Untold Stories

Whatever that's there doesn't come to light in this world.Something escapes to come to light & Something isn't allowed to come to light purposely. Shakespeare says “Appearances are deceptive". One’s life is also not what it appears to be. Every human being is a treasure of untold stories. There are many untold stories in one’s life which they don't share even with their near & dear. Life is not an open book. One cannot share whatever that happens in their life with others. One can share only certain matters with others in their life. There's always one or another reason or reasons for anything that 's shared or concealed or untold. Mostly,its attitude of an individual that decides what's to be shared with others & what shouldn't be shared with others. Besides, other factors also play a role in this respect. Some do not want to share their sufferings with others. Some don't want to share their successes with others. Some don't want to share their failures & so on. Sometimes one may think that there is anything worthwhile to be shared at all. Generally,that which is unsavory and anything that brings disrepute isn't shared with others at all. Thus, due to these various reasons all that takes place in this universe does not come to light at all. Only certain matters come to light in this universe. That which is not shared with others and that which does not come to light subscribe to untold stories. When an untold story is shared, we often have a different picture. We have a clear & a true picture. We know all the facts. Our views change. As a result, a hero may become a villain & a villain may become a hero.

We find with regard to thoughts that arise in every human being that some of the thoughts that arise in a man are only shared with this world & some that arise in a man aren't shared with this world at all. They are closeted. They don't get publicized. Such thoughts too subscribe to untold stories. He knew medicinal value of those plants and herbs. He was treating many dreaded diseases successfully. He did not share his knowledge with anybody else. Is it not disservice to humanity? This is the case with many Ayurveda physicians. They don't share their expertise with others. They die unheard of. Their stories are untold.

Appearances are deceptive. All that glitters is not gold. Similarly, what we consider as one’s real story need not be their real story at all. Many times one's real story does not come to light at all. More than what one discloses to others, sometimes there is more within them which they cannot express to others. It is that subscribes to an untold story. There are various reasons for not expressing it with anybody. Either one may be shameful of their conduct or they may fear that it may bring ill fame to them or they may be afraid how society would receive it. Sometimes under pressure one has to withhold what is within. The reasons for not disclosing what is there inside are complex and cannot be shared with others even. The reasons are personal and confidential. As such, they remain as clouds or remain under a carpet or remain in a closet or may give scope for a gossip at and the most. Those who really sacrifice do not say that they have sacrificed. They do not want any publicity. They sacrifice their life for a cause. They suffer through out their life silently without expecting anything in return. It is mere determination and will. They are not duty bound also. They do not wear saffron. Mostly their stories are untold. What takes place inside a board room is always a secret and so too what that takes place in a secretariat. Similarly, what takes place behind a screen, under a table nobody knows? They are all secrets. They are untold stories. A few things come out here and there. More things are hidden than disclosed.

So also many untold stories are regarded as cock & bull stories. In battle grounds, some soldiers fight tooth & nail and lay down their lives. But their valor goes unnoticed. They are called unsung heroes. Their story is untold. There is another side of soldier’s life. No doubt their life is always fraught with danger. No doubt soldiers lay down their lives for their country. They have to be away from their family for a long time. Their life is monotonous one. They are exposed to extremities of weather. Sometimes they have food and sometimes they do not have. Sometimes they are engaged in war and sometimes it is vigil only. Sometimes they get frustrated and commit atrocities on people living in those remote rugged terrains. Their atrocities remain untold stories. Histories are always got written by rulers by their hunch men. We cannot believe all that we find in history totally. The hunch men always only report about good qualities, good deeds of rulers. They only report the brighter side and the darker side always remains unreported. If histories are got rewritten many untold stories come to light. Sometimes only darker portion of what had taken place we come to know & sometimes we come to know of brighter portion of what had taken place only. History doesn't either contain many events that might have really taken place or might contain different version of such events.As a result, we don't have a real picture of what had really taken place earlier.

Similarly, we cannot discard yellow journalism totally. Sometimes they carry some truth too. That is why we come across everywhere more number of untold stories. Untold stories are very useful and worthwhile many a times provided they are authentic. Many times they guide us. They show us a right path. They provide us vital information. They provide us a true and fair picture also.

