.What one waits long in life is light.In life one can bear anything but not remaining without light. How many have talent how many have intelligence & they don't come to light at all. Coming to light isn't a child's play at all one has to move heaven & earth many a time & lady luck must smile.More than anything else His blessings are quite essential. Light is everywhere essential in every walk of life, not merely in darkness. Further, it must be available in time neither late nor earlier otherwise everything may be over.

It's true that all that glitters is not gold. Light is elusive too. Many remain like a seed behind a leaf.There are as many great people who don't come to light as many great people who come to light in the world. Doesn't think anything that flickers as light. It must be properly made use of otherwise one may become blind even having both the eyes also.It's thief who is always afraid of light & who always likes darkness. Yoga is a light , which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame. says B.K.S. Iyengar. It's the light that enables one to know & relish the beauty of anything. Light more than it makes others shine.The light is useful. It is not aware how much useful it is.

Light itself is a great corrective. A thousand wrongs and abuses that are grown in darkness disappear, like owls and bats, before the light of day. Everyone a man or a seed don't grow on own. They grow with light thrown upon them by various at various stages of their life.Light changes with climate,it changes with seasons.It's changes affect weather, crops, & hygiene too.It never remains still at all. It reflects, spreads, pierces wherever it could. It needs no invite too. Moon has no light of its own. Sunlight makes moonshine. Real picture appears only if everything sees light. That is often rare nowadays.A few only like new moon-day but majority like full moon-day.

Real light never flickers or could be blown off. It glows for ever. Light one that enables the eyes to see& light that opens an inner vision aren't one & the same. One can see the light that's outside but can't see the light that's within others with ease. Inner vision always puts outer vision in right direction.Light is always a companion & guide that drives away ignorance.It is a promoter of health & a destroyer of disease. It isn't everywhere it has to be spotted & had that only a few could do that.One's life brightens not all of a sudden it brightens by absorbing little by little light from others life.Light can be sprinkled . It's ecstasy when it spreads. How much satisfaction it brings & how beautiful it looks .A place is beautiful if the light is spread all over it.The world too would be beautiful if everyone is enlightened.

There is gulf of difference between light & light.Light can be a noun, or an adjective.What awakens everyone & everyday & says morning is light.Light is for everyone to see & not only one to see at all.It's it that enables one to know & relish the beauty of anything.There's always duel between light & darkness in every field.How many unknown hidden concealed things & matters are there in world & life that have yet to see the light. There are many things which aren't visible in light too.Light is indispensable.Whether its good bad or anything comes to light one day or other whatever may be the precautions taken. Light is truth.Truth is light.It isn't enough one is in light one has to share the light with others.There would be light variations in the world for rains, wind, & cloud, but not light in man. It often surges only.

What makes one joyous at any time when they don't know what to do " It is light" It's needed everywhere. Light is a good omen. Absence of it anywhere often doesn't augur well at all. It is more needed where it is not present. It's it that presents everything as it is. Good or bad glares in the light .It is needed not only when it's dark, it's always needed .God is nothing but a beautiful light that could be seen with devotion by anybody. Every prayer to Him is for light only. Every invention is search of a light only.Everybody's life is a journey in search of light.Light is an opportunity to avail. There's no use of crying after its dark. It's crying over split milk.Seven colors mingle & become light. It's it that splits & becomes a rainbow to bode well too.Without light one can't see their own face leave alone others face.As one shares light, it never diminishes only darkness diminishes.It isn't enough if every morning only whole world lights up every mind too has to light up & everyone is cheerful too.K.S. Narasimha Swamy a Kannada poet says " Lamp is yours, Wind is yours, Let light don't be blown off.