
What suffering it can't be explained or compared. It's different to different people. Words can explain it only a little.Everyone thinks that their sufferings are the most. Only when they compare their sufferings with that of others they realise the reality.There are numerous stories which tell about suffering. Life too illustrates what it is. Yet,what is suffering cannot be explained . Often ,one doesn't find apt words to convey what it is . It's unimaginable. It is incomparable. It's suffering that makes one impatient. It's suffering that develops immunity in us. It's it that imbibes in us great qualities like forbearance and fortitude. In short ,sufferings teach more one what life is than what a royal life teaches.Hence, emperor Ashoka became Buddhist. It's suffering which quite often makes one human. One cannot remain a mute spectator before a suffering for a long time at all. Even hardest of hardest heart melts before suffering. It's suffering which many times an eye opener. It enlightens a person also. It cannot be described or expressed or shared many a times. Its intensity and magnitude cannot be measured at all.That is why the remark " our enemy must not suffer. "

There are certain sufferings which cannot be either shared or to told to others also. Sufferings can be momentary or life long. They may or may not deserve others sympathy or pity at all. Suffering sometimes makes one dumb, sometimes makes one cry & sometimes makes one scream. To bear it more than a strong body a strong mind is always needed It makes even the strongest of strongest person shiver. There's no guarantee that one's suffering won't go a waste at all.

Nobody would opt definitely life if it only consists of suffering. Nobody welcomes it even in dreams of dreams. It is always an unwanted guest. There must be a limit to everything. There must be a limit to one's suffering too.Yet, one has no other go than to lead a life even if it consists of only suffering too. When sufferings are unbearable, when there is no other go, one surrenders themselves to God. Every suffering is a battle only. One would be able to relish a sweet better only after tasting something that is bitter. Similarly, one would be able to enjoy comforts of life more only after suffering a little bit. More than anybody else one who has undergone a suffering understands others suffering always better. There's no use of simply sitting and crying while undergoing suffering. One must always be determined and try to emerge out of it.

Everybody prefers to enjoy in this world. Nobody likes to suffer in this universe. Surely, one who knows how to live undergoes less suffering but nobody can escape suffering in this world. Life is not merely a bed of roses but also it is a bed of thorns too. One must know art of living. Because of ignorance only one suffers most in their life. Whether one does any wrong or not, they may have to suffer in their life. Suffering is often considered as a natural justice. It's said that any suffering is for our deeds. Suffering is paying for our wrongdoing and on account of sins that we commit. According to Buddhism cause of suffering is lust. Sufferings are to teach one a suitable lesson.

One who suffers a least is really fortunate. We don't know sufferings of one another. Further, sufferings are seldom under similar circumstances. Sufferings under different circumstances cannot be compared even. Thus, it isn't easy to quantify one another's suffering. Sufferings cannot be generally compensated adequately. Some narrate their suffering. Some simply bear it. It's always not easy to decide who has suffered more. However, whoever suffers in this world undoubtedly deserves compensation without an exception. We come across in this world some who have the habit of claiming that they are the worst sufferers. People hate those who are responsible for their suffering and are under impression that God would also make them suffer equally or more than them even. People fail to understand that suffering of other people equally or more would not reduce quantum of their suffering. People think that death is solution to all sufferings. It is suffering that makes one desperate and despondent. That is why some people commit suicide also. Only physical suffering ends with death.

That which cannot be cured should be endured and one should learn to live with it. This is well said especially with regard to sufferings. When one suffers they have to look at those who have been suffering more and draw consolation that their suffering is nothing comparatively. This is what a sufferer is often suggested. One cannot eradicate suffering totally from this universe at all. One can try to minimize their sufferings that too as far as possible only. If one thinks of suffering only life would be a hell.

