Tomorrow Will Never Come

Every human being prays for a better tomorrow. Is "tomorrow will never come" is not a negative thinking? Is it not pessimism? Definitely, it is not. It is only a reality. If we are aware that tomorrow will never come; we will think more of present or in others words we concentrate more on present and snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment. That is why the saying “make hay when sunshine” too. Present is always a reality. Whatever that is to be done to-day we have to do to-day only. Tomorrow will never come when we could do it. Further, in many instances that is not supposed to be done tomorrow also. Tomorrow ,it should cherish our memories only. Today, our stars are good and Dame Luck smiles on us. Tomorrow, it may be too late. Tomorrow, we may have to repent for our inaction too. Tomorrow is a bird in bush and to-day is a bird on hand. It is a proven fact that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Similarly, a tomorrow will never come when those who are dead today would comeback alive again even if we shed any amount of tears. A tomorrow will never come to make amends to whatever wrong we do to-day. These are facts only. Tomorrow, tomorrow one goes on postponing . It is only a tendency .That tomorrow would never come when they would go to it.

A day is not like a night. A night is there in between to-day and tomorrow. How can to -day can be like tomorrow? Everyday is different. When a product is introduced to popularize it is sold at a lucrative price in a market. Sometimes even discounts are allowed on its price and gifts are distributed along with it too. But, once it sales are stabilized and it becomes popular a tomorrow will never come when we will be able to purchase it at a reasonable price at all. We do not find similar situations tomorrow. Tomorrow we have a different atmosphere. Changes take place every second. Hence, one cannot anticipate next day same opportunities that are before them. Tomorrow will never come when they would have same opportunities. “Missed opportunities are missed for ever, and they never come back" Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. Repetition is rare or seldom. That is why the thinking that tomorrow will never come. Tomorrow will never come is only a thinking. It is not a prophesy. It is only an expectation or opinion or a view. At times ,it is an exclamation too. During occasions when some unusual or extraordinary events take place and when one is either extremely happy or sad. It's unique, it's special, and there's never been another one like it. This day, filled with new possibilities, will never come again. The thought that tomorrow will never come often awakens,cautions and alerts us.In other words ,it is an alarm. As long as there is universe , sunrise and sunset, day and night yesterday, to-day and tomorrow are all continuing to be there. They are never going to miss us. Of course,only after doomsday or after a day when we have a last laugh on this earth, tomorrow will never come to us at all. Every dog has its day. If not today, one would have their say on some other day. By stating “Tomorrow will never come” we reiterate or emphasize that it is improbable.

The thought that “Tomorrow will never come” hurries one into immediate quick and prompt action to meet such an eventuality. One generally does not remain quiet as soon as this thought arises in their mind. They do whatever they could do without any loss of time. A person who realizes that" tomorrow will never come" utilizes an opportunity fully because that person would not get such an opportunity again. The person does not leave any stone unturned. When one who wants to take a revenge gets an opportunity, they do not wait at all. They say “tomorrow will never come” and plunge into action. Similarly one who has the habit of teasing others will not waste an opportunity to tease others. They too think “Tomorrow will never come” and utilize the opportunity to tease others promptly without any waste of time. When one is power drunk,the thought that " tomorrow will never come" when they will be powerless does not enter their mind at all. They

behave according to their whims and fancies. According to people who think that tomorrow will never come, history does not repeat at all. Such people do not bother about future at all. Of course, everybody cannot have such a mindset too. Further, Basavanna, the founder of Veerashaiva philosophy says “Do not postpone anything to tomorrow. Tomorrow always means bad.Tomorrow means always late. The moment one decides should be treated always as an auspicious one (Muhurtham) .”

The thought that “Tomorrow will never come” may have adverse affects on individuals too. It may persuade one to do what they should not do. They do today what can be put off till tomorrow. They forget that delay may give clearer light as to what is best to be done. The thought that “Tomorrow will never come” may lead one to have greed, develop tension and anxiety. Sometimes “Tomorrow will never come” is a negative thought. Especially, when one is critically ill, normally they think that tomorrow will never come. Similarly, when one is in many difficulties, when one is frustrated, one thinks that tomorrow will never come to them. In other words they think that a better day will not come to them at all. When everything is fine when one is enjoying a situation and elated one utters that such a day will never come again. In other words they feel that a tomorrow of such a type will never come. When all hopes of mending a bad character are shattered , one says “ Tomorrow will never come ”when that individual would have a good character. After ill fame one feels that a better tomorrow will never come to them.They encounter there afterwards only downward trend in their life.In short, only on account of circumstances one comes to such conclusions.

