
Bill Gates was a boy of middle class family of Washington. His father was a lawyer. Bill Gates at his adult age was interested in computer programming. He worked hard and stood like passion of falcon, havoc circumstances subjugated him but he remained insurmountable. Gates graduated from Lakeside School in 1973. He went the extra mile, bulked down and developed Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office. He gave a new track to world and became the richest man of the densest planet. His successes speak about his struggle which he did from dawn to dusk . It was great enthusiasm that made everything possible to him.It's enthusiasm only that made Ekalavya in Mahabharata learn archery in the absence of Dronacharya before his idol .There"s nothing parallel to enthusiasm & one who is enthusiastic never fails. One with enthusiasm only can climb Himalayas.It's one of the most divine feelings we can experience.It's energy vibrating at the highest level. It adds fuel to fire. It does wonders.

Everything is beautiful .Everything nicely arranged. Everything is orderly placed. Everything is perfect .It indicates enthusiasm is prevailing.Enthusiasm is symbol of wellness. It's enthusiasm that heralds that all is well also.

Things scattered here and there. Everything is disorderly.Nothing is perfect. No care whatsoever is taken. It indicates absence of enthusiasm.

Man is alive only if the heart beats. It's enthusiasm that can keep his life shining & make matters move. Enthusiasm is not only seldom uniform from beginning to end but also it's difficult to maintain it from beginning to end.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. What makes a man liked and remembered is his enthusiasm even under adversaries. Enthusiasm is absolutely essential for a successful life .What the parents want to instill in children is more and more enthusiasm towards studies . Enthusiasm is ardent & lively interest or eagerness.It inspires . It heightens our awareness and mental acuity.It doesn't allow one to keep quiet.It makes life beautiful ,loving &worth living. It means casting aside worries or distractions and embracing instead the delights of the moment.It's attractive. It's one of the roots of joy .It carries one into different world. It's very powerful. It's wonderful.It does n't allow one to be lazy at all. It keeps things rolling. It gives birth to new new ideas & increases productivity. As far as possible enthusiasm must be natural & come from within. It must be encouraged wherever possible. As far as possible it should never be nipped in the bud.

Blessed are people who have enthusiasm. They are the people who are people full of energy. In fact,many are jealous of enthusiasm that they find in others. Enthusiasm isn't equal in all people.It differs from man to man. It's more in some people and less in some . It isn't fixed at all.It fluctuates. In the beginning it would be usually high & in the end by and large it wouldn't be that much.It depends on the state of mind of individual. It depends on various others factors too. It depends on what takes place in life. Incidents in life affect it. They increase or decrease it. If one remains young at heart enthusiasm too remains plentiful.

When one has everything in life one would have invariably enthusiasm too. Similarly,when one loses everything in life one would lose enthusiasm too.What one with mental depression would need most is enthusiasm . Some have enthusiasm while doing good. Some have it while doing bad. Some have it only where they would be benefited only. Some have enthusiasm to share. Some have enthusiasm to read.and some have enthusiasm to write. Enthusiasm depends upon tastes of individual.Company of enthusiastic people increases enthusiasm and company of depressed people decreases it. Enthusiasm shouldn't be everywhere. Where enthusiasm should be it should be and where it shouldn't be it shouldn't be. More than possessing it retaining it long is a challenge.In many enthusiasm usually lives for short while. It dampens. It's hard to preserve enthusiasm for longer periods. It cannot be borrowed. It has to be always developed.

One shouldn't have either more or less enthusiasm but have it within the bounds. If it 's in excess it is over enthusiasm. One with over enthusiasm throws caution to wind and many times loses control over themselves also. It leads one into hurry and number of mistakes and doesn't give them scope to have even second thoughts . It's it which always makes one forget all the hurdles and risks .Over enthusiasm isn't good at all. Yet, there 's always a lot of difference between what's done with enthusiasm and what's done without it. What's done with it is always better. Similarly, there's difference between people who have enthusiasm and who don't have it . In fact, one who has more enthusiasm would always like to live more & one who has little enthusiasm would have little interest in life and wouldn't like to live more at all and those who don't have any enthusiasm are said to suffer from depression.

Difficulties may come,failures may be there & anything may happen in life.Life is unpredictable . One must not abandon enthusiasm at all. Enthusiasm is always necessary in life.Without it life would be futile. It makes life lively and active. Happiness & enthusiasm always go hand in glove. Enthusiasm always motivates one to carry on the task that they undertake. It keeps one always active and in good mood .It's during youth it's usually optimum in human beings .It makes one forget stress and strain.

Everything must run smoothly in order that enthusiasm prevails.If something untoward happens at the outset all the enthusiasm gets curbed. One shouldn't do anything that would nip one's enthusiasm in the bud at all.Wherever there's enthusiasm,there one works wholeheartedly. Generally, what enthusiasm that would be there initially in many wouldn't be there in them up to the end .It's better the same quantum of enthusiasm prevails throughout in man. At any time , over enthusiasm is no good at all. It drives one mad. Enthusiasm has to be managed always appropriately.It isn't enough one is enthusiastic all around them must also be enthusiastic.

Success, good health and good atmosphere generate and increase enthusiasm. Illness, failures and aging reduce enthusiasm in man. However , there are people who believe that enthusiasm doesn't deplete with the age. They refer to a saying that says that when a tamarind tree grows old the tamarind wouldn't be less sour at all. Usually, those who are bubbling with enthusiasm are liked in society. But,it isn't enough one has enthusiasm, one must be capable,hard working and get opportunities also to succeed .

Here are 10 ways of having amazing enthusiasm.

1 Be passionate. 2. Be grateful. 3. Be positive. 4.Be proud. 5. Be creative. 6. Be proactive.7. Be reasonable. 8. Be patient. 9. Be enlightened. 10. Be evolving.