Suffering is impartial. Irrespective of whether one is rich or poor, old or young, weak or strong, man or woman, or an animal everyone has to suffer one day or other in this world. We seldom find a smile on the face of one who is suffering. Suffering is unavoidable in life. It is a part and parcel of everybody’s life. Of course, no one is aware when and how they would suffer. Everyone has to suffer a little or more in this universe. Of course, nobody suffers equally in this universe. Some suffer more and some suffer a little less. Sometimes one suffers directly and sometimes one suffers indirectly. Suffering need not be necessarily one’s own suffering it can be that of their kith and kin too. A child’s suffering is undoubtedly suffering of its parents too. Suffering is more acute especially when one who is friendly and trustworthy stabs in the back. One can forget anything other than their sufferings.Some suffer and shed so much of tears that their eyes become completely dry and there would be no scope for tears to emerge further from those eyes at all. In fact, some exclaim that they suffered so much that blood flowed out of their eyes. Generally, when suffering too much, one becomes unconscious. In an unconscious state one doesn't feel any suffering. It's difficult to predict how unconsciousness would affect one who is suffering. One may pass away from this world after being unconsciousness. When one comes out of unconsciousness sometimes, one may recover from suffering as it happens in the case of a surgery.

Suffering is darker side of a life. Whether it is painful or painless, a suffering is always despised and nobody welcomes it. Often one bears a suffering only due to sheer optimism. They anticipate that sooner or later better days would surely come to them. Often people blame their stars or fate for all their suffering. Further, hospital is not only a place where one comes across suffering. There is numerous other places where we come across sufferers. In fact, we find a few places in this world where nobody is suffering. It is not mere illness or bruise, or boils that cause a suffering. There are many other which cause a suffering. There are sufferings where nobody can be of any avail too and where one has to suffer alone. Today, many researches have taken place and medicines have been discovered to soothe some sufferings only. Suffering has no class creed or anything. In one or another way everybody in this universe suffers. One who hasn't undergone any suffering isn't a man at all. When others suffer we won't be fully aware of their suffering and we may even laugh and brush it off as nothing or call it as a cock and bull story also.

Suffering is invisible. It's always individual. It's only when we come across such sufferings; we come to know what really those sufferings are. Suffering teaches one a lesson. We exclaim when sufferings are more that even our enemy shouldn't suffer in that way. Suffering tests one’s patience. It always requires tolerance. It requires fortitude. It makes one humble. It makes one thick skinned. It hardens one’s feelings. Sometimes, it makes one cruel too. It many times causes mental depression.More a person suffers more depressed they would be. Many a times it's suffering which brings in changes or molds one too. Sometimes one who is suffering themselves doesn't know reason or reasons for their suffering. As such, they are unable to answer questions like why they are suffering, how they are suffering, what they are suffering etc. Suffering is an unforgettable experience. Of course, undoubtedly, it's a bitter experience. Unhappiness is nothing but a kind of suffering only.

One cannot understand fully what life is without undergoing sufferings. One always tries to come out of a suffering. It is suffering that makes one frustrated, restless. While extricating self from suffering only sometimes one becomes active, intelligent and finds out ways and means to emerge successful. Suffering is not totally bad. Suffering is quite essential to a certain extent. Every suffering contains a hidden spiritual message. But life does not comprise of mere suffering only. The river of life flows between the banks of pleasure and pain. Those who understand and respond to others suffering are human. It is the hope that better days are likely to follow, enable one to bear the sufferings. After chiseling only a stone shines more likewise it is sufferings that make one more mature and brighter.Only difference that we notice in this world is that some suffer more and some suffer less. Some are born to suffer. Their sufferings end only when a curtain falls by way of death. In what way they suffer others cannot make out even. Everybody’s fate is already written. Nobody can change their fate even a little bit .One cannot avoid sufferings but the question is how the best one can manage it.

