A Last Day

Everything good or bad must come to an end. Here, I am not referring merely to the day when a culprit is going to be executed as ordered by an honorable judge for a crime. Indeed, it is a last day for a culprit on this earth. What would be the state of mind of that culprit on that day? What would be making rounds in culprit's mind? Is it recollecting the past? Is culprit readying to face the gallows? What would his or her last wish? Does he or she repent for what they had committed ? Such other questions arise in me when I think about that last day of a culprit. One is not immortal. One has to face a last day in their life. It is inevitable. It is imminent. It cannot be avoided at all. Similarly, when we think about any last day a bunch of thoughts bring back to us either good or bad memories.

Either I am not referring here to a doomsday. Nothing could continue as it is for ever. There should be an end to everything. It is a concluding day that I mean here. The last day which I refer here is a last day which one comes across several times in one’s life. There is always a time gap between an opening day and a last day. That time gap between an opening day and a last day is always eventful. Each last day has its own significance. A sunset is as beautiful as a sunrise is. A day always begins well with a beautiful sun rise and a day also ends well with an equally beautiful sunset. A beginning and end of a novel are equally important. A last day is as important as an opening or inaugural day is. Sometimes a last day is even more an important day than an opening day or an inaugural day too. One would be anxiously waiting for the last day in the same manner and enthusiasm as they waited for an inauguaral day. A last day cannot be undermined at all. It is an end of an episode. It is an end of an era. Many a times, sharing of experience, views takes place on the last day only. It is a day when one seeks blessings from others or blesses others. It is a day when one wishes another all the best. It is a day when greetings galore. It is a day where solutions to majority of problems are at sight. Advice & guidance also come forth on that day. It is a day when curtains fall.

By the time a last day arrives one does not remain a stranger. By that time one becomes familiar with everybody. He or she gets accustomed to everything. Anxiety and tension recede as a last day approaches. All dust settles down by that time. Sometimes a last day is a happy day that is when everything has taken place as contemplated. Sometimes it is a sad day for one has to depart on that day the beloved. Sometimes it is a mixed kitty. It is happy as well as a sad day. If everything goes on well as planned, obviously one would be complacent on a last day. Otherwise disappointment awaits one. Last day in the school, last day of a program, last day of a tour, last day of a pilgrimage, last day in parents house for a bride, last day in an employment or retirement day , last day of an examination and so on and last day of our life are some of the worth remembering last days. There is last day for everything whether it is happy days or difficult days, whether it is good or evil days. In short there is nothing without an end. Some festivals are spread over many days. Last day of them is celebrated with more pomp and grandeur and brings down curtain to celebration. Last day of Moharum which is very auspicious to Muslims is one of such festivals.

On an opening day there is an opening ceremony and is called inaugural ceremony. On a last day also there is generally a ceremony and is called a closing ceremony. A send off takes place on a last day only.Exchange of pleasantries takes place on a last day as well as on an inaugural day. It is the day when we say a good bye to one another. It is the day when we praise one another. Exchange of autographs, mementoes takes place on a last day. After, a last day one rarely meets another once again. Both opening day and last day are memorable days. In India inaugural takes place by singing of a song and on a last day everything concludes with the singing of national anthem. On an opening day a dignitary is invited to inaugurate. Similarly on the last day concluding remarks are made by an eminent personality. Quite often, it is on the last day one gets what all they want. Those who are to be honoured are honoured on the last day. It is on last day group photographs are generally taken, prizes, awards etc distributed. Vote of thanks is proposed on last day only. It is a closing day.

Sentiments that one would have on a last day cannot be forgotten easily. Of course, sentiments differ from person to person. It depends upon the mindset of an individual. Some feel very tired and want everything to conclude quickly. Some feel why it is concluding. They are enthusiastic and do not like conclusion at all. Whatever event that takes place on a last day seldom recurs. Depending upon the impact that it makes on him or her, it remains in one’s memory for a long time. On last day one takes leave of another. Last day is always filled with one or another type of feelings. The feelings on the last day depend on many factors. In what way it is the last day? Situation or circumstances under which one is leaving undoubtedly causes many of the feelings that arise on that occasion. What type of feelings one may have on that day depends on one’s mindset. Generally, religious functions conclude on last day with celebrations. If one has enjoyed and learnt many things, he or she feels sorry to leave. If one is away from his or her kith and kin for a longtime on the last day one is naturally will be in a hurry to go back home . If one is in the company of near and dear if he has to leave them, he leaves them with heavy heart. Affection, love friendship etc play their part on a last day. Results, prizes are announced on a last day. It is on a last day, hugging, seeking of blessings, best wishes, etc takes place.

We find in autobiographies, history etc last days of personalities. Last of days Pompeii, is last days of a place. A few last days are boring and there is nothing in them. Otherwise, generally a last day is a very busy day only. Variety of entertainments are earmarked for a last day to make it memorable. Discussion end and resolutions, amendments are passed on a last day. A last day does not mean that curtain falls for ever. A last day may end with a hope. It may be an old order changeth yielding place to new.

Hearing of a case proceeds for many days in a court. On a last day judgment is delivered. It is a crucial day and is full of suspense. Which way the justice will be delivered nobody can foretell. Thus a last day is a judgment day many a times.

Many a times a movie runs to crowded houses in a theatre. Imagine a last day of a movie. Everybody has lost interest in that movie. Everybody is concerned about next movie that would be screened. A few people witness it on a last day. We do not find long queues on that day. One can straight away walk to the booking counter/widow and have a ticket on that day. There is absolutely no jostling on that day. We feel the absence of whistles cat calls etc inside the theatre too. It reminds an old man of his younger days and present state. Similarly it reminds a poor man of his opulent days and present plight.

A last day is a mirror into past. A last day is nothing but a recollection. Hanging of his boots by a footballer is his last day of playing active football. That is the day when he bids adieu to the game. That is a major decision in his life. Similarly, a cricketer hangs his gloves means it is his last day of cricket. It is his retirement.

When tour is long,when a program or a course is long, one anxiously awaits when a last day would come. When everything is interesting and absorbing nobody invites or welcomes a last day. But a last day cannot be avoided at all. Many a times we do not know that it is a last day. A last day is an important day. It is a completion day. We cannot neglect a last day. Of course, sometimes by the time last day arrives, one's patience exhausts. However, one should note not to miss a last day because they may miss golden opportunities on that day.