Unless there's a compelling reason, no woman wants to sell her body to others & makes a living. There's always a story behind the life of a prostitute. Sometimes it is poverty; sometimes circumstances & sometimes someone forces them into the profession. Their life is pathetic.It doesn't find light at all. Theirs are untold stories only.

We come across numerous stories. Only a few of those stories prevail or remembered whereas majority of them disappear or forgotten as days pass on. That being the case, one can imagine the plight of untold stories. Circumstances bring a few of them only to light. Most of the untold stories are bitter and full of agony. Untold stories more often comprise of darker side of life. They are the other side of a coin. Great poet Keats saying “Heard melodies are sweet and those that are unheard are sweeter “It may be true in case of melodies but generally it is not so in case of untold stories.

Wise men say that we should not disclose to others whenever we are insulted, not respected or humiliated. Stories that are told are more but those that are untold are not less and may be equal or a little bit more than them even. Stories that are told may be incomplete quite often. There may be a lot of concealment in them. How much is told and how much is not told only narrator knows. Sometimes it may be half; sometimes concealed portion is even more than what has been told. Nobody is totally good or totally bad, everybody is mix of the two qualities. Generally, story tellers, historians etc tell either only good qualities or bad qualities of a personality and not the both. By and large they present only one side of a coin. That depends on how they want to project a personality. In olden days, the landlords, chieftains, etc were so powerful that a common man had to bear their atrocities mutely. These untold stories are not like that. They are not told to others because of one’s own compulsion. The untold story is always shredded with suspense. It may contain many secrets concerning one’s life. It may be a tale of woes or sufferings that one had silently undergone. We cannot tell what exactly it contains because it is untold.

Untold story may be one’s guess or imagination even. Untold story nobody confesses. Its reality is to be probed into or confirmed. Facts alone can prove it. Blackmailers generally try to take advantage of untold stories. They threaten to publish untold story. If they come to know even a little about somebody, they make mountain out of a molehill. They exploit their victims in every possible way. It may be financially, mentally, morally or otherwise. There is every possibility of persons who keep everything within themselves having psychological problems. Human mind cannot remain idle. Guilty conscience pricks. That which is untold or hidden is a guilt .The thoughts make round and makes room for psychological disorder. Psychologists or psychiatrists are source of untold stories. Of course, doctors do not disclose the names of patients. Professional ethics forbids them from doing so. However, we can discuss with them various cases which they come across. They are untold stories. Majority of such stories are related to married life. If married life is not happy and contented, it leads to many problems. In a society where there are no divorce and remarriages , it leads to illegal relationships. The illegal relationships do not take place openly. Instead, they take place behind a screen or in other words stealthily.They give room to tension, and anxiety which are root cause of psychological disorders. Similarly, a prison is a source of untold stories. If one visits a prison and interviews prisoners, one comes across a number of untold stories. If one unburdens whatever that is untold, they have a great mental relief.

Rohini married Ramachandra who was having a decent job with a multinational pharmaceutical company at Bombay. Ramachandra was no doubt a good man but was suffering from erectile dysfunction; he could not satisfy her lust. On other hand, she could not bear her sexual desires. She made advances to his brother Krishna. Though Ramachandra knew of illegal relationship that his wife had with his brother, he did not object to it. He encouraged them. Suhas was born to Rohini and Krishna. Suhas was son of Ramachandra to the outside world but his real father was Krishna. Subsequently, Krishna married Radha. Rohini's freedom was curtailed. She could not make advances towards Krishna as before. She used to become mad whenever her desires were not full filled. This is a story of a Rohini. There are numerous Rohini's in this world. There are numerous Suhas too who do not know who their real father is.

If an unmarried girl becomes pregnant and fails to get married, she becomes desperate. Sometimes she commits suicide. As far as possible she will try to abort the child .If at all she delivers a child, generally it is an unwanted child. Many times, she cannot even disclose the name of the person whose child that she carried in her womb. It is a story full of deceit, shame, suffering etc.It remains an untold story. Sometimes she herself will not know the name of person to disclose especially when raped by an unidentified person. Harsha married Karuna when he was twenty five and she was twenty years old. Their married life was going on well. At the age of twenty nine Harsha had a paralytic attack and became invalid. Karuna was only twenty four years of age then. Her condition was really pitiable. She had to become a prey to the lust of her sister’s husband who knew her plight and vulnerability.Whether she can share her thoughts with anybody? She was a victim of circumstances . In some cases husbands come to know the extra marital affairs of their wives and similarly wives also come to know of such affairs of their husbands too. As a result murders, divorces, etc take place. What takes place in a bed room is always a secret. Thus behind many untold stories we find marital problems.