One’s life seems to be better to others outwardly. But, in fact everybody suffers in one or another way in life. There are various ways of suffering. Some suffer within and their sufferings are invisible whereas sufferings of some are visible to everyone. Some suffer for want of money; some suffer on account of excess of wealth, to some health is a problem. It's said that one suffers on account of sins committed by them. Some blame their stars especially Saturn for suffering. Some blame others for their suffering. Sometimes people suffer without any reason or fault of theirs. Some suffer for others fault. Some suffer for their negligence too. Some suffer so much that our suffering seems to be nothing before it. Some make a mountain out of a molehill. Some call this period of suffering as a testing time. Generally, if somebody comes to one’s help during this period, he or she would not only be remembered but also one would be grateful to them for their kind gesture. On the contrary, if somebody adds fuel to the fire during that period, then relationship gets still worsened between the concerned. The alcohols or drug may give one temporarily or momentarily some retrieve but subsequently they add more to one’s suffering. Particularly, an addiction spoils not only one’s health but also brings in financial and other difficulties. It makes others in the family too to suffer. One cannot runaway from sufferings. It is said that it is one who has to suffer for whatever wrong one is doing at present or one that one had done in the past or that which one is going to do in future. Knowingly or unknowingly making others suffer is a sin. In great epic Mahabharata, Dharmaraya unknowingly becomes responsible for slain of Dronacharya. That is why Dharmaraya was taken to heaven via hell. None can help or avoid suffering for their wrong doing. Any suffering which serves no purpose is a futile exercise only. A suffering is worthwhile provided it is fruitful or rewarding. Nobody prefers suffering, nobody can decide how suffering should be, and suffering is not in one’s hands. It takes its own course. All the ills have a cure. Once one is able to know the root cause of a suffering one can definitely concentrate to come out of it.

Suffering is seldom alike. There are various types r kinds of suffering. Suffering may be due to one’s own fault only. Suffering is not mere bearing of a pain on account of a bruise caused by a fall or an accident. Suffering may be either physically or mentally or both. Suffering is generally non transferable. Some sufferings are contagious. Insults add salt to injury. They cause more pain than physical injury. They touch bottom of heart. It could be mental agony. It could be mental depression. It could be monetary .It is very difficult to imagine in what form it appears. Some sufferings have no medicines or remedy at all. It may be a dreaded disease. They could not be treated at all. Time only should solve certain sufferings. Some people are weak minded. They could not either undergo or bear sufferings. It is those who often commit a suicide. Some people suffer so much that there are no words to describe their sufferings and one cannot stand and see their suffering too. Only heartless people can stand and see other people suffering without helping the sufferer. When one is suffering, one expects sometimes a few words of compassion. One need not give them anything but a few words and that give him or her strength to bear the suffering and that gesture strengthens bond of friendship or relationship. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Nobody can withstand their kith and kin suffering. It is Suffering that can make anybody’s heart melt. Some scenes are such that even the worst of worst enemy’s heart gets melted. Ignorance is sometimes a boon. If aged sickly parents are ignorant of serious illness of their children, and grand children, is it not always better. Sorrow, losses, diseases, worries, etc which all make one suffer either collectively or individually. They come in battalion and not in single spies generally. In times of war or calamity or natural disasters, everyone suffers together.

How and when one would suffer nobody can predict. The reasons for suffering are varied. There are always one or another reason behind a suffering. No one suffers without a reason. Even who do only good also suffer in life. Sometimes it is an accident; sometimes it is an earthquake, sometimes it's while sitting and relaxing in a chair, a bolt from blue falls on one and one has to suffer. It's all a mystery. It is said that pleasure comes after pain and one is not able to come to know what happiness is unless one suffers. Sometimes human qualities are cause of one's suffering. If a person is short tempered, in a fit of anger if he kills somebody, he would be behind the bars and his entire family including himself would suffer for this act of his. Jealousy, revenge, hate, rivalry etc cause suffering. Every suffering is a long or a short tale. Sometimes on account of one's ego one has to suffer or make others also suffer. On account of bad company one may have to suffer. If one's morals are low, one would suffer either to day or tomorrow. If one cultivates bad habits and if one's character is lost everything will be lost and one would suffer in every respect. If a husband has no good character, capacity, his wife would suffer. Similarly, if wife were not okay, husband would suffer. If anyone of them were not okay, the children would suffer. If boss were not okay, his subordinates and entire institution would suffer. Thus suffering is relative. If one has no good education, one would be ignorant, one has to depend on others for guidance and as a result one has to suffer a lot. One's shortcomings certainly cause one trouble or sufferings. Either inferiority or superiority complexes make one suffer or one makes others suffer on account of it. Too much of eating, drinking, friendship, or anything is not good. One has to suffer for the same. That is why it is said by the elders that too much of familiarity breeds contempt. Selfishness drifts us away from society, at times of distress nobody would come to one's help and one would be left to suffer alone.