Imagine what would happen if tomorrow does not come. It is really difficult if tomorrow does not come. Definitely universe would come to standstill without 'Tomorrow'. Tomorrow is not just a day after. It is entire future. It is unpredictable. Tomorrow can be auspicious or inauspicious; it can be significant or insignificant. It is a dream. It is an anticipation. Time always moves forward only and it never moves backwards. As long as this universe is there, dawn and dusk are there. Sunset and sunrise are unavoidable. Of course, days are not of same duration through out a year. Sometimes days are longer and sometimes days are shorter. Yet a tomorrow is bound to come. Nobody can avoid it. It is only on tomorrow we come to know of others true colors, reality etc. Sometimes one gets disappointed, disgusted, and patience gets exhausted too and says sarcastically “Tomorrow will never come”. They do not realize that man only proposes and God disposes. It is foolish to expect anything to happen again and again. According to Hindu mythology Lord Ganesha's wedding is always tomorrow and that tomorrow will never come when Lord Ganesha gets married. What one means from tomorrow will never come is that occasion will not come or opportunity will not come at all. When one is in need and when one deserves our help, help should be made available otherwise we may have to repent tomorrow for having let go an opportunity. Only an optimistic feels that a better tomorrow will come. A better day will come. Future is bright. We find always a ray of hope in an optimist. Whereas, a pessimist is always of the opinion that tomorrow will never come. Edward Fitzgerald says "Unborn tomorrow and dead yesterday; why fret about them if today be sweet...

Tomorrow may or may not come. Nobody can say with definiteness that tomorrow will never come. William Congreve English dramatist (1670 - 1729) says “Defer not till tomorrow to be wise, tomorrow's sun to thee may never rise". When one says “Tomorrow” we should be cautious for on their part that tomorrow will never come at all. Some people keep everything pending; postpone everything to tomorrow the next day but that tomorrow never comes for they go on postponing. One will not keep definitely anything pending for tomorrow if they think that tomorrow will never come. Some people go on promising. They go on postponing fulfillment of those promises to tomorrow. That tomorrow when they will fulfill their promises will never come. Some people spend more than what they earn as a result they are always in debts. That tomorrow will never come to them when they do not owe anyone unless they exercise restraint over their income and expenditure. This world is full of good and bad people. That tomorrow will never come when this world is full of good people only. If one thinks that tomorrow will never come when they will be punished for their deeds,they resort to crime after crime. They continue to sin and sin. As a result, there may be chaos in this world. There are some people who realize that they have sinned, they repent for their sins too. Whereas there are others to whom a tomorrow will never come when they either realize that they have sinned or they repent for their sins. This world is strange.

An egoistic person generally posses the view that tomorrow will never come without their presence being there. In this regard I remember a popular story. The story runs as follows:-

Long long ago there was an old woman was there in a village. She had a rooster which was heralding morning everyday in that village. Besides, she was helpful to the villagers with her firestone. The firestone was enabling them to lit fire in their ovens. The villagers had high regard for the old woman l. The old lady gradually allowed an ego to develop within her. As a result, one fine morning she left the village with her rooster and fires tone presuming that “Tomorrow will never come” to that village. Next morning villagers woke up as usual. They were astonished to see the hut of old woman locked. They thought that old lady might have left to a nearby place on some urgent work .They went to adjoining village and bought fire. They attended to their other duties as usual. Life was normal in the village. Nothing went wrong in the village in the absence of old woman. In the evening old lady returned to the village. She had assumed that nothing would move in the village in her absence. She was astonished to see that nothing extraordinary had taken place in the village as envisaged by her. She cut a sorry figure to herself. As a consequence her ego vanquished.

Laziness prompts postponement. Laziness is a curse. It is a mindset.They do not know the true value of time.Unless, laziness goes“Tomorrow will never come”. One’s attitude should be not that I will do it but they should do it. Anything on paper remains on paper only unless it is put into action.It remains for tomorrow. Postponing to tomorrow may be due to waiting for an opportunity. Opportunities do not come and knock at our door. Opportunities are to be created and do not come of their own but only rarely. If we remain idle, it would be lifelong wait “Tomorrow will never come.” Similarly, addicts want to be rid off of addiction. They promise the same also. It may be drinking, smoking, or taking drugs . Everybody advises them against addiction. But it is all not that easy. One should have will power, proper atmosphere etc.