Many do not share trade secrets, business tactics, manufacturing processes, success stories, all remain untold stories because they do not want others to get benefited and the other reason behind such stance is selfishness. Jealousy, revenge, etc could be found behind many untold stories. Some become addicts. It may be drug addiction or alcohol addiction. They drink and drink and die. They do so to forget something. It is generally some pain. The reasons for same they do not disclose. It may be back stabbing by their kith and kin. It may be loss in business. It may be failure in love affairs. In short in majority of cases there is one or another reason. Theirs is an untold story. Similarly behind crimes like rape, murders, etc there are untold stories. Only if the culprits are caught police would be able to know the reasons behind. Otherwise everything is untold story. Unless we are able to throw light, an untold story is generally a mystery. In this context, I remember an incident. In 1945, a branch of a small bank was situated at Bhadravati on the bank of a river Bhadra. In banks cash on hand is bifurcated into two parts. One is known as single lock and other is double lock. Now a days, both these double lock and single lock cash are kept overnight inside a safe in a strong room which is built according to specifications of insurance companies/ R.B.I. Single lock contains unsorted unstitched currency notes whereas double lock contains sorted stitched note bundles. This was not so in 1945, single lock was kept outside in cash cabin itself in an iron box. Single lock contains meager cash. On a particular day it contained about eleven thousand rupees. The next day to that day the box containing single cash had disappeared. Somebody had decamped with it. As such a police complaint was immediately lodged. The empty box was found on the river bank just behind office building. In those day manager’s quarters and office premises used to be in the same building. The leads led to suspicion that someone from family of then manager is involved. The manager should have been arrested. It would have affected the business as well as the fair name of the bank; pressure had to be brought on police to put a stop to the inquiry Everything was hushed up. It was an untold story.. Subsequently Manager was transferred to bigger branches and virtually there was promotion to that manager. General Manager’s son and his son became colleagues in a reputed company at Bombay and what happened at Bhadravati was a forgotten story. If somebody says that such an incident had happened at Bhadravati, nobody would believe it. It would be treated as a cock and bull story.

Once in a way only a story appears in newspaper with names changed. Here is an untold story. Like of which take place, every now and then in this world. Ramshri is a Dalit rape victim with nowhere to go after her family dumped her. She had been raped by someone in her village, Khadena, in Bulandshahr. Her father took her to Patna to get an abortion done, but when doctors asked for Rs 5,000, he returned with her.’’ After getting off at Ghaziabad station, Ramshri told Yadav, village chief that ‘‘her father took her to the jungle near Poothi, hit her on the head with a stone and left her there for dead.’’ ‘‘She has 62 stitches on her head,’’ says Yadav, recalling the day a bleeding Ramshri was brought to his house. She’d rather not talk about her life, especially the rape, except to hint that it was committed by someone from a family of powerful people. And she’s not keen to pursue the matter either, fearing her family will run into trouble. For now, she’d rather dream about her. Although Yadav says that he had informed police about the incident. Officials at the nearby Masuri police station report that they were not aware of the matter. Asked about the baby, Ramshri says: ‘‘I will love this baby. What is its fault?’’

Regarding ,poverty and untold stories, I wish to narrate life of Sarojini. She could not share her story with anybody because she became mentally sick. Her husband was a popular doctor in those days. He was in fifties. He was a. womanizer. He had roaring medical practice though he was a mere L.M.P. He had amassed enough wealth through his medical practice. When he married Sarojini, his third wife had died and he was feeling lonely. His eldest son and his second son too were married and two daughters –in-law were there in the house . His daughter as well as daughter-in laws were older than Sarojini. Of course, his only daughter was also married and was away at Mumbai. At Udupi there was a poor family in Tenkapet. They were not having even two square meals a day. They had a marriageable daughter who was in her teens. Our doctor went and married that poor girl. That was Sarojini. He met all the expenses of the marriage himself. Within a span of five years she gave birth to three children. Unfortunately for her the doctor had a paralytic attack when she was not even twenty five years old. In fact , doctor was seriously ill. It was a great shock for Sarojini. She felt life insecure for her and her children. She became mentally sick. The doctor subsequently recovered and lived for another twenty five years where as this poor lady never recovered, continued in depressed condition for more than two decades and passed away.