Accidents cause suffering. What type of blow an accident would inflict on one that one cannot imagine even. Similarly, one cannot predict which limb would be affected and to what an extent. Sometimes, an entire family is wiped out in an accident. Sometime only a baby survives with nobody to look after it. If one comes out unscathed out in an accident, it is really a miracle. A speeding driver always rides to death. That is what is always written on wall as a caution to people who drive recklessly. Those who drive public transports particularly should be extra cautious for many people’s lives are in their hand and if something happens the passengers may die or get seriously injured or become disabled and as a result not only passengers but also their dependents have to suffer due to their negligence. Similarly railway guards, signal maintainers, and people manning level crossings should be doubly cautious for it is their negligence only that sometimes causes accidents which result in mass deaths, severe loss of limbs, and injuries and gives rise to a tale of woes. Sometimes, one does not find words either to describe the sufferings of large number of people who face an accident or their eyes cannot bear the scene also. The horrible scene of sufferings dry up tears in one's eyes completely. Some lose both their limbs in accidents and become disabled. Similarly capsizing of boat, sinking of a ship, an air crash, and war take away many lives and consequences of such incidents too are very hard to explain. Untimely and sudden demise of any member of a family under any circumstances undoubtedly causes hardship to surviving members. If certain diseases like cancer, paralysis, and arthritis affect one, life becomes miserable. Sometimes, one opts death than suffering. One would have unbearable pain, sleepless nights, dependent on others for everything, no earning but a lot of expenses for treatment as a consequence.

Why life is called a struggle for existence? Why life is said to be not a bed of roses? There is more suffering than enjoyment in life. Humiliations and insults make one suffer within. Mental tortures nobody can understand except those who undergo it. Further, if one is self centered one thinks about self only and their sufferings seem to be the most to them. But it is when they compare their sufferings with that of others then only they realize that their sufferings are far less. Similarly,if one thinks more of others suffering and think less of their own suffering, it enables them to forget their own suffering. All sufferings are not alike. Many sufferings cannot be overcome at all. They are to be faced. Suffering is powerful. Sufferings of millions sometimes give birth to revolutions. It is said that they usher in communism. Sufferings of an individual go sometimes unheard. As a result, sometimes his or her feelings get hardened and prompt them to tread a wrong path also. Sometime sufferings make one desperate too. It is also suffering that makes one think that one is between devil and deep sea. Unable to bear suffering many people invite death. One day or other one has to succumb to sufferings only. Suffering is many a time a punishment only. When one enjoys everything, when everything appears beautiful, it is end of suffering. Meditation is one that brings order to one’s overall mental activity. Its contribution is much in bringing about an end to sorrow, the misery, the chaos and confusion, that have ,over the ages, been the lot of mankind.

One should be always be sympathetic towards sufferers. Suffering always needs compassion. One should always respond to call of a sufferer without even a second thought. In reality only sometimes only sufferers earn sympathy. Seldom sufferings are rewarded. Majority of time sufferers neither earn sympathy nor any reward. In fact, their sufferings often go unnoticed. Many times, one does not receive even a lip sympathy for their sufferings. Some people seem to be heartless. Their heart does not melt when others are suffering. There are occasions where one’s sufferings are so much that they being unable to bear them exclaim “God is not fair". Unburdening of sufferings to kith and kin may give one a little relief temporarily. At the outset, kith and kin may sympathize with them too. But as kith and kin go on listening to tale of woes and see, the sufferer suffering, they become disgusted and try to vacate their place at the earliest.

Nurses care for sufferers. Nursing is a noble profession. In this respect a name which often comes to our mind is that of Florence Nightingale. She was known as Lady with a Lamp. Even name of Mother Teresa is synonymous with suffering. Why she was awarded a noble prize in 1979, is it not for serving suffering millions? Noble prize was awarded to her in recognition of her work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress.