Otherwise,it will be a mere postponement.A tomorrow will never come when they would abandon their bad habit.Dreaming is good but it is not at all always good. One who dreams always will remain in dream world far away from reality. Tomorrow of their dream may come or may not come at all. Tomorrow is always coupled with uncertainty. It is just a day in one's life. Tomorrows are not alike. There is variance in one tomorrow and another. That is one of the reasons why it is said that “Tomorrow will not come” Tomorrow always comes and goes. It does not remain. Tomorrow of our dream will never come unless we strive or work for it. Even if one plans for tomorrow, tomorrow that they plan may not materialize at all. Is there guarantee for anybody that they would be alive and see “tomorrow”? There may be sunrise and sunset but tomorrow is uncertain for an individual.Though time gap between to-day and tomorrow is only twenty four hours,it is inadequate to anything to take place.Overnight many changes take place.Nobody knows what is in store to them on tomorrow.Every day there is a different scene on the horizon.No two days are similar,That is why Fitzgerald calls tomorrow as “unborn”.Man should be ambitious but certainly not over ambitious. If one is over ambitious, tomorrow that is the day when they expect that their ambitions be entirely fulfilled never comes. They remain dissatisfied. The law of diminishing utility does not apply to them at all. Some people do not enjoy life at all. They save everything for tomorrow-even happiness. But that tomorrow will never come in their life.

Some people cannot take a decision, they are fickle minded, they go on postponing decision to tomorrow. They are not firm minded. That tomorrow when such people take a decision will never come. Hamlet went on postponing his decision to kill his uncle and ultimately he himself had to succumb. In life seldom a day comes when everything is convenient and favorable to us and when there are no problems. One or another problem arises in one’s life. How they arise only He knows. That is why life is called struggle for existence. The hope “tomorrow” is there keeps one alive. Tomorrow without problems seldom comes or never comes. There are people in this world who face problems from the day they are born to the day die. That tomorrow without any problems or worries will never come to them. Many people promise help, donations etc. If donations help come forthwith, it is well and good. But, if a person who has promised help and donations etc, keeps on saying “Not now come tomorrow “,that tomorrow will never come. Some students postpone their studies to tomorrow. They keep everything pending for tomorrow. They do not pay heed to the advice of elders to study on day-to-day basis. That tomorrow when they want to update themselves in studies will never come. As a result they do not generally succeed in their studies. Even in any other field if one adopts such an attitude, tomorrow when they expect to succeed will never come. Knowing fully well that by worrying one cannot do anything, if a person keeps on worrying, it is foolishness. Tomorrow without worries will never come to them at all. It is ther nature. None can change it.

Whether it is a lottery, wealth, or anything we would get it without any delay without waiting only if we are fortunate. We would get it is only an illusion and that "Tomorrow will never come" mostly. Tomorrow is always a hope. When one is ailing from either cancer, or cardiac, or kidney related problems a good doctor always assures the patient and their kith and kin of survival even though the hope of survival is little.

The doctor says that the patient will be all right tomorrow. But that tomorrow will never come normally. A rogue, a cheat, and most of the borrowers assure without any hesitation that they would return whatever they are given, taken or, borrowed at the earliest but that tomorrow will never come. Many times “Tomorrow will never come” is only an assurance. Similarly,whenever a bad incident takes place to assure that such an incidence will never be allowed to take place or repeated. It is said “a tomorrow will never come” This is what happens when a father is called by a teacher to complain against his son’s notorious behavior. However bad their children are parents hope that they would be all right tomorrow. Unless, children mend and bring in a change in them that tomorrow will never come. Opportunities come but rarely in one’s life. They do not wait for us to utilize them. They should be made use of then and there itself. Tomorrow they will never come once again. Trustworthy people are a few in this world. If we have a little doubt in a person and if he is unbelievable and if he promises that he would do it tomorrow.That tomorrow will never come at all. Where more than liking disliking is there,where there is misunderstanding

more than understanding, where there is rift, a tomorrow will never come when all these adversaries would disappear. In love if there are excuses, if there are conditions, if they are not ready to get married immediately, tomorrow when they had to marry will never come at all. It is to be understood that it is not love but it is only a physical attraction. A tomorrow will never come when one who has been cheated by us would turn up to deal with us again. A tomorrow will never come when one who has been insulted by us would visit us again. Similarly a tomorrow will never come when one who has self respect would admit their fault. There is a lot in life to be aware of. Life is very complex.