I cannot forget Setty of Shimoga. Tekkatte is near Kumbhashi in Kundapur Taluk. As I remember it was 1956, Megha was in her twenties belonging to a poor family at Tekkatte. She was unmarried. She might have had at the most primary education only. She was working in fields and was strong and sturdy. She was beautiful also. Her behavior talk everything was rustic. Venu was an assistant to Dr Shivaram and was looking after especially Dr Shivaram's optical business. Venu was living with Dr Shivaram only since his boyhood. Venu might have studied up to seventh standard or so but was good at his job. Venu had grown up and was above twenty five years of age. Dr Shivaram brought about the marriage of Megha with Venu. Setty was a partner of a leading cinema theater in Shimoga. He was one of the richest persons in Shimoga town at that time. He was a busy person and was very good at business too. In the midst of his multifarious activities and schedule he used to find time to visit his cinema theater at the beginning of shows. There was separate seating arrangement for men and women and separate entrances too. He used to be on that side of theater where there was entrance for women . He used to be on look out for women who were beautiful. He used to try to win over their friendship. One such lady was Megha. After marriage, Megha and Venu could not get on well along with three daughters in laws of Dr Shivaram and had to live separately. Setty helped Megha in her difficult days. To-day Megha is a millionaire. Setty had helped in this fashion many other ladies. They are untold stories only.

Whenever I remember medical aid and health care facilities in villages, I remember Kattaya village in Hassan district. Where it is actually situated in Hassan district I do not know. Most probably,it is a remote place in that district. It was not a developed village in those days. Our chemist and druggist shop was situated just opposite to bus stand at Hassan. It was 1950’s. I do not even remember the name of person whom I am referring. He was more than 50 years old. We were calling him Kattaya Hebbar. Hebbar is a Brahmin belonging to Dakshina Kannada district in Karnataka. He was coming to our shop to buy medicines for his patients. There were no doctors at Kattaya. Hebbar was practicing there as a doctor. He was serving the Government dispensary there. He was a registered medical practitioner with some fake Ayurveda qualification. Even now it is possible to obtain fake certificates and degrees. He was practicing in allopathy medicines. I remember he was not even a matriculate. He used to write his indent for medicines in Kannada.

He used to write prescription in Kannada only. He was a quack. Somehow he had picked up how to give injections . His personality was also fantastic. He was wearing a coat and pant which were not ironed and coat not properly buttoned up too. A muffler was always there round his neck. His hair was not combed properly. His shoes were not even polished elegantly. He was more than 5/1/2 feet tall with a Passing Show cigarette in mouth and wrinkles on forehead. His spectacles were always loose and coming down on his nose. A big belt was hanging round his waist. He was a typical rural doctor with rings adoring almost all round his fingers. Whenever he used to cure a serious disease, he used to be presented a ring by the patient or the members of their family. Necessity is the mother of invention is the proverb that suited him well. For his livelihood he had taken up that profession. Something is better than nothing you know for the villagers. How many Government Dispensaries are not having doctors or not having qualified doctors even now in the state I do not know? Most of the qualified doctors do not like to undergo hazards of village life. The advent of penicillin has become a boon to people like Hebbar. They were using penicillin and other antibiotics on their patients liberally. They take up venereal disease cases and abortion cases with pleasure. Of course some of the qualified doctors and these quacks have liaison also. Some quacks continue the treatment of patients with the guidance and assistance of qualified doctors from time to time. In such places some people do not have either time or money to visit nearby town and have treatment. This is an untold story of a Hebbar. There are numerous Hebbars in villages.

What transpires between a husband and wife generally remains within four walls of a house. Sometimes husband and sometimes wife suffer. There are intricacies in a married life. Married life is personal and confidential. Many parts of a married life are not shared with anybody either by husband or wife. They remain an untold story. They cannot air their differences in public.