Above thoughts circulated in my mind when I was reading about Mumbai blasts in newspapers. Mumbai's suburban train system is one of the busiest in the world, carrying more than six million commuters a day. The 11 July 2006 Mumbai train bombings were a series of seven bomb blasts that took place over a period of 11 minutes on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai. All the trains were traveling north from Churchgate. The blasts took place between 6.24 p.m. and 6.35 p.m. (IST) and locations were Khar road, Santacruz, Bandra, Jogeshwari, Mahim Junction, Mira Road - Bhayandar, Matunga Road - Mahim Junction, and Borivali. The bombs were exploded through remote control. All were carried out in First Class carriages. Confirmed casualties were 207 deaths and 714 injured. It is after 5 p. m; generally people leave their offices and are in a hurry to reach their destinations. It is only after 5 p.m., kith and kin anxiously await at home the safe return of their beloved after a hectic day. Both commuters as well as kith and kin have a lot in their hearts mutually to exchange at that time. All the carriages in all the trains leaving Churchgate are filled to the brim with people during that period. Then, not even an inch of space could be found in any of the carriages. Middle class and rich people travel in First Class carriages and poor people travel in II class carriages. Television was showing bloodied commuters being carried by fellow passengers to waiting ambulances, as rescue workers clambered through wreckage to reach victims. The force of the blasts had ripped doors and windows off carriages, and scattered luggage. Clothes and shoes were strewn along the tracks. . People were running helter-skelter and started jumping from the train. Some of those who had jumped from the train were run over by another train coming in the opposite direction. Hospitals across Mumbai were swamped with casualties. There were so many injured people that it was impossible to count even. The floors of hospitals were filled with bloodstains.

Terrorists have struck again. Terrorists are enemies of our country. Terrorists are either atheists or religious fanatics. What is their motive? Is it communal riots? Whether they want India to attack Pak occupied Kashmir or Pakistan in the same manner as Israel has been attacking Lebanon? Whether in 21 st century people want bloodshed? Whether world is advancing or is it on the decline? A series of questions arose in me. The terrorists would never have a good motive. Their motive was to cause panic, disturb peace, create division on communal lines and target the economic growth of Mumbai commercial capital of India.

I remembered emperor Ashoka the Great who ruled Maurya Empire from 273 BC to 232 BC. H.G. Wells wrote of Ashoka: " Ashoka shines and shines brightly like a bright star, even unto this day." Ashoka was not only the first great ruler to reject the glory of violent conquest, but also the first to apply the teachings of the Buddha. Ashoka attacked the state of Kalinga, now Orissa on the eastern coast of India, possibly looking for a sea route for trade. It was during the conquest of Kalinga that Ashoka confronted for the first time the human devastation of war. He took one hundred and fifty thousand persons as prisoners; another hundred thousand were killed; the injured were countless. One day after the war was over, Ashoka ventured out to roam the city and all he could see were burnt houses and scattered corpses. He could hear the cry of the wounded and the dying. It was unbearable. His heart melted. This sight made him sick and he cried the famous quote, "What have I done? Ashoka had seen the blood shed himself from his own eyes the mangled bodies of both men and women from the young too the old, he could see over two hundred terrible sins he was the cause of from rivers of flowing blood to widows crying over there slain husbands till orphaned children, this made his heart broken in unbearable shame and guilt. When an independent country is conquered . . . those who dwell there . . . all suffer violence, murder, and separation from their loved ones. Even those who are fortunate to have escaped and whose love is undiminished suffer from the misfortunes of their friends, acquaintances, colleagues and relatives." Ashoka could see how war brings about the "participation of all men in suffering." He made the resolve “I shall not fight again”

Perpetrators of Mumbai blasts must remember that they have added to suffering of thousands of innocent people and every day those people who have suffered would definitely pray to Allah. What they would pray that anybody could imagine. This is an appropriate time for Muslim community in India to establish their patriotism to India more vigorously than before. They must expose the terrorists in their midst. It may be fresh in the memory of President Musharaff as well as people of Pak occupied Kashmir that of late they were hit by an earth quake and thousands perished and numerous have been suffering . At least let them think of peaceful co-existence here -afterwards. India is never going to kneel down to terrorists. Terrorist attacks make peaceful solution to Kashmir problem a remote possibility. When evil minds combine, good minds have to work together and combat. President Bush would remember 9/ 11 and would definitely advise Mr. Musharaff suitably.