A Worried Man

Happiness is a state of mind . Similarly,worry too is a state of mind. Who has no worries in this world ? A man without worries can't be called a human being at all. In fact,worries are part and parcel of everybody's life. We can find in the list of people worrying about themselves and others almost everyone. The list is endless. Once, Gautam Buddha asked a lady to get sesame from a house free from death and she was unable to secure it. Even if,Gautam Buddha had asked her to get sesame from a house free from worries, definitely she wouldn't have been able to secure it too. A saying illustrates very well how everybody in this world has worries. It says that an old man is always worried about his old lady and the old lady is always worried about her costume.Their daughter is always worried about her husband and grand daughter is always worried about her boy friend. Thus,the saying conveys that worries bother everyone and worries differ from person to person. In fact ,it is difficult to imagine even what one would worry about. Worries depend more upon an individual.

Whether one is young or old, a male or a female, rich or poor, at one time or another in their life, everyone in this world has worries. Of course, everybody is not equally worried in this world. Some have more worries and some have less worries. A selfish person worries about his comforts and discomforts only. He does not worry about others at all. A broad minded person worries not only worries about himself but also worries about others. A great person worries more about others than he worries about himself. He worries about world and entire humanity too. Generally,it is problems that cause worries.Whether problems lead to worries or worries lead to problem it is not easy to decide.Sometimes worries lead to problems and sometimes problems lead to worries.Worries and problems are synonymous. They go hand in glove.But worries and problems are different.They are not one and the same. There are people who worry without any problems too in this world.They worry over nothing. That is their nature.One Mr Leo Aikman rightly says " Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime,and too sleepy to worry at night."A worried man and a happy man are two diametrically opposite characters.

A worried man deserves always sympathy.He must be helped to free himself from the web that he is in so that he could breathe freely Nobody knows the plight of a worried man more than a worried man himself. The plight of a worried man is often inexplicable. It is far from enviable. It is always pitiable. A worried man normally knows not what to do. He is generally in a fix and directionless.He is a tamed man. He is tamed by the worries. His is certainly not a happy story. Worrying is often described as thinking over same matter over and over again and and doing nothing. It is giving more and more room to thoughts in our mind. It is nothing but weeping within ourselves only. It is considered a futile exercise. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.Worries are hurdles that everyone comes across in their life. Worries generally add more to one's woes. Worries do not allow one to act freely without any bounds. Worries seldom allow a man to remain complacent.Worries make rounds in a mind like insects around a light bulb. A man who worries is seldom happy.We do not normally find a smile on the face of a worried man. Worries dampen enthusiasm and liveliness . Generally, worries cannot be passed on or transferred to others. It is also not fair to pass on or transfer worries to others. Two palms on the forehead always represent a worried man.Normally,no one likes him. Nobody tries to make friend with him also.

A worried man worries and worries .He might worry throughout his life and die. There are not just one or two but there are thousand and one reasons to get worried in this world. Sometimes, not even a reason is required to worry also. One worries over nothing. It's their nature. Worrying is a kind of suffering. It's circumstances that make one worry. By worrying one achieves nothing. It yields absolutely no results. 'Worrying is like riding a rocking horse - it doesn't get you anywhere'. Majority of people know this fact,yet they cannot avoid worrying .Worrying is an addiction. Worries continue to bother a person as long as he or she shelters them. In fact, a day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work. Only some of the worries which one has can be shared with others and some of the worries that one has cannot be shared with anybody too. Worries are one's own sin. It is an individual who has to ward worries off. A worried man often deserves sympathy.Even a few words of compassion give him a lot of comfort and confidence. He normally falls a prey to various vices in order to forget his worries. Though, addictions temporarily seem to banish the worries , worries comeback with double vigor soon thereafter.

Worries don't bother carefree people. Their attitude is "Come what may " Nature of people always plays a role in their worries. That is why only some people have the habit of sharing their worries with others while some people do not share their worries with others at all. Majority of people do not want others to know that they are worried.That is why only some exhibit their worries whereas some do not exhibit their worries. Some people even though, their worries are trifle make a mountain out of a mole hill. It is sensitive people who get generally worried over trifle matters. A joker in a circus may have a thousand worries but he never exhibits them. The joker plays his role in circus and makes audience roar with laughter. So also, an actor who plays a role of a comedian in a play does not exhibit his worries. He sends audience into peels of laughter even though his mind is full of worries.

The face is the mirror of the mind. One need not tell that they are worried.Their appearance itself reveals that they are worried.One can easily distinguish a happy man and a worried man. A worried man generally resembles a man who has heavy burden over his head.Those who have worries generally have wrinkles on their foreheads. A worried man appears older than his actual age. He appears like one on whose head a mountain has fallen. Generally, we do not notice liveliness on the countenance of a worried man. Worries are painted on the face of a worried man. We can detect them in his movements as well as talk too. It is a worried man , who chews tobacco more. A worried man often exclaims that his stars are bad. A worried man is often a chain smoker also. His smoking increases as the worries increase. It is worried people who have more number of children than others have. A worried man is generally a disturbed man. Further , a lazy man is a more a worried man than a busy man because an idle mind is a devil's workshop. Similarly,an intelligent would have always more worries than a dullard.