Yesterday it was election in U.S. A. It was 2-11-2004. It was winter cum rainy season. There was keen contest between President Bush and Senator John F Kerry. It is said to be one of the costliest election campaign. It cost them more than six billion dollars. But, outside everything was as usual. No noise was there. No hurry bury. Everywhere calm was there. I did not notice any change. Vehicular traffic was heavy as usual. Even otherwise it is heavy generally. Even on other days, there is no noise pollution at all. Nobody makes use of horn generally in U.S.A. They make use of it occasionally that too when absolutely necessary only. It was unlike an election, I witnessed in 1950s .There was no noise pollution at anytime during election. It was an issue based election. It was a media war. There were television debates on national television between two presidential candidates. There was absolutely no caste or communal based politics. No muscle or money power used to influence the voters.

Democracy had ushered in India. It was early 1954 or so. I do not remember exact day or year of this incident. I was studying IV form or V Form in Board High School, at Kundapur. Two political parties were contesting an election, one was Praja Socialist Party and another was Congress Party. It was not either parliament or assembly elections, it was taluk board elections. Tenancy act had not yet come into force. As such, there were landlords and tenants at that time. Villages were dominated by landlords. They were reigning villages.Tenants were nothing but their subjects. They were supposed to carry out whatever landlords ordered without any omission or alteration.Atrocities were committed by landlords on their tenants frequently. Tenants were not only poor but also they were uneducated too. They were not aware of their democratic rights . I was also ignorant of my rights as a citizen. In fact, I was not eligible for a vote even at that time. Praja Socialist Party ‘s election office was next to our door. So I became a staunch supporter of that party. My father belonged to congress party. Everywhere in Kundapur and nearby places, we used to find posters here and there. Every day election meetings were held. Leader after leader visited the place. Day in and day out announcements, canvassing, filmy music etc were taking place on Mike. There were writings on walls by either parties and not even an inch of space was left uncovered requesting the people to vote for their party. There was rumor that saris, money and alcohol had been distributed in Kharvi keri, Fish Market area etc. Vehicular traffic was intense. Almost every available vehicle was hired by political parties at that time.

Majority of movements take place after dusk. A car was moving towards Vandse. At that time car had to be taken across Panchagangavali River by launch to reach Vandse. One of the contestants was Mr Shetty. Shettys are bunts. They are by birth agriculturists. In that election both the contestants belonged to bunt community. This Shetty belonged to Congress party and was an advocate at Kundapur at that time.He was a big landlord too. Mr. Shetty and his convoy reached village near Vandse. All his tenants had gathered to listen to their landlord. One by one, the landlord inquired to whom they have decided to vote. Majority of them told him that they would follow his wise counsel. A poor tenant who might have been brain washed by the opposite party frankly told the landlord that he would vote for opposite party. Enraged by his dissent, in fit of anger the landlord hit him. It was a death blow. He collapsed. What to do next. Mr.Shetty and his convoy put the body into dickey of the car and hurried back to Kundapur. They wanted to hush up their deed as quickly as possible.More than anybody else politicians know how to hush up .The car proceeded to Hallekote- a Hindu burial ground/ crematorium there. Petrol was poured on the corpse and fire was lit without wasting any time . The corpse started burning. Flames were still there. They had not extinguished. Unfortunately, for Mr Shetty another person had died on that day at Kundapur. Mr Shetty and company, saw at a distance a few people approaching crematorium with a dead body. As a result, Shetty and company had to flee the scene in hurry bury . Thus, they left some clues. A few only came to know what had happened. It remained an untold story. Now, tenancy act has established the fact that tiller is the owner of soil . It has brought to end the atrocities of landlords to a great extent . But, dominance of a village by a few people still prevails in some parts of our vast country and wherever judgments are delivered by village chieftains, we come across injustice even now-a-days .

Numerous, scandals, scams take place in a country, but many names which are involved in them do not come to light at all for they occupy important positions and image of the country, Government, political party etc will all be in jeopardy. Thus subscribers to untold stories are more than the subscribers to stories that get published. Behind the screen more events take place than those that take place in the front of the screen. Most of the events that take place behind the screen never come to light though it is said that they would find light one day or other. Similarly more transactions take place beneath a table than those that take place above. Everywhere hypocrisy is there in this world. Hence there are more Untold Stories. They are mostly related to money, power, crime and sex.