Man & Old age.

Aging isn't just a biological process. It's also very much a cultural one too. Man cannot remain without being old.No man can stop the clock, but every man can slow its tick. Old age is an integral part of human life. Dying hair, bleaching & facial can only give a man a better look but cannot drive away old age. Man can't run away from old age .He has to face it. What cannot be cured has to be endured. This applies to old age. Old age is not a disease. It is not a time for despair also. Maggie Kuhn says " It's strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trials and illnesses."

Old age previously &old age these days aren't one & the same. There's sea of change in it too. Comforts are increasing & expectations are also increasing. Lifestyles are changing . Hobbies are changing. Of course, old age would never be more than the life that one has already lived.It differs from man to man,woman to woman, & animal to animal too. Nobody wants to be troublesome to anybody in anyway in their old age.Everybody wants to be independent in their old age. Who knows His wish?. Swami Vivekananda says "One's destiny is' in one's own hands "

A Man doesn't remain as he is as he becomes old . There would be remarkable changes generally in him as he becomes old . As he grows older he grows wiser. He attains more patience too. What is life that one understands more when they are old than when they are young. To. -day, his hairs are grey.Many teeth aren't there also. How fast life runs. Many of his friends have already left the world .His body isn't as strong as it was before. Problems of years that passed were different. Problems to-day are different.Days have started moving slowly these days to him. Slowly he has been realizing that much life isn't been left. Changes are becoming more visible.Man finds it difficult to adjust to new world but there's no other go. End isn't in his hands. Nothing he does in haste these days. Thinks now of past, future , present all the three. Not only of present as he was doing before. He is becoming more & more philosophical and God fearing too. All the bitter feelings that one by one are leaving him. He wants to do more &more good.

Old age isn't kind to everybody equally.Many dislike it.Only a few like it.Whether one likes it or not,it never halts. What would happen & what wouldn't happen in old age, it couldn't be said at all. An old age can be the happiest part of life or can be the saddest part of life or can be normal life even. Some call it a boon & some a curse. Circumstances events & incidents don't leave a man even in old age. They also play a dominant role in old age too. Old age is nothing but an old order changeth yielding place to new. In many ways, old age can said to be a great blessing to a man.It's in in it he sees his children & grandchildren come up in life.It's in which he reaps the fruits of his toil. It's when the whole experience of life would be behind him.Its when he can correct himself further also. It's for scaling new heights spiritually too. He can utilize it as an opportunity to guide youngsters or do some social service also. A man is respected if not anything else at least for his age.

How is old age? Many are afraid of it.They opine that it's horrible. Old age depends upon attitude of a man. It isn't either easier or more difficult than any other part of life. Though ,everything isn't in man's hands, something is surely in man's hands in it . One needs skills to tackle it. One can slowly develop them to manage old age. One who has flexible nature won't feel difficult to manage old age at all . One should learn to live at old age.Life is always challenging. It is always the best teacher.One cannot remain as they are in it. Problems of old age are different & problems of young age are different. One wouldn't be surely as busy as they were in their younger days in old age. One would be often leisurely in it. Bunch of negative thoughts like" Nobody cares me . Everybody is neglecting me etc " try to enter the mind of man. It is better man develops some hobbies & keeps himself busy during old age. One should never allow the mind to be devil's workshop at all.

Health, wealth & happiness are requisites of old age. Old age of everyone won't be alike. In it, some don't feel their age at all. Some feel their age. Some enjoy it . Some cherish all their happy moments in life & live. Some suffer a lot in old age.What would be the problems at old age it couldn't be said at all.They differ from a man to man.Some have to lead their old age alone as a widow or as a widower too. Some have to lead their life at old age with their children. In fact, there are various permutations & combinations in this respect . Wrinkles may be there on the skin in the old age but one should not allow enthusiasm to wane at old age.

A man cannot live forever. He wouldn't become old overnight.Only after going thru rigors of life he becomes old . An old age is the last leg of journey of life of a man. It is a privilege. Some only see the old age & some don't . In it only age ascends everything else usually descends. It's usually fighting against all the odds. Before old age one usually tries to achieve all their ambitions.It's by that time they try to complete all responsibilities too. Everyone wants to be peaceful & relaxed during old age. Many plan their old age. It is the part of life where man gives finishing touches to life. It's the part that depicts success or failure of a man in life. Man feels that all is well that ends well. Everyone has a soft corner to old all around the globe.

There are good & bad opinions about old age . A man may not be bodily strong in old age but a man can certainly be mentally strong and very knowledgeable. Some think it it is honor to be old . Some compliment those who are old.Old people need not work .It is enough they guide the young. Their presence itself make often one feel secure. More than how long one lived, how they lived is important in life. This one must bear in mind in old age too. Many things which one couldn't do in their young age, they do in their old age. Many well-known people made major accomplishments in old age only.

Here are some good opinions regarding old age. Age is for growing and old age is also growing more & more only.

SOPHOCLES, Acrisius [fragment] says

"No man loves life like him that's growing old."

Aristophanes says "The old are in a second childhood"

Robert Browning says

"Grow old along with me!The best is yet to be, The last of life, for which the first was made."

“Education seems to be an elixir that can bring us a healthy body and mind throughout adulthood and even a longer life,” says Margie E. Lachman, a psychologist at Brandeis University who specializes in aging.

Cool, cool, a longer life is great and all. One need not be scared of old age these days. Longevity is going up day by day . Life is becoming more comfortable & healthier . People aged 60 and older make up over 11 per cent of the global population, and by 2050, that number will rise to about 22 per cent .Further, 25% of Japanese are over 65. But not only do they live longer, they work longer, stay healthier, care for their elderly better – and have found ways to pay for it.

How to stay healthy at old age. (some tips)

Think not more of your age or anything . Be laughing & smiling as much as possible . Be optimistic. Dream always. Fill mind with positive thoughts . Keep always very busy .Do regularly exercises , Follow good habits , Give importance to cleanliness & regular health check ups. Spend more time with grand children. Cherish good old memories. Meditate as much as possible. Do not miss prayers, lectures, religious discourses, social service and charities. Right time for pilgrimage. Hobbies a must at old age.