A worried man always remains in his own world. That is why worried are often absent minded. If one has more worries, their concentration and other mental faculties get more affected. In fact, a worried man could not do what he would do ordinarily. A worried man is usually not a good worker. He cannot either think properly or decide properly also. He would not have proper sleep. His self confidence declines day by day.His glands release a lot of adrenaline hormone which affects his health adversely.Here is a saying which makes one understand that funeral fire burns only a dead body whereas worries burn a human being who is not dead but who is alive every minute. If worries are not tackled promptly by a man, they multiply and make his living very difficult.One should never allow worries to accumulate at any cost at all.

Worries are associated with all types of anxiety disorders.Worries if they do not do any good to anybody it does not matter but certainly worries do bad to one who succumb to them.Worries are capable of incapacitating a person.Nobody invites worries. It is worries which await in the wings to swarm whomsoever. If one allows worries to occupy them, it is certainly difficult for them to redeem themselves from them. They become slaves to worries. One may try to forsake worries but worries do not forsake them easily.Worries are a web. Nobody should laugh at a worried man or add to the worries of a worried man.

In fact,some people become either alcoholic or drug addicts in order to forget or bury their worries. But,such attempts do not decrease their worries. On the contrary their worries increase manifold and they become more depressed .Their plight is really inexplicable. Many of them even commit suicide also. Worries torment human beings. They torment both rich and poor alike. They are a slow poison. A worried man cannot enjoy his life at all. Happiness always eludes a worried man. Worries not only spoil one's to-day but also they spoil one's tomorrow too. Over the span of one's lifetime, worrying accounts for hours and hours of invaluable time. Worry becomes a bad mental habit, a preoccupation, and a way of wasting mental energy that could be otherwise much more productive. Worries drain fully one's energies.Worries are always an headache. Nobody likes one who is always worried. Worries affect physical as well as mental health of a person adversely.

Thus, everyone is confronted with the question" How to stop worrying". Some say we must master the art of living to live happily without worrying.Some people quote Bhagwad Gita and suggest that we should be Sthitha Pragnya” to be worriless."Sthitha Pragnya "means a person who considers profits and losses, comforts and sorrows or difficulties and everything in the same strain or manner. But it is very difficult for everybody to become “Sthitha Pragnya”. The best way to come out of worries is always taking precaution not to add to worries . Lesser our needs, lesser would be our worries. It is always better to restrict our needs to the barest possible. Good planning does not add to our worries but on the contrary eases our worries. Similarly,if we function within the framework of rules and regulations and follow the laid down procedures; we would not come across worries. Further, experience is definitely one of the best teachers to reduce or get rid of worries. Experience need not be necessarily ours. It can be the experience of others too. We must avoid poking our nose into others affairs because thereby we purchase their headache/ worries.

In this quest of reducing worries, it is always better if one understands that majority of their worries are their imaginations or fears only and they need not materialize. Worries are mostly unfounded. Intelligent people do not worry much. It is dullard who always not only worry more but also worry where it is not necessary also.It does not mean that one should not worry at all. One should be concerned and definitely worry to find out solutions to problems that confront them. Worrying can be a healthy response to life, preventing us from being reckless, or stimulating us to do our best to take control of a situation.Those who do not worry about anything do not care about anything or learn anything. It is worries which sometimes make matters move forward and bring about results or solutions. But,one should not worry more than required at anytime in their life. One should worry only when it is absolutely necessary.Further,while worrying one should continue their efforts relentlessly. That is also absolutely necessary.

In order to reduce their worries ,it is always better if one disciplines their thoughts. They must list out thoughts that worry them.They have to chalk out strategies to weed out those thoughts. Further,they should bid adieu to their habit of comparing themselves with the people who are well placed and who have less worries than them. Instead, they must compare them with people who have more worries than them. There is no use of worrying about the past. One should not worry about anything which could not changed or altered too. Excess worrying is always problematic. When worries are unbearable, one should not hesitate to seek help of their dear and near.

Those who are optimistic would always have less worries. Similarly, those who do a lot of physical exercises too have less worries. One should not allow thoughts to make rounds and rounds if they do not want worries to overpower them. Control over mind is quite essential to lessen worries.That is why people resort to meditation. Meditation helps one a great deal to unburden worries and relax. Writing down worries also enables one to reduce their worries. It is always better to resort to positive thinking. The positive thoughts drive away worries. Further, if one is busy worries do not pester them at all .In this respect it is better if one cultivates numerous good hobbies . Hobbies do not allow worries to settle down. Hobbies not only ennable one to forget worries but also they do not allow worrries to creep up. Helping others to get rid of their worries is a great human service. Of course, others can only assist a worried man to extricate himself from worries. It is upto a worried man himself to extricate fully from worries. Worry free world is a carefree world.There is a saying which says "A man who has no worries could have a sound sleep even in a sandy"